New Chapter for Pursuit
Nyxx15 Reviews | 15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 12 Favorites )
HBP compliant. What began as Snape?s mad pursuit of Hermione through the dark alleys of her Muggle town, transforms into the pursuit of their destiny, and the fate of the entire wizarding world.
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About Nyxx
Member Since 2005 | 2 Stories | Favorited by 3 | 7 Reviews Written | 19 Review Responses
Reviews for Pursuit
loving how its progressing, but alas, i must grammar pick, "the Grangers house" in line 1, should be "the Grangers' house". alright, im done! :) Love the conspiracy theory!
sorry about my other comment, that was supposed to be for chapter 1
wow. great plot. my only thing is that ur missing a quotation mark at the very very beginning. it starts with Mrs. Granger speaking and theres no ". :)
I like the way that this is progressing so far. I can see Severus taking pleasure in telling her about the Goblin sweat which from what I can tell she is going to have to wear (I must say that is a disgusting thought).
I liked her conversation with Harry, I can see him going to her even when she wants to be alone and the fact that he knows she is keeping something from him was in character.
I am looking forward to future chapters.
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
Yes, she does have to wear it! It squicked me out too I liked her conversation with Harry most of all- and I was trying to be as canon as possible so it's relieving to hear it came through correctly. Thank you for your support
You've written a really compelling beginning, Nyxx. I'll look forward to more!
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
Thank you! And, YAY!!!
This is a cool story, I've read some that take a similar angle, and i always enjoy them, so I'm sure i will enjoy this as well.
update soon
-Karla Marie
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
Thank you! I'm hoping my angle takes some more original twists though, just to keep everyone (including me) on their toes.
I just found your very interesting story which I have just bookmarked as one of the stories that I will definately follow! I'm looking forward to your next update!
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
Thank you! =) I'm a third of the way through chapter 5 (which is a bit longer than the others), then all I have to wait for is the betas to finish, and it's up!
Facinating twist, my compliments. Hopefully we will not have to wait to long for more chapters?
I would love to read the rest of the story.
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
Thank you, and no, you don't have to wait much longer at all! I've nearly completed the next chapter- all it needs is a few more additions and betaing.
I admit to being lost while reading this chapter. I had no idea what was going on. Hahaha! Then, I realized that I missed chapter two. How silly of me! I have to go read that, and I'll review after. I did enjoy the way Snape finally convinced her to do what was "right." Great work.
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
LOL I hope ch. 2 clears that up ;) Thanks so much for the helpful editing too. I appreciate that sooo much. It's my fault too... I'm a hopeless 'tinkerer' that can't keep her paws of a betaed chapter I'm also glad you liked how this chapter turned out. These characters are tough to bend... I dunno how you do it!
Very good. I really like the way the story is going and yes, I would like more info on your conspiracy theory. Email me at Thanks!
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
Thanks Rowan! I'm glad you like it *warm fuzzy* I'll send the theory asap!
Wow! That was a gallop. Will wait with baited breath for the next chapter.
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
Thanks ;)
Interesting story
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
Thanks Kira =) *warm fuzzy* ch2 up soon!
Oh, wow... very good start. I'm chewing mah nails and wondering what's next! :)
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
Hey southern! Be up shortly, ch 2 is done and ch 3 is in the works- sooo glad you like it =)
Your chapter has a lot of action from the get go. Too bad she didn't listen to her mother. Then again could she have been under the imperius to leave?
Whether she stayed at home or not I don't think it would have stopped Snape from getting her.
Waiting for more.
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
! ;) No Imperius but very insightful to wonder about it. This story is set about 18 months after Albus' death, so I hope to point out the details better in later chapters. Thanks for reviewing! (These little faces are so cute!)
I think I held my breath through this entire chapter. Now I find myself in dire straits, wondering what is going to happen next. I am very happy you decided to post this here.
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
Response from Nyxx (Author of Pursuit)
! I'm glad I'm here too ;) Such a beautiful site! (and thanks for pointing out my mistakes too... having great betas doesn't ensure accuracy with my constant tampering after their corrections! lol)