New Chapter for The Ghost And Mrs. Krum
The Ghost And Mrs. Krum
ancientgirl129 Reviews | 129 Ratings, 0 Likes, 87 Favorites )
Hermione Krum has just lost her husband. She has found a small home for her and young Viktoria Krum. But she soon finds a big surprise shortly after arriving in her new home.
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About ancientgirl
Member Since 2005 | 28 Stories | Favorited by 403 | 269 Reviews Written | 1,741 Review Responses
Just another SS/HG shipper wanting to make the world a Snapey place.
Reviews for The Ghost And Mrs. Krum
it was snappy reading. hope it wasn't truncated without your consent. you can be proud of this... especially the ending. wonder if ghosts can come back to life?
better eplogue than jo's
better eplogue than jo's
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
Thank you! I was heavily disappointed in the final book.
Very well written. I really enjoyed reading it. The Ghost and Mrs. Muir is one of my favorite movies, and I feel you definitely did it justice in this story. Thank you for sharing your talent.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
Thank you. I'm glad to hear it's a favorite of yours and especially that you enjoyed my take on it.
I loved it. thank you!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
Thank you for taking the time to read it.
Very sad that Hermione had to wait a hundred years before she could see him again, sad that he couldn't reverse what he'd done to her memory. More so even that talking it over with her duaghter did not cause it to reverse itself. Glad that they did finally manage to become a couple, even if it was in the spirit realm. Love that the house became a shrine. Nicely done.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
It is a very sad story. I saw the Ghost and Mrs. Muir for the first time when I was around 8 or 9 and I've always loved it. I always cry at the end. If you've never seen the movie, I highly recommend it! I tried to remain as close to it as possible with this story.Thank you for taking the time to read this.
~wipes tears~ this was both sad and beautiful I love your work.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
Thank you. It helped here that the story I based it on is absolutely beautiful. I tried to be faithful to that.I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to read this.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
Thank you. It helped here that the story I based it on is absolutely beautiful. I tried to be faithful to that.I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to read this.
I feel sadness for Severus not being able to enjoy Hermione's success. I wish Reg would trade places with him. If only in my dreams.
He now gets to act like a child. lol. And he smiled. Be still my heart. Oh yeah, I haven't watched said movie but I will look for it. Yeah Reg just happened to be around. The golddigger. But his coming to dinner, good Severus can have a go at him. This should be fun.
Darling Victoria talking to her dolls at a tea party. Hmmm. I believe something is up there. I don't like this Reginald character. He seems to be up to no good. I hope Severus scares the shit out of him or something.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
Ooooo, I'm guessing you've never seen The Ghost and Mrs. Muir? I won't tell you then. But I really recommend you seeing that movie if you can get your hands on it. It's wonderful.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
Ooooo, I'm guessing you've never seen The Ghost and Mrs. Muir? I won't tell you then. But I really recommend you seeing that movie if you can get your hands on it. It's wonderful.
No you are one hell of a storyteller. Bluebells huh? His mother!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
Ah, thank you thank you. Yes, his mother.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
Ah, thank you thank you. Yes, his mother.
My goodness AG you have such a way with words that the story comes to life just from your writing.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
Thank you so much. This is one of my favorite stories I wrote, mainly because I love the movie I based it on. This chapter was very important to me.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
Thank you so much. This is one of my favorite stories I wrote, mainly because I love the movie I based it on. This chapter was very important to me.
Could you imagine if JKR had wrote a book just like this one of Severus' memoirs. The fangirls would go crazy. I love that we get an insight of his background.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
I have a feeling she would have screwed that up like her last book too. :(
Response from Arabella Bloodgood (Reviewer)
I am so sorry I even brought her up, I didn't mean to make you frown.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
LOL, you know I'm over it. I figured, she did 6 really wonderful books. They can't all be great. Besides, it's not like she's suffered for it, so why should I. :)
Response from Arabella Bloodgood (Reviewer)
I agree, I didn't like DH either.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
I have a feeling she would have screwed that up like her last book too. :(
Response from Arabella Bloodgood (Reviewer)
I am so sorry I even brought her up, I didn't mean to make you frown.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
LOL, you know I'm over it. I figured, she did 6 really wonderful books. They can't all be great. Besides, it's not like she's suffered for it, so why should I. :)
Response from Arabella Bloodgood (Reviewer)
I agree, I didn't like DH either.
I can't believe she got upset over grumpy and not secretary. I would be like I got your secretary right here buddy and then sock him upside the ghostly head. lol
A ghost huh, gives new meaning to cold shivers. lol. I hope thats not the last we see from the old hags. They seem like alot of fun to screw around with. This is going to be a great story. Onto the next chapter.
Oh no now I'm going to cry. I can't say any more, I'm too upset.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
It's always darkest before the dawn. Don't fret too much.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
It's always darkest before the dawn. Don't fret too much.
Well the bastard. His wife should leave him and take him to the cleaners. I hope Severus comes back.
crap, woman! you keep making me cry. that was one of my favorite movies and you adapted it beautifully. thanks so much!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
I'm so happy you know the movie! It's also one of my favorite movies of all time. I found the DVD at Target for a great price and had to have it! I'm especially happy you enjoyed my adaptation of it.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
I'm so happy you know the movie! It's also one of my favorite movies of all time. I found the DVD at Target for a great price and had to have it! I'm especially happy you enjoyed my adaptation of it.
What a wonderful story and I'm not embarressed to say that I cried at the end. I felt bad that Hermione never found anyone else, but was happy that Snape waited for her. I'm definitely adding that movie to my list!Thanks!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
I sort of cried at the end too.
You really should see this movie. I gaurantee you, that it will become a favorite of yours, and you'll cry at the end again too!
If you get a chance to see it, drop me a line. I'd love to know what you thought about it.
Thanks for reading this and leaving me a review.
Yes, I like the additional information at the end--sappy, but ever so sweet. It was a very nice story. I must admit; for some reason I like Severus-as-a-ghost stories. Good job.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.
I like Severus as ghost stories too, sometimes. I thought the movie that this story was adapted from worked well for him. He really resembles the Captain. LOL.
Thanks so much for reading this and reviewing.
That's just beautiful. I foung myself misting up throughout the story, particularly at Severus' memories of only having been shown love very briefly as a child, but the ending had me sobbing. Wonderful story. I love the way it parallels the original; good, good, good job. Thanks for posting it.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
Thank you so much for your review. The movie I've adapted this from has always been my favorite movie since I was a child. I wanted very much to do it justice and I wanted it to be a beautiful story for this pairing.
I'm very happy you liked it. Thanks again for taking the time to read it and review.
You brought tears to my eyes. Lovely, really quite lovely. Thank you for taking the time to write and post this story hear!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
I'm happy you enjoyed this. I thought this would be a lovely subject to make into a fic for these two. I appreciate you taking the time to read it and review.Thank you.
That show was one of my favorites years ago. You have made a wonderful job. This story is beautifully romantic. The characters are true to themselves, I love the way you wrote Snape.Thank you for sharing.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
I remember the show, but never saw it. The movie has always been my favorite though. It makes me cry at the end every time.Thank you for reading this. I'm glad you enjoyed it. And thank you for the comment on Snape. I think every one who writes him tries to get a bit of JKR's Snape in there, while trying to write him as a person who can love and feel for others.I appreciate you taking the time to review.
Nice Story. It was great idea to a base a story on,
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
Thank you. I'm glad you liked this. I thought it was a nice idea too.
Beautiful. I've only seen bits and pieces of The Ghost & Mrs. Muir but now I'm definitely going to have to see it.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Ghost And Mrs. Krum)
I'm glad you liked it, and have sparked you interest in seeing the original movie. I think you will enjoy it a lot. I tried to stay pretty close to the movie. I have always loved it.