New Chapter for Golden Gain
Golden Gain
Doomspark38 Reviews | 38 Ratings, 0 Likes, 34 Favorites )
Sequel to Invictus, with more puzzles, problems, solutions, and such. Rated "M" for safety's sake.
NOTE: Not compliant with Canon after GoF.
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About Doomspark
Member Since 2005 | 27 Stories | Favorited by 152 | 35 Reviews Written | 531 Review Responses
Male. Married. Live in Florida. Owned by two Egyptian Maus, a red tabby, and a hairball-emitting pile of fluff.
Reviews for Golden Gain
Uh, oh. Trouble looms on the horizon. So many tangled webs in this one. There are some really good mysteries afoot.
Response from Doomspark (Author of Golden Gain)
Glad you're enjoying it. I'm working on the next chapter.
I'm so thrilled to discover that you've started a sequel to Invictus--I just finished re-reading it so that everything would be fresh in my mind before starting this tale, and I'm already hooked! I gotta say, though...what happened to Hermione's brain??? She's supposed to be brilliant, what is she doing coming up with a hare-brained idea like that? Shouldn't that be Harry's job? I like the little touches placed throughout the chapter, such as the Scottish song title used for the password to the Headmistress' office and the name for Hermione's new Kneazle kitten. Our orange kitten was a shoulder climber as well, and I hated breaking her of the habit but it had to be done for our own safety (there's nothing quite like an adult cat attempting to scramble up your body)...More puzzles! Excellent! I'm crap at puzzles, but I love reading them anyway. Great chapter, and I'm off to the next one!
Response from Doomspark (Author of Golden Gain)
I have three cats, so yeah, I know about shoulder-climbers. My tomcat weighed nearly 20 lbs at his heaviest.Glad you're enjoying the story.
Yet another intriguing tale from Doomspark. I take it you are one of the few males that write for this site. How brave of you. I like romance as much as the next lady, but a good mystery always gets me hooked.
Thanks for sharing your stories with us.
Hello, It's Shivette from PI. I have read your work before! You're quite an excellent author! Keep on writing, and I'm glad to know there are other people with as wide and crazy interests as I have.
Interesting turn of events. I am not suprised Hermione and Snape are still attracted to each other. Hopefully, there will be more from that corner.
I think my issue with this story and its prequel is the lack of dramatic tension. All the problems are just solved so very easily, really. In the first one, for some inexplicable reason, there was almost no one guarding the Ministry. And instead of dealing with Fudge, he just gets easily offed, and that's that. The Amorata is taken care of off-handedly as though it was never a problem at all. Everything works the first time. The puzzles are actually pretty obvious and once solved they make a relatively simple plan and it works every time without a hitch. I have no reason to be emotionally invested in a story where I know ahead of time that nothing bad is going to happen and it'll all work out too easily. I mean, it's vaguely interesting in a bland sort of way, but it's all too coincidental and just very, very easy.
Response from Doomspark (Author of Golden Gain)
In the four years since Invictus was written and posted (here and on Ashwinder), you're the first person to ever say that my puzzles were "pretty obvious". The Amorata isn't central to the plot of Golden Gain, so I didn't give it center-stage treatment. I'd also like to point out that quite some time has passed since the end of Invictus and beginning of GG - and they make references to at least one failed attempt to break the compulsion.All that said, I do appreciate your opinion. Politely phrased concrit is always welcome even if I don't agree with it.
Response from michiruwater (Reviewer)
That's just the thing, though - they make a reference to a failed attempt, but we don't see it. We just see the one that does work, so, therefore, no real dramatic tension.That said, I appreciate your equally polite response. And I will probably keep reading; it's interesting to see, at least, what sort of puzzle you choose to introduce next, even though I do think Severus, Hermione, and Minerva especially would be able to figure them out in about 30 seconds each ;)
Response from Doomspark (Author of Golden Gain)
I'll see if I can invoke more dramatic tension in GG. It's a somewhat more involved tale than Invictus.
Well, it seems that the Amorata is broken. That's a good thing, especially since Severus and Hermione still want to spend time with each other. Argus was a surprise. Can't wait to see where that's going. Now, McGaven is being smart in wanting to sell everything slowly. I wonder how much of his mind will be jogged by all of the things he uncovers.
Response from Doomspark (Author of Golden Gain)
I'm glad you're enjoying the tale and I'm working on the next chapter.
And the plot thickens! I can't wait to see what else you have planned. :)
Response from Doomspark (Author of Golden Gain)
puzzles, potions, prophecies, problems, plausibile plotting, and poisons...
a wealthy dark wizard - as wealthy as Lucius? and then there is the greedy Filch; I only hope Severus has warded his rooms against Filch, whose usefulness to Lucius is limited and thus his days are numbered. can I blame part of this on Albus? thanks for the new chapter!!
Response from Doomspark (Author of Golden Gain)
*grin* Lots of questions! You'll have to wait and see!
Severus' and Hermione's reaction to the " breaking of the Amorata" compulsion made me laugh. I'm so happy they still want to spend time with each other.With Lucius Malfoy's escape from Azkaban, the Order will be on high alert and very busy.As for Lucius' new found freedom, I was totally shocked to find out that it was Argus who helped him. I did NOT see that coming! Oh Lordy! And Argus is going to get an unregistered wand for him... after that, it's only a matter of time before Lucius won't need him anymore. What will happen to Argus then?And something tells me that Leech and McGaven are going to end up in trouble if not dead. Hummmm... Maybe Lucius will figure into their attempts to sell Fudge's Dark Magic paraphernalia.Great chapter! Beth
Response from Doomspark (Author of Golden Gain)
I'm glad you're enjoying the tale. I'm working on the next chapter.
Filch? Why would he help Malfoy? And what's Dumbledore planning? Can you tell I'm ready for your next chapter?
Response from Doomspark (Author of Golden Gain)
Very good questions! Let's just say that Lucius made Filch an offer he couldn't refuse... and Dumbledore is being a meddling old codger.
Leech. Good name! :)
Response from Doomspark (Author of Golden Gain)
Thanks! Glad to see you're still reading!
Uh oh... on a couple of fronts. I do hope that Severus and Hermione are successful. As she said, it would be nice for her to not HAVE to spend time with him.
Lucius has escaped?!?! So that's where the Ministry put him after Fudge died. I wonder if his Soulstriking punishment was somehow weakened after Fudge was dead. I don't remember reading anything that would make me think that Fudge had restored his soul to him... but with Fudge, you never know...
So if our heroes and heroine find Lucius, they could break the Soulstriking curse and restore his soul, but he would be slightly more powerful restored than he was before being Soul struck. If I remember correctly, Not was not a very powerful wizard.
Maybe Lucius just found a way to "walk-away" from Rastaban.
Poppy is beginning to get on Severus' nerves sooooo bad! I have to laugh about it. I think she may feel embarrassed by her behavior of late if she is dosed with some of the Heliax potion. Hee hee!
The meeting between McGaven and Leech was kinda creepy. What will happen when he sees the lab in Fudge's home? Will his memory be jogged? Will he remember what he had been forced to do by Fudge?
I can't wait to see how all this works out. Great story, BTW!
Oops. Not the stuff to get into the wrong hands!
Wonderful chapter! It's nice to see Snape unwind, and the both of them obviously getting along. The McGaven-part gives a good, skin-crawling supsense to it - it would have been too nice without some doom behind the horizon, wouldn't it? ;o)
argh!!! doesn't the Ministry have folks watching the baddies? what else do the Aurors do - play Tetris?? well, at least Gingersnap is happy. thanks for the new chapter!
Response from Doomspark (Author of Golden Gain)
HINT: go reread Invictus and look for what happened to Lucius.
ooo... interesting stuff! I loved Invictus and I'm so glad you haven't left it hanging. I admit to pondering why Hermione and Severus want to break their bond... unless they want to just be together because they want to be, not because they have to be (sounds like a reason not to marry, actually!) Anyway - love it so far.
I can't wait to see what was in Fudge's house. How much did the wizarding public learn about the soulstruck?
Response from Doomspark (Author of Golden Gain)
You'll see... you'll see...
When the pieces are moved into place, the game becomes really interesting. I understand her motivation, but I still can't imagine wanting to rid myself of the compulsion to such a man. Yummy!! LOL (Okay, free will is important. And one could never trust their feelings under the influence of chemicals, but still!! Please don't make them do something daft, like deciding that their feelings post-Amorata are residuals, and therefore not genuine! I would think Hermione was utterly daft!) Have I thanked you for this sequal, BTW? So glad!!
Response from Doomspark (Author of Golden Gain)
Oh I'm definitely trying to make this story interesting. Glad you're enjoying the story!
Seeing as I don't like Dumbles, the idea of him being a scapegoat is fun. Glad to see you back!
The plot thickens...I do think that Lucius knows more about the souljars and Fudge's plans on splitting off parts of souls than he's letting on right now. And Argus Filch is helping him! Has Lucius promised him some of somebody else's magic so that he'll no longer be a Squib? It is what he's always wanted, after all.McGaven is wise to want to sell the books and equipment slowly, but I suspect that he wants to draw things out so that he has more opportunity to remember what he was doing, and not so much fear of Azkaban. Lucius will almost certainly wind up purchasing the pertinent equipment, and may even promise to undo the Obliviate if McGaven agrees to assist him. Poor McGaven--he just seems to make a bad habit of falling in with the wrong crowd, doesn't he?And what does the puzzle Albus sent mean? I must know!
Response from Doomspark (Author of Golden Gain)
5 points to the House of your choice.
Ooooh...I can't wait to find out what will happen when McGaven sees some of the jars and things! While I don't think something so simple could break an Obliviate spell cast by the Wizengamot, McGaven may have left some notes in his usual "puzzling" style that he will be able to read and discover some of what he was doing before. I'm anxious to see what comes of his visit to Fudge's old house.
And what of Lucius Malfoy? I know Fudge was wanting to transfer his soul to another's body, and pretty Lucius was probably going to be the "lucky" recipient. Is there already a small piece of Fudge inside of him? Hmmm...
I am so thrilled to see this sequel! I saw that you were starting it and had to go back to do a re-read of Invictus, which I enjoyed just as much the second time around.
All I have to say is, "Is she crazy???"
Response from Doomspark (Author of Golden Gain)
Gryffindor enthusiasm getting the better of her, no doubt.