New Chapter for No Looking Back
No Looking Back
nastygrl101 Reviews | 101 Ratings, 0 Likes, 59 Favorites )
Lucius stood in his study with no memory of the last five years of his life. In his hand was his one clue, a scrap of parchment with a name scratched on it. Hermione Granger.
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About nastygrl
Member Since 2008 | 10 Stories | Favorited by 77 | 56 Reviews Written | 372 Review Responses
I've been a fan of JK Rowling for a long time, but only turned to fanfiction after DH - read it in one day, cried for three, turned to the internet the day after for more. I favor Severus/ Hermione pairings, especially those with lots of chapters and lovely smut scenes - sex by association, pathetic, isn't it?? I've posted a beta profile, if you'd like to check it out.
In real life I am a single mom living in a small town. Rewarding and boring and the same time. Lucky me ;)
Reviews for No Looking Back
Just letting you know that I've reread this story twice in the past two days. I think it's one of the best LMHG fics ever, and I adore your characterizations, esp Lucius and Severus, and also Lucius and Hermione's friendship with Severus. I guarantee that I will be rereading it again and again. Thank you for sharing your talents with us!
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
Thank you so much!!!! I've a huge smile, now :DI loved writing this story, it was my first, actually. Up until then, I'd only written oneshots. I'm so, so glad you enjoy it. It was a hell of a lot of fun to write!
Response from June W (Reviewer)
This was your FIRST story???? OMG, now I really have an inferiority complex.... Very well done even if this had been your 20th story!
I do enjoy a crazy Narcissa! I m glad they didnt kill her but set her up in a place she can get help. Even if she is surrounded by filthy muggles! ha!
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
A perfectly tidy ending, if I do say so myself. That one kind of wrote itself, to be completely honest. What could be a more fitting punishment?I'm so glad you took the time to read the story and leave reviews, you've made me a very happy fangirl :)Thank you!!!
Response from MollysSister (Reviewer)
I am attempting to be the very best cheerleader I can!
Almost solving the mystery and hot sexxors what could be better?? nothing!
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
Hey Folks!Can you say "Climax?" Let's say it together! "Climax!!!" :D
Did any cast a contraceptive spell before the divorce victory celebration? Hummmmm
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
No worries, Hermione is on "the potion." LOL
I like the magical divorce! Its a quick one!!)))))))))))))runsoffquicklyforthenakedparts
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
I was not going to draw it out any futher than I had to - I've been waiting to write them together since chapter 2!! No point dwelling on the trivialities :)
I laughed and laughed when Lucius followed them into the bedroom even though it was quite obvious what would happen next. HA!
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
*big cheesy grin*He had his suspicions, and they bothered him like a hangnail; hurts, but you can't stop messing with it regardless. It's like in those 80s horror movies, you just want to yell, "Don't go into the woods!" :D
10 points to your house for the elf lore! I love that sort of "world building" Good stuff!Severus is such a good friend to Luc! I think it would have been more fun if he walked in on them doing it doggy style with the lights on!
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
LMAO!! That was my first inclination, as well! But alas, this is a Lightbulb (aka Lumione) story, so I could only have them go so far.I liked Gobby and Dobby well enough to give them a bit of history :)
I was thinking that maybe H's uncomfortableness was because she and Severus were having an affair. now I think its something more sinister.
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
No, not more sinister! I LOVE Severus! Perhaps not quite an affair, but something, surely!Read on, MacDuff!And thanks for R&R!Dari
Alll does not appear to be sunshine and roses with L&H. I have a million questions that I know you wont answer so I'll just hop on over to the next chapter
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
Oh, if only it were that easy for Lucius and Hermione! If you still have a million questions, ask away, after you've read all the way, of course! LOLThanks so much for R&R!Dari
Thank goodness I am not reading this as a WIP! The short cliffy chapters would have lead to reader violence!
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
I stop when my muse tells me to, what can I say? Sometimes I try to work on, but most times, No. :)Reader violence, I like that, though!As always, thanks for R&R!Dari
Your Lucius has never had an affair huh? I find that hard to beleive! Call me cynical but it does seem that he has been a bit friendly with Miss Granger.
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
Lucius never had an affair; to have an affair, it would imply feelings are involved, and while our Luc may be able to engage in meaningless but hard-driving, balls-to-the-wall sex, our boy has always held tight reins on his feelings. A bit friendly, well, that is one way of putting it! LOLThanks for R&R!Dari
Response from MollysSister (Reviewer)
I can see how he would think that about affairs, suits his arroganced.
Will Lucius open up enough to ask Draco and Severus the questions he wants answered or must he be all cagy around them too?
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
Lucius needs answers and doesn't know where to turn for answers. He has to work it out as he goes along, but no worries, he will :DThanks for R&R!Dari
Who has been miss treating Gobbert? Poor little guy. that being said what the hell is going on? We have ourselves a mystery here. Lucius is all out of sorts isnt he??
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
First, Narcissa, the witch (and I mean that as an adjective, not noun, lol). Poor Lucius is all out of sorts. Not good for a man like him to be on the edge.:D Thanks for reading and reviewing!
I forgot to mention that I got a huge kick out Hermione being a MLC officer! Ha! Very clever of you! I think LM rejected H because he wanted to divorce Narcissa first? Hummm?
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
Since the story is now complete, and I'm not giving anything away, yes, that is what is going on. It is explained later :)I know, MLC! My favorite :DAs always, thanks for R&R!Dari
He didnt want her? WHAT?
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
Oh, he broke her heart, he did, but the answers are coming! I promise :DThanks for R&R!Dari
Narcissa. In a straight jacket... excellent! Lucius and Hermione together... Lovely! Tour de force, dearest!
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
SQUEE!!!Thank you so much!!! I was really hoping everyone would like the ending.Thanks so much for taking the time to read and leave comments, they meant the world to me :)Dari
congrats on finishing this story! I'm so proud of you!
Now. get writing SSHG! lol.
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
Thanks babe!SS/HG is in the works :)Love you, Dari
aha! it was Cissa after all! you certainly surprised me with that Hespion red herring -- or was it Cissa red herring. I'm glad Draco was involved and that he saw what his mother was willing to do: kill her own son. it wasn't even for noble causes, just Cissa's self-centeredness. thanks for the exciting story and happy ending, and I hope Lucius and Hermione continue to be good friends with Severus.
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
Oh, Hespion was a threat, just not an immediate one. It was Narcissa pushed to the edge! Everything unraveled for her after the war. She wasn't the winner, and she couldn't gain the ground she had lost.Thank you so much for reading the story! I'm so glad you enjoyed it :)Ahh... Severus. Dari
Wow! I'm both happy and sad that this story is over. Happy because this chapter was so wonderful and very nicely concluded everything; but sad because, of course, it is the end. Fantastic job on both the chapter and the whole story. Keep up the wonderful work! ~Jen
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
I feel that way too! Happy and sad. Thank you so much for your kind words and for reading and reviewing all my chapters!!I am so relieved that everyone is happy with the ending. I'll admit, I was worried, since I don't have the happy ever after kind of ending, with Lucius and Hermione married, etc. Thanks so much, Jen :)Dari
Oh yes! Well done. Loved the cool control of his temper *snicker* with Bugger and his indiffereence to Narcissa (what did she think? would happen, champagne?) Draco's hand on his back was perfect, and the detachment when he mentioned 'comitting her' was appropreate. In the end Narcissa is the true looser. Very nice story. I may borrow your line someday - “Ne regardez pas au passé; au lieu de cela, déplacez-vous avec le but dans le futur.” Do not look to the past; instead, move with purpose into the future. - it is so perfect! Hugs~
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
Thank you!I am so glad you enjoyed the chapter! Lucius controlled himself as much as possible, lol. I really think Narcissa could maintain her attitude with Lucius and continue to keep him in line; but everything that held Lucius was gone. She no long had anything to hold over him, and Lucius realized he was finally free.I'm so glad you liked that line :) Kind of how I live my life, too.Thanks for staying with me :)Dari
Excellent plot and great pacing, you made us wait for the hot sex but it was worth the wait. Great story, well done
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
Fantastic, thank you!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it :) Dari
Bravi, Bravi, Bravissima!
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
*Curtsying*Thank you so much!! I'm so glad you read it and enjoyed it :)
Very. Lovely. Lemons.*drooools*
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
LOL, thank you very much!*hands tissue*
I love the mature father/son relationship that you've developed between Draco and Lucius. Nice to see them both make it through the war... and grow.
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
It was important to me that they have a good relationship, since in canon they don't appear to have one. Besides, I like Draco :) The apple doesn't fall far, though!As always, thanks for reading and reviewing!Dari
*leaves brief review before scrambling off to read the next chapter*Is awesome. Want more. Oh, look, there it is. Clicky.
Response from nastygrl (Author of No Looking Back)
LOL, Look at you go! Weeeeeeee...I'm so glad you are enjoying the story!And thank you so much for reading then taking the time to leave a review! It is very generous of you, and I really appreciate it :)Dari