New Chapter for The Silvering Divide
The Silvering Divide
Somigliana138 Reviews | 138 Ratings, 0 Likes, 188 Favorites )
Hermione encounters a strange lake-dweller one morning. Her new friend will give her insight into the most mysterious man of them all...
Start ReadingChapters (16)
About Somigliana
Member Since 2005 | 11 Stories | Favorited by 110 | 11 Reviews Written | 309 Review Responses
Reviews for The Silvering Divide
A gorgeous slow winding story; their relationship feels very natural. I loved the selkie twist! My favorite part was Hermione's narration and the emotions we get to see as she faces growing up, her parents, and post war 'normality'. I will definitely be re-reading this in the future.
(This is a joint review for The Silvering Divide and Silver Bells)
It wasn't until I started to read this set of stories for the second time, to savor them, that I found the words I wanted to summarize my thoughts: ". . .distinct tingle in the cadence and beauty of the prose. . . ." Your fresh simlies and metaphors give me so much pleasure! "the ink spill of black hair. . . ." "filling her throat like a swelling sponge. . . ." sigh What delight! I also appreciated your creative use of collective nouns such as "an alarm of birds." I think your delicate balance of sarcasm and irony as the characters of H & S develop into people who are able to begin to be intimate with each other is masterful. But perhaps what I appreciated the most was the clear boundaries between teacher and student, and the care with which you wrote about the beginning of their transition out of these roles into being able to be adults with each other. I haven't yet read any author who understood the dynamics and what needed to happen as well as you did in this set of stories. Thank you. I've now read all of your work that's posted here, and I look forward to reading more.
This is a wonderful story and I enjoyed every moment of it!!! The development of the relationship between Gall and Cass (I loved the nicknames =] ) was really well writed and beautiful to watch and Syrena was a sweetie. Congratulations!!!!
I read this again the other day. I've been feeling like I'm going through fanfic withdrawal because many of the stories that I'm following have been VERY slow to update. I was going through my bookmarks, checking on statuses, like if there were any chapters in the queue or if something was abandoned (a depressing number of them were). I decided to read this one again. It was even better the second time through. I found myself wishing for more, even after reading Silver Bells too. I've been going over it in my head, trying to figure out what more you could do with it, but I can't come up with anything. The story feels complete. I guess I want more details about what their notes were about or more flirtation or their first time together. I just want MORE. You set up such a fascinating history for Selkie-Sevvie (as I call him). Well, maybe someday you can write another snapshot follow-up?
An achingly beautiful story!!!
'“Given the time period I grew up in, denim is practically a birthright.”'
Thank you, thank you, for this sentence. Often writers are all but flamed for putting Snape in jeans, but it seems just as natural as Hermione wearing denims. Thank you for writing that, and not throwing him in some odd Victorian-style, buttoned up clothing that is supposed to pass as his "casual" style.
Also, I am in love with your characterization of Snape, and the endless supply of cheeky t-shirts keeps me rolling in laughter. I love it!
*squee* June can't come soon enough!!!
"Quid pro quo, Clarice... I have a question for you."
I adore the Muggle movies' cameos!
"Black is for mourning, she thinks with idle resignation. I’m mourning for the absence of his practice pants."
Ah ha! I had guessed that Leenash had to be related to Snape somehow, and I love how you wove this fascinating scenario into the story so seamlessly. *rushes to the next chapter*
I wonder how I've been a member of this archive for over a year and have somehow completely missed your stories. I love this fic, and, as always, your writing is impeccable (please forgive me my atrocious spelling)!
Response from Somigliana (Author of The Silvering Divide)
Ahh. I miss loads of fic as well--on the updated list one day, off the next ;)Thanks so much for reading, though--Grin.
This is such a wonderful story. It is very beautiful and I love the way the relationship builds between them.
Response from Somigliana (Author of The Silvering Divide)
Thank you so much!!
Urgh - creepy...
Response from Somigliana (Author of The Silvering Divide)
Well, yes... I think it was quite creepy in the tunnel :)
words have always failed me about how much i loved this story. thank you so much for your divinely beautiful take on that prompt and i think it has been a shining and silver experience for your readers, too. i can't wait for the sequel! (me blowing kisses)
Response from Somigliana (Author of The Silvering Divide)
Thank you so very much for reading!
Fitting they should start their new life under the water! :)
Response from Somigliana (Author of The Silvering Divide)
Nods. I thought it would be apt to end the story that way.Thanks :)
Bravo that was beautiful!
Response from Somigliana (Author of The Silvering Divide)
Thank you!!
Really enjoyed this. Looked forward to each of the updates. Glad to hear there'll be a sequel too.
Response from Somigliana (Author of The Silvering Divide)
Thank you so much; I hope you enjoyed the sequel, too.
Ooh, an excellent, excellent ending. So sweet, so well tied together! I applaud the fair and wondrous authoress
Response from Somigliana (Author of The Silvering Divide)
Grins. Thank you so much!!
What a wonderful ending to an enchanting tale...
Response from Somigliana (Author of The Silvering Divide)
Thank you!!
A very lovely ending...I'm looking forward to the post-script to this story.
Response from Somigliana (Author of The Silvering Divide)
Thank you so much; I hope you did enjoy the sequel :)
Response from sinbad (Reviewer)
I didn't even see or know about a sequel. Can you give me the link?
Response from Somigliana (Author of The Silvering Divide)
Hi there...It was just a one-shot follow-up story, so it was likely easy to miss :)Here's the link:
Response from sinbad (Reviewer)
Ths was utterly wonderful. I hate to see it end, but I'm looking forward to the sequel. Thanks for writing it; I consider it time well-spent.
Response from Somigliana (Author of The Silvering Divide)
Thank you so much for reading,
Response from Somigliana (Author of The Silvering Divide)
Good chapter, I liked your more mature Harry.
Response from Somigliana (Author of The Silvering Divide)
THank you; Harry is a firm favourite of mine :D
Really liking this.
Giggled over Severus' hoping for a hidden meaning to the hairpins... Hope she comes up with something later on that does mean something.
Looking forward to the next. ^_^
Christian Bale... mmm... yes. Anyway, where was I? Excellent chapter. I like the way Harry had his scruffy old clothes under the finery. :)
i can't wait to see severus in the water again, too! lovely update. thanks so much