New Chapter for Taking Care
Taking Care
grugster62 Reviews | 62 Ratings, 0 Likes, 12 Favorites )
Severus is overstressed and does not take care of himself, so Poppy Pomfrey and Minerva McGonagall have to.
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About grugster
Member Since 2005 | 6 Stories | Favorited by 17 | 7 Reviews Written | 472 Review Responses
I absolutly love fanfiction but I never thought I would write one myself. But when Healer Pomfrey put up a contest I decided to write a stroy for it! The result was my story "Everything will be okay soon" !
I'm a social worker in a children shelter for abused, hard to educate and/or criminal girls.
Bye Sunny
Reviews for Taking Care
Albus has made Severus decide to do what's best and voice his decision out loud. That was a smart thing to do. Now Severus has to take responsibility for carrying out his decision.
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
Thank you for your review!
Well, at least Severus is realizing that people really do care for him. I'm guessing Charlie is going to be teaching potions. I bet Severus won't like that.
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
You guessed right. :) Thanks for your review!
Once again, Severus's stubbornness gets him into trouble which brings embarrassment to him and, I'm ashamed to say, a bit of humor to this reader, at least. I like how Minerva took the initiative to kiss him this time. While you haven't given us a lot of history about how this relationship or this attraction might have developed, you're doing a good job of showing that both parties are definitely interested in each other. It's interesting to see so much of Alastor in this fic, as well.
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
I'm very glad you like it. I had become quite attached to my version of Alastor and so there will be much more of him in the sequels to this story.Thank you for your review!
So, he kissed Minerva. And I think she liked it, but how will she convince Severus of that?
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
You will see. :)
*giggles* Poor Severus! But it was so funny!
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
:D I'm glad I could entertain you!
Loved it. I'm glad there's a sequel or two. The end left me wanting more.
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
I will try to submit the sequels here as well, but I first have to find another very good beta because this side is very picky. :)Thanks for your review!
I like Severus all soft and drowsey too!thanks for the story
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
Yes, he can be so sweet. :) Thanks for reading this story and for all your lovely reviews!
Oh heavens how you torture the poor man!
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
Hahaha. Yes, I'm evil sometimes! :)
I'm doomed.This comment made me grin because it seems like he would be doomed without his friends to help him.
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
Yeah, but he doesn't see it this way. :D
An interesting choice with Charlie. Hummmm
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
He will play an important part in the sequels to this story.
My goodness! He sure is going to a lot of trouble not to let people know how sick he is. That can't be good...
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
Oh, yes, he will be in a lot of trouble.
Seems like things are finally starting to sink in for Mr. Stubborn.
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
Hahaha Mr. Stubborn. That's funny. I have to use it in one of my stories in future! :D
Oh now I want cookies and milk too!!
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
Then join Severus in his hospital bed if you dare! :)
Poor Severus! He sounds like he's in bad shape. It will be interesting to see how certain women will fuss over him. :)
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
You will see if you read on. Thank you very much for your review!
So did Minerva want him to kiss her? Damn that voldy for interupting a moment!
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
As it seems you are reading through the whole story at the moment your question will be answered soon. :)
Clearly Severus is going to fight his recovery every step of the way isnt he?
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
Of course he is. He wouldn't be Severus Snape if he wouldn't try to fight them.
Severus is just a glutton for punishment isnt he? Albus & Co will just have to monitor him all the more closely.
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
You are right. Thank you for your review!
You described very well how wretched a person feels when they are getting sick. Suddenly everyday things are a burden and a person just cant take it. Poor Severus
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
Writing out of experience helps a lot! :) Thanks for your reviews!
If he wont take care of himself then his friends will just have to step in wont they??
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
That's what good friends are for!
Goodness! How long can the poor man last in this condition? We must make that stress go away! Vanish!
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
:D Thank you for all your reviews!
That sleeping spell is handy isnt it?
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
It's nice to see Dumbledore behave in a fatherly way to Severus.
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
I'm glad you like it this way!
I enjoyed Albus's talk with Severus. It seems like Severus is coming around at long last.
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
We will see.
How funny that he prefers to sit with Moody over anyone else! And that was so sweet what he said about Minerva. Oh, he's so stubborn! And he acts like such a baby. And those voices are so frightening. I hope he can heal in more than just a physical way.
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
Thank you very much for your review!
Whoa that must be some potion. There are days I think I could use a dose of it. I find it amazing after all the other characterizations of Alastor and Severus' relationship that you have him choosing Alastor. I hope you give us a look at the next few hours so we can understand. My heart breaks for Severus, more so because I know so many of us can identify, in some small way, with how he feels. I think that is one of the beauties in fan fiction it brings into relief our own inner most feelings and fears.
Response from grugster (Author of Taking Care)
Yes, you will see more of Alator and Severus. This story is in reality a series. I have already written two sequels to it. The friendship betweeen Alastor and Severus will be more clearly in them. Thank you for your review!