New Chapter for A Fine Divide
A Fine Divide
sweetflag103 Reviews | 103 Ratings, 0 Likes, 12 Favorites )
Snape is once again bound, and as he struggles to accept yet another yoke, he meets a fellow wizard, who suffers a similar undeniable and unbreakable tether. This was inspired by the 'Anything Goes Challenge' and is based upon the prompt that Snape is encouraged to take a vacation. The slash is not explicit, but is slightly more than just implied.
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About sweetflag
Member Since 2007 | 27 Stories | Favorited by 35 | 180 Reviews Written | 1,104 Review Responses
Hello. I love reading and writing... what more can I say?
Reviews for A Fine Divide
Wonderful if heartbreaking chapter, thank you.
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
Thank you for sticking with the story. I am so glad you liked it. Yes, this was quite a hard chapter to write.
This chapter is just wow! I fear for Peters and for Maud but I am glad Severus got them on his side.
I guess Pomona and Minerva sense something before the two men.
I hope your hands get better soon, best wishes!
Poor Severus. Thank you for this chapter!
Oh dear! Thank you for a very funny chapter.
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
Glad you liked it. :)
I am happy that he has
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
as a friend. Thank you for a wonderful story!
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
I've always thought that they would get on. I like having the opportunity to eplore that.
Thank you for this wonderful story!
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
Thank you :)
Hoping for an update soon. I find this story intriguing.
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
Hello and thank you for the lovely review. Apologies for the late response, but I only got a notification today :s I will update soon...just need another good read through. :D
Apologies for the late review! Loved the chapter. From the marvellous opening in the pub as Agnes and Maud determine to investigate fully... to Randle's frustrated introspection... to Severus' confusion of feelings... to Neville. Neville, Neville, Neville, Neville!!! Aaaargh!!! I think the only thing you can do is to lock them in that cupboard! I am agog for what is going to happen next.... Can't wait! Pxxx
I'm so glad for the update - this has to be one of the best (but most sad) fics in the archive. I love everything about it, but here's a short list for specifics: Severus himself and his strength, the care that Minerva and the old Hogwards stalwarts have for him, the blossoming 'friendship' between Severus and Neville, the intrigue in the Ministry as well as the fantastic writing which almost requires the reader not to need any imagination, it is so vivid. I don't mind waiting ages for another update - just as long as there is one!
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
Aww... thank you! The updates have been slow (very upset about that). If I'd have known at the start that things here would become so messy, I'd have kept it back until it was done. Saying that you don't mind the wait (even though there shouldn't be one) is a real balm. It has depressed me no end to sit and not be able to type. Oh well... I'm in a good spell, so I shall make hay while the sun shines :D Next one is up, and the one after that on the go. oops... better not jinx it! Thank you so much for the review *big hugs* It was a nice boost. Oh... and so sorry about not responding sooner. Take care.
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
Aww... thank you! The updates have been slow (very upset about that). If I'd have known at the start that things here would become so messy, I'd have kept it back until it was done. Saying that you don't mind the wait (even though there shouldn't be one) is a real balm. It has depressed me no end to sit and not be able to type. Oh well... I'm in a good spell, so I shall make hay while the sun shines :D Next one is up, and the one after that on the go. oops... better not jinx it! Thank you so much for the review *big hugs* It was a nice boost. Oh... and so sorry about not responding sooner. Take care.
Just found this story and WOW. Read it all the way through and can't wait for the next chapter. Good emotive've had me on the edge of my seat a few times. Keep up the good work!
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
Hello and thank you! So long as I don't push you off the edge, then I'm happy :) So glad that you liked it and thanks for the compliment. Take care.
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
Hello and thank you! So long as I don't push you off the edge, then I'm happy :) So glad that you liked it and thanks for the compliment. Take care.
Brilliant! A wonderfully intense two way chapter. Loved the atmospheric exchange between the two men and loved, loved the sense of threat and anticipation that you developed here. Of course, I can't wait to see how Severus is coping and whether Neville can discover the ghastly secret... Not to mention Minerva's and Pomona's plans to save Severus from the Ministry. Biting nails in anticipation for the next chapter. Love, love, love this story. Please update sooooooooooon!!! Pxx
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
Thank you :) I'm doing my very best to catch up with things. I have every one in place *evil laugh*. My only dilemma at the moment is just exactly what Minerva will do to the Aurors whe she finds out.... mwahaha!
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
Thank you :) I'm doing my very best to catch up with things. I have every one in place *evil laugh*. My only dilemma at the moment is just exactly what Minerva will do to the Aurors whe she finds out.... mwahaha!
Love the tension as Minerva comes to terms with sharing Severus. Love the description of Neville waking up and also Snape's increasing interest in him. I can't tell you how much I enjoy this story, sweetflag. It is simply excellent. Still think Minerva should be doing more to try to save Severus from the Ministry. And now he has taken another dose - there will be another visit to his tormentors....
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
I have little imagination when it comes to developing romance. I have to go with very simple. Never fear... Minerva has adopted Severus and therefore taken on all that entails.
Response from Proulxes (Reviewer)
*Cue big soppy grin*. You're doing fine by my book Pxx *Waiting happily for the next update!*
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
I have little imagination when it comes to developing romance. I have to go with very simple. Never fear... Minerva has adopted Severus and therefore taken on all that entails.
Response from Proulxes (Reviewer)
*Cue big soppy grin*. You're doing fine by my book Pxx *Waiting happily for the next update!*
A humdinger of a chapter - we feel concern for the first year Gryffindor, but that concern is rapidly subsumed into greater concern for Severus who is suffering one of his attacks. Superbly written -as Neville deals with the conflicting feelings he is experiencing in caring for Snape, the empathy he feels, and the awkward protectiveness he experiences towards him. Just great writing - thanks!
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
I felt that I needed to be reminded about duty. Teaching is more than just nerves and playful hostas. Interestingly, I'm reading this with a different mind-set and wondering why I wrote about Neville's flagging sense of duty when in the forest suddenly flaring when he saw Snape. Hmmmm...
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
I felt that I needed to be reminded about duty. Teaching is more than just nerves and playful hostas. Interestingly, I'm reading this with a different mind-set and wondering why I wrote about Neville's flagging sense of duty when in the forest suddenly flaring when he saw Snape. Hmmmm...
Another great chapter - building the tension between the two men and continuing to toy with the central mysteries of the story. What's in the phial? Why isn't it in the Penseive? Or are all the memories buried inside the garden? If that is the case - how is it so easy for them to be taken away? Shouldn't they all be alarmed or protected from removal - or is everyone on the staff in on the real purpase behind the little healing garden - apart form Neville and presumeably Randal too. Oh, and Snape? Does he know about it? Intriguing! And I loved the last paragraph. "Grab him and haul him off to the potions lab", eh? Nowhere else? *Waggles eyebrows*
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
I think the next update will answer some of your questions. I've hit a fulcrum in the story, and as I'm answering your review, I'm feeling a little less confident than when I finished it. But, as with all things, there must come a change or things would just moulder. *nibbles nails nervously*
Response from Proulxes (Reviewer)
Don't you dare! No nibbling! That's what happens when you release a story - as you said in an earlier response - readers take things from it that writers might not have intended or even mean!! Don't worry on my acount. This is great writing and I am hooked - I have no idea how you are going to resolve the situation but I can't wait to read it! Pxx
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
I think the next update will answer some of your questions. I've hit a fulcrum in the story, and as I'm answering your review, I'm feeling a little less confident than when I finished it. But, as with all things, there must come a change or things would just moulder. *nibbles nails nervously*
Response from Proulxes (Reviewer)
Don't you dare! No nibbling! That's what happens when you release a story - as you said in an earlier response - readers take things from it that writers might not have intended or even mean!! Don't worry on my acount. This is great writing and I am hooked - I have no idea how you are going to resolve the situation but I can't wait to read it! Pxx
Funny and thoughtful - loved your dscription of the Herbology lesson! "It's just gone down his trousers, sir" is a great way to end this chapter. Important to see Neville's confidence and abilities here, and to counter any latent prejudices in your readers, too!!
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
:D Glad you liked it.
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
:D Glad you liked it.
Oh I do love the tenderness that you have drawn in Minerva's relationship with Severus. Loved Neville's quiet moment in the garden, strokign the sage leaves, and Severus' version of the "Welcome to Hogwarts" speech. I also smirked quietly at the two checking each other out. As oblivious as both of them are to what is growing between them, it is a real pleasure to see how well you are drawing out these two characters. Brava.
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
You know, I read your review and it struck me just how impossible it is for me to write short stories *sigh* I'm too... wordy. Not my fault! I'm a woman and Gemini... it's almost mandatory to use more words than necessary.
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
You know, I read your review and it struck me just how impossible it is for me to write short stories *sigh* I'm too... wordy. Not my fault! I'm a woman and Gemini... it's almost mandatory to use more words than necessary.
Oh bloody hell (sorry!) - this chapter is wonderful. Loved the intereaction between Neville and Randal - it was beautifully written and I look forward to more of the same as the story goes on. Minerva's concern over what Neville might do if he discovers the Pensieve in the garden - and the Penseive itself - what a fantastic idea to hide such a thing in plain sight (and so symbolically too!). I can't help but think that she should insist more formally that the Ministry investigate what is happening to Severus - but understand that without the man himself complaining she would find it harder to do so. COme on Severus! Have some self-regard! When Neville finds out the full story, I hope that he takes more direct action. With a sword. Or a hammer. Or some sort of similar implement...
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
Thank you for that! I worry when writing such scenes. I struggle with anything bordering on... assignations. I feel happier writing about doom and gloom :D Thank you again.
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
Thank you for that! I worry when writing such scenes. I struggle with anything bordering on... assignations. I feel happier writing about doom and gloom :D Thank you again.
The decaf potion - lol! Brilliant! Oooops - didn't mention RHine in the last review - he is going ot be an interesting character and I like hte way that you have described him thus far. OCs are always tricky to do, aren't they? I have a feelign that he will be important. Oh, Gods, the lighthearted scene at hte start of the chapter bleeds into the horrors of the Ministry. You describe this interrogation superbly. The thought that Severus might lose his mind due to this horrific sustained abuse is sickening and terrible - attacking the thing that makes him, him. I can see how Hogwarts represents a sanctuary for him in a way that is even more important for him now. Urgh! This story is amazing.
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
Since becoming a bit under the weather, I've become more tolerant of physical issues and pain, but losing my mind is something that scares the bejeebus out of me. I use my mind to overcome aches and pains, so to have it wither would end me. I can think of nothing worse to inflict upon an individual and those they care about than the destruction of personality and strength of mind. I despise diseases and other agents that work to destroy the brain and mind.
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
Since becoming a bit under the weather, I've become more tolerant of physical issues and pain, but losing my mind is something that scares the bejeebus out of me. I use my mind to overcome aches and pains, so to have it wither would end me. I can think of nothing worse to inflict upon an individual and those they care about than the destruction of personality and strength of mind. I despise diseases and other agents that work to destroy the brain and mind.
So much to comment on in this chapter. the new garden - with its symbolism of unity and caring between the Houses. Clematis is a beautiful idea - and fascinating to see how Severus had helped Pomona to cultivate it. This makes me think about the possibilities of collaboration between Snape and Longbottom for the two cures that they will seek (I hope). I love the way you described the new stone growing out of the old - emphasising the organic nature of the castle. The staff meeting was lovely - and we see again Minerva's friendship for Severus and how he responds to it. Brilliant writing.
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
To be honest, I couldn't see Snape wallowing. Not that I could see him being all altruistic either. Pomona, although not featured in the books to a great extent, always struck me as a resolute and determined person. It seemed natural that Snape and Pomona would gravitate to each other, even if it started out as a simple request for better fertiliser. The two subjects--Herbology and Potions--seem too connected for the teachers not to have some overlapping interests. I wanted to unite the Houses. There was a tendency to an excess of over-competitiveness (I say this after considering my daughter who screamed out in frustration during her 'friendly' football match with another school--nothing rude, by the way).
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
To be honest, I couldn't see Snape wallowing. Not that I could see him being all altruistic either. Pomona, although not featured in the books to a great extent, always struck me as a resolute and determined person. It seemed natural that Snape and Pomona would gravitate to each other, even if it started out as a simple request for better fertiliser. The two subjects--Herbology and Potions--seem too connected for the teachers not to have some overlapping interests. I wanted to unite the Houses. There was a tendency to an excess of over-competitiveness (I say this after considering my daughter who screamed out in frustration during her 'friendly' football match with another school--nothing rude, by the way).
Love this chapter - the particular way that you are drawing our their shared experiences and shared attitudes. Even thought they are quite different people, there is definitly a connection between them. The mystery of Neville's parents' condition shadows the other mystery of why Snape can't brew his own version of the blue potion - I am hoping that together they will be able to solve both mysteries.
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
Shared purpose is a great unifier. The enemy of my enemy and all that. I guess the phrase 'misery loves company' springs to mind for me, but we often do seek like-minded individuals because nothing will ever beat that feeling of connection and understanding between people.
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
Shared purpose is a great unifier. The enemy of my enemy and all that. I guess the phrase 'misery loves company' springs to mind for me, but we often do seek like-minded individuals because nothing will ever beat that feeling of connection and understanding between people.
Loving the teasing relationship between the Receptionist and her coworker - well drawn! Also the horror of Snape's binding to the Ministry is becoming clearer - this is a terrific idea, sweetflag. He is under a yoke every bit as horrible as Voldemort's - made even more so by the fact that the Ministry are supposed ot be the good guys.... Loving this story.
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
Thank you. I like old biddies. I was taken with the notion of how easily we place these yokes upon ourselves, thinking that we're doing something for the best. There are these immense ideas we use to burden either ourselves or others. You're right with the Ministry... they place burdens that are accepted solely because they come from such a place. I'm not wise enough to see which burdens should be given or accepted... I think this is a wisdom we have to learn the hard way.
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
Thank you. I like old biddies. I was taken with the notion of how easily we place these yokes upon ourselves, thinking that we're doing something for the best. There are these immense ideas we use to burden either ourselves or others. You're right with the Ministry... they place burdens that are accepted solely because they come from such a place. I'm not wise enough to see which burdens should be given or accepted... I think this is a wisdom we have to learn the hard way.
Neville to the rescue - and what a rescue! Stil lsmiling at the idea of Snape as damsel in distress (on a rock for goodness sakes!) - and yet you undercut the humour with such bitter gall. I'm as intrigued by Neville's anger - as Snape is. It is hard sometimes to meet someone in later life that you knew (and dismissed pretty much) as a child. Loving Snape's insecurities and weakness - which somehow does not leave him soft - only damaged. Really excellent writing.
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
I enjoyed writing this chapter. I'm smiling now as I'm recalling it. It is interesting when--as adults--we meet people from our childhood; giants of men seem smaller and those who, as you say, we dismissed, suddenly impact upon us. Thank you for the lovely compliment.
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
I enjoyed writing this chapter. I'm smiling now as I'm recalling it. It is interesting when--as adults--we meet people from our childhood; giants of men seem smaller and those who, as you say, we dismissed, suddenly impact upon us. Thank you for the lovely compliment.
I realised with great embarassment that I have not reviewed all your chapters. Time ot put that right! I think the premise of this story is intriguing. Love the fact that the Ministry have such a creepy hold over Severus - it is abusive and horrible, but he is still finding little ways to exert his independence. Neville's character is beautifully drawn.
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
, do not fret. Thank you for your kind words and your time. I enjoy this feedback, as it helps me refine my own ideas. More often than not, a reader will see something that I hadn't.
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
Response from sweetflag (Author of A Fine Divide)
, do not fret. Thank you for your kind words and your time. I enjoy this feedback, as it helps me refine my own ideas. More often than not, a reader will see something that I hadn't.