New Chapter for A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement
A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement
melusin55 Reviews | 55 Ratings, 0 Likes, 137 Favorites )
Propositioning the Potions master doesn't quite work out the way Hermione planned.
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About melusin
Member Since 2006 | 23 Stories | Favorited by 344 | 77 Reviews Written | 1,999 Review Responses

Alan Rickman obsessed ex-civil servant now living the good life in France. I only write in the good ship SS/HG. However, if you think that the only way these two can get together is by some sort of forced marriage, 'binding' or whatever, don't read my stories. You will be disappointed.
Reviews for A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement
Those chocolates were inspired, if it hadn't been for them Severus may have had a very different reception. I love a happy ending, and this is one of the best.
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
thank you
So far ,so good, " The Plan " has worked, I wonder what Severus is expecting Hermione to do next Friday.
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
Nothing good, i don't think. thanks for reviewing
Loved the chocolates!! So creative!!
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
thank you
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
thank you
Loved this! Still don't know how you managed to turn this story romantic. Maybe it was the chocolates.
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
Thanks. Glad you liked it
wow, so much to love here. Sybil and the tea leaves, those chocolates. Snape thinking she'd want that bow in him. 'P'fessr Snip' such amazing tension between them, and I'm so glad he kissed her.
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
thanks glad you like it
aww iv never loved an ending so much i actually clapped to myself :L lucky no one too see me as they would want to know about the permanent grin on my face. Loved the story and the ending well done :)
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
Amazing story ... so many good sexy and emotional spots! Cant wait to read more from you!!!:)
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
thanks. Glad you liked it.
I'm glad your Hermione is such a patient and forgiving woman. I would have told him to "Fuck Off!" after the first fling. Than I would have changed my mind and tortured him without mercy and humiliate him the way he did to her. I would have missed the warm fuzzy ending with that approach, however. That is why I don't write the stories. I just read them. I'm not nearly clever enough to be so creative as you expert story tellers. Sigh. I wish I was clever. I'd like very much to write a wonderful story. I'm awfully glad you are here to fill in my lack of true creativity and original thought.
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
i think I would have as well, quite honestly, but she was prepared to give him a second chance and get her revenge at the same time - and I think those chocolates would have gone a long way to soften her up
I love, love, love this story. While the incredible sex is certainly quite pleasing, I think I might like the ending the most. :)
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
Thank you.
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
Thank you.
all i have to say is 'dont stop' lol. Great quote eh? i like the fact that Severus is vunerable, but trying to hide it from Hermione.
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
Thanks - yes he is.
What an unusual combination of lightheartedness and sensuality. I'm very glad you were feeling the need to write a non-angsty SS/HG, with such an outstanding result.
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
Thank you - yes, I'd quite like to read some more non-angsty stuff myself.
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
Thank you - yes, I'd quite like to read some more non-angsty stuff myself.
It was time he took things in hands ... if I can say so.
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
He got there in the end ;)
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
He got there in the end ;)
Very hot and highly amusing. You're a very good writer.I enjoyed this story very much!
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
Thanks. You're very kind.
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
Thanks. You're very kind.
*large grin spread on my face* In fact I don't think it will last long because I'm invited to diner tonight (here it's 1 pm) with old friends of my parents and one guy looks suspiciously like some Professor of my knowing. And I don't know how am I going to look him in the eye after reading this. *looks innocent*
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
LOLThank you :) Enjoy your dinner.
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
LOLThank you :) Enjoy your dinner.
Now that is something I entirely did not expect, but I like it! I like it! It is very refreshing to see a man want the full blown intimacy of a relationship more than the woman, but it is so often the work of fantasy. I know few men who would be so inclined. Well done. Irish
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
I agree about men and intimacy, but with Severus' obsessive love of Lily, I don't think it's beyond the realms of possibility in his case.Thanks
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
I agree about men and intimacy, but with Severus' obsessive love of Lily, I don't think it's beyond the realms of possibility in his case.Thanks
Oh I loved it! Haha... his self control just wasn't up to going against a welcoming Hermione.
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
No - he didn't stand a chance. Grab a man by the balls, and the mind usually follows.Thanks. Glad you liked it.
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
No - he didn't stand a chance. Grab a man by the balls, and the mind usually follows.Thanks. Glad you liked it.
Oh there are just so many things I like about this chapter1. Snape actually flies2. He makes her chocolates3. No pomade in his hair4. Hermione giving him a massage5. The ice cubesIt was wonderful thank you so much Meli!
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
Thanks Molly. I'm quite besotted with the idea of Snape flying, it's becoming a recurring theme. :)
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
Thanks Molly. I'm quite besotted with the idea of Snape flying, it's becoming a recurring theme. :)
Hee Hee Hee I think the good Professor is in for a surprise. But then again maybe not. I think perhaps he is practicing a bit of reverse psychology.
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
Awe. That was a lovely, hopeful ending.I'm still hot.
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
Thank you
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
Thank you
I have a small desk fan. Am considering getting a bowl of ice to set in front of it because that was incredibly hot.
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
Thank you- glad you thought so.
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
Thank you- glad you thought so.
That was delightful. I enjoyed this story very much
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
Thank you.
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
Thank you.
Yes. I see. Fine. Hot. Understandable. She is mature. She understands. But still... The bastardly action remains unpunished. And will be repeated.
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
Interesting you think that. I can't see Hermione putting up with anything abusive, myself. And she may yet decide the whole thing is a bad idea. Severus is in deeper than she is - and Hermione isn't the sort of woman who wants a man at the expense of everything else either.
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
Interesting you think that. I can't see Hermione putting up with anything abusive, myself. And she may yet decide the whole thing is a bad idea. Severus is in deeper than she is - and Hermione isn't the sort of woman who wants a man at the expense of everything else either.
i liked this a lot. i think my favorite line was the one about how if she thought he might poison her, perhaps she shouldn't be inviting him into her bed. :D i liked how she got him all relaxed and then toyed with him as he deserved. and it made me happy when he finally gave in and just kissed her. oh, and the chocolates! how could i almost forget to mention those amazing chocolates. lovely.
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
Thanks, well, I think she got him where she wanted him in the end
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
Thanks, well, I think she got him where she wanted him in the end
This is quite an unusual way to start dating (I always did things the other way 'round, maybe that was the problem...), but I love your writing and I enjoyed how Hermione convinced him so well...
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
It wasn't really about dating - just getting some when available men are thin on the ground - and Hermione never said she'd go out with him :)
Response from melusin (Author of A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement)
It wasn't really about dating - just getting some when available men are thin on the ground - and Hermione never said she'd go out with him :)