New Chapter for The Mermaid and The Prince
The Mermaid and The Prince
whimbley160 Reviews | 159 Ratings, 1 Like, 97 Favorites )
Severus and Hermione discover a lost and injured merbaby and must return it to its rightful family, but along the way they run into a "fishy" situation.
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About whimbley
Member Since 2005 | 2 Stories | Favorited by 17 | 29 Reviews Written | 185 Review Responses
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Reviews for The Mermaid and The Prince
Ohh! This was fun! I hope this will get finished one day.
i was so impressed by the previous chapter where u so successfully moved the story along by having hgss stumble upon dmhp in the room of requirement. hope you will remain joyous regardless of your health prognosis. Jesus loves you! i also had a couple of scares, myself!
a very very merry tale!
I think you should do a spin off of this fic as if they stayed and they became merpeople and had a merbaby. That would be an interesting birth. Lol. How did serafina's mom give birth to her?
I'm excited to see this story back. It's always been one of my favs. Suprising twist with a centaur of all things being the villian. I hope we get to see Hermione and Severus go back to visit their Mer-friends. It was good to see so much acceptance for those two.
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Thank you! I'm so glad this is one of your favorites! I'm hoping to get back to work on this story soon!
LOL, nice chapter! Love the trident-wand knocking Ron out, too funny! And then Hermione and Severus breaking down the door in their "knocking"... Just brilliant!
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Yay! Thank you!
Ooh, poor Severus and Hermione - thwarted by Hagrid! Oh well, for their own good I guess. ;)
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Well, Hagrid's timing was either very good or very bad, depending on how you look at it. Severus certainly wasn't happy. LOL!
The Merfolk really do whant Severus and Hermione to stay don't they? Now, does Severus know what will happen if they mate in this form (or does he even care)?
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Yes, the merfolk really do like having them around. Severus's mind was very clouded and overwhelmed by the merman instincts taking over him. The idea of staying there was appealing to him, and in the end his instincts took over the rest.
Interesting that Hermione and Severus are now married because they completed the mating ceremony. That sort of explains the mermen at the window (not that they're not a voyeuristic lot anyway). ;) Can't wait to see Ron's reaction.Cleverly done with having Bane the centaur as the "dark wizard."
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Thank you! I thought Hermione and Severus deserved some happiness. And Bane always seemed rather shifty to me. He's got the beginnings of the perfect villain.
Sweet reunion. Can just imagine Severus being hugged and not let go - poor guy! Devious Murcus trying to get them to remain merfolk forever, we'll just have to wait and read what happens next.
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
I'm so glad you're enjoying the story!
Nice little side-story of Harry and Draco. Too funny on Dumbledore turning them into Hippogriffs!Interesting that Dumbledore never mentioned to Severus and Hermione that if they mate in mer-form they'd be stuck like that forever, so that possibly explains further on Phillippe...
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Awww... I love Draco and Harry. I think it explains so much of the tension between them. And Dumbledore seems to have forgotten that important piece of information about mating in mer-form. Maybe it's just old age.
Hmm, interesting on Phillippe being a former Hogwarts student - strange with the book. Does that have something to do with the Grindylows and the Dark Wizard?Sweet of Severus with the black pearls for his "girls."
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
That book is probably going to come back up again in this story. And that was very sweet of Severus.
This is so neat. I love that Bane's the evil one.
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Thank you! I'm so glad that you like it!
Interesting the Phillippe's a servant of Dumbledore's and the Grindylow are serving a dark master, but what nefarious plan have they for the merbaby?Aw, poor Severus wanting children...perhaps he'll get his wish.
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Severus might just get that wish, if he follows his heart.
Hmmm, poor Severus and his "scale" issue... Very subtle in their interest in one another.Is the "talking fish" Dumbledore? - the meddler!
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Severus was very curious about how his new body functioned. He didn't think he'd stay that way for as long as he did.And, Dumbledore is definitely involved with that talking fish!
“We are not lost!” Severus said grumpily. “Maybe, just a little off-course.”
Hmm, if you say so...
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Even wizards don't like to admit when they are lost. :)
“Hey, want to go see a Quidditch game?” They walked off together, Hermione and the merbaby temporarily forgotten.Typical guys oggling her boobs as if they've never seen boobs before and then easily distracted yet again by Quidditch! Too funny!
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Hee! Glad you liked it!
Cute, maternal instinct kicks in for Hermione and all the men seem a bit agog about it.
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
They weren't sure what to do, were they?
Welcome back! :) xoxoxooxx
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Thank you! It's good to be back!
More more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more, dammit!~LotmI have a whole bunch of to sic on you, if you don't comply!
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Sorry, sorry, sorry!!!
The latest chapter is up now. I hope you enjoy!
And can I just grovel at your feet and tell you how much I enjoyed "The Song"
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
--No groveling! (Especially not when you should be writing, *harrumphf*...)
I love your creativity and passion you have shown in this story. I also loved The Incredible Mr. Limpet. Keep up with the good work!
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Thank you so much!
I hope you enjoy the rest of the story!
Havent I read this chapter b4...? mmmm well you better put the next one up real quick for confusing me in such a manner....
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Yes, you're eyes arent' deceiving you. You've read this one before. I took it down to make a few changes to the rating and other things and then re-posted it.I'm at work on the next chapter. I had a few health set backs, but, I'm at work once again. Glad you're still enjoying the story!
Brilliant, please give us the next chapter soon!!!
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Thank you!I'm working on it!
I'm sure I've already read this... kind of confused now...
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Yes, you have read this one before. Sorry for the confusion. I made a few changes to the ratings and other things and had to re-post it.I am at work on the next chapter. I've had a few health set backs, but am at work again.I hope you continue reading!
Ok, I know I've read this chapter before....Sev and hermione need nookie! LOL....Can't wait for moremarti
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
LOL!Yes, you've read it before. Sorry about the confusion. I took it down to make a few changes and had to re-post it. Working on Sev and Herione nookie as we speak.:)