Chapter 7 of 12
whimbleySeverus and Hermione return Coral to her family, but their adventure is far from over.
ReviewedDisclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Thanks go to ancientgirl, for helping me name Coral's parents. And thanks again to my wonderful beta, June. You are amazing!
Chapter 8 - Homecoming
Hermione and Severus looked all about them. Straight ahead was an outcropping of merdwellings. They entered the village cautiously. Severus was unsure of what kind of reception they would receive. The place seemed to be deserted. Hermione looked around nervously and clutched Coral tightly to her. Something didn't seem right about all of this. She thought she saw a movement near one of the houses and turned to see what it was. A mermaid with a small merchild in her arms was moving quickly, trying to pull the struggling merchild into a hiding place with her.
"They seem afraid," said Hermione. "I don't think we are welcome here,"
Severus was unsure too. Merfolk could be such tricky creatures. They swam a bit more, observing other merpeople behaving in the same manner.
Suddenly, Severus came face-to-face with the mean end of a trident.
"Don't move," said the severe-looking merman in front of him.
Severus didn't move, and Philippe too froze next to him.
"Turn over your wand, wizard," ordered the merman.
Severus had no choice but to give him his only weapon.
Several more mermen revealed themselves from hiding places all around, all wielding weapons.
"They're surrounded, Captain," said another fearsome merman.
"Good," said the Mercaptain. "Now, turn over the child."
"No," said Hermione.
"I am ordering you as Captain of the Merchieftainess' Royal Guard to turn her over now."
"I will not," she said, clutching an apprehensive Coral even tighter to herself.
"You are in possession of a merbaby taken from this village under suspicious circumstances," the Mercaptain warned. "You face severe penalties already. Your refusal to surrender the child will only work against you."
Severus held his tongue and braced himself. He was unsure what their next move might be. He doubted Hermione would turn over the child, and he could understand why. He was not a trusting man at any rate. These mermen seemed like they were village officials, but there had been so much foul play going on, it was hard to believe anyone.
"No," Hermione said again. "I found this child, and I will return her to her family only after I have spoken with the Merchieftainess. I came here escorted by a guide sent from Albus Dumbledore himself. You have nothing to fear from us, but I will not turn this child over to anyone but the Merchieftainess or the baby's parents."
Severus tensed and waited. Either the Meraptain would accept their explanation and demands, or they were in for the fight of their lives.
"She speaks the truth," Philippe spoke up. "I heard as much from Dumbledore myself."
The Mercaptain knew Philippe and the other talking fish were trustworthy. He then looked to Severus and then Hermione. The merbabe in her arms clung to her tightly. If anything, the child seemed to trust her. Seeming to have made a decision, he lowered his trident.
"Very well," he said. "We shall escort you to the Merchieftainess."
Hermione flashed Severus a smile.
"I warn you though," said the Mercaptain. "Any funny business and the Merchieftainess will never even know she had visitors."
Severus and Hermione swam through the mervillage. From everywhere, merpeople were coming out to see them. Merpeople stared from windows and doors of dwellings. Some were quite bold and came very close to Severus and Hermione, eyeing them curiously. If any came too close by, one of their guards would shoo them away with their trident.
Hermione marveled at the architecture around them. There had been mostly crude hut-type dwellings where the village had first been discovered centuries ago. Now there were more elaborate buildings. The buildings grew closer and closer together, as they swam further into the village.
Coral seemed both happy yet cautious to be in the mervillage again. The sight of others like her was comforting, but everyone staring at her made her nervous. She clung to her "Mommy 'Mione" who wouldn't let any harm come to her.
Severus swam along and examined their surroundings with interest. He was remembering the way they came in; his eyes constantly shifted, looking for various escape routes should it become necessary.
Soon they were passing through the market area. Severus watched with some interest as a mermaid and peddler haggled over the price of a fish, which looked similar to the delicious one he had eaten just the other day.
Philippe, however, shivered as he stared at the many dead fish floating in the stalls.
"None of them talked," said the Mercaptain with a sly grin, slowing down to see what was keeping Philippe. "But, I'd gladly add another one to the pile if you don't keep moving."
Philippe gulped and swam forward quickly.
Severus tried to hide his chuckle. Were they in any other circumstance, he might just come to like this Mercaptain.
Hermione eyed the castle they were approaching with apprehension. While she was happy to return Coral to her family, she felt a certain sadness too. She hoped once at the castle she would feel more comfortable returning Coral to her family. Hermione was surprised when their group was escorted to the side of the castle, rather than the front. She soon saw why.
Next to the castle was an open area similar to a town square with many workers preparing for what seemed like a celebration. Atop a tall plinth was a throne, on which sat Murcus, the Merchieftainess of the Merfolk of Hogwarts. She looked glorious and regal from what Hermione could see and seemed a bit bigger than the other merpeople.
"You will bow, state your reason for being here and move on promptly," explained the Mercaptain.
Hermione nodded nervously. What would happen if the Merchieftainess didn't believe their story? She glanced at the throne again; Murcus certainly was a particularly wild and ferocious-looking female. Hermione wondered how Severus could stay so calm. He was swimming along quietly beside her and showed no sign of being nervous or intimidated. She wished she had his demeanor.
Severus was being cautious. He too was concerned with this meeting. If Murcus chose not to believe their story, they could be in real trouble indeed. His mind was constantly looking for possible means of escape. He was thankful for his years of working as a spy. The experience came in handy during times like these.
The Merchieftainess watched the approaching party with curiosity. She wondered why there was a witch and wizard in her waters who had transformed themselves to look like her kind. As they swam closer, she saw the baby cradled in the young witch's arms. A familiar looking blue fish swam along side of them. 'Curious and curiouser,' she mused.
"Your majesty," said the Mercaptain, bowing. "I bring forth this witch, wizard and fish to see you. They say the great chief of the land of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, has sent them. They wish to only speak to you, although I urged them to allow me to attend to the matter. They have in possession with them the missing child of Anwar and Ariana. How they came to get her is anyone's guess."
Murcus continued to give Severus, Hermione and Philippe a deep penetrating stare.
"Thank you, Auberon," said Murcus, nodding to the Mercaptain. "You did well bringing them to me. Please go to the family of Anwar, and tell them to come here immediately. Tell Anwar and Ariana that their child has been found and is safe with the Merchieftainess."
"Yes, ma'am," said Auberon, and he turned and quickly swam off.
"What is your name, witch from Hogwarts?" asked the Merchieftainess.
"It is Hermione," she said as she moved forward and bowed politely to her.
"Hermione," said the Merchieftainess. "That is a beautiful name. Tell me, please, how is it that you came to hold that child in your arms?"
Hermione took a deep breath through her gills and began to explain the whole story, from when the baby was dropped by a large bird to the grindylow attack, where Philippe saved them.
The Merchieftainess looked concerned as she heard the tale.
"You are very brave and kind," Murcus said at last. "To have come all this way, and at great risk to your own life. The family of Anwar shall be in your debt for the care you have taken with their daughter." She smiled at Coral who shyly peeped out from Hermione's arms. "I can tell you have tended to the babe with great care and love. She clearly loves and trusts you in return. A child can always tell who loves her." Her eyes rested upon Severus. "To you we owe a great debt too. Your bravery knew no bounds. The child looks upon you with loving eyes as well. It is a great honor for her to be loved by two such noble beings."
Severus began to feel uncomfortable. He never liked being in the spotlight, and while he loved Coral, he did not feel the need to proclaim it to the entire world. His feelings for Coral were intense and private. Still, he nodded politely to the Merchieftainess and thanked her for her compliment.
"And you, Philippe," Murcus said, smiling at the small fish. "I must thank you once more for helping our kind. It is because of your continuing loyalty that none of our kind will eat the talking fish. I am glad to know I have such loyal allies amongst the lake creatures."
Philippe blushed and bowed deeply in thanks to the Merchieftainess.
Suddenly her eyes were back upon Severus. "And you, my wizard friend. I recall having met you once before. It was many moons ago when you came with Albus Dumbledore himself. We are honored to have such a noble man amongst us again."
Severus humbly bowed his head.
Suddenly there was a commotion as a mermaid and merman came swimming up to them.
Hermione's heart gave a leap and a feeling of dread descended upon her. This couple must be Coral's parents. The horrible realization that she was about to forever give away the precious child gripped her heart.
A young mermaid with flowing purple hair and an equally young merman were swimming towards them, looking dazed and confused.
Hermione was just about to say something when the mermaid spied Coral in her arms.
"Sarafina!" she cried and lunged towards her.
Hermione blinked, confused for a moment, then realized that Sarafina must be Coral's real name.
Coral or Sarafina, as she was really called turned her head quickly in recognition of her mother's voice. Her eyes opened wide as she saw her mother swimming towards her.
"My baby!" cried her mother, Ariana. She moved so quickly to Hermione's side that she was a blur.
Sarafina took one look at her mother and sprang from Hermione's arms to Ariana's. Mother and baby clung to one another as if they would never let go, and both cried.
"Oh, my sweet little Fina," Ariana cried, snuggling Fina to her bosom and showering her baby's head with kisses.
An even bigger blur swam past Hermione.
"We are truly blessed by the gods, for my baby is safe and at home," Anwar said, his strong arms encircling both his wife and child.
Hermione watched the reunited family with tears of her own. She hadn't even realized the sob had broken from her mouth until she felt Severus place a comforting arm around her shoulder. Then she let the sobs go. She cried uncontrollably as she wrapped her arms around Severus. She cried for having to let Coral go, she cried for what the poor babe and her family had been through, and she cried for the happiness she felt for the reunited family.
Severus squeezed Hermione closely to him, trying to comfort her as best he could. He had to admit he was having a hard time not crying himself. He'd let the child into his heart. Coral no, Sarafina had shown him a side of himself he thought had died and gave him hope that someday... He glanced down at Hermione; well, he wouldn't let himself think that far ahead just yet. But she had given him hope for a kind of life he never thought he would have before.
"Anwar," the Merchieftainess called. "I must point out to you the witch and wizard responsible for the care and return of your child, whose bravery enabled this reunion of your family."
Anwar looked up from his family to the Merchieftainess.
"This is Hermione and Severus from Hogwarts," Murcus said, gesturing towards them.
Hermione looked up tearfully from Severus's chest, and Severus nodded his head to Anwar in acknowledgement.
Both were completely taken by surprise when they were almost knocked over as Anwar rushed to envelope them. He had Severus in a voracious hug, which nearly knocked the wind out of him.
"My brother!" Anwar cried, hugging Severus to him. "From this day onward I shall consider you my brother! For you have done so much for my family and me," he said with an emotion-clogged voice.
Severus thought his ribs might be broken, but managed to squeak out a bit of thanks.
Ariana quickly swam over to thank Hermione. "And you shall be my sister," she said, giving her a hug as well. "For loving and caring for my baby so."
Hermione smiled at Ariana.
Sarafina was happily snuggled up in her mother's arms and suddenly hungrily began suckling at her breast. Ariana smiled shyly at Hermione and settled Sarafina more comfortably in her arms. "We can never thank you enough," she said.
"I'm just glad Cor... Sarafina is home again," said Hermione. "She is a very sweet child."
Philippe blinked several tears from his own eyes as he watched from the side. He knew what it was like to have children, but he couldn't imagine what it would be like to have lost one and then found it again.
"Philippe," called the Merchieftainess.
He quickly swam to her. "Yes, your majesty."
"I wish to thank you once more, Philippe."
"Thank you, ma'am," he said. "It was my honor to serve."
"We are in your debt. This is not the first time you have helped us, and you have always refused recognition for your deeds. Is there not something we can do for you in return?"
"Thank you," he said. "But I wish nothing more than to take my leave and return to my home and my family. I have spent several days away already."
"Go then, Philippe, my talking fish friend," Murcus said. "And may many blessings grace you and your family."
"Thank you, ma'am," said Philippe, bowing low to the Merchieftainess.
He turned back to Severus and Hermione. "My new dear friends, I shall take my leave now. It was an honor to get to know each of you. I wish you all the best."
Philippe winked at Severus. "Remember what I said on our way here, Severus."
He turned to Anwar and Ariana. "I truly am glad your child is home safe once more."
"Oh, Philippe, do take care," Hermione said sadly.
"I will," said the blue fish, smiling.
Severus made a strange grunting noise, as he was still in his stranglehold in Anwar's arms.
"Thank you, Severus," Philippe said. "I will miss you too."
And with a wave of his fin, Philippe swam off.
"Auberon?" called the Merchieftainess, who was watching from atop her throne.
"What is it, ma'am?" asked the Mercaptain, swimming up swiftly to her side.
"Rescue our wizard friend there from Anwar's tight grip and bring him to me. Leave his mate where she is for the time being," she said.
Auberon quickly swam to Severus's side and brought him over to the Merchieftainess, who told him to remain.
"Severus," she said politely. "I wish to discuss more of how this child came to be taken from our waters. I fear there is more to this kidnapping of Anwar's child than meets the eye. What can you tell me of a possible motive for one of your kind to take a merchild so young?"
"I can think of several uses of a mermaid in spells and potions," said Severus. "Blood and hair can be used, but to use that of an innocent baby, I can only think of the worst kind of dark magic. Philippe's children told us you captured the grindylows who attacked us."
"Yes. The grindylows were quick to give up their information," said Auberon. "They said a dark wizard was involved, but did not know his name. It was he who ordered them to bring the merbaby to him. For what reason, they don't know."
"Well, it is something I intend to discuss with Dumbledore when I return to Hogwarts," said Severus. "We can communicate through Philippe to let you know our progress. I can assure you that I will not rest until I know who has done these horrible things to Cor... Sarafina."
"Again we are in your debt, Severus," said Murcus.
"I am here to serve," said Severus as he bowed low again before her.
"You are free to go and join your mate then," said the Merchieftainess, motioning towards Hermione.
"Thank you," said Severus, bowing away from her.
He looked reluctantly back towards Hermione and Anwar and his little family. He was sincerely hoping to avoid another hug from the overzealous merman. Actually, Severus was relieved to have met him. His first inclination had been to hex the merman's balls off when he saw him. He had wanted to give him a long discussion about how Anwar had failed in his duty as a father to protect Coral from the madman who had captured her. But as he had begun to observe him, Severus knew this not to be true. The merman he saw before him would have done anything to protect his mate and baby. No, the child had been taken from a home and village, which was normally very safe, and there had been no reason to suspect a kidnapping would occur. There was nothing more Anwar could have done.
Hermione was smiling at him rather desperately. Severus supposed he ought to go and save her from whatever awkward conversation Anwar and his mate Ariana might be having with her. He swam swiftly over to her side.
"Are you ready to go, Hermione?" he asked gently.
"Oh, Severus, we were just talking and..." but she didn't get to finish.
"You must come and stay with us this evening," pleaded Ariana. "Please let us at least have the opportunity to show you our gratitude for saving our daughter."
Severus arched his eyebrow and looked towards Hermione.
"Yes, stay. Stay with us you must," insisted Anwar. "For tonight is our village's annual mating ceremony." He gestured to the throne and decorations surrounding them. "Please come to our home so that we might have a double celebration tonight, the return of our daughter and the annual ceremony. Few humans have ever witnessed it, so we honor you by inviting you to attend."
Severus was astounded. He looked desperately to Hermione, who seemed to be just as surprised about all of this as he was. He opened his mouth to give his regrets, but Anwar interrupted.
"No," Anwar said, clapping Severus hard on the back. "I will have none of your regrets. We must insist. You will come to our home and be our guests of honor tonight. There will be time for leaving later. But tonight, you will come with us and celebrate like our brothers and sisters."
"Severus and Hermione of Hogwarts," the Merchieftainess spoke up. "Please do go with Anwar and his family. Be their guests and come to our ceremony tonight. You would honor us all by doing so. Besides, Sarafina would enjoy being with you a little longer."
"Well, then," said Hermione, looking helplessly at Severus. "I guess that settles it. Severus and I would love to come."
"Oh, good," cried Ariana, hugging Hermione and jostling the sleeping Sarafina in her arms. She quickly shifted Sarafina to her other breast and settled her again. "It shall be so much fun. Now, follow us."
Hermione looked at Severus in surprise.
"Well, after you," he said, gesturing towards the already retreating tails of Anwar and Ariana.
Hermione took a deep breath and began swimming after them. This certainly wasn't how she'd expected things to go.
Severus took a last look around the throne. It never hurt to keep looking for means of escape, he thought, then swam after her.
Auberon watched the two of them go. "It is a shame they have to leave our watery home," the Mercaptain said wistfully to the Merchieftainess. "I could have used that Severus on my squad. He is a fierce warrior."
"I agree they both would have been an asset to us," said the Merchieftainess.
"So smart, brave, noble and kind. But there is hope."
"Yes?" asked Auberon.
She smiled coyly at him. "Tonight is the mating festival. And if I am not mistaken, Severus and his mate have a strong desire to be together. If the two mate here in their Merfolk form, they will be magically bonded here forever and will not be able to change back to human form. All we have to do is sit back and watch nature have its way with them. It does seem to bring mates together." She looked to see if anyone was around before she gently wrapped her tail around his.
A knowing smile crept over Auberon's face as he moved closer to his mate and lover. "That it does, my sweet Murcus, that it does." He wrapped his tail even more tightly around hers.
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Latest 25 Reviews for The Mermaid and The Prince
160 Reviews | 7.21/10 Average
Ohh! This was fun! I hope this will get finished one day.
i was so impressed by the previous chapter where u so successfully moved the story along by having hgss stumble upon dmhp in the room of requirement. hope you will remain joyous regardless of your health prognosis. Jesus loves you! i also had a couple of scares, myself!
a very very merry tale!
I think you should do a spin off of this fic as if they stayed and they became merpeople and had a merbaby. That would be an interesting birth. Lol. How did serafina's mom give birth to her?
I'm excited to see this story back. It's always been one of my favs. Suprising twist with a centaur of all things being the villian. I hope we get to see Hermione and Severus go back to visit their Mer-friends. It was good to see so much acceptance for those two.
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Thank you! I'm so glad this is one of your favorites! I'm hoping to get back to work on this story soon!
LOL, nice chapter! Love the trident-wand knocking Ron out, too funny! And then Hermione and Severus breaking down the door in their "knocking"... Just brilliant!
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Yay! Thank you!
Ooh, poor Severus and Hermione - thwarted by Hagrid! Oh well, for their own good I guess. ;)
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Well, Hagrid's timing was either very good or very bad, depending on how you look at it. Severus certainly wasn't happy. LOL!
The Merfolk really do whant Severus and Hermione to stay don't they? Now, does Severus know what will happen if they mate in this form (or does he even care)?
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Yes, the merfolk really do like having them around. Severus's mind was very clouded and overwhelmed by the merman instincts taking over him. The idea of staying there was appealing to him, and in the end his instincts took over the rest.
Interesting that Hermione and Severus are now married because they completed the mating ceremony. That sort of explains the mermen at the window (not that they're not a voyeuristic lot anyway). ;) Can't wait to see Ron's reaction.Cleverly done with having Bane the centaur as the "dark wizard."
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Thank you! I thought Hermione and Severus deserved some happiness. And Bane always seemed rather shifty to me. He's got the beginnings of the perfect villain.
Sweet reunion. Can just imagine Severus being hugged and not let go - poor guy! Devious Murcus trying to get them to remain merfolk forever, we'll just have to wait and read what happens next.
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
I'm so glad you're enjoying the story!
Nice little side-story of Harry and Draco. Too funny on Dumbledore turning them into Hippogriffs!Interesting that Dumbledore never mentioned to Severus and Hermione that if they mate in mer-form they'd be stuck like that forever, so that possibly explains further on Phillippe...
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Awww... I love Draco and Harry. I think it explains so much of the tension between them. And Dumbledore seems to have forgotten that important piece of information about mating in mer-form. Maybe it's just old age.
Hmm, interesting on Phillippe being a former Hogwarts student - strange with the book. Does that have something to do with the Grindylows and the Dark Wizard?Sweet of Severus with the black pearls for his "girls."
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
That book is probably going to come back up again in this story. And that was very sweet of Severus.
This is so neat. I love that Bane's the evil one.
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Thank you! I'm so glad that you like it!
Interesting the Phillippe's a servant of Dumbledore's and the Grindylow are serving a dark master, but what nefarious plan have they for the merbaby?Aw, poor Severus wanting children...perhaps he'll get his wish.
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Severus might just get that wish, if he follows his heart.
Hmmm, poor Severus and his "scale" issue... Very subtle in their interest in one another.Is the "talking fish" Dumbledore? - the meddler!
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Severus was very curious about how his new body functioned. He didn't think he'd stay that way for as long as he did.And, Dumbledore is definitely involved with that talking fish!
“We are not lost!” Severus said grumpily. “Maybe, just a little off-course.”
Hmm, if you say so...
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Even wizards don't like to admit when they are lost. :)
“Hey, want to go see a Quidditch game?” They walked off together, Hermione and the merbaby temporarily forgotten.Typical guys oggling her boobs as if they've never seen boobs before and then easily distracted yet again by Quidditch! Too funny!
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Hee! Glad you liked it!
Cute, maternal instinct kicks in for Hermione and all the men seem a bit agog about it.
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
They weren't sure what to do, were they?
Welcome back! :) xoxoxooxx
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Thank you! It's good to be back!
More more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more, dammit!~LotmI have a whole bunch of to sic on you, if you don't comply!
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Sorry, sorry, sorry!!!
The latest chapter is up now. I hope you enjoy!
And can I just grovel at your feet and tell you how much I enjoyed "The Song"
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
--No groveling! (Especially not when you should be writing, *harrumphf*...)
I love your creativity and passion you have shown in this story. I also loved The Incredible Mr. Limpet. Keep up with the good work!
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Thank you so much!
I hope you enjoy the rest of the story!
Havent I read this chapter b4...? mmmm well you better put the next one up real quick for confusing me in such a manner....
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Yes, you're eyes arent' deceiving you. You've read this one before. I took it down to make a few changes to the rating and other things and then re-posted it.I'm at work on the next chapter. I had a few health set backs, but, I'm at work once again. Glad you're still enjoying the story!
Brilliant, please give us the next chapter soon!!!
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Thank you!I'm working on it!
I'm sure I've already read this... kind of confused now...
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Yes, you have read this one before. Sorry for the confusion. I made a few changes to the ratings and other things and had to re-post it.I am at work on the next chapter. I've had a few health set backs, but am at work again.I hope you continue reading!
Ok, I know I've read this chapter before....Sev and hermione need nookie! LOL....Can't wait for moremarti
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
LOL!Yes, you've read it before. Sorry about the confusion. I took it down to make a few changes and had to re-post it. Working on Sev and Herione nookie as we speak.:)