New Chapter for The Mermaid and The Prince
The Mermaid and The Prince
whimbley160 Reviews | 159 Ratings, 1 Like, 97 Favorites )
Severus and Hermione discover a lost and injured merbaby and must return it to its rightful family, but along the way they run into a "fishy" situation.
Start ReadingChapters (12)
About whimbley
Member Since 2005 | 2 Stories | Favorited by 17 | 29 Reviews Written | 185 Review Responses
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Reviews for The Mermaid and The Prince
I like this story and I hope you continue it :)
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
I've not given up. I just made a few changes to things and had some more health set backs. I hope to update sometime in the future soon.And I'm so glad you've enjoyed it!
very clever story and I love Drago and Harry together. Thank you for continuing this. love, barb
Oh goody, goody!!!! I am SO grateful for your update. I love this story and was a bit afraid that you would aband it after DH, but are so pleased that you like many other brilliant authors make sure that the world of Harry Potter continue its magic (like pairing Hermione and Severus in the most magnificiant ways:-)) I am so happy you had Hermione running after Severus, and by that stop them from being hurt by misunderstandings for a long time before they make up. You can hardly imagine how much I look forward for the next chapter when they reach Severus bedrom....:-)))) Update again soon!!!!!!
Fab chapter! And I loved SS and HG falling in on HP and DM!!! Lol!
I can't wait till your next chapter!
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Thank you so much!I liked that part too!I'm at work on the next chapter already. :)
...I have over a thousand Mob-members I can sic on you. They've been practicing brandishing their pitchforks, scythes, and torches, and they're eager to demonstrate their rope-knotting skills.Are you going to update this story anytime soon? Or shall I let them fill their time with non-reading pursuits?~Lotmthe impatient
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Ack! Call them off!!! LOL!I'm so sorry! My computer died and I've lost everything, including the next chapter. My husband is trying to retrieve the data from my hard drive and is also building me a new laptop. He's pretty busy, so it may take him a while. I will probably just re-write the chapter over again. I'm using a very old computer right now, so I'm limited with what I can do.Again, I'm sorry, but so pleased that you are eager to read it.Thanks!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
*cracks whip over yer butt to get you writing*Work!...Champagne, bubblebath, and fudge-dipped chocolate chip mint cookies await you, if you update soon.~Lotmwho can motivate from both directions, the carrot and the stick...
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Ack! Call them off!!! LOL!I'm so sorry! My computer died and I've lost everything, including the next chapter. My husband is trying to retrieve the data from my hard drive and is also building me a new laptop. He's pretty busy, so it may take him a while. I will probably just re-write the chapter over again. I'm using a very old computer right now, so I'm limited with what I can do.Again, I'm sorry, but so pleased that you are eager to read it.Thanks!
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Whoops! My computer froze on me and I hit the refresh button. It seems to have sent my previous response twice.Sheesh! Sorry about that."...Champagne, bubblebath, and fudge-dipped chocolate chip mint cookies await you, if you update soon."Gah! Now who could resist that? LOL! *gets to work*
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
*smirks, nibbles a tiny piece from a spare cookie, considers telling ze author to hurry or they'll all soon be gone...but no, she already knows...admires the writer's furious, frantic speed...takes another tiny, tiny nibble*~Lotm
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
*cringes*Okay, before you set the mob on me again, please know that the next chapter is with the Beta as I am typing.Had some new laptop issues with Word, but The Husband seems to have taken care of that and it's working now.I really hope you enjoy this one!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
Good. 'Cause I ate almost three pounds' worth in cookies, waiting for more, dammit. (And I'm supposed to be on a diet...)~Lotmwaiting patiently, with torches on standby in case the beta is slow...
I had been thinking about this story recently, hoping to see an update, when I came across it while looking up something else. I remember leaving a review after the first chapter, however, after rereading the last chapter I am embarrassed to see that I never left any others. I have very much enjoyed the entire story and your delightful imagination. I hope to see it continue, however, if not I will gladly keep a look out for any other stories you may present. Good Luck, JoAnne
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Oh, thank you so much! I'm so glad you are enjoying it. I am currently working on the next chapter, and I hope to get it up soon!
What a wonderful story!!! I am not sure if I am happy that Hagrid interrupted when he did or not. In one way I really wanted them back onshore, back to be Severus and Hermione, I think that would be the correct choice for them. But, the mating ritual and their feelings were so beautiful, and both seemed quite happy with the thought of staying with the merpeople forever. The question must be if that was really what they wanted or if they were caught by the magic the ceremony and their newly revealed feelings for eachother (and a tiny little baby). I really look forward for the rest of the story, not at least to see who the dark wizard is. Please update soon!!!
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Thank you so much for your lovely review!I'm sorry it's taking so long for the next chapter. Life has been very busy, but, the next chapter is in the works. I hope to have it up soon!
Update, update, update!!~Lotm
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
LOL! I can't tell you how much I enjoy your angry little mob!Sorry it's taking so long to update. The next chapter is in the works. I hope to have it up soon!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Reviewer)
That angry little mob (I'd love to know where NSS got such a lovely little icon) is about 1,060-ish people strong...and I WILL sic 'em on you, replete with flaming marshmallows and headache-inducing whinges, if we don't update PRONTO!*swooshes flaming torches under yer butt*~Lotm(meant in the best and most encouraging way possible, of course)
I love this story, it's so whimsical and fun! Also full of affection and plenty of moments that make the heart soften and an accidental "awwww" to escape from one's mouth. I cannot wait for the next chapter and to see if Severus and Hermione "will" or "won't"!
Keep up the great fun storytelling!
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Oh thank you, what a lovely review! I'm so glad you are enjoying it as much as I am writing it. I hope you'll like the next chapter just as well.
Hi, im new to this site, and your story is the first i have read. Your story is brilliant, i cant wait for the next chapter to be posted
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Welcome! And thank you so much for the lovely review. I'm really glad you are enjoying it. Life is very busy at the moment, but I am working on the next chapter. I hope to have it up soon!
Woo Hoo! What a chapter. I so love the battling hippogriffs of Harry and Draco, now that's a way to get them to communicate...mmm...sort of...well, you know what I mean. Can't wait for the next chapter. Sev and Hermione are so close to the city. I'm already starting to feel their seperation anxiety for Coral. Please hurry up and post the next chapter. Hugs for this chapter!
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it! This was a really fun chapter to write. Things have been very busy lately, but I am hard at work on the next chapter. I hope to have it up soon.*hugs back*
Great chapter! It's so sweet how Hermione and Severus are bonding with Coral. It almost makes me want them all to stay together. I'm still loving this story and waiting expectantly for the next chapter. ps I'm glad to hear NO CANCER! Yeah! -JT
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Thank you!The next chapter should be coming soon.And thank heavens about the no cancer report. We were very relieved. Thanks!
Oh no!!! Severus! Hermione! Coral! oh no! Great story!
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Thank you so much!The next chapter is in the queue now!
I think this is one of the most unique stories I have found. I really like it.
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Oh, thank you so much! That means the world to me. I hope you will enjoy reading the rest of the story.
Very cute thus far. I have a suspicion as to who the fish is, but i'll keep it to myself.
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Thank you!Hmmm... We'll find out all about that little blue fish in the next chapter.
That was a wonderful chapter.
Is Albus the blue fish?
And we get a bit of a school lesson. Love it!
I hope you are feeling better.
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it.We'll find out all about the blue fish in the next chapter. He's going to help Severus and Hermione on their way.Wasn't that cool about the otters? They're very clever little creatures.And I'm feeling a bit better. Sore, but better. Thanks!
Severus the Fisherman! I like it. But that blue little fish...I bet Dumbledore has a finger in that! LOL!
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
LOL! Severus was quite proud of his fishing abilities. He's becoming quite a natural at it.And you may just be right about Dumbledore and that little blue fish. So glad you're enjoying the story!
Very cute. I would think that Albus would be a purple fish with yellow polka dots though. Eagerly awaiting the next installment.
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Thank you!LOL! I would think Albus would have something sparkly on him too. You'll find out who the fish is in the next chapter. I'm so glad you're enjoying it!
I really loved the banter between them. I also loved the way Severus kept wanting to see her shake her tail LOL.I can't wait for the next chapter.
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Hee! I thought that was funny too. I hope you like the next chapter just as much!
Ooh, that's a cool trick about the otters. I never thought about them doing that, but it makes sense, as they seem to be on the "dinner menu" of so many other sea animals. So will Coral play and flirt with Severus again? I'm still on the edge of my seat, waiting for some nasty critter to pop out and attack. Looking forward to the next chapter!!
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Thanks!Yes, that was interesting about the otters? I thought they were pretty clever. You can look for Severus and Coral to bond more in the next chapter and something may just pop out and attack them too.
This is interesting! I've never come across a story quite like this before. Looking forward to reading more :)
Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm glad you are enjoying it. I hope to have more soon.
Coral! LOL! That's cute. And he is a very protective person, we've seen that through the books. It's not surprising he would set their health first and lose track of the way.
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Hee! Thanks! I liked Coral too. And he is a very protective person. I'm certain he would take good care of them.
Wonderful chapter. I loved the whole getting lost and him not admitting to it. LOL, a man is a man no matter if he's a Muggle or a Wizard.Next chapter please.
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
LOL! That's so true!Glad you liked it. I'm working on the next chapter now.
great chapter. very amusing. waiting for more. thank you. p
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Oh, I'm so glad you liked it!!!I'll be writing more soon.
This is very different from any other stories here. I have to commend you on your originality. Keep up the good work.
Response from whimbley (Author of The Mermaid and The Prince)
Thank you so much! I can't tell you how much these reviews make my day.