New Chapter for Cursed
moogling103 Reviews | 103 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
His lover is cursed to be a hawk at night. Weasley is pawing all over her. Voldemort's still not dead. And the old codger is still meddling. Worst of all, Severus Snape is a bloody kitten.
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About moogling
Member Since 2008 | 1 Story | Favorited by 0 | 0 Reviews Written | 105 Review Responses
Writes a lot.
Doesn't post that much though.
Actually thinks out plots in the shower.
Still likes drawing on the misted-up glass despite her age.
Lacks the concentration span to finish off her stories.
Has a problem juggling three languages (so please forgive me if my English isn't too good!)
Reviews for Cursed
I love LadyHawke! I was so excited to see that someone had answered the prompt. Poor Severus! A kitten's claws can only do so much against an adult male! At night though... Ron had better watch himself.
The story is interesting so far! I love Kitten!Snape. This is the second story for the challenge that has him as a kitten. How cute!I feel kind of sorry for Ron, he's in way over his head. Hopefully our favorite kitten can help him out...
I'm so glad that somebody picked up this prompt, I love the Ladyhawke storyline. So far this is really interesting.Ron as Potions Professor? What the heck is Dumbledore thinking?
This story is coming along great and I hope your writer's block ends soon. I really want to read the rest of this awesome story.
Scrabble is a brilliant idea. Very well done.
LOL Ron couldn't teach himself out of a bag. This is a great chapter.
Thank you for doing this prompt, I'm glad someone did. It has to be one of my favorites.
Very cool about the creation of the spells. That really makes sense. And I soooo did not need that mental image of Voldy discovering Calvin and Hobbes. LOL I might need some brain bleach for that. ;)
LOL I'd like to feel sorry for Lucius, but this evil!Lucius who deserves this. LOL Essence of catnip. Love it.
Ah, Ron. Always reliable for screwing something up in the Potions world. And his timing was impeccable this time.
Interesting start. Though the idea of Severus as a kitten just utterly cracks me up. But he made the best of it in getting Ron. :)
It's good how Severus and Hermione are still trying to help each other.
ROFL! Peeves and Severus teaming up is fabulous!
Ron is fucking idiot. I'm glad you included that in your story. :)
Heartbreaking... just heartbreaking. A great start to the story and I am very interested in how this develops.
Calvin and Hobbs FTW!!! :DLucius should stop complaining and enjoy the kitty attention. Sounds like my personal kind of heaven.
I wonder whatever possessed Dumbledore to hire Ron with no qualifications to teach or about Potions. I wonder if he's got some grander plan with that choice.I get the feeling that Voldemort has something up his sleeve beyond figuring out how well his curse worked. I'm terribly glad that Draco has chosen to disassociate himself with Voldemort though. :)
I loved this movie and your take on it is brilliant so far.
I love Peeves. Malfory, catnip Meow.
Ron teaching potions OH NO! lol AWW cuttie kitty. love it
Interesting thoughts on how spells are created. I loved the image of Lucius covered in catnip, furballs, cat slobber and dust bunnies. Too funny!
I found this chapter a little confusing, but it's quite cute.
That was awesome!
Another cute chapter. I love what happened to lucius. hahaha