New Chapter for Smitten (or the Devil's Advocate Strikes Again)
Smitten (or the Devil's Advocate Strikes Again)
Ms_Figg15 Reviews | 15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
An underaged Hermione stalks Severus Snape. Very OOC, very unlikely scenario, written as a role reversal of "The Smitten Pedophile" Exploratory. No sex. See A/N for more details. AU/AR, COMPLETE, Oneshot, Other, Parody, UST
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About Ms_Figg
Member Since 2006 | 9 Stories | Favorited by 152 | 15 Reviews Written | 85 Review Responses
Young grandma of 6.5 with too much time on her hands, absolutely gah-gah over Severus Snape. Writes AU SS/HG SS/OFC usually all NC-17. Some really do like it hot after all ;)
Reviews for Smitten (or the Devil's Advocate Strikes Again)
I think Hermione's feelings are perfectly normal. Her behavior is crazy but makes good writing. In real life she'd be scary, like Fatal Attraction, the scariest movie I've ever seen. She should get in trouble for coming into his room in the middle of the night and without invitation no matter who he is, teacher or student. It's rude and crossing his personal space. If one has magic, one needs to learn to control one's urges in the realm of amore. Many tempting things could be done like love potions and lust potions, that muggle girls in love don't have to worry about resisting.
As for adults, many girls Hermione's age have very adult bodies and I would imagine could be attractive to an adult male. However, because of her lack of maturity it would be wrong to act on those thoughts. She isn't old enough to make a proper decision. When I was 15 my boyfriend was 18. Then I got married at 18 and my husband was 25.
On the other hand, 100 years ago, my great grandmother was married to an adult man when she was 12. Her mother had passed away when she was 5. The family was impoverished. Her older brother married a girl and it was decided by her father and brother that she would marry the girl's brother. She had 4 children with him and was married 4 more times. She had 7 children all together and outlived them all, which was sad. She was 13 when she had my grandpa. The great grandpa I remember was her 5th husband and she was a mail order bride. My grandpa Jack took grandma and 5 children and raised them as if they were his own. I don't think my grandmother was extremely traumatized by her first marriage, though she didn't want or chose it. She left him because he brought another woman to live with them. She took her kids and left. She and the two older children, 9 and 11 worked for a share cropper picking cotton, while the 5 year old tended the baby all day. That was a more traumatizing time in her life by the stories she told me. When I was a very little girl, my mother must have still had a relationship with great grandma's first husband because I remember his wife, Grandma Daisy when I was 2 or 3. She was nice.
My mother's mother was friends with one of my great grandmother's daughters. She had left home and lived on her own at age 12. She had stayed with them at some point in her teens. Her future husband, my grandpa, was 11 years older than grandma was. He used to discipline her and his sister when they were naughty. Once they were told to stay home and not go to the fair because the sailors were in town that night. Grandma and my aunt were 14. Grandpa caught them on the Ferris wheel. I think they got a woopin. Grandpa and grandma got married 3 years later, when he was 28 and grandma was 17. No one thought anything about it back then. They were married for the rest of their lives. That would have been a similar age span circumstance for Severus and Hermione.
I like the name kittens. I completely understand Hermione's point of view. I also find myself highly dissatisfied with the males my own age- immature twits.
However, I think his response was unsatisfactory. He should have been disturbed, but filed it away for future reference. I also find it annoying that 14 year olds are supposedly only capable of crushes, not love. I think her attraction might go beyond hero-worship, and not be so shallow.
If he was not interested at all, that would be quite reasonable of him, actually, as opposed to him freaking out after she did the Finite. And I love that you used almost the same verbiage.
Well, well wasn't that well written. Excellent! And very much what most grown (men or women) would do. Teenagers only think of themselves. She will get over it and Severus has a right to protect himself from a very real problem. Very well done
Well, I liked that. And Snape is right, if he had been the one doing that, he would be in a shit load of trouble! But, for him to not think that could ever be possible in another time--well, that's heartbreaking.
Very interesting, and (IMO)very true to Snape's character. I think he'd have no use for a little girl, and see her (rightly) as jail-bait.
She is being totally unfair to him. It is even worse than a grown woman stalking him because If she were caught in his room most people would blame him, and his life would be ruined.
Still an interesting story, and a valid exploration paired with your other tale. Thanks for sharing this!
This was really good, and the last part where Severus wakes is especially funny. Good job!
Is it odd that this version seems kind'a innocent to me? Perhaps it's that I don't see her as predatory, while he certainly seemed so. I dunno why. She is STALKING him! LOL!! Again, I love, love, love, the exploration. ((huggles))
I don't think his reaction was too harsh. She's invading his space. I'm thinking of him as a man, not just as Snape. As per your AN at the beginning of the story, some men just aren't interested in some women, for whatever reason, age, looks, etc. Young girls have crushes on older people all the time. (Well, not really, but you know what I mean.) I remember being among a group of girls who thought our Coach was hot. Whoot. That said, no matter how old and wise we feel at younger ages, we truly aren't. We let our hearts guide us illogically sometimes, and that's where the position of the man becomes important. Does he take advantage of this or does he not?Good role reversal. :)
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Reviewer)
Oh, and.... remember Hermione had a crush on Lockhart in her second year? So, she's felt this way about a professor before. Toss in the fact that she feels sorry for him now (seeing what he went through), and bam, he's her next "crush." :)
I think Sev's reaction is sheer perfection. This little Lolita, indeed! He wouldn't risk Azkaban for six seconds, and would take great delight in getting Potter's friend tossed out of the school, except, of course, Dumbles would never do that. He'd just tell Sev to be patient. LOL!
Devil’s Advocate indeed!
Although I’m not sure that it was that far out of character. I mean lots of girls have crushes on older men and follow them around a bit. I’ll admit that sneaking into one’s bedroom is taking that a bit far and I would have thought that Hermione would have had more sense – especially, given the wizard involved! And for all his greasiness and nastiness, I can definitely see why she would develop a crush on him; nothing inspires teenage adoration more than someone who needs “rescuing.” It is to be hoped that she will outgrow it!
I am thinking that it is a little creepy that I found this one a little more creepy than the first one. I am guessing, though, that I just trusted Snape to say his bit and leave and god only knows what a fifteen-year-old who fancies herself in love will do!
loveWell she should be reprimanded, she has no more right to be in his room uninvited , than he has to be in hers. Romantic aspirations or not, it is still an invasion of privacy, not to mention bloody foolhardy, given the wizard concerned!
Hiya,thank you very much for this interesting bit of fiction, although it is not overly fictional. In fact, most girls aged 12 - 15 have a certain period where they tend to "test the waters" with older men. In most cases, they just wear sexy clothes in school, trying to "impress" their teachers. Some even wear loads of makeup and high heels and beat their eyelashes in a suggestive manner, giggling about the boys of the same age, who usually hide their own insecurity behind oversexed language and macho behaviour.However, Adult men ought to see it for what it is: a necessary phase within a girl's development. A part of a female's puperty which they MUST NOT act upon. In fact, most girls in that stage would be quite shocked if they got an adult man's unrestrained response to such behaviour. It's like "please, oh Lord, forgive them, as they know not (yet) what they are doing".In my opinion, Snape's best reaction would be to take the girl aside and talk to her seriously, without offending her. Something like "I do not like you in that way and I have to insist that you stop stalking me, or I will be obliged to report you."
Response from Ms_Figg (Author of Smitten (or the Devil's Advocate Strikes Again))
lol. I just had to pause here. There is a concept that men are not as complicated as women. I don't know how true it is. I think it could be possible that the reason most men don't go for the young girls that go for them is JAIL, and not deep perceptions concerning their "development." Their "development" is probably seen purely in the physical sense. lol. Men are visual beings. All they need to see is nice breasts, a shapely body and their noses flare. Women are much more complicated, although we do look at their shoes. :::snicker::: Take this comment as tongue in cheek. We can't really classify men in one tidy little trick bag. But, considering how insensitive a lot of them can be, it's very tempting to do just that. ;)
Girl, you are bad! And I love it! It's strange how one side is creepy and the reverse is sweet and filled with longing. I too have had my own experiences with wanting older men. I just never got on with boys my own age. My husband is 12 years older than me. I love older men- Alan Rickman, Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro, Pierce Brosnan, Hugh Laurie, heck I still drool over Clark Gable and Fred Astaire. Color me weird. It's great that you can have such a great sense of humor about all this.Livvy
you know now that i think about it, I would be completly freaked out if a 14-15 year old was obsessed with me. not romantic at all, however even if you changed her age most men wouldn't want some lady sneaking into their room to watch them while they sleep and talk about wanting to have thier babies.