New Chapter for Muggle Music
Muggle Music
tinytexans49 Reviews | 49 Ratings, 0 Likes, 59 Favorites )
Hermione has returned to Hogwarts as the new Muggle Studies professor. She decides to teach Severus a thing or two.
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Member Since 2007 | 2 Stories | Favorited by 6 | 192 Reviews Written | 48 Review Responses
Reviews for Muggle Music
Oh Gott! Instant Fav!
interactive story!!
And such a hilarious one.
She'd make a good Slytherin! That gift is proof!
Evil little machine.
And, um, that voice is always in my head with Albus. He's just too weird to be true.
Btw, I had some problems with the songlinks. Youtube helped my out, but just to let you know.
The pug's A/N said go and read it, so I did.
Lovely start!
And I have to say: I like the chapters short.
It makes it easier to point out things.
but where was her body?! Epic question.
Wonder how they are supposed to get together in four more chapters in a believable way after that first encounter.
Let's see...
And he's quite the voyeur, right? Took him a while to announce his presence. lol
Very funny.
Aaah. The pain!
The stitches.
Brilliant stuff.
I keep holding my belly from all the pain this caused.
Frikkin awesome.
The songs just strike home.
And so as not to disturb the billow had me screaming.
The public humiliation - and the private one. I hope he doesn't slay one or two first year Hufflepuffs later in that story (although, he might be excused by the Wizengamot under those circumstances)!!!
Madam, you get some of my rare stars for this incredible madness!
Good story- BUT! Being in China at the moment, I have no access to blogspot, and hence don't know the names of some of the songs they're listening to. Knowing that Severus was hearing a Britney Spears song is amusing enough, but knowing which one would be better. Might I suggest naming the songs, so people in a similar predicament might better enjoy your fic? Wonderful!
*Is unbanned now and can review* Good thing I decided not to refill my coffee mug before this chapter. Though the mental image of the road safety hedgehogs that 'Stayin' Alive' induces in us Brits probably isn't what you intended!
That was extremely enjoyable! But what happened to the charm? I wouldn't mind an iPod like that if I could keep the volume down to a private level. No need for everyone to be knowing my thoughts!
Response from tinytexans (Author of Muggle Music)
lol I hear ya! As far as the charm goes... I'll leave it to your imaginings!! Thanks for reviewing!
Response from tinytexans (Author of Muggle Music)
lol I hear ya! As far as the charm goes... I'll leave it to your imaginings!! Thanks for reviewing!
fabulous absolutely fabulous! loved werewolves of london! thanks so totally rock!
Response from tinytexans (Author of Muggle Music)
Tee hee! Thanks so much! I really appreciate it! You rock too... for reviewing!!
Response from tinytexans (Author of Muggle Music)
Tee hee! Thanks so much! I really appreciate it! You rock too... for reviewing!!
really liked this; never read anything "interactive" before...this is great- loved the song choices to go with your funny story.
Response from tinytexans (Author of Muggle Music)
Yay! Thank you so much! I am glad you enjoyed it!
this was a great idea. I've never read anything like this. It's great! funny, and sweet, and the soundtrack is a great gimmick. almost like going to the movies :) have you done more of these? I suppose I could just check.....this was a lot of fun to read! and I think it's rather funny that only when we got to the depeche mode song and snape starts to enjoy and listen to the music do we get to a song I actually enjoy...ha ha. well, I think it's funny. so.
Response from tinytexans (Author of Muggle Music)
LOL! Another DM fan, huh? I am glad you enjoyed the story! This was my first but I would like to do another... if the muse ever bites again! Thanks for your review!
I was rather uncertain if I would appreciate the multimedia portion of the story-- but I have to say that it's fun. The mechanic in the story (floating ipod) was more than a bit silly and contrived, but the whole story was tongue-in-cheek anyway, so it fit the tone just fine. P.S. Thanks for the Potter Puppet Pals mention at the begining-- I'd never seen them before!
Response from tinytexans (Author of Muggle Music)
Yes, Yes, I know it's not much without the gimmick! But hey... it's all in good fun, right!? Yes, Potter Puppet Pals is quite amusing... Thanks for reviewing.
This story was amazing. I loved having the music to go along with it, it really enhanced the story!
Response from tinytexans (Author of Muggle Music)
Thank you so much!
I had to laught al the way trough the story.I meen "staying alive"......bloody brilliant.I always hear Alice Coopers' "Poison" in my head when I think of Snape, but now it's the Beegees forever!!Thank you so much for this story, it made my day!
Response from tinytexans (Author of Muggle Music)
Alice Cooper! YES!!! LOL That's great. I am so glad you enjoyed this story. Thanks for reviewing!
OMG, that was hilarious! I loved the Gimme More crumpets. Now every time I watch an HP movie, I will think of Stayin' Alive when Snape walks.
Response from tinytexans (Author of Muggle Music)
Yes!!! I know. I would love a video of just the scenes with him walking set to that song!! LOL Thanks so much for the review!!
It was perfect. I have read a lot of fanfic with music insert in it but it's the first one where I could realy listen to the song at the same time. The timing was good too. You went beyong the usual story to include a universe it felt so much more real. Thank you for this and keep the writing!
Response from tinytexans (Author of Muggle Music)
Wow! Thank you so much! I am so glad you thought so! Thanks for reading and for reviewing!!
This was really brilliant -- I love how it was interactive!
Response from tinytexans (Author of Muggle Music)
Thank you so much!!
I've been meaning to review the rest of your story but real life got in the way!!!It was a wonderful story! Very creative and witty!Thanks for sharing! :)
Response from tinytexans (Author of Muggle Music)
That's okay! Thanks so much for coming back and letting me know what you thought! I appreciate it! I am glad you enjoyed it!
I think you may have started a new trend since I've never had the pleasure of reading a story tied to music like this one. Outstanding, original and...well can't think of another "O" word at the moment.
Response from tinytexans (Author of Muggle Music)
LOL Thanks so much! It certainly was fun to create! Thanks so much for reading and for reviewing!
I'd forgotten how much I like Depeche Mode. thanks for using it. I really liked all of your music choices, and I love the story.
Response from tinytexans (Author of Muggle Music)
Thank you so much! I am so glad you liked the story. and the music choices! Thanks for reviewing! Makes my day! (Yes, LOVE Depeche Mode!)
I love Maroon 5, and I can see why Severus was so icy about the Brittany song. I can't really see him as a pop princess fan.
Response from tinytexans (Author of Muggle Music)
Yeah, not exactly. LOL Thanks for reading!
I love your song choices! A personal theme music generator. Wonderful!
Response from tinytexans (Author of Muggle Music)
Thanks so much!
I really like the music idea. I've never heard some of the songs, and it was nice hearing new stuff.Also, I like the premise of giving Severus a mostly uncontrolable Ipod.
Response from tinytexans (Author of Muggle Music)
Thanks! It was an idea that had been bugging me for quite a while! Thanks for the review!
That sounds a little like sour grapes, to me.
Response from tinytexans (Author of Muggle Music)
Lovely ending. Even though my slow connection only played me about half of each song, it was enough to really enjoy this. You've revolutionized the song fic genre!And the story was adorable. I liked the bit with Remus, and the ending is lovely!
Response from tinytexans (Author of Muggle Music)
I am glad you got to hear some of the songs at least. It really makes a difference! Thanks so much for reading and for reviewing! I am glad you enjoyed it!!
Duuude, I never realized how much "Young Girl" is such a perfect song for them. Brava!
Response from tinytexans (Author of Muggle Music)
Thanks! Kind of appropriate, huh!? Thanks for reading!
Bwwhahahah--no one else around to sneer it to! I love it. Now on to the next....
Response from tinytexans (Author of Muggle Music)
Tee hee!!! I love that bit... Thanks for reviewing!!!!