New Chapter for Breathing Love
Breathing Love
anogete207 Reviews | 207 Ratings, 0 Likes, 230 Favorites )
Spoilers for DH!!! Hermione has problems of her own, but she can't resist trying to track down the man she saw in a small cafe just down the street from her new flat. He couldn't possibly be Severus Snape, could he?
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About anogete
Member Since 2005 | 6 Stories | Favorited by 258 | 8 Reviews Written | 655 Review Responses
I'm a 26-year-old Accounts Payable manager for a construction company. Basically, I'm paid to write checks and intimidate the menfolk around here. I live with my boyfriend and our dog. I wasn't sucked into the HP fandom until just after the release of HBP. So, I'm a newbie compared to most of the fans out there. I've written in several other fandoms (under different pennames) - Anita Blake, Buffy, X-Files, etc.
Reviews for Breathing Love
Such an adorable and sweet story. I loved watching them come together!
Beyond delightful!
One of the few parts of DH I thought she did perfectly was the "Always". You may well have outdone her.
I don't think anybody liked that epilogue. Harry & Ginny I agreed with. Hermione & Ron? No way no how!!! Not to mention it was more tease than anything. Sheesh...
I loved the development of this story. The Way you wrote the characters was great. Any chance of a sequel? Maybe?
Loved this story. It was wonderful.
His confession was perfect!
Wonderful beautiful and very touching. I absolutely adored the tender kitchen moments.
I loved this story! Great work, I read it in about 2 hours lol
Another wonderful story by anogete. It seems that I can't get enough of your writing today!
And I don't mind seeing the romantic side of Snape every now and then. "The Prince's Tale" in book seven most definitely proved that he has one.
I also tend to pretty much disregard the epilog. His portrait never appeared in Hogwarts. If that's not proof of his survival, I don' know what is... :)
This is perfect SS/HG, aged to perfection. I loved it and it has excellent potential if you ever found you wanted to lengthen it; there are so many opportunities to read between the lines and years to explain or expound upon the future. Kudos.
I am so glad that Severus's potion worked. This way, they can live a long and happy life together. Too bad you didn't write the Daily Prophet article. It would have been hilarious to hear about peoples' reactiokns. This was a lovely romantic story. Yay for Severus loving Hermione without thinking about her as Lily!
Gosh, I would have loved to see his full return to the wizarding world with Hermione at his side. Ah well, at least everyone is happy!Great fic!Livvy
Oh my gosh, that made me cry. It was so beautiful! So touching. Livvy
I also chased this story here from Ashwinder! Imagine my suprise to find I was a member! Forgot all about this place! THank you for a wonderful, wonderful story. I am so proud of the way you wiggled out of the death trap that was DH. Personally, I have just decided to delete the DH ending altogether because I cannot wrap my brain around the idea of him being dead. But you have given a beautiful alternative while staying utterly true to canon. Good job!
Response from anogete (Author of Breathing Love)
I'm so sorry about the Ashwinder debacle. That was completely my fault. I thought I had uploaded it to the site, but I hadn't. At the time, I wasn't online much, so I didn't notice the complete lack of reviews for the final chapter. I just surfaced for air in the world of HP and HG/SS and noticed that I'm an idiot. :-) Anyway, I'm very happy to hear that you enjoyed the story. I think everyone who is a huge Snape fan can't really wrap her head around him being dead. I'm sure he'll live on forever in our minds and in fanfiction. I'm certainly not going to write a Snape-is-dead fic. ;-)
I was waiting for the last chapter to be updated on Ashwinder but it never came. I'm glad I found it here so I could finally read the ending, wonderful story by the way!
Response from anogete (Author of Breathing Love)
I knew there was a reason why I suck. :-) I completely forgot to upload that last chapter to Ashwinder. I'm actually going to do it today. ::hangs head in shame:: At any rate, I'm very glad you found the remainder here and enjoyed it!
Once again, you have written a beautiful story! I'm not sure if I can reconcile the 'happy' Snape tho but in the end, I honestly didn't care. Such a sweet tale, so tragic and comes at the end. Please write more!
Response from anogete (Author of Breathing Love)
I'm exactly like you. I'm not sure Snape could ever really be happy, but I'm such a squeeing romantic that I look past that sometimes. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Loved this story! I just read it all in one go and I loved it. It made me relive all the sadness I felt when reading about Snape's memories in DH but this time with a happy ending. It's also really original, different from various others I've read and I liked the idea of Snape baking biscuits. All in all, let me repeat: I loved it! Great work!
Response from anogete (Author of Breathing Love)
Thank you! I'm glad the sadness for poor Snape came through. I was so upset after finishing DH. I went back and re-read the memories chapter twice the next day because I'm a glutton for punishment. It makes me cry every time. Anyway, I'm very happy you enjoyed my fic!
So sweet! Thank you for the lovely fic.
Response from anogete (Author of Breathing Love)
Thank you for the lovely review!
Perfect!!! Loved this lovely story! :)
Response from anogete (Author of Breathing Love)
Thank you!
*sigh* And yet another of the stories that I have eargerly looked for updates to draws to a close.
A very enjoyable close, but a close nonetheless.
You know, a short story of how Snape and Hermione deal with all those torturtured-hero worshipping fanwitches would be good *hinthint*
Response from anogete (Author of Breathing Love)
I'm terribly behind on responding to reviews. I should be ashamed. As for those fanwitches, I'm sure I'd be among them. Thoughts of Snape make my heart go pitter-pat. I just talked my boyfriend into reading the HP books. He's starting book five and says that he actually *likes* Sirius. I was disgusted, and he just told me that I didn't like Sirius because he picked on Snape. Obviously, he doesn't understand that Snape is my second boyfriend.
I am so glad Severus agreed to return to the Wizarding World. Hermione has been cured. Ron can't keep a secret. Severus and Hermione are celebrating in bed. Yes, all is right with the world. I enjoyed your story. Another imaginative way to deviate from DH.
Response from anogete (Author of Breathing Love)
::sigh:: I love happy endings. Anyway, glad you enjoyed the fic!
Oh, it's over :( I'm actually a bit dissapointed. After the great job you did with the last chapter I somehow expected more chapters to develop their relationship and to see Severus' come back to the wizarding world. Yes, I wanted more drama and angst! Nevertheless, it wasn't a bad chapter, I rather liked it but to me it seemed a little rushed. At least I got that impression.
It will be sad not to wait for this story anymore! It brightened up my days!
Thank you very much for sharing such a wonderful story!
Response from anogete (Author of Breathing Love)
I think all of my endings are rushed because I'm such an impatient sort of person. As much as I like to write fic, I always lose interest before I finish it. If I don't wrap it up quickly, then I'll never finish it, and it will sit on my computer and never see the wilds of the internet. So, I totally understand why you got that impression. I get it too.
Anyway, glad you liked the fic!
more? please????
Response from anogete (Author of Breathing Love)
Sorry, no more, but I hope to write additional fics in the future.
Response from purelush (Reviewer)
Okay. Fair Enough
Very enjoyable. Thanks for writing!
Response from anogete (Author of Breathing Love)
I'm terribly behind on responding to reviews. I should be ashamed. Anyway, thank you!