New Chapter for Hermione Goes Shopping
Hermione Goes Shopping
Satai Delenn18 Reviews | 18 Ratings, 0 Likes, 28 Favorites )
Hermione is feeling bored and neglected by her husband. What will happen when she decides to take matters into her own hands?
This story was written in response to the DBCA Smut!Fest Challenge and part of the challenge was that 1 line each from six random sources around you had to be used...
Disclaimer: This is just the usual... I do not own the characters of Harry Potter. They belong to JK Rowling. I am only borrowing them for fun. The story however is most defintely mine; for better or for worse. ;)
Chapters (1)
About Satai Delenn
Satai Delenn
3 Stories | Favorited by 7 | 68 Reviews Written | 49 Review Responses
I enjoy writing, and I am currently taking creative writing classes. I am learning quite a bit in my class, and my eyes have been opened to new things. I am branching out into areas that I previously would never have dared to. I have more confidence in myself as a writer, and as a person. I was a finalist in the 2009 Skyway Writers Festival.
Edit: 6/1/07
OK, I am officially in shock now. My story is currently featured on the Home Page of this Site. Thank you to everyone who has read it and thank you to those that got it featured. I am eternally grateful!
Reviews for Hermione Goes Shopping
I loved the idea that there are actually wizarding sites on the net. Delightful story.
Response from Satai Delenn (Author of Hermione Goes Shopping)
lol. Well, I am delighted that you are delighted with the story. I had fun writing this. I'm still working on my "real" story, lol. It's slow going, but I'm getting more accomplished each day.I cannot use my new motto yet, because I do not wish to spoil anything for anyone who has not finished the 7th book.Anyway, again, I'm glad you liked this story. It was a fun diversion from the very lengthy story I'm in the middle of.
That was fun! ^.^ Thanks for sharing!
Response from Satai Delenn (Author of Hermione Goes Shopping)
You are most welcome. I am glad you enjoyed it!
Great Job! I must say it wasn't what I thought when I clicked on the button, but I'm really glad I decided to see what this little fic was about! I can't wait to see what else you come up with.
Response from Satai Delenn (Author of Hermione Goes Shopping)
Hehehehe. Yes, well, lol, I decided to use a tame title and let the story speak for itself, lol.I'm glad you liked it!My next story (when it's ready) is going to be extremely angsty. Not at all fluffy like this one. The stories I have attempted to write previously are all extremely angsty. This is the first story that not only did I manage to complete, but also the first that is just fluffiness.Thank you very much for the review!
Wow, I had no idea Hermione could be so... so brazen. Did she ever get round to telling Ginny what she preferred? Great job, loved it. :) Zanna
Response from Satai Delenn (Author of Hermione Goes Shopping)
Lol, I'm glad you loved it! Hmmm.... After Sev's and Hermione's conversation, I'm not so sure she did, lol.Thanks for the review!
a most enjoyable read. you write very well. Am marking it as a "Favourite"
Response from Satai Delenn (Author of Hermione Goes Shopping)
Thanks Annie! Much appreciated! And yes, I trust Severus Snape too! He is NOT a traitor!
Satai, I must say.. wow.. that was one hell of a hot story. Really cool how you've managed to get all those lines in without making it sound really bizarre. Well done! I've already saved the story on my computer :) You go girl!
Response from Satai Delenn (Author of Hermione Goes Shopping)
Thanks Miranda!Lol, yeah, I really, really, REALLY started to hate a few of those lines! lol.
Response from mirandaxxxkiss (Reviewer)
I can understand that :) but you did a great job!
Response from Satai Delenn (Author of Hermione Goes Shopping)
Thank you again Miranda!
Well done, nicely put together and for your first time I like that you decided to jump right in instead of just getting your toes wet.
Response from Satai Delenn (Author of Hermione Goes Shopping)
Lol, thank you! I've got other stories that I've started writing, unfortunately, I never got around to finishing them. I suppose that some of those attempts helped me to learn a bit more each time until I was FINALLY able to finish one, lol.I'm glad you liked this!And this story has definitely helped me to decide to continue a story I started a few months ago. I mean, if I can complete this, then I can complete the others, lol.
I rconised romans right away, great story. I loved how Hermione got a dose of reality from Severus talkin about their sex life with Oliver. Too funny! Of course, Hermione should have known better than to admit to talking to Ginny. The less men know the better!
Response from Satai Delenn (Author of Hermione Goes Shopping)
Lol, too true! She should have known better but she thought she'd be safe (girl talk and all). However, she forgot whom she's married to! After all, what's good for the goose is good for the gander, right? I am very glad you like the story and thank you so very much for reviewing!
Just, well, my goodness. {Fans self} Nicely done.
Response from Satai Delenn (Author of Hermione Goes Shopping)
Hahaha. Well, thank you very much! I am pleased you like it!I am currently in the process of writing another fic. This one contains Severus and an original character. I have been working on it for a few months now and I am guessing it is perhaps about 1/3 - 1/2 done (I haven't decided yet). This one will be very angsty but I look forward to completing it and posting it. Especially since it has a very interesting surprise in it and I really am stunned it hasn't been thought of before. Though I am pleased I will be the first to think of it!And thank you to everyone who has reviewed! You have no idea how much it means to me!
LOL!! This was a good story, dildo and all... naughty Hermione. And Severus being a peeper too! Good job!
Response from Satai Delenn (Author of Hermione Goes Shopping)
Wow. Thank you very much! Though really, what's a girl to do when her spouse neglects her needs? And yes, poor Sevie having to watch his wife having fun without him.
I think you did a really great job of incorporating all of your lines and yes I did roll my eyes at the end...but I really enjoyed the story.
Response from Satai Delenn (Author of Hermione Goes Shopping)
Lol. Thank you very much. The two toughest were the Roman one and the garden one. And I do thoroughly realize how cheesy that "cream-filled cake" line was but since this was not an angsty fic I decided to leave it in. I am immensely pleased that you liked the story. I was worried it would be too on the cheesy side, lol. And thank you SOOOO much for reviewing!
Note to self: Print off this fic, make my other half read it, and then maybe he will understand the benefits of Loved it!
Response from Satai Delenn (Author of Hermione Goes Shopping)
Hehehe. Just don't go to, lol. I just wish to reiterate that it is not an adult sex shop, lol. It's a clothing store but for the purposes of the story I turned into an adult toy shop, lol.Oh I am SO glad you liked it!Thank you so much!
the Queen of Squick's response:DONT tell someone not to go somewhere, they'll just do it anyway! lol
Response from Satai Delenn (Author of Hermione Goes Shopping)
Lol. Yes, that's true. I merely meant though that if you're looking for adult toys, that isn't the place to go, lol. It is a FABULOUS place to shop for clothes though! Some of my favorite leather jackets and most of my clothes come from there and I almost always get compliments on my clothing now that I shop there.
For a girl with a sleeping libido lately, I think you just gave it a jumpstart. Wow! Talk about your perfectly squeezed ... I was going to say lemons, but hey, those too!
Response from Satai Delenn (Author of Hermione Goes Shopping)
lol. Thank you. As for the "sleeping libido", lol, it's really non-existant. The only "experience" I have is what I read and what I hear about my friends' love lives, lol. The only thing really sleeping was my ability to complete a story. This is my first completed fic, lol. I am truly glad you like it! And yay! My very first review! I'm so happy! Thank you!
Great story Satai, its Snapeswoman saw your name and decided to read your story, am glad I did. Loved the idea of Wizarding websites. Keep writing cant wait to read more of your stories.
Response from Satai Delenn (Author of Hermione Goes Shopping)
Thank you SnapesWoman! It's funny; I didn't really think about it when I was writing it, but as I have thought about it since, I figure, with all the Muggleborns out there, why wouldn't some of them have started wizarding websites for those that know how to use computers and want a place to shop? lol.Yes, I am still writing. I have two stories I feel are worthy of posting, but one is on the backburner, while I work on the current one, and then I will continue working on the other one. I don't want to post the one I'm working on right now, until it's finished. I have several reasons for this; mainly it's because I don't like when stories get posted that aren't yet finished and then the author tires of the story and just disappears. So, I'd rather finish it, and THEN post it.Thanks for your kind comments! Much appreciated!
that was indeed a very nice " bed time " story.....i will definately have sweet dreams now. lol. keep up the good work.
Response from Satai Delenn (Author of Hermione Goes Shopping)
Thank you very much!
This was quite an entertaining little romp! You did a great job of incorporating the outside sources into the story. A wonderful first effort. If you don't mind one little bit of constructive criticism, however, you have one of the character names misspelled. Ginny's name is Ginevra, not Ginerva. As a suggestion, anytime you need to check spelling, (or tons of other little details) you can use the Harry Potter Lexicon. Sychophant Hex also has a list of Canon Words with all the correct spellings. I hope to read more of your writings!
Response from Satai Delenn (Author of Hermione Goes Shopping)
Glad you liked it Stormy! And thank you for pointing that out. I always thought it said "Ginerva" (I do use the Lexicon, lol). I swear sometimes I MUST be slightly dyslexic!
That was a great story .I loved it.You know how to make snape sound so sexy. . I loved it.
Response from Satai Delenn (Author of Hermione Goes Shopping)
Thank you SnapesLover. It does help to think of that beautiful, deep, sensual barritone voice that Alan has when writing (I am a MASSIVELY obsessed Alan Rickman fan).
Response from snapeslover (Reviewer)
i as well am obsessed with alan rickman. hope to be come friends
Response from Satai Delenn (Author of Hermione Goes Shopping)
If you're ever looking for AR websites, you are welcome to peruse the two I run. We have a lot of fun and our conversations go everywhere, lol.
Response from snapeslover (Reviewer)
yes i would could i have theaddresses of them. i would love to.
Nice! Those were very tough lines to include in the story, but you pulled it off. I love how Ginny helps Hermione out. What are friends for? Thanks!
Response from Satai Delenn (Author of Hermione Goes Shopping)
Thank you
Response from Satai Delenn (Author of Hermione Goes Shopping)
(is this a cross between Dr. Who & Star Trek? Q was one of my favorite characters).I'm very glad you enjoyed the story! I happen to be partial to the idea that Hermione & Ginny would become friends even though Ginny is younger. Ginny always struck me as someone who could be friends with anyone easily and be very comfortable in any situation so I decided that she was the only one that could help Hermione with her "problem".Thank you very much for the review!
Response from DoctorQ (Reviewer)
On the nose! I'm a huge fan of Doctor Who and ST:TNG. Plus, its an abbreviation of my real name. Q kinda reminds me of Snape sometimes...I bet if Q was a wizard, he'd be a Slytherin. Yum.
Response from Satai Delenn (Author of Hermione Goes Shopping)
Lol. I never thought about it before, but yes, Q would definitely be a Slytherin. Though to me (now that I have thought about it), he seems more like Draco (thinking that the Q are superior to everyone, yet [based upon the scene on the top of the Tower at the end of HBP], has some doubts about that superiority sometimes, and thinks maybe there might be a better way to go about things. At least, this is the impression I got of Draco at the end of HBP).