The Gift
Chapter 1 of 1
ladyofthemasqueSeverus contemplates giving a very personal gift in 100 words.
ReviewedSeverus weighed the velvet pouch in his hand as he waited in the parlour. He was only somewhat reluctant to do this; the objects inside had been a part of him all of his life, and to pass them into the keeping of another person was beyond nerve-wracking. But he trusted his beloved…didn’t he?
“What’s in the bag?” Remus asked him, curious.
“My balls. I’m giving them to Hermione.”
Harry and Ron, sitting on the sofa, collapsed in howls of laughter.
Severus flushed, snapping, “My childhood balls, you twits! They’re made of wood, not…! She’s pregnant!”
That shut them up.
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Latest 25 Reviews for The Gift
20 Reviews | 5.95/10 Average
I've read this several times, and it still makes me grin. Thanks!
Major giggle at the end! :)
I am just now reading this story for the first time. I cannot stop laughing! Thank you, thank you! OMG!
Snapes balls.....hehehehehe...I need a shower!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of The Gift)
......No, I don't want to know. I don't need to know, and I'm not going to know...~Lotm
OK. Just. died. laughing. Very entertaining.
So cute and funny. Great as always!
Oh....My.....Goodness! I've just peed my pants with hysterical laughter! One more gem of spectacular quill work from LotM!*pass me a kleenex would you?*
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of The Gift)
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of The Gift)
*passes you a box and several packets of sani-wipes, plus a disclaimer that she's NOT responsible for any reactions you may have whilst reading Lotm's works...*Glad you liked it!~Lotm
“My balls. I’m giving them to Hermione.”You could have left it at that, and it would have still been hilarious!!! As a matter of fact, I think it's a wholly appropriate wedding gift from any husband to his wife... if he knows what's good for himself, that is... *arches eyebrow menacingly at any passing male*GG
It's been wonderful to have you back! Your snippet has cheered my evening immensely.
Bwahhaaahhaaa! Have to admit, I'd laugh too right along with Harry & Ron!Missy
Stars and fish, that was funny. Either way, it was true, wasn't it!
I guess Hermione being pregnant by Severus would shut the boys up. Well, for the short time before they erupted in enraged howls, or made a rush for the porcelain god.Severus must have been flustered. He's usually more eloquent with insults. Can't say I blame him, giving such an explanation within earshot of Harry and Ron.Very satisfying last line there!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of The Gift)
Considering how he's dating Hermione, she probably had him swear to cut back on the insults (not cut them out completely, but to be nicer...which is quite a lot to ask, for him)... Glad you liked it!~Lotm
LOL, very cute, gave me a laugh to start my day off right. Gave me an even bigger laugh at the fact I'm taking my male dog to be neutered today so a fitting story :)As always love your work
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of The Gift)
*winces for your poor dog's sake*...Erm, yeah, that's funny timing! *snerks* ~Lotm
Lotm that was just great!
Coincidentally I had one of those days last Saturday. I was with my friends, and one of them just kept saying things that could easily be taken out of context- it didn't help that my mind seemed to be in the gutter and had no trouble running with the more laden meanings.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of The Gift)
Yup. I've been there. Glad you loved it!~Lotm
Hahahahahahahaha!!! Too damn funny!
I laughed at everybody! Fabulous!!! Thanks for sharing!
hahaha very cute but I don't get the childhood balls thing. *hides*
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of The Gift)
You know those really old, painted wooden balls (like wooden blocks, only round) that some kids grew up playing with? So old they're an heirloom? That's what he's giving to her...for her to share with their child. It's a subtle subtext, but he's saying, "I accept the fact that we're going to have a child, and welcome said child into our lives."~Lotm
*can't breathe*
Oh dear God. Poor Severus.
And crap, my mascara is running now.
*wipes away tears of laughter*
Oi now my side hurts too. GREAT job!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of The Gift)
Not responsible for lack of breath, runny mascara, smeared makeup, tearstreaked cheeks, aching sides, or giving you a good time....No, wait, I'll claim that I gave you a good time. ;->~Lotm
Very funny !