New Chapter for All in the Family
All in the Family
averygoodun118 Reviews | 118 Ratings, 0 Likes, 78 Favorites )
When Hermione leaves her boyfriend rather suddenly, Harry invites her to stay at his place, much to the irritation of his other flatmate - Severus Snape.
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About averygoodun
Member Since 2005 | 19 Stories | Favorited by 316 | 122 Reviews Written | 1,064 Review Responses
Right. I would like to state, for the record, that I WILL finish "She Married Her Choice". I will. Assuming I am in control of my own destiny and accomplishments, that is. ;-)
Unfortunately, real life (mainly an attention craving three-year-old) and inspiration have been keeping me from creative endeavors for a while now. I do foresee a time when that shall pass, but until then, I ask for your patience.
Thank you!
Reviews for All in the Family
"Now go away" LOL!
Interesting family that. A father who never knew he was, a sister who isn't really a sister, and both were the father's students... it's mind-boggling!
Harry is almost acting the father in this relationship.
Great revenge!
well the dark hair and moodiness could have come from Snape!
This Epilogue is so sweet -- and, in some parts, just like a Mel Brooks movie. Roger showing up, and Snape thinking he was Hermione's father, and ... well you get my drift. I love the whole thing!!!Mrs. Granger's defense of Severus was biting and brilliant!Turning back to Roger, she said, very seriously, “It would appear that murder is far more serious a crime than philandering, but mitigating circumstances for murder are more likely than for messing around. From what I've heard, Severus was forced to kill. Were you, dear Roger, forced to fuck?”The ending of this Epilogue is one of the best I have ever read in the SSHG ship:I will end this story by saying that I imagine those who sought to punish me never guessed how liberating prison would end up being. It was designed to humiliate me, but instead it gave me a family.The end.Now go away.You have phenomenal talent, and I hope you realize what a gift it is. There are many of us, I am certain, who wish we possessed such a gift, and secretly yearn to be able to creat as you do. Well done. 1000 more Points to Averygoodun!Beth
Like Brissinggammen, I loved this passage:I hadn't intended to make such a bold declaration, but looking at her earnest face so full of concern for me, I let the words just slip from my mouth. If I wanted to be pathetically sentimental, I would say that my heart took advantage of my brain's slight confusion and undertook a coup d'état – but I'm not the soppy sort.I will say it was the longest moment of my life, waiting for her reaction.It is pure Severus.The "talk" the three of them had when Hermione told them of her decision to move out seems completely authentic. I can imagine a family having such a discussion. The last four sentences of the chapter just made me melt. “We're a family, Severus. At least, I hope we are...”He smiled down at her, a real smile this time, and squeezed her hand back.“It doesn't bother you that I'm your brother's father?” he asked with a glint in his eye.She shook her head mischievously. “I'm obviously adopted, so I don't see the problem.”I cannot find the words to tell you how much I love your writing -- so I'll just say: 1000 Points to Averygoodun!
The beginning cracked me up!“Severus?” Hermione called out from kitchen. He sighed as he put his book down. She seemed to have an infuriating knack of interrupting just when the story was getting interesting. He made his way to the kitchen as slowly as possible, knowing it would annoy her.“You is calling, Miss?” Snape said mockingly.Too funny. I love the way your have written Poppy, and made her a Syltherin, too. Well done.Now that Harry know Severus has feelings for Hermione, it can't be long before Hermione picks up on it too, but I think she already has. Love is in the air. And I love it!!! This is fabulous!!!Beth
Hermione has a little Slytherin in her! And she gets Snape! This is great plot execution! You go, girl!Beth
I'm hooked. You got me from the very beginning! I LOVE THIS STORY -- and it's only the Prologue!
A delightful read. I especially like Sev's oh-so-sardonic 'voice' throughout!
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!
This was a completely enjoyable bit of fluff, and the ending very Snapeish. It gave me quite the giggle.
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
Thanks. That's what it was intended to be!
I couldn't resist, so I'm glad you liked it! Cheers!
What a delightful, entertaining read! I love SS's 'voice'--sardonic and yet mellowed with age and acceptance. It's nice to read a Severus who isn't totally emotionally stunted, either.
Made me chuckle :)xxx
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
I'm so glad! Thanks!
I enjoyed this story very much!
loving the concept!!
delicious! especially loved mrs granger's logical question. thanks so much