New Chapter for All in the Family
All in the Family
averygoodun118 Reviews | 118 Ratings, 0 Likes, 78 Favorites )
When Hermione leaves her boyfriend rather suddenly, Harry invites her to stay at his place, much to the irritation of his other flatmate - Severus Snape.
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About averygoodun
Member Since 2005 | 19 Stories | Favorited by 316 | 122 Reviews Written | 1,064 Review Responses
Right. I would like to state, for the record, that I WILL finish "She Married Her Choice". I will. Assuming I am in control of my own destiny and accomplishments, that is. ;-)
Unfortunately, real life (mainly an attention craving three-year-old) and inspiration have been keeping me from creative endeavors for a while now. I do foresee a time when that shall pass, but until then, I ask for your patience.
Thank you!
Reviews for All in the Family
Excellent story Avery.
Sorry it took me so long to read.
Thank you.
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
Thanks, Patty! No worries... thanks for reading it in the first place!
I truely enjoyed this. Sweet and funny. Thank you!
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
Thank you!
What an excellent job. I lovedit! It was funny and interesting with great dialogue (which I also love). I like the way you were able to keep them all in character and yet blend them all together. The personal narrative was a nice touch and worked very well, too. Thanks for taking up the challenge, it's just what I was hoping for. This one's a keeper. -- JoAnne
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
Oh, I'm glad you liked it! Thank you for the tantalizing prompt! I really enjoyed writing this.
Perfect ending to a terrific story! I could 'hear' your dialogue very well, and your characters were great. Not gooey, but pleasant when called for. Hope to see another plot from you soon!
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
I love this, it is so cute. That was really an adorable story.
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
Thank you!
That has to be one of the best story openings ever written! In one chapter, you've established your characters, the basis of the plot, defined history, and made me like everybody.I'm jealous.Okay. I'll be adult about it. Thank you!
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
Thank you! And you don't have to be adult about it if you don't want. Granted I won't thank you for calling me names... ;-)
*Giggle* That was great. I loved that last line!
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
Well, this certainly had a lot of eye-opening moments. I did think that the final conversation between Severus and Hermione was a bit forced, but the previous conversation regarding Harry seemed very natural, and indeed, inevitable, which is a testament to your characterization. All in all, a good read.
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
Yes, it was forced, but then again, in that situation, any conversation would be forced (though now I can think of ways to add humor into it... ah well, maybe sometime later I'll revise it... I was a bit rushed this time 'round).
He was under house arrest for five years?!
Awesome start can't wait to find out what happens.
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
Seven, actually. ;-)
Thanks, and hope you enjoy!
What, all out in the open? No long development and interactions and remarks etc. between the three of them, for us to watch and to enjoy?
Anyway, thanks for the update. Looking forward to the epilogue, hopefully a rather long one ...
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
Yep. Nope. Sorry.
Thanks, and the epilogue is pretty long, so hopefully you'll find it satisfying. Cheers!
Very Hermione, running off with the mouth (in a logical manner) in a emotional arena. I will look for the epilogue, and I thank you for a pleasent, happy journey.
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
Hee. Thanks, and you are welcome!
Hmm, this is taking an interesting turn. Will they get together after all? Or, will there be a clash of egos? Merlin knows that some issues might arise and get them riled up... again. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
Thanks! Hope it met your expectations.
“It doesn't bother you that I'm your brother's father?” he asked with a glint in his eye. BWAHAHAHAHAH!!! So great in a sick and twisted way!! ^.~
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!
I see Hermione is again being the mature one of the bunch--seeing there's a problem, defining said problem, and then confronting it.
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
That is sure to be her role in life, the poor girl. Of course, she kind of takes it upon herself, so maybe pity shouldn't be offered? :-)
I don't really know what to say.. but I like it so far.. wating for the epilogue now...
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
I'm enjoying this here enormously, a thoroughly new constellation, for me, anyway, and I hope you'll keep up your fast updates.
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
I am an incredibly impatient person, so updates will be very fast as the story is complete.
Loverly, loverly LOVERLY!
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
Danke, danke, dankeshun!
Very intriguing story so far. I really like the dynamic between Harry and Severus and love the 1st person narrative bits. I'm definitely looking forward to the remainder of the story.
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
Thanks! I hope you enjoyed the rest.
Great imagery, and a fun storyline. I'm enjoying this a lot! Pomfrey is just hilarious, which is a guise I've not seen her in before. Also, unless I'm badly mistaken, you've made her a Slytherin, which is just fantastic in its originality. And the interactions you have going between Severus and Harry are very intriguing; you convey a lot without overdoing it. An excellent bit of fiction -- I just wish there were more of it.
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
Thanks! Yes, Poppy's a Slytherin. Why not? Just because JK doesn't like Slytherins...
Cheers! (And sorry, but this was always meant to be a short bit of fun, nothing more.)
Interesting story up to now. I'm happy that both HP and SS haven't fallen into a sappy/touchy-feely kind of relationship. That would be way too AU! LOL Looking forward to the next chapter. Cheers!
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
I don't think that any amount of time could turn them into a sappy duo... neither is cut out for that, and certainly not together! Thanks!
I love the interplay between Severus and Poppy.
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
Thanks! I loved writing this Poppy. She's a live wire.
The plot thickens! Go on, Severus, tell her and get it over with...
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
Hee hee hee. He'll have to eventually.
Love how Severus went into the kitchen as slowly as possible just to rile Hermione. too funny. Poppy is a HOOT!! She's Albus in a dress. GREAT!!!And Harry isn't blind?!?!? hehehe Guess that's the Snape in him coming out. =PLove it all. Just delightful.
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
Severus knows Hermione's buttons, and he seems like the type to love pushing them, don'tcha think?
hahahahaha, I wanna see Harry call Hermione 'step-mum'....just once, please???????I love this're not going to be added as a favorite author!marti
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
Oh, that would have been good... maybe next time, eh? Thanks!
The "intro" to this chapter made me laugh out loud. And then it just got better from there!!! ^.^ Too great
Response from averygoodun (Author of All in the Family)
Excellent! I'm so glad to hear that! Thank you!