New Chapter for If He Were a Better Man
If He Were a Better Man
ubiquirk23 Reviews | 23 Ratings, 0 Likes, 23 Favorites )
If you have nothing left, and you weren't completely whole to begin with, what do you do? A tale of obsession. Warning - Ambiguously Dark Snape.
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About ubiquirk
Member Since 2006 | 10 Stories | Favorited by 212 | 89 Reviews Written | 1,629 Review Responses
I am a longtime fanfic fanatic, having entered the realm via Buffydom. One day I read a Willow/Severus crossover and I was hooked – on Snape that is! He's been in every HP story I've done so far.
I write in multiple fandoms on LJ, esp. BtVS and Firefly. If you're interested in reading my fic for other/crossover fandoms, it can be found at:
Reviews for If He Were a Better Man
An ambigious, not really redeemed Snape is a frighteningly attractive thing. Well done.
ooh wow. that was really excellent.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of If He Were a Better Man)
Thanks! I'm very happy you enjoyed the story!
Response from ubiquirk (Author of If He Were a Better Man)
Thanks! I'm very happy you enjoyed the story!
Woah! That was really very very good! I almost freaked at her street name though - *looks around furtively* I wonder whether people will think that I...
No.. no, not about me, but yes, I did very much enjoy this, and the way he'd carefully constructed all these other men, their personalities... just so he could have her. I wonder though, if he had freed her, whether she would have wanted anything to do with Severus Snape.
As a little shout out to my region of the world, I was rather proud that the West Indian man did it for her the best! ;o)
Response from ubiquirk (Author of If He Were a Better Man)
Thanks! I'm really glad you liked it! Hee! Sex-god West Indians and Honey! I swear I wrote this before I knew you!
I think that if she were mentally healthy, she woudn't have anything to do with him - I think he's too broken.
But see - this one's all clinical and detached, though I guess I thought he was like that here. I'd like to do something more primal such as you did.
Response from HogwartsHoney (Reviewer)
Yes, it is a bit on the clinical side, but I thought that it fit perfectly into what we know (or think we know) of him in canon. I'd imagine that in a situation like this, he'd be pretty much like that - it certainly rang true to me.
Looking forward to something primal! ;o)
Response from ubiquirk (Author of If He Were a Better Man)
Maybe I'll have an angsty primal bunny after I finish getting Severus and Giles to shag. Stubborn men! (grins)
You write a very believable possessive, obsessive Snape. Keeping lists of type of sex, tips, her lubrication, orgasms, and a rotation of the johns that he becomes? That's obsessed.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of If He Were a Better Man)
Thanks! I'm really glad you liked the story and this vision of SS as obsessed - that's just what I was going for!
I've read this a few times now and it doesn't cease to be extremely well done. If you're ever inclined I wouldn't be opposed to reading a sequel or the fic again from Hermione's POV. ;D I'd love to know what she's thinking through all this.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of If He Were a Better Man)
Thanks! It's so good to hear that this story is standing the test of time for you! It's one that's close to my heart for various reasons.
That said, I don't know if I'll ever be able to write a sequel or HG's POV. Maybe if some of my other stories let me go.
Wow. This is unbelievably well-done. I don't believe you glorified prostitution in the slightest. I felt Hermione's pain and anguish, even though it was through Snape's eyes. The last line - powerful.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of If He Were a Better Man)
Thanks! I'm really glad you liked it and found that the difficulties of her situation came through for you! And as twisted as he is here, I feel like he may still be a sympathetic character as well.
Well written and somewhat disturbing!
Response from ubiquirk (Author of If He Were a Better Man)
Thanks! I'm glad you found it disturbing because that's part of what I was going for.
So creepy, disturbing and sad and so well written.
Ah... very sad, but so very good. Creepy (but wonderfully portrayed, kudos!) obsessive Snape! Boy. Such a good but horrible, sad story. Angst angst angst. ;) I'm just starting to read all your stories -- very lovely, definitely enjoyed Back in Black too, hee! :D
Response from ubiquirk (Author of If He Were a Better Man)
Thanks! I'm so very glad you liked the story! You're right - it is very angsty, but I'm happy that the obsessiveness came through!
Very well done. :)
Great story so sad but beautifully written.
I liked the ambiguity with which you describes his feelings towards her. I can see canon-Snape not being a "better man" but using her situation to gain what he wants. He is obsessed but obviously not in love. Interesting and thought provocing
Response from ubiquirk (Author of If He Were a Better Man)
Thanks. You're right - he isn't in love, per se, but that's also because he's too broken to love.
Wonderful. I loved the darkness of this and agree with others who are requesting something from Hermione's point of view.
There's such a sense of despair here, both in her (as noticed by him) and in him. As if this really is the best they can get in the situation.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of If He Were a Better Man)
Thanks! I'd love to write a sequel, but broken Hermoine isn't speaking to me. Her character only speaks to me with a voice of strength.
Oooh. Dark, obsessive, and a very interesting look at a worst-case scenario. Kudos.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of If He Were a Better Man)
Thanks! I'm glad you liked the darkness of it.
*claps* Very well done. I like the ambiguity of it. Lovely writing -- I hope to read more from you!
Response from ubiquirk (Author of If He Were a Better Man)
Thanks! I hope to have more coming soon, though it might not be this dark.
Very creative and intriguing story -- any thoughts of a sequel, or perhaps a re-telling from Hermione's point of view? While it's clear that Severus has gone to a great deal of effort to prevent Hermione from knowing who he is, I find it a bit hard to believe that a few simple glamours would prevent her from recognizing the man in the tan jacket as her former Potions professor -- especially if HBP is taken into consideration, since Hermione was the one who found out Severus's father was a Muggle. Even in spite of Severus's previous experience as a double agent, I also find it a bit hard to believe that Severus would be able to sustain the deception indefinitely. Most liars eventually slip and give themselves away through an unconscious word or gesture -- and while Hermione's evident state of poor health might have dulled her wits somewhat, her occupation is also something of a dangerous one. Especially after having been through a war against the likes of the Death Eaters, I think Hermione would be attuned to signs that her john is not all that he appears to be. It's no surprise to me why Hermione has been forced into prostitution -- she wouldn't have had any academic records in the Muggle world after the age of 11 or so, so how likely is it that she would be able to get a better job?
Response from ubiquirk (Author of If He Were a Better Man)
Thanks! You're right - that's his most dangerous persona to adopt, and that's why he does so only every 2 or 3 months. But, as you say, Hermione is smart, and he knows it. There must be a part of him that wants to be caught.
The ambiguity of Snape is very well done here. His thorough cataloging of all the clients harkens to what must have been his method with potions. My only question would be - where does he get his money from? And as another reviewer said - Hint! Her view would be interesting - possibly that she knows they are one in the same. Good job, either way.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of If He Were a Better Man)
Thanks! I don't think I could have kept his allegiance ambiguous and have fleshed out how he made a living; however, he's so obsessed he'd do whatever it took.
I think this is spot on for the Snape character very well written. I like the darker stories. I like the anominity (sp?) of the characters also. It reminds me of the sybil I read a lifetime ago.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of If He Were a Better Man)
Thanks! I purposefully didn't use names. He thinks of her as 'her.' I'm glad it worked for you.
What a powerful story. I don't think I blinked once as I gobbled it up the first time, then went back for a more thoughtful read. Wonderful Snape in this one -- He is so thorough in his obsessiveness, can't imagine him elsewise. As always, I long for a happier ending for our two protagonists, but this story is a fabulous stand-alone. However, I will hint for a sequel: Hint!
I like your nom de plume -- made me think of the Gregorian Chant "Ubi caritas et amor Deus ibi est." (Where there is charity and true love, God is there) Where there is Quirk(iness). Sorry, do like your sig, just couldn't resist.
I look forward to reading more of you work. Please do write more soon, sequel or otherwise!
Response from ubiquirk (Author of If He Were a Better Man)
Thanks! He's obsessively obsessive-compulsive.
ubiquirk is a combination of ubiquitous and quirky, but also a homage to Philip K. Dick's Ubik. I'm glad you asked - I'd never heard that chant before.
I liked this story. You've depicted two suffering people from Snape's POV, and it works well. I count Severus among the suffering people because he clearly needs a psychiatrist; he doesn't even try to gain her attention through more conventional ways. BTW This story didn't feel like glorifying prostitution to me.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of If He Were a Better Man)
Thanks! Yes, I think he's gone schizophrenic - I'm glad you mentioned needing a psychiatrist.
Quite moving. You made me feel quite sorry for both of them. Great job with very difficult subject matter.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of If He Were a Better Man)
Thanks! You're spot on - they're both broken.
I think you did well with the subject matter at hand, and in a grim sort of way, I find it endearing that he would do all of this for her. He's obsessed, yes, and selfish, too, but I can understand him--odd, isn't it? :) All the scenarios were written with great imagery and description. Thanks for you post.
Response from ubiquirk (Author of If He Were a Better Man)
Thanks! In the back of my mind, I see him chasing off pimps and bullying landlords into cheaper rent for her. He does care - it's just twisted.
An amazing read no matter how many years have passed. Thank you for such a marvelously twisted, sad yet poignant story!