New Chapter for The Quill
The Quill
nogod12157 Reviews | 7 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )
Tempest Of Dreams has a drabble generator on her LJ. I was given Severus Snape, Hermione Granger and a Quill. This is what I came up with in response.
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About nogod1215
Member Since 2006 | 5 Stories | Favorited by 26 | 36 Reviews Written | 25 Review Responses
I am a thirty something female that was introduced to the HP fandom through a different fandom, but quickly became hooked, and never looked back. I wrote my first story at the behest of my therapist, and again never looked back. I hope you enjoy my stories, and if you dont, I am sorry I do my best.
Reviews for The Quill
good story
That's a good dream, but alas, only a dream.
OH MAN!!!! I'd have to shoot whoever it was that woke me up from that dream!!! LOVE the double entendre of the last line. Great job.
I hate when someone wakes me from a pleasant dream. :)
Is that 'coming' or 'cumming'? (Sorry, couldn't resist!) This is a cute one.
To sleep, perchance to dream of Severus (sigh!)
lol - love it