New Chapter for Slipped Away
Slipped Away
Shanastay11 Reviews | 11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )
This is a companion piece to "My Happy Ending" done at your request! Severus drives away the woman he loves. Read "My Happy Ending" before this.
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About Shanastay
Reviews for Slipped Away
Good fic(s). I vote yes for continuing the story. I'd like to ehar more about the Trio, and how they each got to the places they are now. And of course, I do want a happily ever after. I'm so demanding, aren't !?
Again, WOW! Very, very nicely done.
Response from Shanastay (Author of Slipped Away)
Thank you!
*sniff* *sniff* Damn tears, getting in the way!! Between crying and wanting to strangle that Potter bloke!!! Grrrrrrr! I really could just strangle his ass!! and other parts! And not in a happy friendly way either! This next opinion is not biased in anyway, literally! Your one of my favorite Authors because of the fact you make me feel what the charater in the fic feel. Your awsome in the workings of that. You really must keep up with this, I myself and hopefully others will also chime in and vote for more. I would love to see when Hermoine finally finds out what potter has done and like hexes is gonads or something like that! Potter better watch out when she does find about scary Hermoine!! Damn!Please Please Please, I'll help if you need it (Not that I'm much good but....I can try, toss around ideas?? )Love it as always
Response from Shanastay (Author of Slipped Away)
Response from Shanastay (Author of Slipped Away)
Thank you for everything hon. You have helped me in ways you will never know.
sequel, sequel please, it can't end like this PLEASE
Response from Shanastay (Author of Slipped Away)
yes, there will be a sequel as well as another perspective fic with evill little nasty Harry's POV since so many want to see it.
Yes, you should continue. ARe there any repurcussions for Severus being so close to the forest during a full moon? Does Hermione find out why he did what he did? Does Harry get his come-upance? These questions need answers!
Response from Shanastay (Author of Slipped Away)
interesting questions... mayhap I'll answer them, mayhap I won't... Thank you for reviewing!
Great story! I honestly hope you don't leave it at that.It brings up aquestion for me,though. Even with a wizarding debt, I wouldn't think a person could be forced to harm someone else. I certainly don't think that Harry should get away with this. It's too insulting to Hermione .I think Severus and Hermione should get back together,but Hermione should somehow see through Harry and Severus.It's interesting the way,that it set up.In Half blood Prince,things look one way,but could easily be interpreted another. Like the fact that he couldn't insult her out loud but had to whisper it. I hope you continue this with Hermione and Severus getting back together. Severus loves her so much.Perhaps with revenge on Harry,unless this is some mental instability on his part.Catharine aka Pansycat
Response from Shanastay (Author of Slipped Away)
Thank you thank you thank you. There will be more so keep stopping back!
I'm heartbroken with Severus. Will you write some punishment for Harry who so ruthlessly destroys two people's life? Your Harry would have done well in Slytheriin indeed.
Response from Shanastay (Author of Slipped Away)
The Sorting Hat did suggest that Harry might belong there, didn't it? Hmmmm... maybe that's where I'm going with this? You'll have to stay tuned to find out!
I just read both of these stories, and I thought they were very powerful. An Evil Harry manipulating a situation ruthlessly. I very pissed off and heart broken hermione. And Severus...<shakes head>.
Yes, you definately need to write more.
Response from Shanastay (Author of Slipped Away)
Thank you thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed my little emotion-twisting writing exercise.
yikes! So well written, and soooo full of angst I fear I shall cry myself to sleep. And I'm not kidding, either! PLEASE write more. I don't like leaving it there....
Response from Shanastay (Author of Slipped Away)
Have no fear, there will be more!
It was nice to see Severus' point-of-view in the whole mess, but now I think we need to have Harry's point-of-view.
You've gotta do it.
Response from Shanastay (Author of Slipped Away)
I can already see the angry mob attempting to hide behind you. I guess I have no choice but to acquiese.
At the very least, I think Harry should get his cumuppance. He's used a wizarding debt to ruin two lives. I'm a fan of people getting what they deserve when they do things like this.Hermione should find out what Harry did and hex his balls off.But that's what I'd do. LOL.
Response from Shanastay (Author of Slipped Away)
I am now accepting suggestions for the manner in which Harry receives his comeuppance! Thank you for stoppping in to tell me what you thought!
Response from ancientgirl (Reviewer)
Well the ball hexing would be good. I think it would be interesting though to read about her finding out just what Harry did. I'm looking forward to hopefully reading something more on this.