New Chapter for Slytherin Thinking
Slytherin Thinking
hp4freek38 Reviews | 38 Ratings, 0 Likes, 38 Favorites )
This is an answer to the ?Lost in a Book? challenge posted by Ladyofthemasque. Late is always better than never (maybe not here, though). Enjoy!
Start ReadingChapters (6)
About hp4freek
Member Since 2006 | 6 Stories | Favorited by 8 | 27 Reviews Written | 57 Review Responses
I'm 24, married, and a university student, studying architecture. My favorite ship is SS/HG, although I do have a DM/HG WIP.
Reviews for Slytherin Thinking
Simply delightful!
Oh God that was good, foom Severus' reaction to Hermione's ammm,,, advances, to Harry and Ron walking in on them, so very well done.
Wow, I usually skip over the sex in the Vampire fics, but this was so very well done, erotic and not at all gory.
Merlin! I thought that bookcase was a goner for a moment,if Severus hadn't remembered the pass word I think he would have torn through it with his bare hands.
Lockhart! OMG! lucky I wasn't drinking anything, I may have choked. I love Severus' attitude, right, no debauching, upstairs separate rooms got it, lets go.
Oh, you are a tease!
Nothing will get a mans attention like a little bit of "hard to get". Severus will chase Hermione, untill she catches him.
This was a very entertaining story to read. My favorite lines:“Well, you have to save the girl, don’t you? You were supposed to tell me in the night, before the shagging part of course, all about Van Helsing’s evil plot. So now you have to protect me. So go protect me!” and“I’m blind! Harry, I’m blind.” “You’re not blind, Ron; open your eyes,” Harry replied, not quite yelling, but there was a definite edge of shock in his own voice. “Oh damn, Harry, I’m not blind. Gauge my eyes out so I can be. I never want to see again!”**** HAD ME IN STITCHES!Nicely done.
Response from hp4freek (Author of Slytherin Thinking)
I wanted to respond to all your reviews for ST in one, if you don't mind. ^.^ But thank you so much! It's been a long time since I wrote it, and I cringe sometimes thinking about it, but I can admit some parts still crack me up, lol. Thanks again.
Very sexy blood communion. :)
Bloody fool didn't take the hint until AFTER trying 'every trick in the book'? LOL. Silly boy.
The Slytherin mind must have been hormone riddled to have not figured out who sent the book. LOL. Goofy boy. Lovely set up. And I do so love these lost in a book stories.
LOL. Never underestimate a woman on a mission. Nice opening.
Nice of her having to walk him through the story. About fell off my chair when Van Helsing turned out to be Lockhart.
Good story; I loved the touch of vampirism. Snape as a vampire = yummy!
Response from hp4freek (Author of Slytherin Thinking)
Hehe, thanks! Definitely loving vampire!Snape.
Response from hp4freek (Author of Slytherin Thinking)
Hehe, thanks! Definitely loving vampire!Snape.
Oh dear god that was the best ending. I can totally picture Ron screaming! This is now one of my favorites for the "Lost In A Book" Challenge.
Response from hp4freek (Author of Slytherin Thinking)
Thank you so very much! I love melodramatic!Ron; he's fantastic. I'm so glad you liked it, and thanks for the wonderful review!
Very cute. I liked it.
Response from hp4freek (Author of Slytherin Thinking)
Thanks. Always happy to please. Thanks for the review, too.
Hm. That was interesting, and an intriguing way to get around Jo saying that Snape's not actually a vampire, whilst allowing us to live out our fantasies. ;)
Response from hp4freek (Author of Slytherin Thinking)
Well, thank you. I'm glad I'm not the only one to think vampires could be fun. Thanks for the review, too!
Ah, what a sneaky little Gryffindor! Good chapter
Response from hp4freek (Author of Slytherin Thinking)
Thank you! Snape may have been a little slow on the uptake here, though. I'm glad you enjoyed all the same. Thanks for reviewing.
oh gods!!! *holds her sides laughing* that scene was sooo funny when they walked in on her hahaha
Response from hp4freek (Author of Slytherin Thinking)
Thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed. Thank you for reading and reviewing especially!
Wow! There is something very sexy about vampires, and you manage to bring it all out.
Response from hp4freek (Author of Slytherin Thinking)
Thank you. I think there is definite sexy potential in vampires... I'm not sure why. Thanks for both the read and the review!
Great story.
Response from hp4freek (Author of Slytherin Thinking)
Thanks. I'm glad you like it so far. Thanks for the review.
Okay, first off, I'm a huge ass fan of Dracula and vampires in general. So pairing Dracula with my favorite pairing just makes me giddy. Next, Lockhart as Van Helsing is hysterical!And oh, I cannot wait till the next chapter. I mean seriously, I was expecting my computer screen to start steaming from that last chapter.
Response from hp4freek (Author of Slytherin Thinking)
Well, I am definitely beyond flattered here! I'm glad you're enjoying so much. I was worried, since that was my first, shall we say naughty, scene. There's only one more chapter to go, so hopefully it'll be up soon and you'll enjoy it. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Keep'em coming.
Response from hp4freek (Author of Slytherin Thinking)
And so I shall. I'm very glad you're enjoying!
Lockhart as Van Helsing! Great story!
Response from hp4freek (Author of Slytherin Thinking)
Thanks! I'm very glad you're liking it so far! More to come soon. Thanks for reviewing.
interesting i must say i am intriged... anywho LOCKHART!!! - now that was funny
Response from hp4freek (Author of Slytherin Thinking)
Thank you! I aim to please. Glad you're liking it so far.