New Chapter for The Ring on Her Finger
The Ring on Her Finger
dracontia16 Reviews | 16 Ratings, 0 Likes, 26 Favorites )
What's in an engagement ring? Love? Commitment? Maybe even a touch of destiny? A companion piece to the story, 'Return of the Fairy God-Jarvey,' though it is not necessary to have read any part of that series to follow this story.
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About dracontia
Member Since 2006 | 69 Stories | Favorited by 208 | 51 Reviews Written | 1,397 Review Responses
Mostly Harmless! Though I have to admit, I'm even stranger than I appear. ;-) There's a pile of unbeta'd stuff on my LJ (dracfic) if you're interested in Raw, Untamed, fanfic.
Believe it or not, "How Argus Filch Got Wild, Got Laid, and Got His Magic" has been rec'ed by Know It Alls! It's true! They gave me this pretty lil' ribbon and everything! And in March 2007, they saw fit to likewise reccommend (as an antidote to angst) the story that started it all, 'Courtesy of Your Fairy God-Jarvey'--just in time for the first anniversary of that story's posting! *hugs Harm*
(I also have to admit that 'mostly harmless' may not be the most apt description of a member of the Mad Chatters...)
Finally, I just have to say... Storyville. If you were there, you know what I mean.Reviews for The Ring on Her Finger
Aww it made it back to him even if he never knew it. That is very sweet
Response from dracontia (Author of The Ring on Her Finger)
*bows* Thank you most knidly. And as to whether he knew it or not... there is a little insight to that in the rest of the Fairy God Jarvey series.
Great story! And nice use of Slovak! Do you actually speak Slovak, or did you research the dictionary as well?
Response from dracontia (Author of The Ring on Her Finger)
LOL well, the only Slovak I know is the collection of greetings, endearments, exclamations and sayings Grandma always uses. And to spell them correctly I need to look them up. One of these days, I mean to practice up so I can speak it for real.Glad you enjoyed Rose. After Reggie, she's definitely my number one OFC!
Response from saschia (Reviewer)
Great! If you need any help with Slovak, just let me know... It was such a nice surprise to read my own language here...
Response from dracontia (Author of The Ring on Her Finger)
Thank you--if Rose has a role in any upcoming stories, I will certainly keep your kind offer in mind!
Given the family significance, it is wonderful that Reg took a few moments to find that ring after Severus pitched it. More than that, I just like the concept that there is some magic, independent of wands and spells, which drew Severus to the right place and the right ring. Is there any progress on another FG-J story?~
Response from dracontia (Author of The Ring on Her Finger)
Response from dracontia (Author of The Ring on Her Finger)
I have a feeling Reggie's whiskers were able to detect it all the better for the significance of the stone--after all, it probably all but screamed 'Property of Snarky!' to anyone with the faintest degree of psychometric ability!I like the thought of the stone sitting in its new setting, biding its time through the years until it felt the proximity of a rightful claimant with a legitimate need for it. *heavily closeted romatic peeks one eye out of the door for a moment and sighs* As for more FG-J, um, well, there's a little thing called the Sex Ed Challenge that's taking up my needed brain space right now. But 'The Fairy God-Jarvey's Apprentice' (Yep, that's the best I could do for the title) is partially finished, (flying carpets, anyone?) and will be whipped into shape with alacrity as soon as the Challenge is over. Thanks for stopping by to review!
First: *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*I love it.
Second: Interesting information about gems and metals. I'll have it in mind.
Third: *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*
And to finish this review:
*squeeeeeeeeee* Did I mention that I love it?
Response from dracontia (Author of The Ring on Her Finger)
'Dear Ms Riddle,Thank you very much for the 'squeees'. They are of excellent quality and have been collected for use as potions ingredients, to make the rare elixir that keeps Regina Fletcher's tutu fluffed and dracontia at the anxious creative fever pitch necessary to keep writing these stories.Best regards,C. Quill (beleaguered apprentice to the crankiest Potions master on earth)'*dracontia chances to find and read the note*So that's what they've been putting in my milk! *stalks off to have a chat with Senor Snarky*Hee hee--glad you liked it!
Beautiful, elegant little sequel to the "Fairy God-Jarvey" series. I can understand why you didn't include it with the stories themselves -- I agree that the humor of the FGJ stories would have clashed uncomfortably with the poignant pathos of this one (even though I suspect that our dear little Reggie has a sentimental soul underneath her grey fur and ribald tongue). I'm sure that Severus's mother would be happy to know that the stone from her brooch found its way into Hermione's engagement ring.
Response from dracontia (Author of The Ring on Her Finger)
Thank you; not only for your review, but for putting into words what I was only able to sense about this passage--that it would have blunted the humor of the FGJ tale while taking hits to its own poignancy from riding the Reggie Rollercoaster. (BTW, you have Reggie's true essence pegged, though she'd no doubt fire off a good many volleys of fine, ripe language before she'd admit it!)
He got his mothers stone back... how sweet.
I enjoyed this, how you put a history into it, very nice.
Response from dracontia (Author of The Ring on Her Finger)
Thank you! As the unofficial one-writer publicity machine for the International Fellowship of Fairy Godmothers and Related Do-Gooding Beings, I work very hard on 'sweet' without 'sacchrine'. *bows*
Yay! The ring scene gets its own story! Love how you gave it a backstory and some HG/SS fluff.
Response from dracontia (Author of The Ring on Her Finger)
Thanks! I think the ring sort of earned its own little tale. And thank you for pointing out (way back when) that Rose and her folks might be worth expanding upon. *Smiles!*
oh my god oh my god oh my god... AH!!! tell me there is going to be another fic for after this... tell me!! oh my god. OH MY GOD!!! aaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! Loved it by the way But Oh my God!!!!!!!!!
Response from dracontia (Author of The Ring on Her Finger)
Whoa! Easy, now! Breathe, please! I promise, all sorts of topics will be addressed in 'The Fairy God-Jarvey's Apprentice'. Hang in there, I'm writing as fast as I can (though I'm working on two stories, so it might be a while...) Thanks for reviewing!
I knew there was a reason I loved sapphires, especially star sapphires...I even have a sapphire engagement ring (not star ) that is so dark that most people think it is onyx at first glance..
Excellent little when are you bringing Reggie back?
Response from dracontia (Author of The Ring on Her Finger)
Congratulations on your superlative taste in stones--and thank you for the review!*shuffles feet awkwardly*Is it enough to promise that I AM bringing Reggie back? I'm afraid an ETA is a little hard to come by, since I have an awful lot of plot twists to weave into the sequel! (Not to mention, there's that little challenge I need to answer...)*Reggie pipes up in her inimitable squeak* "You bet your cute--"*scandalized dracontia iterrupts* "REGGIE!"*Reggie* "I was going to say face, you prat. Anyhow, I'm on my way back, folks, and you can bet on that--no way I'd miss the wedding now, would I?" *winks*
Absolutely loved this part of the story. To bad Severus will never know that Hermione is wearing some of his mothers jewelry.
Response from dracontia (Author of The Ring on Her Finger)
As to the first part: Thank you very much! I am most pleased you enjoyed it.As to the second: "The Fairy God-Jarvey's Apprentice" contains many wonders, some of which are already written (or at least outlined.) Anything is possible in this universe!
Good to see the stone found it's way home again nicely done
Response from dracontia (Author of The Ring on Her Finger)
Thank you! Just any old ring wouldn't do for those two.
Oh, dracontia, what a wonderful tale!!! I like the research that went into it. It makes it very real and believeable. I'm very glad Eileen's ring found it's way back. Great tale! My favorite bit of banter was the stuff between Hermione and Severus...“You know, I’ve been doing some research—what are you laughing at?” Hermione asked, in response to Severus’ snort.“That’s rather like saying you’ve been breathing a bit lately, my dear,” he purred at her, highly amused.“I know it’s an effort, my love, but do stop being a prat for a few moments and listen to me,” she huffed.Can't wait for your next fic!! *hugs* GG
Response from dracontia (Author of The Ring on Her Finger)
*blushes* Thank you! I love researching (though I admit going slightly overboard with the uneeded chart of the percentages of other metals needed to create different colored gold alloys...) And I love writing dialogue best of all, so hearing that someone else enjoyed it makes my day! *settling down to work on the next story*
I loved this. The backstory on the ring is wonderful. Thanks for posting.
Response from dracontia (Author of The Ring on Her Finger)
Thank you! I did rather become attached to the ring and the jewelers, so I was glad not to have to toss them in the virtual bin when the original story ran out of room for them. I'm even happier now that you like them as well!
Oh, I saw you on chat this morning, I know you're a writer, so I wanted to read something from you. I already read this fabulous story over at Ashwinder, I didn't know it was from you, so I'm probably reviewing once again! It's just a wonderful story! So full of promises and magic! ~ atlantel
Response from dracontia (Author of The Ring on Her Finger)
Thanks so much--for the review and the reminder I should be answering my reviews on Ashwinder (*sigh* the vagaries of the new site!)I know this one isn't a story most people would recognize as being from me--I usually write comedy, so my two non-comic pieces come as a bit of a surprise. I am glad you enjoyed it. :-)
At the end, when the meaning finally hit me, I started bawling! Omg, this is so wonderfuly sweet! It just . . . . maybe I just need chocolate . . . terrificly wonderfully superb! And I'm working my way thru the Fairy-God Jarvy series. I love them all and I want a Jarvy of my own!!
Response from dracontia (Author of The Ring on Her Finger)
*passes the chocolate, hope you like it dark*
*passes hanky*
I'm glad that you enjoyed the story--though I must say, I feel somewhat like an old telephone commercial right now! (and darn, I just dated myself rather severely by remembering the days when phone company commercials used to be emotional)
Reggie and I thank you kindly for the review!