New Chapter for Letting Go
Letting Go
notsosaintly220 Reviews | 7.1/10 (220 Ratings, 0 Likes, 256 Favorites )
Saving someone from the savior of the wizarding world is not always easy.
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About notsosaintly
Member Since 2005 | 38 Stories | Favorited by 707 | 843 Reviews Written | 2,009 Review Responses
Founder of The Petulant Poetess. Editor and full-time mother.
Reviews for Letting Go
Enjoyed it thoroughly! I had been reading this on SH, I think, and lost track of it there, so I was glad to find PP and so many of my favorite WIPs much farther along! So reading this from about Chapter 5 onward this morning was very exciting! Great job, although I'm very disappointed that those two flaming morons didn't ever feel any remorse. Unfortunately real life is very like that. The best revenge, though, is a happy life well-lived with a man they both hate. Good one!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Letting Go)
True, so true. My feeling is that men are clueless on many levels. (Not to pick on those more sensitive types, of course.)
I'm glad you found us, and are able to read more of your favorite WIPs here. I've been wanting to update over on SH, but it has just been taking so long to get them up. I will eventually, though, when things pick up over there. They're still getting adjusted to the change, I'm sure.
Thank You for the wonderful story. And the indications that there will be a new one on the way! BUT, please please please, don't forget about "The Tutoring Session"!!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Letting Go)
You are the second one to remind me about The Tutoring Session. Believe me, I know it is still there, and I was thinking yesterday what I could do with it next. So, it's not forgotten!
And they get their just desserts!
Serves them right.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Letting Go)
Hi, Shiv! Yes, the boys certainly deserved that, didn't they? I think this chapter was wish fulfillment for me.
I am so glad Hermione got her revenge. I wanted to kick those two prats' butts for her! I look forward to reading your next story as well.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Letting Go)
I found that letting characters get their revenge is very cathartic. Hahaha! Thank you for reading and reviewing!
"Even smart girls don't always know when to let go of a relationship..." Yup, I know that, alright. Been there, done that, regretted it, got rid of it, dusted off my hands and moved on with my life. (*squee*, I'm free!)Wonderful story, my dear. Excellent ending to it! Now, go write--and post--some more!~Lotm
Mmm, this was delish. I love this Severus. Thank you!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Letting Go)
Thank you! I'm happy you enjoyed my Severus!
I think the ending suited the story, doll, even if it didn't start out so light. :) Now, I can start pestering you about that other story of yours that I like... Hmm... Lessons? Tutoring? Virgin's Primer? Hehehe! Something like that.
bravo! Great story and a wonderful read!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Letting Go)
Thank you,
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Letting Go)
Hey, I feel like I got a Christmas bonus! For some reason, I thought the story ended with the previous chapter so was surprised and pleased to find this update. I was momentarily surprised at the end to find that Harry and Ron had stayed together for the five years and then realized -- who else would have them? Ha! Anyway, I hope Hermione didn't actually spend those five years being angry at them. How could she have, with Severus to distract her? *wink*
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Letting Go)
It's funny you say that, because I was going to have Ron leave Harry in the whole process. But then, that would have just been really mean of me, wouldn't it. And, you're right! Who would have them?
Just desserts!
I have to say I'm quite satisfied with the ending. When I realized this had been updated, I had the horrible idea that Hermione would eventually forgive Harry and Ron. I hate when Harry and Ron treat Hermione like crap and then she turns around and forgives them. I loved Ginny in this - how she stood by Hermione and was so devious about her visit.I do hope that Harry and Ron have learned their lesson. Stringing people along will only have disasterous consequences. Oh, and Hermione and Severus' wedding! When it said 5 years later, I was hoping we'd find out what was up with them. This was an amazing story - one I've read and re-read. I plan on reading again soon, too. Brilliant job, I have to say.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Letting Go)
Thank you. At first I uploaded it to the queue and it didn't have the bit about Severus and Hermione at the end, but that little objective-reader that sits on my shoulder nagged at me until I added it in, tossing suggestions at me. So it was added very last minute, but the story definitely needed it for closure.
Fabulous as always my dear! What a great ending to a wonderful story! I'm glad they had to suffer for 5 long years!!! Now Severus and Hermione can love and live in peace! Thank you for the early Holiday gift.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Letting Go)
Heh ... talk about endurance. For all of them, I think. And happy holidays!
those boys are pure evil!
I am trying to catch up on this fic!Harry and Ron are dirty rotten scoundrels.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Letting Go)
LOL ... I've seen the review trail you've left. Hahaha! Those boys really are utter shits, aren't they. I love writing them like this. I don't know ... how do you house Gryffindors who have crappy personalities? I mean, I wouldn't sully Slytherin with them... ha!
Great story! New story huh? Does that mean you aren't going to finish Virgin's Primer?Pansycat
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Letting Go)
I am totally stuck on that story, on where I could take it next. I mean, I like the distance that exists between Severus and Hermione in that story, and I'm afraid I made them get a little too close too soon. So now I'm stuck. However, I could get a little creative with it. I was in fact thinking about it today and thought I could just have it all be a dream (very Wizard of Oz-ish of me, though). But I am thinking about it. I know that is the only open-story I have left in the works....
What a perfect ending to this wonderful story. I had a great time reading it. Thank you so much for completing it. I'm looking forward to your next story!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Letting Go)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the whole thing and that you were happy I added the finishing touches!
Wahoo! Loved it. I think Hermoine was perfect. Those boys needed to suffer for all they put her though.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Letting Go)
Objectively speaking, I liked this Hermione too. Thanks!
Well done. I can't write sex scenes for the life of me. I am seriously envious. And, mmm............. took me forever to get around to read this story. this is ashley btw lol. it was a really good chapter and i cant wait for the next one! let me know if you need anything else!
SSL (ashley hope)
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Letting Go)
I'm really happy that you read this! Thanks for the review and thanks for all of your help.
Oh, revenge will be sweet for the woman scorned, with the able assistance of her gallant knight! (Yes, I meant that to sound so trite.) I love your Snape here--and the way he and Devious!Hermione are collaborating...hem...everywhere. Your Ron and Harry are well-drawn, too--it's easy to believe that Harry could be so nauseatingly self-centered in the future. I hope there will be an update soon!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Letting Go)
Thank you! I hope I update soon too. I have a chapter partially written, so it is definitely in the works!
Okay, I finally found the time to leave a review.Brilliant new chapter! Hot and funny, in a way. *sighs* Sweet revenge, and evilly good. LOL!Can't wait for the nect chapter. Please update soon. *looks at you with puppy eyes*
Oh yes, such a beutiful revenge:-) I am so happy to have read another brilliant chapter. It has been a while since I looked for updates on this story, and I was trilled when I saw that there were indeed an new chapter waiting for me. I look forward for the rest of the story, keep up the good work.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Letting Go)
Thank you very much. And I'm glad there was indeed a chapter waiting for you. My brain is feverishly trying to come up with the next!
Ooooh. I'm truly loving that Harry and Ron are the biggest prats known to mankind in this fic. I was reading it originally on Ashwinder, and last night checked if there was an update on it there - no such luck - and then I remembered this place and went absolutely mad scrambling to read chapters 6 through 8. Please update when you can, I can't wait to see how this all ends :).
Love your story, please say you will write the chapter where Hermione gets her revenge against Harry and Ron? I want a thourough description of their faces when they realize what has been done to them, a little public humilliation wouldnt be that bad either..
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Letting Go)
Oh, yes. I am definitely writing that chapter!
I can't wait for you to finish this story. I like the fact that Harry and Ron are complete jerks. Please finish quickly I'm getting impatient to find out how Hermione and Severus deal with each other and the "boys."
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Letting Go)
Will do... I'm currently throwing around ideas as to how jerk-ish the boys will end up being and how Slytherin-ish Hermione will end up being.