New Chapter for Men With Brooms
Men With Brooms
Wenches of SASS41 Reviews | 41 Ratings, 0 Likes, 120 Favorites )
Hermione does not like flying - is it because she's scared, or because she's never been properly taught? A SASSY Production, in the form of a Round Robin
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About Wenches of SASS
Wenches of SASS
Member Since 2005 | 1 Story | Favorited by 19 | 0 Reviews Written | 1 Review Response
An archive of RoundRobin HP fics by SASS.
Reviews for Men With Brooms
hey Ladies!!
Thank you for your roundrobin!!
a genuin masterpiece about how to get Hermione intersted into some sort of flying equipment.
And flying she went!
Thank you all!
Totally Enjoyed to read
Found this story while doing a random search for some new things to read. How lucky was I to discover this lovely little gem.
All who took part in writing have done a superb job. The lemons were exceptionally sweet.
The innuendos were a real hoot too.
Thanks all for writing this. So happy Severus got his little bit of happiness back.
That was a delightful romp. Thank you.
This was such a wonderful story! Loved it!
Well, well, well. I must say, ladies, that was VERY hot! Nicely done round robin.
Now that's what I call a great pinch hitter! Fabulous job and the perfect ending. "Up!", indeed!
Wow! Quidditch has never been so stimulating before! Thank you for being a sneaky little author and slipping in some not-so-quidditch-related activities. I'll even be nice enough to say I hope the seeker is okay after that spill. I am ever so grateful to him.
"it is…magic. Can you feel it, Hermione? The magic thrumming between your thighs?”Oh, yeah. I do believe she can feel it. And he's wearing her scarf! Perhaps he's just been saving it for a special occasion? Perhaps, if we are lucky, her original analysis of the situation is true. Wonderful chapter and a lovely song choice.
Oh, I do enjoy a simple meddling Dumbledore! Much better than that For the common good Dumbledore of DH. Your Minerva is a treat, as well. Snape has turned out to be a very thorough and patient teacher. Who knew?! Things are working out quite nicely.
It seems like Snape wants to give back a little by making sure a muggleborn is not passed over when it comes to naural wizarding talents. It is rather ironic that her best friends would tease her endlessly about it, but never offer to teach her. Perhaps Snape will regain all the initial joy he had from flying without anyone to complain about his quidditch skills. This could be quite beneficial for both of them. Very appropriate song choice, as well.
Wow! I love all the backstory on Snape and how he came to be on the broom. Then you left us at the same evil cliffie, except you did give us the hope of an Immobulus as she was falling. Poor Miss Granger is still up in the air, so to speak.
Someone asked about this on Potter Place today and I thought it would be nice to reread all the way through. This time I won't be falling for the evil cliffie about plummeting to her death. This is a wonderful setup for the rest of the story. I love the image of Snape against the moon and the sound of deep chocolate laughter.
UP! UP! now if that worked there would be several drug companies out of business! *snigger*
The wenches will make a sports writer out of you yet! Besides, you write horizontally based "sporting" activities well!
Is that your broomstick I feel, or are you just pleased to see me? LOL
LOL now the boys will be jealous cos she gets to go to a game and they don't :P
private flying lessons, does she get to see his broomstick? ( asks innocently)
Interesting take on Severus' teenage years
hmm guess who saves her.. no prizes !
So...that works on more than just a broom, eh? Hee-hee, I loved it! And the writing was sooo hot, to boot!
That was super! I thoroughly enjoyed it! If I feign dumbness with a broom, (since I must only feign as I have no real magical power), do you think I might could get my very own Snape "lessons" in the process?
Ah, but that was wonderful and sweet! And I loved your choices of songs at the end of each chapter. Once upon a time I was a fan and author for SIS-S/S (Sisters in Smut a Skinner/Scully archive) Now I am a huge fan of the Wenches of SASS!!!!
I enjoyed this story. I hope you all write another one.Thank you.
LOl-that was great.