'Dark' Secrets
Chapter 3 of 5
MayavanavihariniHariniLong forgotten memories resurface when two individuals, poles apart yet strikingly similar to each other, happen to meet.
ReviewedSeverus Snape opened his eyes reluctantly to the warm rays of the morning sun urging him to wake up. He was taken aback to see a rather sorrowful-looking Minerva leaving his bedside.
Honestly, what’s the matter with Minerva? Where has all her fieriness disappeared? Hell, she is acting like one big, obsessive aunt ever since some dunderhead chose to dump me here at St Mungo’s.
This is completely inappropriate. Totally uncharacteristic of the Minerva McGonagall I have always loved to hate.
Yes, I have lost all desire to live. Big deal.
As if anyone cares whether I live or die. The only two persons who might have cared were Lily Evans and Eileen Prince. They are gone.
Yes, I passed out that night. Big deal.
I am not a bloody Tobias Snape who needs to be taken to a therapist.
His chain of thoughts was broken by a vaguely familiar feminine voice.
“Good morning. How are you today, Professor Snape?”
He raised his head from the pillow and found himself face to face with a former student.
The Ravenclaw Patil.
Gem of a student (not a show-off like that exasperating know-it-all), and more importantly, the twin who did not develop stupid feelings for a man twice her age.
If only her inordinately fashion-and-gossip-centric Gryffindor twin were half as wise.
Wait, what did she say? ‘Professor Snape’?
He hated it when people used that selfish brute’s surname to address him.
I’ve had enough.
He finally broke his silence for the first time in four-and-a-half weeks.
“We are past that stage, Dr Padma Patil. Call me Severus, please.”
“OK. I’ll try, but call me Padma then.” She smiled. “Honestly, it’s difficult to address former teachers by their first names. It took me six full months to call Minerva by her name. She gave you tough competition for the post of the scariest teacher at Hogwarts!”
He smiled weakly. Age (in addition to many more factors) has mellowed him quite a bit, thought Padma.
“She is coming tomorrow with us.”
“Who, Minerva? Merlin! Where? And why?”
“We are taking you to the psychologist.”
“Padma, I am neither an alcoholic nor a psychopath. Allow me to state this for the first and the last time—I AM NOT GOING TO A THERAPIST.”
“Listen, Severus, going to a therapist will not fit you into either category. Think of a better excuse… Wait, that’s not allowed! Your first and last statement has been recorded and rejected.” Padma flashed her trademark post-exam triumphant smile.
Damn that. Padma Patil wasn’t a Ravenclaw for no reason.
“I see no reason why you and Minerva need to come with me. If my memory isn’t failing me as badly as you claim, there’s a thing called Apparating,” said Severus in the sarcastic tone usually reserved for the Gryffindors.
“Ah, Severus, nobody is saying anything about your memory. As for Apparating, you are too weak to Apparate yet. Besides, the psychologist’s clinic is in a Muggle area, and you certainly don’t want to send a dozen Muggles running helter-skelter!”
“But take me out of this irritating place first,” demanded Severus impatiently.
“We can’t do that. We needed to ensure that your medications were taken under our supervision. That phase is over though. No more medicines for you. But now we need to see to it that you complete your psychotherapy sessions before we can discharge you from here,” stated Padma in a matter-of-fact tone. With a patient as non-compliant as Severus Snape, you couldn't afford to take a chance.
“At least tell me the name of the bloody therapist!”
“Twenty-four hours to go, and you will find out for yourself. You won’t be disappointed.”
"Legilimens," muttered Severus softly as Padma proceeded to check his vitals. Barely twenty-three seconds later, he knew all he needed to know.
He smirked at what he saw.
So the Gryffindor Patil intends to heal my mind, the mind of a well-trained Legilimens and Occlumens? And that too when she hasn’t learnt the Dark Arts from Shinde yet, and continues to harbor that idiotic weakness towards me? Let us see how she manages to extract the slightest information from me. If someone knows how to stay tight-lipped, that’s me.
Padma, you and your sister are as hopeless in Occlumency as you used to be. Especially you. At least Parvati can tell when I am intruding her thoughts (that’s one of the side effects of being a Seer… Divination is one area where she scores over you and definitely over Sybill)… You can’t even understand that!
“Convey my regards to Shinde and Patil,” said Severus as Padma prepared to proceed to the next bed.
“Shinde? Narayani Shinde? You knew my mother?”
“Yes, met her after Patil returned from India after their wedding. Quite an interesting Dark Witch she was.”
This was a rude shock to Padma, but she managed to maintain a neutral expression while she nodded.
I must find out Aai’s secrets, decided Padma.
A/N: Thanks to nagandsev, the wonderful admin here, for her Midas touch!
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Latest 25 Reviews for A Dream Deferred
11 Reviews | 7.27/10 Average
Who is Heer? Is she the samer age as the twins' parents? Then how did she become a little girl? And did Narayani deliberately give her the herbs to save Snape? How did she get hold of the herbs given her dislike of using magic? As you can see, I have many questions! I hope you will continue to write so they will be answered :)
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Author of A Dream Deferred)
Hi again! Thanks for reading and reviewing. I do have a plot on my mind that answers all your questions but alas, I can't spill the beans. It's reassuring to read your review. 😊 RL is killing me there (as my self-imposed exile from FB proves....lol) but I will be back.
I am curious to see how Indian magic ties together with Western, and what this dark force is. Will Parvati be able to heal the stubborn Snape's mind? Was the act of Dark Magic a form of rebirth, that kept Snape alive after Nagini's attack by trading a life for a life? Was it a willing sacrifice or murder? And will Parvati eventually embrace her magic once again? I suppose I need to read on... Well done on posting your first fanfic. You're officially a writer now :)
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Author of A Dream Deferred)
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Author of A Dream Deferred)
, I'm overwhelmed! Thank you so much :)Yes, you are definitely on the right track though I can't divulge the spoilers yet! :P Am so glad you found it readable:)
Enjoyed how we're introduced to Severus and his state of mind, as snarky as ever--and also the interesting revelation about Padma and Parvati's mother! ' (...) Quite an interesting Dark Witch she was.”'--wondering how easy it will be for them to find out Aai's secrets...--looking forward to more!
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Author of A Dream Deferred)
To quote a Malayalam movie, Drishyam, "Scenes are deceptive." *wicked grin* nag, nag, where would I be without you? 'Thank you' sounds too superficial.. You know that already!
Severus lives! always good news, dark mark gone,
and now Parvati on the job to bring him back from the brink. Looking forward to more.
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Author of A Dream Deferred)
Of course he doesn't die. He. Just. Can't. Thanks so much dear for continuing to read this.. Your lovely review and shiny stars made my day!
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
You are a woman after my own heart, there is no way Severus can die, my heart will not allow it.
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Author of A Dream Deferred)
I promise to make sure he lives. And lives life to the fullest.
Stay tuned. Next chapter is up!:)
look to be and interesting story!!
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Author of A Dream Deferred)
Thanks so much for the feedback. Glad you are enjoying it!
An intriguing start, looking forward to more.
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Author of A Dream Deferred)
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Author of A Dream Deferred)
, thank you so much for your encouragement! It means a lot, especially for a newcomer like me..:)
Thoroughly intrigued and looking forward to more of Parvati and Padma, but especially to Parvati and her interaction with her newest client... Wondering about what will happen during their first session.Enjoying Parvati's perspective and inner thoughts, Padma care and concern for her sister, as well as this being a rare pairing and unique story from the Patil sisters point of view--again, looking forward to more!
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Author of A Dream Deferred)
Thank you so much, nag! You just made my day! It was such a great honour to work with you, and it was even more exciting to get such an encouraging response for my debut fanfic. :)
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For some reason, hope it doesn't offend anyone, the elements of the opening chapters: the mother-father relation, the sisters' interaction, the whole family involved in courtship, remind me of the first chapter in 'Pride and Prejudice.'
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Author of A Dream Deferred)
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Author of A Dream Deferred)
Thanks so much for reading and commenting. Well, I haven't read that masterpiece and I certainly intend to do so. Whatever interactions I wrote about were based on the conservative and rather strict, yet loving families I have observed around myself.
Nevertheless, I am flattered, to say the least..thanks for wasting your valuable time in reading this newcomer's writing!
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Author of A Dream Deferred)
, I just went through the chapter you mentioned (Internet has made it so much easier to search specific chapters of specific books). And no, my dear, Narayani Patil has only one thing in common with Mrs Bennet. Her fiery temper. I don't really understand how Mrs Patil reminded you of her. And you mentioned something about the involvement of the whole family in courtship. Well, honestly I don't know what you meant. I think I made it pretty clear that the only person who knows of Parvati's little crush is her twin. And the Patil parents don't even know about it, and rest assured, won't approve of it at all, as the upcoming chapters will prove.
Response from Fairfield (Reviewer)
I see now that I should have given in to the impulse to reply to your first response by saying you expressed it better than I did: it seems that whatever happens the whole family will be involved, and I should have said I know there are numerous differences between the stories. I suppose you are concerned that I have misled people about what you are writing. Nevertheless, that is what popped into my head, and the intuitive leap may have been far wrong or it may be that there are more similarities than I consciously realize.
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Author of A Dream Deferred)
Well, tbh, many Indian families are actively involved in the selection process of prospective brides & grooms for their children and there's nothing wrong about that. So well, family involvement is something that HAS to be highlighted.. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, I understand.
ps Your chapter did not come across as melodramatic to me, but rather engaging and informative--I personally like to know a lot of the character's background, and love the exploration of Parvati's point of view and life experience shared, contrasting her twin sister's and parents, etc. You've set her up as a very strong, unique individual, and I'm looking forward to learning more about her--and of course her interaction with one particular tall, dark wizard!
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Author of A Dream Deferred)
Thanks a ton for your reassurance and kindness! The entire Patil family has a vital role in the plot.
And yes, I am looking forward to the first session with, ahem, him, as eagerly as you..*blushing*
Thoroughly enjoyed this chapter, sharing more, with its in-depth background about Parvati and her family--enjoying understanding the different influences in her life and life choices, along with the Marathi & Sanskrit terms, and also how long she has held a deep crush on a particular someoneLooking forward to learning more about her visions, her talk to Aai, and her inital session with Snape!
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Author of A Dream Deferred)
I'm flattered! In a humble attempt to provide an authentic Marathi flavour, I had to do a bit of research on Marathi as it is not my mothertongue (mine is Bangla). I am thrilled to learn that you liked the Marathi and Sanskrit terms!
My everlasting thanks to you!