Chapter the Twelfth: In Which Severus Sees More Than He Would Have Preferred
Chapter 13 of 17
dracontiaBecause in the unexpurgated versions of the old fairy tales the rating goes up the closer one gets to the final act. Yes, that kind of ‘act.’
ReviewedDisclaimer: Herein please find even MORE characters that are not mine (including unnamed ones whose identity should nonetheless be apparent) and for use of whose likeness I receive no compensation.
Warning: I considered incorporating 'morally bankrupt' somewhere in the title but (a) after reordering it is no longer Chapter 11 and (b) I have beaten that nag to death elsewhere. Also, nudity.
It took Severus time to get his bearings after leaving the Headmaster's office. In part, this was because he'd forgotten the quickest way to the Quidditch Pitch, where Minerva assured him that Prince Harry could be found. In larger part, it was because Lady Minerva had not been content merely to relate this intelligence, but had winked at him case he'd mistaken the gesture for a spot of lint in her eye...petted his broom handle a little too familiarly. In largest part, he was disoriented because he was actually contemplating taking up the implied offer from a woman old enough to be...hell, she HAD of his teachers. It wasn't like he had anything else going and she had just handed him a coronet.
Still in a somewhat defensive mood from the argument with himself, he may have been a bit brusque with the youths who were dutifully flying drills at the Quidditch pitch. A gangly ginger whose gear proclaimed him the Keeper and whose arm span looked more than equal to blocking all three hoops at once, informed him that Prince Harry had left practice early, claiming a scheduled a tutoring session in the library. As Severus stalked away, he was sure he overheard a mumbled 'tetchy git' from behind him.
At the library he had a rather pedantic encounter with a young woman of barely-noble stock with a chip on her shoulder the size of her under-appreciated ability. (He knew the type, having to confront it in the mirror when shaving.) On that account and because she seemed authoritative in her assertion that the prince was 'loafing about his quarters, almost certainly neglecting his studies and by extension his duties to the kingdom,' etc., he refrained from hexing her.
After a series of wrong turns, Severus finally located the room the girl had described. Completely out of patience, he gave one perfunctory knock before bursting through the locked door with a spell.
He really ought to have recalled that one usually locks doors for a reason, and one possible reason a young man might lock a door is that he is not alone in the room.
"Merlin's hairy balls! What the merry hell?" Severus had a moment's difficulty registering the situation. His brain was rather stuck on the youth and nudity of the young female (who otherwise bore an uncanny resemblance to his recalcitrant charge) and the fact that the young male hadn't the decency (or patience) to close the curtains on either the bed or the window. In the middle of the day, no less!
"Not Merlin's, just Harry's," the girl said placidly.
"Who the hell are you?" The young man took a rather more alarmed view of things. He had a pillow over his bits and a wand in his hand before he was done speaking, and managed to at least partially position himself in front of his bedmate. Chivalry wasn't entirely dead.
"Lord Thanestrife, if that matters," Severus said boredly, as if it should have been common knowledge. The accompanying bizarre happy dance was completely internal. "Lady Minerva told me to find Your Highness if a princess needed rescuing, but under the circumstances I wonder," he glanced down and quickly looked up at the bed's canopy again...he really needed to get out more, if his response to that underfed girl-child meant anything... "if that's a good idea." In lieu of relating the whole sorry tale, Severus opted to promote Draco to 'princess.' If the rescue was quick, the prince might not notice the difference.
"Oh, that's what Harry was doing...rescuing me," the girl said.
"I'd love to know how you convinced her of that," Severus said. Slightly to his chagrin, he really did want to know.
The barely-covered prince sputtered an attempted rebuttal, but the girl interrupted. "I need to be 'damaged goods' so I'll be off the marriage market and free to pursue my cryptozoological studies. Harry needs an heir so he can tell Dumbledore to push off if he tries to arrange a political marriage. We're friends, so we came to a mutually beneficial arrangement," the blonde said, making no effort to re-arrange the sheets.
"Child, put some clothes on! At least the Prince-who-lived-to-hump had the decency to cover his bits," Severus said, trying to look somewhere other than at the blonde's modest...if immodestly exposed...endowments, or at the prince who was fumbling into clothes and... spectacles? "I would expect that conniving old queen to be having me on, claiming that he was the best of the lot, but I hoped that Lady Minerva had the decency not to hand me a load of Abraxan shit."
The Prince sighed in frustration. "I know that Lord Dumbledore considers me a malleable little pawn, but I'm well aware I'm meant to unite the whole bloody mess. Luna's a Princess from one of the most prominent families in Ravenclaw, so... Well, the child's not a bastard if I acknowledge him. One of the perks of being the future king of everything between the coasts, if I live that long."
"If that was more articulate and less apologetic, it might be worthy of Slytherin," Severus granted him begrudgingly. He figured having got the initial 'Your Highness' out of the way, he could skip a few. "Do you plan to get a Princess of Hufflepuff up on the duff as well?"
"No need; I'm godfather to the orphaned Duke of Hufflepuff, and his dowager grandmother claims my protection. The Hufflepuff-Gryffindor alliance is secure." Prince Harry sighed tragically. Princess Luna (at last holding a sheet to her bosom, to Severus's relief) put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
Severus was curious now. "You know what Dumbledore intends, yet you still go through with it?"
Prince Harry shrugged, which had the added benefit of seating his Gryffindor-red cloak on his shoulders. "He's better than the self-styled Lord Voldemort. And he doesn't need to know until after I'm king that I'll only heed his advice if I like it."
Severus felt begrudgingly hopeful. "Well, shift your arse, then, Highness, you've a rescue to attend to."
"Is it urgent?" The prince picked up a late model broom and an old-fashioned sword from the chest and the foot of the bed and fumbled into the sword belt, a task made needlessly difficult by holding the broom.
"Urgent? Look, you dunderhead, the Sinister yet Dashing genius who owns the tower will only be away for..." Severus consulted his watch "...four hours before he must return to feed his favorite pitcher plant. There are a Devil's Snare, two mature Whomping Willows, and small yet irritable flock of Thestrals to pacify before you can reach the tower...and you'll still need to climb the princess' hair to get in the topmost window since the curse nullifies the spells on brooms. So you'll bloody well get on it NOW."
"All right, all right, don't get your knickers in a twist," Harry groused. He glanced at Luna wistfully. "You sure you're going to be all right?"
"Quite certain," Luna assured him. "No need to get married or anything, unless we're both kind of bored."
"Right." Prince Harry sounded disappointed. "Well... Take care. Let me know if you need anything, yeah? I've got loads of room in Grimhold Keep if your dad puts you out," he yelled over his shoulder as Severus hustled him out of the room.
"Sure, Harry. Have fun!"
"'Have fun,' she says," Severus groused. "This is serious business. To get past the Thestrals alone..."
"It's a small herd, you said? I'll swing by the kitchens on my way and pick up a couple of legs of mutton to keep them busy. I can see Thestrals, so they won't get the drop on me."
"You can't distract the Whomping Willows with meat."
"No, but there's an angry, ancient Whomping Willow on the Hogwarts grounds, and my former Quidditch captain was a bit... obsessive. I've been flying around and under it for years as part of practice drills."
Severus blinked. "That's not obsessive, that's sadistic," he murmured. More loudly, "Well enough, but there's still the matter of the Devil's Snare."
Prince Harry drew his wand and sent a plume of fire into the air with a nonverbal spell. "It ought to shrink away from flame." He threw his leg over the broom handle.
"When you get there," Severus said through gritted teeth, "you need to speak the correct words, else the princess won't let down her hair. There is no other way to avoid the spells on the tower except to climb the braid."
Prince Harry finally paused. "What are the words, then?"
"Draceana Draco, let down your hair," Severus said. "Repeat them."
Prince Harry did so dutifully, having had to say stranger things in the name of magic over his brief lifetime.
Severus huffed. "All right. I suppose you might do, at that."
"I usually manage," Harry said. With no further ado, he kicked off and flew towards the kitchens.
"That'll put old Lucius right out of countenance when he sees a short-arse ragmuffin on a broom instead of a prince in purple on a white hippogriff rescuing his 'princess,'" Severus murmured in a show of schadenfraude.
"Oh, Harry has one of those...a white Hippogriff, that is," Luna said. She toddled up beside Severus, apparently unmindful of the fact that she was in the corridor wearing only a bedsheet. "He just knows better than to take it near a Thestral herd. Frankly, he's quite the superior flyer...just don't tell the hippogriffs. And I think Dumbledore overdid the whole early privation thing. Challenges are one thing, but stunting someone's growth is quite another." Severus wouldn't have thought the apparently ditzy princess could sound so disapproving. His opinion of her nudged slightly upward.
"Well, make sure you tell that rich little tosser to keep you at least as well as..." Severus turned to offer his opinion, and immediately looked away. "Young lady," he asked in a strained voice, "have you no modesty? Never mind, I think I know the answer; more to the point, have you no robes?"
"They're around here somewhere." The sheet rustled as she meandered. "Unless they went out the window, of course. There's one thing about Harry; he gives everything his all."
"And with that nauseatingly gratuitous bit of information, I'm off," Severus said. He only had four hours to hit the major distilleries and stock up for a private celebrate the eviction of his resident brat, and to bemoan the execution of his impending teaching sentence.
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Latest 25 Reviews for Dracpunzel
69 Reviews | 8.25/10 Average
Poor Sev, dropping the bottle just when he really needed a drink! :)
Response from dracontia (Author of Dracpunzel)
One wonders... does a TRUE Slytherin ever drop the bottle? Happy Halloween, cuz
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
We all know he's got them all fooled. He a Hufflepuff in disguise! Happy Halloween to you too! :D
LOL seventeen! :D
Response from dracontia (Author of Dracpunzel)
I admit, I went for the low-hanging fruit there.
I am a bit concerned about Draco's fascination with cleavage, especially as it is his own... :)
Response from dracontia (Author of Dracpunzel)
Draco is one seriously cracked teacup. Not even mummy & daddy have enough galleons to put that egg back together again.
I'm surprised he didn't stop for a quickie with Luna before he left. I'm sure she'd be up for it... he certainly was! ;)
Response from dracontia (Author of Dracpunzel)
Are you kidding? He's already afraid of what Minerva would think (whether he admits to wanting to take her up on the offer or not!) Besides, the grey eyes/blonde thing would leave him with nightmares.
Lucius isn't silly. :)
Response from dracontia (Author of Dracpunzel)
Oh, he's silly, all right... but he writes a water-tight contract!
I've got nothing. You have rendered me speechless... :)
Response from dracontia (Author of Dracpunzel)
I didn't realize that was possible! *wonders if there is some sort of award attached to the achievement...*
Bet sev had a few sneaky peeks at the mags as well. ;)
Response from dracontia (Author of Dracpunzel)
He only reads them for the artcles.
Severeus won't know what hit him! :)
Response from dracontia (Author of Dracpunzel)
Nope indeedy!
A nice French plait, perhaps, with a few sparkly clips for effect? :)
Response from dracontia (Author of Dracpunzel)
Wormy is a true artiste
LOL Keep thinking of all those goodies the malfoys could provide, Sev! :)
Response from dracontia (Author of Dracpunzel)
He's making a list and checking it twice...
Hummm... Draco Severus has a certain cachet, don't you think? Beth
Response from dracontia (Author of Dracpunzel)
Regardless of what I think, poor Draco remains sadly unimpressed! Thanks very much for all the reviews!
Poor, poor, Severus. Will he live to regret this? Or will he find a way to turn this to his advantage?Beth
Response from dracontia (Author of Dracpunzel)
There is absolutely no reason why he can't do both! Thanks kindly for reviewing!
Ah ha! Now I see who the real power player is— Narcissa Malfoy! Beth
Response from dracontia (Author of Dracpunzel)
Lucius has always been rather more decorative than otherwise.
I wonder if this an indication of the kinds of "good ideas by Lucius" that Narcissa is going to face in the future? Poor Narcissa.A delightful beginning! Beth
Response from dracontia (Author of Dracpunzel)
The backfiring spell icon is a pretty apt summary of the quality of Lucius' ideas. Thank you for reviewing!
Not sure whether to feel more sorry for Draco or Severus. :)
Response from dracontia (Author of Dracpunzel)
They are both poor, put-upon souls deserving of pity.
Poor Draco, named after a plant! Guess it was lucky Narcissa wasn't craving trifoliate oranges... poncirus trifoliata.
Response from dracontia (Author of Dracpunzel)
Poncirus ABSOLUTELY must be some wizard's name!
I can see why he wants appropriate housebreaking to have taken place before receiving said goods. :)
Response from dracontia (Author of Dracpunzel)
Believe me, if I could've imposed such conditions of delivery on my own spawn, I would have...
What were those magazines again, Sev? ;)
Response from dracontia (Author of Dracpunzel)
Severus declines to answer on the grounds we already have a pretty good idea...
Starting again as i have been so slack. :D
Response from dracontia (Author of Dracpunzel)
I'm sure you'll have the slack taken up in no time
* Happy Sigh * And they all lived Happily ever after
Response from dracontia (Author of Dracpunzel)
I understand that Minerva, at least, has no complaints! Thanks most kindly for reviewing!
The periwinkle will be devine with Draco's colouring, I just hope Prince Harry will ummm... appreciate it.
Response from dracontia (Author of Dracpunzel)
Harry's initial reaction is something like this: For the rest, see Chapter 14, which is patiently awaiting your perusal. Thank you for reviewing!
"“Wormy is right beside young Draco,” the elf said, in the tone that bespoke extraordinary long-suffering. " " “Wormy apologizes for his unseemly show of grief,” the elf said convincingly. “" (was he actually unseemingly happy to be separated from Draco? I'm not really clear about that)- and thus began some of many marvellous lines, so many that I can't really pick out my fav. :D :D :D Truly, I think I had to stop counting because they are all vying for accolades. --- How did you get to brandish words so well? I'm a piano teacher, so I appreciate rhythm and you have that in spades! ^_^ Did you by any chance do English Literature for your GCSEs? :P
Response from dracontia (Author of Dracpunzel)
Wormy was definitely happy at the prospect of seeing the back of Draco; whether or not you deem it unseemly is dependent on how difficult you think Draco was to care for--never mind, there is a imaginary elf glaring at me to convey that it was entirely appropriate. <--Wormy doesn't have to punish himself--he just finds his job frustrating on occasion.Fortunately for Wormy, so much of Draco's energy is devoted to growing hair that it is a simple matter to mislead him.Thank you very kindly for the review-- and for the expansion of my general education! I had to look up 'GCSE,' as my nearest British ancestor is so many generations removed that there was not yet any difference in accents between one side of the pond and the other. Once, many ages ago, I convinced the University to award me a degree in Psychology; but my literary education was of the most perfunctory sort. I admire anyone who can decipher music! I never could make head or tail of the notation.
Poor Severus Lord Thanestrife I should say, he may be able to get out more when Draco is off his hands. Now I am all a quiver waiting for the next chapter.
Response from dracontia (Author of Dracpunzel)
LOL OK, now I have a completely off-topic image of Minerva saying, "All right luv, the bairns are all out of the house!" The wait is over; go see if you can help poor Draco figure out what to wear to a rescue.
The last few words in this chapter was a bit cumbersome to make the sentence not lag no matter how many times i try to adjust for reading. However, your depiction of Luna and the conversation was informative. I think because you try to let us readers into the details of your imagination, you try to fit in as many of these gems as possible and I do appreciate seeing it played out in High-Definition, don't get me wrong. It's just that I was trying to find out what made you (this author) tick and you certainly have a first-rate mind! :D
Response from dracontia (Author of Dracpunzel)
I'm sorry about that! I've added some extra punctuation in an effort to break it into better sense units. Please accept Chapter 13 (hopefully punctuated more helpfully!) by way of apology! <--sheepish!