New Chapter for Luscious Red Riding Hood
Luscious Red Riding Hood
ladyofthemasque22 Reviews | 22 Ratings, 0 Likes, 60 Favorites )
Chapters (2)
About ladyofthemasque
Member Since 2005 | 37 Stories | Favorited by 1,485 | 368 Reviews Written | 1,311 Review Responses
I have to apologize to everyone, period. Real life swallowed me whole, as I have been struggling to make a living writing original fiction over the last 8 years. It has not been easy, & has been complicated by health issues. I hope people can forgive my long silences. Trying to make enough money to live on from writing is a lot harder--waaaay harder--than it looks. (At least I didn't leave any posted fanfics unfinished.)
These stories are works of parody (& thus are allowable under US law), and are not written for profit. Just for fun. I'm not making any money off of any fanfics, nor will I ever. I'm just playing around in other writers' universes.
...I am, however, making something of a living off my own stories. (If anyone wants to play around in my universes, you may visit my website,, and look up my policy on Fanfics & Fanarts. It's reasonable enough and fairly easy to follow, too...)
Reviews for Luscious Red Riding Hood
Second part of your story was superb. A very fitting ending. I did wonder at Snapes proposal naked at that if it was just to get out of the book but happy he continued with it and his exploration of HG once they got back home.
I loved this so much. Thanks for writing and sharing. And I am still smiling widely after finishing this story - fair cheered me up as I have flu and am sure my cough has cleared . So thanks.
OMG I am writing you a review while still laughing hard after reading the first part to this story.
The whole situation is just perfect and with the silliness going on with the outfits and the reactions of both to the situation has had me beaming as well as choking with laughter.
Bet Severus will not be so quick to open a package that is not his ever again.
The outfit worn by Severus is fixed inside my head . It was him walking off in the wrong direction and him having to come back around and walk past HG in those tight leather pants that had me howling with laughter till tears fell.
I am loving this superb story based on your own challenge. Perfect so far and am off to read the folloing part that I am sure is equallly as good if not better.
Thanks for sharing.
You know, it's such a pity there aren't scads more of these Lost in a Book challenges, because I absolutely adore them! That being said, this one was no different, in fact it was much better then most- and suprisingly unique for being such a familiar storyline. Although I will admit, I did snicker a bit at picturing Severus in an all leather outfit (it was the squeaking noise I envisioned when he moved that just about killed me) Awesome job though!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Luscious Red Riding Hood)
I had a gigglefest over the leather pants, too.XD~Lotm(kidnapped and held ransom for the last year by plot-bunnies and house-buying elves)
I was sure I'd read this before (on Ashwinder?), but it evoked such fond memories that, as with any really good fairy tale, it bears repeating. And repeating. And repeating....
A delicious, credible setup, and a nice touch to have him realize that they'd been living like an old married couple without the one really fun benefit. So glad to have them live happily ever after, courtesy of dear Luna.
Thanks, Lotm! You always deliver.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Luscious Red Riding Hood)
Yup. And it's such a fun benefit, too...!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Luscious Red Riding Hood)
Yup. And it's such a fun benefit, too...!
YAAAAAYYYYY!!!bravo! bravo!very very sexy...the tounge thing was a little... strange. but if one can get over how it would look... it sounds like an excellent spell.
Wow oh wow. That was so so BRILLIANT I laughed so much, especially on the "I know full well that I've got the good looks of an anaemic wax bean and the personality of a diarrhetic porcupine" but. Comic genius it had to be said. Anyways, I really enjoyed reading this. Well done on such wonderful writing. An excellent response to the challenge. *hugs*.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Luscious Red Riding Hood)
Thanks, D. I loved that line, and especially Hermione's later rejoinder that he's a constipated porcupine, and that she's the diarrhetic one. ;-D Hope you enjoy my other writing as much! ~Lotm
Really good and funny!! I enjoyed a lot reading it! Congratulations!!
I have to say, I absolutely LOVE these lost in a good book challenge entries. I enjoy reading our beloved characters mingled into other beloved (or not so beloved) stories. Very sexy rendition here of the Hood. :)
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Luscious Red Riding Hood)
Thank you. My favorite part (aside from the comments about prickly porcupine type animals, and of course the smut) is the explanation of how the two came to be living together. I can totally see that happening, in those circumstances...~Lotm
Very erotic and very, VERY funny! Another great one LOTM!!!!!!!
Very entertaining! I love your work!
Oh my God! You just had to put the image of Severus as Jean-Claude in my head didn't you? You Bad Bad girl. Thats so cruel yet sooo good.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Luscious Red Riding Hood)
Mm-hmm.. *polishes nails* And don't forget Luscious Lucius as Asher... *blows on nails* ... *mops drool*...;->~Lotm
I love your response to your challenge :) (I usually adore your work) Thank you both for writing and issuing the challenge. I appreciate your efforts.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Luscious Red Riding Hood)
You're welcome, Mekareami...and thank you for letting me know that you do appreciate them! *hug* ~Lotm
Ah Lady, another great story. Really liked this one. What an ingenious bit of magic. Wish I had one of those books of my own. lol
LOTM, First off, congratulations on your book deal! Now a whole new world of people are going to see what a magnificent storyteller you are!!!!! I was thrilled to see a new story posted by you when I logged on this evening. You NEVER disappoint. Once again with humor and the brilliance of a well turned phrase, you've written an incredibly sexy and erotic tale. I loved every fabulous second of it!! Thank you so much for the treat.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Luscious Red Riding Hood)
Well, Nightqueen, I'll try not to disappoint with my original stuff as well. *hugs* I'm glad you liked this one! ~Lotm
"The plot won’t advance until you get that stick of loneliness and woe-is-me pulled out of your bum, and turn yourself into a Slytherin Sex God"
I couldn't help laughing. Isn't that true of any SS/HG fic (and many other storylines, for that matter)?
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Luscious Red Riding Hood)
...Why do you think I included it? ;-> ~Lmao, aka Lotm
Loved it. Just wish that I could put that down on my christmas wish list.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Luscious Red Riding Hood)
Ditto. Spell, book, Severus the Slytherin Sex name it! ;-D ~Lotm
ROTFLOL! *wait while I catch my breath*That was too much. Talk about hysterical. Where to begin? Treasure line, I don't think I've ever heard that particular expression. But the image of Rickman (from some play or other) about twenty, with long hair, bare-chested, wear tight white pants that hang low on his hips, showing off his 'treasure line', immediately comes to mind.His tongue...growing. Wow, I want that spell. Now! His too tight pants (and the image they invoke...*sigh). His odd gait as he walks away...LOL.Minerva offering her toys (funny, yet provoked a shudder in me, too). And their coupling, both in the book and in 'real' life was hot. I like how when the story started, they were very formal and reserved with each other (nice build-up about Severus's place - or lack there of - in wizarding society). And as the story progresses, wow!Funny, well written, incredibly entertaining. Thank you for a great read, I enjoyed this immensely.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Luscious Red Riding Hood)
Thank you for such a wonderfully detailed review! (It helps me know what I'm doing right, squee.) I want that spell, too. Ohhh, how I want that spell, too... The term 'treasure line' refers to the way how on some men, their chest and belly hair forms a visual line running all way down to their 'scepter & family jewels', so to speak. Hence 'treasure' line... ;->I'm glad I entertained you!~Lotm
LOL, for a moment I thought maybe Lucius was involved, what the the Lucious in the title.Great story. I've always thought there was something a bit erotic and suggestive about the story of Red Riding Hood.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Luscious Red Riding Hood)
A part of me wanted to evoke that Luscious Lucius connection without invoking the Platinum Git, Sr. directly, true...but he just didn't have a viable part in the story to fill. And yes, I agree; there is something erotic and suggestive about this particular fairytale... ~Lotm
Now, where can I get a copy of this book? That would be a very nice experiment ...
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Luscious Red Riding Hood)
Tell me about it... If I ever find out, I'll try to let you know! *hugs* ~Lotm
What an imaginative mind you have!I was literally sucked into this story of yours. Am just holiding on long enough to post a short review before I have to follow the plotline into chapter 2 ...
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Luscious Red Riding Hood)
Thanks, Apisa! I do have a rather large imagination... ~Lotm
Very funny. Great romp.
must... not... salivate... :DOh, dayam. That was good. Loooooooking forward to more.-Liz (one key still not working, or else this would be full of exclimations.)