New Chapter for Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden
Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden
notsosaintly30 Reviews | 30 Ratings, 0 Likes, 46 Favorites )
Oh, the trials and tribulations of a father left alone with his children...
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About notsosaintly
Member Since 2005 | 38 Stories | Favorited by 707 | 843 Reviews Written | 2,009 Review Responses
Founder of The Petulant Poetess. Editor and full-time mother.
Reviews for Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden
He wrapped his testicle round it hey? well I always knew that squid was gay hahahaha
I love the Batman comment! My two boys, when aged 2 and 4 were very quiet whilst I was talking to an insurance rep one day. On investigation I found them with a hose in their bedroom window running onto a bed, doors closed, so they could have an indoor swimming pool, if you please! And there was the time that their grandparents were looking after them and they spent all afternoon hiding in a bamboo bush just to wind them up. Not to mention the eldest writing his name on the bedroom wall , then trying to blame his pre-literate little brother!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
Now I wish I had known you when I wrote this. I have to admit my two girls didn't get into that much trouble. Although ... my 5-1/2 year old is a wicked little thing and cannot be trusted. I am on top of that kid constantly because I wouldn't put severe mischief past her.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
Now I wish I had known you when I wrote this. I have to admit my two girls didn't get into that much trouble. Although ... my 5-1/2 year old is a wicked little thing and cannot be trusted. I am on top of that kid constantly because I wouldn't put severe mischief past her.
"If it’s really, really bad, use a Portkey" Now wouldn't we all have liked to do that at times. I hosed one of my boys down on the lawn once, he smelled so bad! It was summer, I might add, and he took inordinate enjoyment out of it!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
See, now I think I would have taken inordinate enjoyment out of that. Hosing my kids down. Naw, making them sleep in the shed, THAT would have been enjoyable. (I'm only kidding, of course, but thoughts like that do occur.)
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
See, now I think I would have taken inordinate enjoyment out of that. Hosing my kids down. Naw, making them sleep in the shed, THAT would have been enjoyable. (I'm only kidding, of course, but thoughts like that do occur.)
He should have let Sean turn her into a Teletubby. The he would only have to make Tubby Custard for dinner and she would give him a Big Hug!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
LOL! Oh my, I had completely forgotten about Tubby Custard! After you're no longer forced to listen to that, you do actually forget. (Thank God.)
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
Hallelujah! We have a talking La-la who now sits in the toy box, having been superceded by Doar the Explorer and then Lightning McQueen. I think La-la's batteries are flat, finally!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
Jenna just finally let me give away her communicating La-La and Dipsy. The Po we had was just stuffed, and that went too. Fortunately Tinky Winky never entered my house. His voice always did bug me. Oh, and just yesterday as I was packing my VCR tapes I found one where I had taped a series of Boobah episodes. Gone. Gone. Gone. Trash. Bye-bye!
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
We have 4 kids worth of toys and crap sitting around the place. In a few years we plan on moving to a smaller house. That is going to be one BIG clean up!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
LOL! Oh my, I had completely forgotten about Tubby Custard! After you're no longer forced to listen to that, you do actually forget. (Thank God.)
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
Hallelujah! We have a talking La-la who now sits in the toy box, having been superceded by Doar the Explorer and then Lightning McQueen. I think La-la's batteries are flat, finally!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
Jenna just finally let me give away her communicating La-La and Dipsy. The Po we had was just stuffed, and that went too. Fortunately Tinky Winky never entered my house. His voice always did bug me. Oh, and just yesterday as I was packing my VCR tapes I found one where I had taped a series of Boobah episodes. Gone. Gone. Gone. Trash. Bye-bye!
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
We have 4 kids worth of toys and crap sitting around the place. In a few years we plan on moving to a smaller house. That is going to be one BIG clean up!
These children are nightmares! Mind, my little Lanabell is a sweetheart with me, but I remember coming home from a music tour and finding my bedroom painted bright green with orange spots, along with her father who was rather of the same colourage. Leaves to say that I was highly amused and my (now) husband distressed at the amusement. Lanabell takes the blame very maturely (for a 6 year old) and has requested that I "make another cabbage tree and take a brother out, please". She also says that if there are no brothers left, a cabbage, puppy, kitten, goldfish or handkerchief would suffice. I was amazed. Anyhows, bloody amazing story, had me rolling in stitches and I had to take a paracetemol at the end for the headache which ensues after such horrendous laughter. Amazing!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
Glad you liked it. I had so much fun writing this. I have two children of my own, although they are not the nightmares I've portrayed here (most of the time anyway). Sorry about the headache ... though at least it was born of something good!
Great! I love it when stories make me laugh out loud. It's so true with children getting into everything and creating just complete havoc when a parent is away....
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
Thank you so much! Isn't it true, though? Of course, I suppose if either of us were in Severus' shoes, we wouldn't be laughing.
Response from lilyginny27 (Reviewer)
Very true! Though, I was in a car accident once and proceeded to spend the first five minutes laughing hysterically after the shock wore off. A question I have, though, what's your reasoning that Harry is deemed such a better father than Severus when they both have children relatively the same age? I figured it's because of the whole personality thing and people actually see Harry being nice and fatherly to his kids while Severus probably (I'm assuming here) lets Hermione deal mostly with them in public. He does get embarrassed so easily. Just a curiousity I had....
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
Hmm ... I suppose I never saw Harry as a "better" father, necessarily. I see Severus as a father who doesn't want to get involved too much with the actual fathering bit. I see Harry as a father who gets more involved. Hermione knows Severus' temperment and just feels that two adults looking after children is better than Severus on his own. (Perhaps she thought that Severus needed a bit of supervising himself. *snicker*)
This is all coming from the mind of a mother, who has the major proportion of the responsibility towards the children (gets them fed, gives them baths, gets them dressed, etc. etc.). I never leave the kids with my husband unless they are dressed for the day, and make sure he knows what to feed them. He is just one of those types (if I didn't dress them, they'd still be in their pajamas when I got home). Sometimes I just get a little burnt out, and a story like this is the product of it.
First off I LOVED this story!! I have two daughters myself (twins) who I have been raising by myself since they were born. At six they were sent by themselves to see thier father for the first time and have gone every years since. I can only hope that *his* visits and Severus weekend are exactly the same....I wouldn't want him to miss out on all the fun. I laughed, cringed and laughed even harder, knowing very well what children are capable of....mucho kudos to you darlin!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
Thank you
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
. I'm glad I could make you laugh. My 3-1/2 year old is one of those who (I swear) looks for ways to cause trouble. I had a lot of inspiration for this story. And, I will hope along with you that your daughters' father has many, many experiences that show him how difficult it is to be a parent (especially a single parent like you are!).
Did you, perhaps, install cameras in my home and then modify the resulting images by adding magic? My children, almost three and one and a half, could almost put those children to shame. Minus the multiplying creatures and the fireworks. Other than that... LOL! This is such a true picture of parenthood! Severus really was out of his league in thinking he could handle the kids without any help. I absolutely loved this story! I must run. The silence in my home is all to loud right now. LOL!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
No kidding. My three year old is exactly like this. All trouble. You don't dare let her out of the cart at the store or you'd never get any shopping done. Her head pivots from side to side, and you can just read the thoughts: "What can I do next? What can I do next?" It's scary.
Response from JenKM1216 (Reviewer)
She and my son sound like duplicates of each other. LOL! I friended you on my LJ. Hope you don't mind.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
I don't mind at all. I've been neglecting LJ lately, but recently have felt the need to get back to it. I'll get around to 'friending' you back in a few days.
Response from JenKM1216 (Reviewer)
I should add that I am RemusSeverus on LJ. That might help. I'm telling you, the kids are sucking my mind away! LOL
OMG i have not laughed so hard in ages!!! If laughter is the best medicine, then bloody hell that is one of the world's best medicines... and so inspiring, can't wait to try out the idea of Severus and children *rubs hands together evilly* thanks for Yet Another wonderful fic, *hugs* xxx
Oh, and SW chapter length = yes 'em!! good show.. teehee
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
Glad to have your approval, ma'am.
Papa Albus... ahahahhaha First time I see that! Oh, lovely student essay.. hehe the little rascals... Poor Snape... ahahaha.. methinks Harry might be showing up at some point! Very cute. I've been smirking and giggling. I can just imagine his expressions.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
Can you imagine? Papa Albus handing out sweets? I thought you'd like those essays. Pook told me to make them REAL good... er, bad. It was not easy.
lol.. Poor Snape. If my son acted that way, he'd live grounded in his room. hehe off to next chapter! !!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
Mwahahaha! Actually, I am just waiting for the ultimate lifetime grounding sentence.
*has a sneaking suspicion about a certain part...* Anyway, good grief... Severus has the patience of a saint and he's getting REALLY good at cleaning charms (don't you wish you were able to?).
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
I have never heard "Severus" and "patience of a saint" mentioned in the same breath before. *lol* Where's that sneaking suspicion taking you, huh?
Wonderful reminds me a little of when my Dad was forced to watch me as a kid. I always managed to break something when he would think he had it under control. Thank goodness for grandmothers!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
*snicker* I think kids are very aware when a parent is either not very experienced or is being forced to watch them. Why, you little Slytherin, you! LOL
That's such a great story! It would really be a pity if you don't complete it! PLEASE MORE CHAPTERS!!!!!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
More? Day Two is waiting...
Terrible childrearing tactic, that last happy laugh. There goes mummy's authority for the next five years ;-)
I always feel a bit... alienated from stories about clueless dads, though. Mine--despite being a brownbelt and an occasional leather-clad biker--was an incredibly affectionate and competent father. The only thing he couldn't handle was discipline, which is why I'm very grateful he wasn't a single father. I'd have grown up to be a right horror.
BUT, what I'm trying to say is, despite my inability to personally relate to the theme I enjoyed this story very, very much. Very well written! And the other thing I wanted to say was: thanks for being the Petulant Poetess. I've been on this site for ages, and always meant to say "thank you", but never got around to it. It's a great archive!
This was beyond great!! This is what I imagine Severus and Hermione's childern would be like! This was very well written! I loved it
Every parents nightmare, hearing their child "say in an urgent whisper, “Catch them!” That reminded me of the time my first cousin put his collection of LIVE baby frogs in our grandmother's washing machine so they could swim. Arrrgh! I laughed till I cried at the antics of Severus and Hermione's little bundles of joy. One particularly endearing thing was that Sean was a miniature Severus. Like father, like son. *TeeHee* And not to be out done, Saffie reminded me of a little Hermione with Severus' coloring. This was a most enjoyable read. Thank you.Beth
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
You are most welcome. Thank you for reading and your kind reviews!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
You are most welcome. Thank you for reading and your kind reviews!
I screamed with laughter at this: “Nappies yucky,” the creature announced, reaching out to grab him.This will make him so happy to see Hermione when she comes home.And I'll bet U-U-Uncle F-F-Fred is in for trouble the next time Severus sees him!
A charming story you have here!Thanks,Beth
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
Thanks. I used my kids as inspiration. Though now, a few years later, I could expound on it.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
Thanks. I used my kids as inspiration. Though now, a few years later, I could expound on it.
I LOVE this fic — anything with Severus, Hermione and their children makes me smile really big! Beth
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
Yes, I had a lot of fun writing this one too.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
Yes, I had a lot of fun writing this one too.
Actually, Germans call it Euro Disney as well. :-)
I absolutely love fics where Severus has to deal with his kids. Blessing, indeed.
How many times is he just an inch from hexing them into next week? Or doing something equally effective in silencing them? By the way, I loved that Sleeping Draught thing, it really sounds like something he might do.
A wonderful fic.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
Thank you! I'm very happy you like the story. Thanks for the tidbit about Germans calling it Euro Disney. We call it that in the States, of course, since we have both Disneyland and Disney World. It's interesting to know what others call it.
Can't wait for Severus to get the shock of his life on day two. I can imagine what 2 kids this young can get upto. *poor* Sevvie has absolutely no clue what he is in for *cackles evilly*. So when is the next update? No pressure or anything but why isn't it already posted?
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
Well, I had to go log in just to reply. No pressure? I keep pushing this one to the side, though all the ideas have been jotted down. Now that my fingers are getting back to normal and I can actually type, I will work on this on your request. You are right. I've put it off far far too long.
That was sooo funny! Poor Severus! *inserts sarcasm* LOL! Now I'm glad that I don't have kids. I have a godson and that's enough for now. LOL!I couldn't stop laughing when Harry called Snape Batman. That was priceless! LOL!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
Glad you liked that ... I was dying to use it.
Oh gosh, there are some days when I wish I had some Dreamless Sleep of my very own to administer to my little hellian. If I were a Potion Mistress I would probably be sorely tested nearly every day *lol*"No, Trent! The TV is not a drum set! Use your practice pad! That's IT! Come over here, pookie man, and take your medicine!" *evil smirk*
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Children Are a Blessing, Not a Burden)
Yes, good for a laugh break. Now I'm getting back to the smut.