New Chapter for The Anatomy of True Friendship
The Anatomy of True Friendship
arynwy52 Reviews | 52 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
For the first time in Severus Snape's life, he actually has the girl. Now, all he has to do is figure out if he truly wants to keep her.
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About arynwy
Member Since 2006 | 1 Story | Favorited by 12 | 196 Reviews Written | 107 Review Responses
I've been reading HP fanfic since 2005. Severus is my favorite character, although I enjoy stories about others that don't feature him.
I've served as alpha and cheerleader for writers since 2010, and 2012 marks my first outing as a writer.
Reviews for The Anatomy of True Friendship
Loved it and hated it.
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
LOL! Yes, that's a pretty universal response. You are not alone. Thank you for reading. If I write these two again, I promise they will have a more satisfying ending.
Wonderful story with not quite the ending I was expecting, but satisfying nonetheless. That SS is content and expresses so at the close makes me very happy indeed.
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
Thank you for giving the story a try and for taking the time to review. I'm glad you found it satisfying, especially with the atypical ending for these characters.
The story didn't start out as a character study in its conception, but it kind of went that way as it went along, so it was important to me that Severus found some personal happiness/contentment when all was said and done. Thank you, again.
That was beautifully written! Intelligent, adult and just wonderful! Not the ending I hoped for but it is the ending that makes this so brilliant. Wonderful. Thankyou.
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
Thank you so very much! I am especially pleased that the ending worked for you despite all expectations. I had lots of fun writing this for absolute_tash. Also, thank you for the rating - that put a smile on my face.
The format of this story impresses me; you must have known when writing it that readers would expect it to work out differently. It makes an interesting ending, and was very well crafted.
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
Thank you! And yes, the typical SSHG shipper does expect a HEA or at least the possibility of one. I'm not all that different - we read this ship for escapism.
When I started researching this type of relationship, I had no idea what I was getting into. The one thing that I found was that realistically, there are very few of these that end happily, unless both parties are ready for something more and acknowledge it. My Exchange giftee wanted realism, so I bit the bullet and went the admittedly unpopular outcome.
If the story timeline had been more extended, there might have been a chance for Severus to grow even more, but I'm a new writer and the spand of a tale like that is out of my reach. I was happy to have completed something this large as it is.
Thank you again for your kind words - it's always a pleasant surprise.
Huh. Good story but you misled us. It's generally known that a fanfic marked 'romance' means the two protagonists will end up together. And there wasn't really any 'angst' here either.
Coulson is ultimately a wet blanket for not asking Hermione to stop sleeping with her fuck buddy, once Coulson was serious about her. But I can't figure out - was she, or wasn't she sleeping with Coulson before the engagement? Doesn't make sense if she wasn't.
Anyway, good story. But this last chapter had a different vibe from the amazing flow and eneergy of the early chapters.
Interesting that Ginny hasn’t forgiven Severus, but it seems that Ron and Harry have. But I suppose it makes sense, she was under him when he was headmaster.
Astoria was a hoot – but I really admired how Hermione handled her—that was brilliant and so subtle.
And everyone thinks Harry has a hero complex – Move over Harry – Severus to the rescue and slyly enough that Hermione couldn’t really pin it on him. I loved the conversation between Severus and Ron. And the make-up between Severus and Hermione was nicely written.
But if they are such good friends now, and considering that Hermione knew he had issues with Lupin/werewolf – why was she so hurt that he couldn’t watch the test subjects. I mean, Black tried to use a transformed Lupin to kill Severus! (or did Harry keep that memory to himself?) And I don’t think she has figured it out yet at all.
It was nice that he could see the memories in a Pensieve, but even them she didn’t show any compassion for the guy. I was impressed that Harry gave an emotion free observation. And not surprised that Erik has a flash of longing? Lust? a romantic flush…
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
Harry and Ron were on the short end of Severus' temper on a regular basis from what we see via the Harry Filter in canon. I get the impression that Ginny never was. The boys have grown up enough to understand exactly how they made life difficult for Snape and the risks the man took to help them - especially by delivering the Sword.
On the other hand, the first time Ginny really dealt with Severus' more volatile nature was during the DE occupation of Hogwarts. Her attitude would have been uniquely polarized by what happened to herself and the other students on his watch - she will always feel that he should have done more. She wasn't a part of the Horcrux hunt and subjected to just how handicapped Dumbles left his pawns, so she has no fellow feeling with Severus and his plight. She lost a brother along with good friends and she needs someone to be angry with, so Snape is IT and he's perfectly fine with that.
As for Hermione's situation - part of that is a communication issue. First, she had to drag it out of Severus that he still did have issues with werewolf transformation - he's managed to overcome so many of his other issues and he IS working on this project, so it didn't occur to her that it still signified until Severus obliquely made his point. Which is why she arranged for others to help her capture the records of the trials and made certain he had a viable reason to not participate.
What set her off was his refusal to let her "help" him when he later reviewed the memories. She knew that viewing them would be traumatic for him and she just wanted to be there, to do something. She has no way of knowing that he's sought professional help for this because he hasn't told her. We know that he's gone as far as he's able because we are privy to his mental dialogue, but she doesn't because he never communicated this fact to her. In her mind, here she was, willing to be an emotional harbor for him and he just shut her out summarily and completely instead, and woudn't speak or share the pain he felt, allowing her to shoulder some of it. If you'll recall, she got her feelings hurt in canon during Harry's CAPSLOCK period in OotP when she wanted to help Harry with Occlumency, so this is a canon Hermione response. She understands that she's out of line in regard to said response, but she can't help it - it's just the way she is. Which is why she asked for time to deal with her own issues. We are so used to a super-forgiving Hermione that always pushes aside her own hurt to be there for others - this Hermione is a bit more human.
As for Harry's observations, this version of Harry worked pretty hard to prove himself as more than the "Saviour" and did a bit of reinventing/remaking of himself as well. He now understands that there is a time and place for emotions and for him, when he's working, that is no longer the time. Losing Sirius really hit him hard and he understands that if he'd had a better handle on his emotional response, he would possibly have thought of the mirror instead of dashing off to the rescue. He is perfectly aware of the fact that the Horcrux played a part in his instability, but he also acknowledged the fact that he managed to overcome part of that issue during the Horcrux hunt where he had the internal Horcrux as well as the locket to deal with, so ultimately, it was up to him to reel his emotions in and use the intelligence he'd been gifted with. This Harry is much more mature and very much up to taking Hermione to task logically when she is out of line.
I had fun letting Severus play hero and I really wanted to show that Ron had also made significant changes in how he dealt with life, that he's reached his potential, so I'm glad you enjoyed his conversation with Severus. I've written a book here... thank you for your review and the questions!
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
Harry and Ron were on the short end of Severus' temper on a regular basis from what we see via the Harry Filter in canon. I get the impression that Ginny never was. The boys have grown up enough to understand exactly how they made life difficult for Snape and the risks the man took to help them - especially by delivering the Sword.
On the other hand, the first time Ginny really dealt with Severus' more volatile nature was during the DE occupation of Hogwarts. Her attitude would have been uniquely polarized by what happened to herself and the other students on his watch - she will always feel that he should have done more. She wasn't a part of the Horcrux hunt and subjected to just how handicapped Dumbles left his pawns, so she has no fellow feeling with Severus and his plight. She lost a brother along with good friends and she needs someone to be angry with, so Snape is IT and he's perfectly fine with that.
As for Hermione's situation - part of that is a communication issue. First, she had to drag it out of Severus that he still did have issues with werewolf transformation - he's managed to overcome so many of his other issues and he IS working on this project, so it didn't occur to her that it still signified until Severus obliquely made his point. Which is why she arranged for others to help her capture the records of the trials and made certain he had a viable reason to not participate.
What set her off was his refusal to let her "help" him when he later reviewed the memories. She knew that viewing them would be traumatic for him and she just wanted to be there, to do something. She has no way of knowing that he's sought professional help for this because he hasn't told her. We know that he's gone as far as he's able because we are privy to his mental dialogue, but she doesn't because he never communicated this fact to her. In her mind, here she was, willing to be an emotional harbor for him and he just shut her out summarily and completely instead, and woudn't speak or share the pain he felt, allowing her to shoulder some of it. If you'll recall, she got her feelings hurt in canon during Harry's CAPSLOCK period in OotP when she wanted to help Harry with Occlumency, so this is a canon Hermione response. She understands that she's out of line in regard to said response, but she can't help it - it's just the way she is. Which is why she asked for time to deal with her own issues. We are so used to a super-forgiving Hermione that always pushes aside her own hurt to be there for others - this Hermione is a bit more human.
As for Harry's observations, this version of Harry worked pretty hard to prove himself as more than the "Saviour" and did a bit of reinventing/remaking of himself as well. He now understands that there is a time and place for emotions and for him, when he's working, that is no longer the time. Losing Sirius really hit him hard and he understands that if he'd had a better handle on his emotional response, he would possibly have thought of the mirror instead of dashing off to the rescue. He is perfectly aware of the fact that the Horcrux played a part in his instability, but he also acknowledged the fact that he managed to overcome part of that issue during the Horcrux hunt where he had the internal Horcrux as well as the locket to deal with, so ultimately, it was up to him to reel his emotions in and use the intelligence he'd been gifted with. This Harry is much more mature and very much up to taking Hermione to task logically when she is out of line.
I had fun letting Severus play hero and I really wanted to show that Ron had also made significant changes in how he dealt with life, that he's reached his potential, so I'm glad you enjoyed his conversation with Severus. I've written a book here... thank you for your review and the questions!
Interesting how the relation is preogressing. I miss the snarky Snape, but this seems more in line with how he'd be with colegues on equal footings. It's enjoyable story so far.
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
We've got several occurences of role reversal in this tale. Hermione tended to be the snarky one and Severus was firmly set on introspection. He's re-made himself and although he is still capable of cutting wit and dialogue, it's not all that he is or wants to be.
And yes, he does see her as a colleague - he's been working with her information and corresponding with her in the blind for some time now before seeing her face-to-face for the first time in years. The adult Hermione is rapidly replacing all thoughts of child Hermione in his mind.
I'm glad you are enjoying this thus far. It's not as fleshed out as your own stories, but I wanted to make certain I made the deadline for the Exchange, especially as a first-time participant. Hope that you enjoy the rest as well. Cheers!
Response from beaweasley2 (Reviewer)
ooops, this was supposed to be for chapter 3! How did it get here on chapter 2? Sorry about that. I told you I'm bad with reviews.I have always thought that in the books we are clouded by a Harry-filter. We see Severus through a boy's eyes who, let's be honest, doesn't exaclty have respect for his elders (the Dursley's, Aunt Marge, or Mrs. Figg) or teachers, especially if they are mean to him as Severus is. Fact is if you examin any of Severus' interactions with the other professors (Luip is the exception, well and Lockhart, and Sybill, and He wasn't exaclty fond/friendly with Umbridge...) He's a cordial, intelligent and respectful individual. Well, he's respectful to Hagrid, Minerva and Dumbledore... He even was cordial and polite to Lucius, especially to Bellatrix and Narcissa. Okay, he was rude to Pettigrew - but who woudn't be?)Sweetie - it's wondrfully fleshed out! What do you mean it isn't? For an exchange story, and believe me I know, it's really hard to get a full story out under a dealine, and you did extrememly well. Don't sell your self short - it's got detail, great dialogue, good descriptions and isn't bogged down in what I call - wrong viewpoint detail (Like Severus, a thypical red-blooded male, noticing which brand of shoes she's wearing or what the fabric of her dress robes... He's a guy)
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
"He's a guy." Good lord, that made me laugh. Yes! Which is why he casually noted what she wore and how she wore it, but focused in on the fountain pen, LOL! Men do appreciate a fine writing insrument.
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
We've got several occurences of role reversal in this tale. Hermione tended to be the snarky one and Severus was firmly set on introspection. He's re-made himself and although he is still capable of cutting wit and dialogue, it's not all that he is or wants to be.
And yes, he does see her as a colleague - he's been working with her information and corresponding with her in the blind for some time now before seeing her face-to-face for the first time in years. The adult Hermione is rapidly replacing all thoughts of child Hermione in his mind.
I'm glad you are enjoying this thus far. It's not as fleshed out as your own stories, but I wanted to make certain I made the deadline for the Exchange, especially as a first-time participant. Hope that you enjoy the rest as well. Cheers!
Response from beaweasley2 (Reviewer)
ooops, this was supposed to be for chapter 3! How did it get here on chapter 2? Sorry about that. I told you I'm bad with reviews.I have always thought that in the books we are clouded by a Harry-filter. We see Severus through a boy's eyes who, let's be honest, doesn't exaclty have respect for his elders (the Dursley's, Aunt Marge, or Mrs. Figg) or teachers, especially if they are mean to him as Severus is. Fact is if you examin any of Severus' interactions with the other professors (Luip is the exception, well and Lockhart, and Sybill, and He wasn't exaclty fond/friendly with Umbridge...) He's a cordial, intelligent and respectful individual. Well, he's respectful to Hagrid, Minerva and Dumbledore... He even was cordial and polite to Lucius, especially to Bellatrix and Narcissa. Okay, he was rude to Pettigrew - but who woudn't be?)Sweetie - it's wondrfully fleshed out! What do you mean it isn't? For an exchange story, and believe me I know, it's really hard to get a full story out under a dealine, and you did extrememly well. Don't sell your self short - it's got detail, great dialogue, good descriptions and isn't bogged down in what I call - wrong viewpoint detail (Like Severus, a thypical red-blooded male, noticing which brand of shoes she's wearing or what the fabric of her dress robes... He's a guy)
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
"He's a guy." Good lord, that made me laugh. Yes! Which is why he casually noted what she wore and how she wore it, but focused in on the fountain pen, LOL! Men do appreciate a fine writing insrument.
I liked her realtionship scale idea, it's not too off from how I feel, but she's organized and catigorized it. lol So she's intrigued him, and he's going to pursue her - nice twist. I"m glad that this mature Hermine is still so very much in character.
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
When I was trying to assess exactly what makes a friendship, I started making Hermione-like lists, lol. It wasn't too long before I found myself reading blogs and studies that only seemed to verify the conclusions I was starting to reach. With a fair bit of cynicism on my part, I then filtered all of that through Hermione's mindset and presto, we have a friendship scale!
Now, all I have to do is avoid applying it RL on a regular basis...
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
When I was trying to assess exactly what makes a friendship, I started making Hermione-like lists, lol. It wasn't too long before I found myself reading blogs and studies that only seemed to verify the conclusions I was starting to reach. With a fair bit of cynicism on my part, I then filtered all of that through Hermione's mindset and presto, we have a friendship scale!
Now, all I have to do is avoid applying it RL on a regular basis...
I like the relationship between Ron and Hermione. Marissa is a Muggle? or a Muggle-born? But I can truly appreciate the fact that she has a hard time with the celebrity thing, although, poeple in England are far better behaved about celebs than they are in the US.
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
You're reading my story! ::twirls:: Marissa is Muggle-born and just doesn't care for unnecessary attention as she sees it. She tends to take everything in stride, but likes her privacy. Ron has outgrown his need for celebrity, so this her outlook suits him as well.
I'm glad you like the relationship between Ron and Hermione - I wanted them to have matured enough to really understand each other and truly be the type of friend to each other that canon implies.
Response from beaweasley2 (Reviewer)
Of course I'm reading your story - you recommented it by your descriptions and I was intrigued. I do love a good fanfic story and I am enjoying this one. (I'm usually a poor reviewer though, sorry) Keep writing. You're good.
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
You're reading my story! ::twirls:: Marissa is Muggle-born and just doesn't care for unnecessary attention as she sees it. She tends to take everything in stride, but likes her privacy. Ron has outgrown his need for celebrity, so this her outlook suits him as well.
I'm glad you like the relationship between Ron and Hermione - I wanted them to have matured enough to really understand each other and truly be the type of friend to each other that canon implies.
Response from beaweasley2 (Reviewer)
Of course I'm reading your story - you recommented it by your descriptions and I was intrigued. I do love a good fanfic story and I am enjoying this one. (I'm usually a poor reviewer though, sorry) Keep writing. You're good.
I sooo loving this story I found it today and read all 4 chapters..
brilliant my dear
hugs and chocolate!!!!
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
That's quite a chunk to read in one go. Glad you've enjoyed it. Thank you!
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
That's quite a chunk to read in one go. Glad you've enjoyed it. Thank you!
Amazing. I'm so enjoying this story. Their personalities are all believable, they way they would have developed (all of them - HG, SS, HP, RW).
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
I really had a lot of fun deciding which parts of their canon personalities I wanted to focus. I finally chose all of the best of them because I could, lol! Glad you're enjoying this thus far.
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
I really had a lot of fun deciding which parts of their canon personalities I wanted to focus. I finally chose all of the best of them because I could, lol! Glad you're enjoying this thus far.
Very insightful chapter, I am enjoying this story immensely.
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
I like the term insightful. I'm going to borrow it and apply it to you as a reader. Thank you! Writing this story caused me to do quite a bit of thinking about canon and these characters roles in it. Rowling really did provide us fanfic authors plenty of meta to play with, which is very cool!
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
I like the term insightful. I'm going to borrow it and apply it to you as a reader. Thank you! Writing this story caused me to do quite a bit of thinking about canon and these characters roles in it. Rowling really did provide us fanfic authors plenty of meta to play with, which is very cool!
Well done, again you kept me mezmerized. They are truly getting to know one another and creating a bond that can never be broken. Witch ever way this relationship goes they will always be their for each other. I hope it grows into a lasting love for all time.
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
Yes, these two are creating a truly strong bond that should stand the test of time. As for love? Well, there is love and then there is love...
Thank you for reviewing.
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
Yes, these two are creating a truly strong bond that should stand the test of time. As for love? Well, there is love and then there is love...
Thank you for reviewing.
This is believable and extremely enjoyable. Will be following this one eagerly!
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
Glad to hear it! Thank you.
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
Glad to hear it! Thank you.
This is believable and enjoyable. Will be following this one eagerly!
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
Believable is what I was aiming for. Enjoyable is even better. Thank you! I hope you continue to enjoy the rest of the tale.
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
Believable is what I was aiming for. Enjoyable is even better. Thank you! I hope you continue to enjoy the rest of the tale.
I read this while going through a hard time hoping that love would prevail even in hard situations and it made things worse. Ah wish I knew it was Hermione and other beforehand. Great story and it was beautifully written. It just didn't go where I needed it especially right now in my life
Thank you for a refreshing and different story. What caught me from the prologue was the sense of maturity in which this was written. Moving into the chapters, I enjoyed the imagination needed to establish the life of a research project from start to finish. I have no problem with the ending - this story does explore a relationship between Snape and Granger and recognizes that for adults its not all about lust-filled-rosey-eyed love. Sometimes the most sustaining relationships we have are with true friends.
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
It sure isn't all about lust-filled-rosy-eyed love, but it can't hurt when it is, LOL! I think the theme of friendship is ever so much more important in the aftermath of what is happening in the US at the moment. Friendships are being tested and tried. Here's hoping that most will get over this latest hurdle.
I'm glad you've enjoyed what became for me, a deep look into character motivation and what friendship means on multiple levels. It was quite the journey. The HP series revolves around the concept of friendship and so many lives and decisions were affected by it. It made me take a step back and is responsible for that sense of maturity you detected.
Thank you for reading and letting me know what you enjoyed most.
How interesting that you gush over positive reviews and completely ignore those that give genuine constructive feedback. And I see you still have 'Romance' as one of the categories on this story even though there's no romance at all between HG/SS when this is archived under Potions Under Duress. This fandom has veered rightt off course.
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
You are not aware of two things - A: an Admin helped me when I posted because I didn't know how to categorize this, so please take it up with them if you feel it is inappropriately tagged and misleading. If the Admins decide that it shouldn't be listed as a Angst/Romance or under Potions Under Duress, then I'm good with that, they can change it. And, B: I tend to hold dialogue with those that have constructive things to say outside the reviewing process because that is where I feel it belongs, which means that the other readers of reviews won't see that discourse. I am making an exception for you. I do not slavishly check reviews either, so if I missed something, I apologize - I do not always receive notifications via email.
To answer your original questions - Hermione never slept with Coulson before the engagement. That is why Severus had it out with her - she was using Severus because she was afraid to commit fully to what was happening between her and Coulson. Hermione grew faster and further emotionally than this Severus was capable of and he knew it, so he let her go. She may have wanted more from him, but he wasn't healed enough to give it - he'd just got the hang of friendship - it would have taken a much longer tale to believably evolve him past that point, and believable was one of the prompt's requirements. Coulson was just a writing device that the prompt required and I'm not an experienced enough writer to have made more of him during three and a half month deadline I wrote to after receiving my prompt. This was a first go for me and I am more than certain that years from now, I will be able to deal with the nuances that I was unable to on a first time out the gate. However, that is water under the bridge and this whole writing thing was an experience in and of itself. I admire the authors that write this and other ships from prompts for festivals with deadlines on a regular basis. I am more than certain that someone else could have told the story better - I did the best I could in the short time I had.
This was a gift to someone else, it was written to please them and their desires and not fandom at large. I am fully aware that the theme and the way I addressed it is not popular, so yes - I do give a greater response to those that find something they enjoy about it. That is only human and natural to do, especially when one is new. Also, I was invited and encouraged to post this here by the archive. I was leery because of the fact that this story doesn't follow the formula of what the average reader of this ship expects and wants. You are living up to one of the concerns I voiced.
What I find interesting is the fact that you felt the need to come back almost a year to the date of your original post to complain about the same thing you complained about the first time you reviewed - the category tags. Honestly, this story isn't that important in the scheme of things, considering how much has been published out there in this genre. I just bothered to check my review log and I missed responding to you and one other person...everyone else received something from me whether they liked the tale or not. You make it sound as if I'd ignored or given short shrift to multiple reviews that weren't glowing. I believe you now have the longest response I've written to date.
I hope that I have answered your questions. Thank you for having taken the time to read.
This is gorgeous and masterfully written. I believed every moment; the interactions were so real. I felt the pain of hurting a true friend and the rightness of the ending, even if it hurt. Also, the scientific aspect of the story was fascinating! Thanks for a really wonderful story!
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
Thank you so very much for your kind words and the rating. I'm thrilled that this rang true for you and very happy that you were able to enjoy my techno-babble as well, lol! It was quite a job to write these two as 'real' - so I'm pleased that the interactions came across that way. ::dances::
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
Thank you so very much for your kind words and the rating. I'm thrilled that this rang true for you and very happy that you were able to enjoy my techno-babble as well, lol! It was quite a job to write these two as 'real' - so I'm pleased that the interactions came across that way. ::dances::
Thank you, Arynwy, for finishing this story, even if it did not end as I had hoped. I guess this story is another example of the crucial importance of timing in relationsips. Hermione and Severus did not have the timing that was needed for them to have a primary relationship with each other. First Severus had to learn how to make friends. If you're inclined to write another with a female OC for Severus, I would enjoy reading it. I enjoyed your OCs very much.
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
When I interviewed people to get a better handle on what I was writing about, that was a major factor that came up over and over again. I didn't think it would be an issue when I laid out the bones of my tale, but it became one as I wrote. Severus and Hermione were far too far apart in their development and healing processes.
I'm pleased that you like my OC's - they made very short appearances, so I'm glad I put enough into them to bring them to life for you.
If I ever get the bug to write again, I will definitely write a HEA for Severus, be it with Hermione or a Female OC. I'm totally jazzed that so many people like my storytelling style, so I want to write at least one tale that leaves all of us satisfied, lol! Thank you!
Response from joan_glover (Reviewer)
Please let me encourage you to write again. I think your storytelling style is too good to let it go after one story!
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
When I interviewed people to get a better handle on what I was writing about, that was a major factor that came up over and over again. I didn't think it would be an issue when I laid out the bones of my tale, but it became one as I wrote. Severus and Hermione were far too far apart in their development and healing processes.
I'm pleased that you like my OC's - they made very short appearances, so I'm glad I put enough into them to bring them to life for you.
If I ever get the bug to write again, I will definitely write a HEA for Severus, be it with Hermione or a Female OC. I'm totally jazzed that so many people like my storytelling style, so I want to write at least one tale that leaves all of us satisfied, lol! Thank you!
Response from joan_glover (Reviewer)
Please let me encourage you to write again. I think your storytelling style is too good to let it go after one story!
You did a wonderful job with the challenge. It was mature and complex. My personal bias toward Severus makes me heavy hearted, but I guess he couldn't give her what she needed. She deserved what she needed. I dislike Coulson for no good reason except that he got in Severus' face. Hermione is a grown woman and if Coulson couldn't keep her off of Severus Snape that's his problem. Severus never threatened him, nor their relationship. Hermione was the weak link in that chain. I admire Severus for not being sarcastic to Coulson when he told him that Hermione was his "in every way". Hermione was a measly little coward for not telling Severus herself that he was right and they could no longer be sexual partners. As a real friend, he deserved so much better from her. I hope in her heart she is very thankful to her true friend for not hexing Coulson into a first hand understanding of exactly who he was speaking to for his insulting, cock strutting behavior. I know Severus is above such things now, but I would have liked to see Coulson as afraid of Severus as he should be. Severus Snape should be treated with respect. He deserves respect. Coulson had an easy life as a "hero" compared to Severus Snape. Otherwise, Severus would have gotten the girl.With regard to respecting Severus Snape, I am reminded of a book I once read about choosing the right breed of dog for you. They had generously detailed pages of advice and the virtues of a long list of K-9 breeds. There was a comparatively short chapter of advice for those who might wish to know the joys of adding a mastiff to their family pack. They ended the one paragraph chapter on training your mastiff with, "Never hit your mastiff".
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
Can I hug you for that last line? It might not have seemed like it, but Erik did get that message at the end of their conversation.
Thank you for sticking with this. It's not very often that Hermione is the weak link in this ship. I wanted to try something a bit different with all of the characters, so I gave them roles a bit opposite to what we normally see. It's ususally Severus that's blown it and has to patch things up. I wanted to write him as the one not at fault this time.
Yes, Hermione should have been brave enough to come clean without the confrontation, but I handicapped her pretty well with the history I'd given her. It was actually a bit cathartic to allow Severus to be the forgiving one this time. Canon!Snape held a grudge until the cows came home and then some, and truthfully, no one really ever forgave him his trespasses. I wanted to create a Severus that fought to grow past that ingrained response to the world to become who he wanted to be. He was in a position to forgive and he chose friendship over pettiness. It was a big step for him.
As for Severus getting the girl, if he'd wanted Hermione, he'd have had her, Coulson or no Coulson. The thing was, he wasn't ready for that next step - just as Hermione deserved what she needed, so did Severus. This particular Severus needed more time to live in the new world that had opened up for him with the help of his relationship with Hermione. He wanted to gain a more solid footing in his own life, which meant he didn't have enough to share other than his obvious friendship.
I could probably write another three chapters on all of the character study work I did for this, along with the interviewing and research that took place. :)
Thank you for the lovely stars and thank you so much for taking the time to discuss your feelings with me. This is the type of feedback a new writer lives for.
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
Can I hug you for that last line? It might not have seemed like it, but Erik did get that message at the end of their conversation.
Thank you for sticking with this. It's not very often that Hermione is the weak link in this ship. I wanted to try something a bit different with all of the characters, so I gave them roles a bit opposite to what we normally see. It's ususally Severus that's blown it and has to patch things up. I wanted to write him as the one not at fault this time.
Yes, Hermione should have been brave enough to come clean without the confrontation, but I handicapped her pretty well with the history I'd given her. It was actually a bit cathartic to allow Severus to be the forgiving one this time. Canon!Snape held a grudge until the cows came home and then some, and truthfully, no one really ever forgave him his trespasses. I wanted to create a Severus that fought to grow past that ingrained response to the world to become who he wanted to be. He was in a position to forgive and he chose friendship over pettiness. It was a big step for him.
As for Severus getting the girl, if he'd wanted Hermione, he'd have had her, Coulson or no Coulson. The thing was, he wasn't ready for that next step - just as Hermione deserved what she needed, so did Severus. This particular Severus needed more time to live in the new world that had opened up for him with the help of his relationship with Hermione. He wanted to gain a more solid footing in his own life, which meant he didn't have enough to share other than his obvious friendship.
I could probably write another three chapters on all of the character study work I did for this, along with the interviewing and research that took place. :)
Thank you for the lovely stars and thank you so much for taking the time to discuss your feelings with me. This is the type of feedback a new writer lives for.
You're scaring me... Dennis sounds extremely muggle. Marissa sound pretty muggle too. Hmmm... I hope I'm not saying poor Severus by the end. I love my SS/HG ship. I'm extremely intrigued but afraid to continue.
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
Um - Dennis is a canon character. He's Colin Creevey's younger brother who was also in Gryffindor. Marissa is a witch as well as an OFC - I didn't like any of the remaining female canon personalities for what is basically a walk-on oart for Ron's wife. ::smiles::
I don't like to discourage readers, but if you are the type that will be devestated for days if these two don't work out, please stop. We all read for different reasons, but mostly it's recreational, so I don't want to have you upset. I can say that Severus is in a good place for himself at the end of all of this.
If you do choose to soldier on, I hope that you will be entertained regardless of the results. Thank you!
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
Um - Dennis is a canon character. He's Colin Creevey's younger brother who was also in Gryffindor. Marissa is a witch as well as an OFC - I didn't like any of the remaining female canon personalities for what is basically a walk-on oart for Ron's wife. ::smiles::
I don't like to discourage readers, but if you are the type that will be devestated for days if these two don't work out, please stop. We all read for different reasons, but mostly it's recreational, so I don't want to have you upset. I can say that Severus is in a good place for himself at the end of all of this.
If you do choose to soldier on, I hope that you will be entertained regardless of the results. Thank you!
A fine, well written tale that perhaps doesn't so much appeal to the inner romantic but comes all the more alive with its true reality check. Brava!
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
First off - Thank you, thank you for helping me clean this up for posting to the archive. I truly value the time you took and hopefully, I'll actually relearn some of those grammar rules for the any additional stories I write.
With that said, I'm glad you were able to enjoy the story for what it is, despite its lack of the type of romance we all crave as readers. To hear you call this fine and well-written inspires me. I promise that if I write these two again, they will get it right or else, lol!
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
First off - Thank you, thank you for helping me clean this up for posting to the archive. I truly value the time you took and hopefully, I'll actually relearn some of those grammar rules for the any additional stories I write.
With that said, I'm glad you were able to enjoy the story for what it is, despite its lack of the type of romance we all crave as readers. To hear you call this fine and well-written inspires me. I promise that if I write these two again, they will get it right or else, lol!
Nice resolution, with hope for the future for Severus despite not getting the girl. :)
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
It wasn't so much him not getting the girl as it was Severus not being ready for Hermione or any other girl at this point in his life. He's still got a bit of growing to do and he plainly let me know it during the writing of all of this. :)
He really does have hope and a future. And who knows? Things do happen, as Mundungus42 pointed out during the Exchange. I'll have to ask her how Erik dies, lol!
Thank you for the insightful comments and the ratings.
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
It wasn't so much him not getting the girl as it was Severus not being ready for Hermione or any other girl at this point in his life. He's still got a bit of growing to do and he plainly let me know it during the writing of all of this. :)
He really does have hope and a future. And who knows? Things do happen, as Mundungus42 pointed out during the Exchange. I'll have to ask her how Erik dies, lol!
Thank you for the insightful comments and the ratings.
Hints of a future relationship for Hermione with Erik in there, and Snape doesn't seem too concerned. Mind you, he was somewhat distracted at the time. :)
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
I like you! You're noticing all the flags I tried to wave. Because I chose to write this from Severus' POV, much of what Hermione does and feels is off camera. Severus is very introspective and he has his own distractions as you've put it. If he doesn't make note of it, we don't see it either.
Response from arynwy (Author of The Anatomy of True Friendship)
I like you! You're noticing all the flags I tried to wave. Because I chose to write this from Severus' POV, much of what Hermione does and feels is off camera. Severus is very introspective and he has his own distractions as you've put it. If he doesn't make note of it, we don't see it either.