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Shining Through
PlaidPooka21 Reviews | 21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 74 Favorites )
The war is over, and Severus gets a closer look at himself than he is comfortable with.
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About PlaidPooka
24 Stories | Favorited by 599 | 109 Reviews Written | 1,071 Review Responses
I'm a 53 year old woman who wrote fanfic for years and adored doing it. While I lost the heart for fanfic after book 7 came out, I am still writing, and can be found at
You can find my published work on Amazon under the name Julianne Q Johnson.
Reviews for Shining Through
Fun story. It felt a little rushed at the end. But was very enjoyable.
I like how gradually you made Severus change, it seemed far more IC than sudden changes which would have risked him being teased. :)
Aw, this is such a sweet story that left a soft smile on my face. Wonderfully written. Thanks for sharing it with us. Ja!
I've read this story before, but it was a pleasure to read it again.
A perfect ending to a perfectly luxurious day. :)
Great story,I loved it!! I really whis you had written more..But it's still a 5 in my books.
Ah, fluff... fluff... more fluff... a perfect dessert after an evening of indulgent fanfic reading!
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Shining Through)
Thanks! :)
One of the best of the challenges I've read so far.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Shining Through)
Thank you so much! :)
Haha, I don't think "oompa loompa" orange is a good color for our esteemed master. Luckily Hermione is there to help!
I absolutely needed to read this tonight; and my only sorrow is that I didn't find it sooner.It's absolutely marvelous!
Very cute. :)
*sniff* such a sweet ending...but does it really have to be the ending??? Can you give us an epilogue of "happily ever after"? PLEASE!?!
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Shining Through)
You are such a sweetie! I doubt that I will continue this one, but you never know. Right now, I'm very involved with my new chaptered SS/HG fic, and I think that will take most of my time. Thanks for reading, QP, and thanks for the kind review! :)
oh yes, still very entertaining:-))
Nicely done. I love the subtle changes and how he gets comments on the gradual change in his appearance. I do have to say the complete failures of Lockhart's charms was brilliant.
The beach scene was awesome. Mostly because it really is the last place you expect to find him. LOL Thanks for a thoroughly entertaining story.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Shining Through)
I couldn't resist having Severus use a Lockhart book and I also couldn't resist making it a bit crap, lol! In my mind, Lockhart would be pretty useless to consult about anything. Thanks for reading and thanks for the kind review! :)
That was so sweet. I truly felt sorry for Snape in the beginning, but it has such a happy ending. You really captured their emotions and feelings. And you made me want to go to the beach. :)
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Shining Through)
Lol, maybe that's why I wrote it the way I did. It's still more winter than spring here, and I'd love a go at the beach myself! Thanks for the sweet review! :)
Awww. That was sweet and lovely. And I love the way Severus did the change with people almost not noticing it. :)
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Shining Through)
The gradual changes appealed to me. I think that's how I'd like my own makeover to go, if I wasn't far too self-indulgent for a makeover! Lol! Thanks Maddy! :)
Ohhhh...this was beautiful.More, please! ~Lotm
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Shining Through)
Thanks sweetheart! :)
I like it very suble as is most things that are Severus nice answer to the challenge
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Shining Through)
Thank you! :)
POOOOOOKAAAAAA!!!!! Hey, long time no see. I loved this story. I like that he did everything in a subtle way, and I like how Hermione seemed to like him even before his change.Lovely stuff.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Shining Through)
Thanks Sweetgirl! I admit that I'm a big sucker for stories where at least one of the pairing already has a bit of a fancy for the other. More fun that way! Thanks for the sweet review! :)
The psychologists who worked at St. Mungo’s would probably have a field day with the reasons that Severus stopped looking in mirrors, but Severus himself had never given the matter much thought. This is my favorite line in the whole story! I just ambling back through for a pleasant reread. Hope you are well missing Pooka.