Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter 43 of 48
scarandaReturn to Spinner's End.
ReviewedThe move to Spinner's End didn't take long, not with Ethel's talents, and I confess I didn't even wonder then why she had made such a fuss about having to use the ladies to help her to uproot everything she had planted there, from her roses to Godric, to take them to Malfoy Manor in the first place. I was just on the point of beginning to chivvy her along, when she told me to look out of the window of my living room, and I don't suppose I was surprised to see not the gardens of Malfoy Manor, but the rain-washed little northern street, halfway along the road to nowhere.
'And the ladies?' I enquired. 'And young Draco, for that matter?'
'Should I have left them in Wiltshire, Severus?' she asked. 'That aside, dear, I have left the manor uninhabitable. It is no longer the place it was.'
'And the ghosts?' I asked.
'Oh, the shades of the manor will see only the reality,' Ethel replied in her usual cryptic way, nodding to the doorway as Lucretia came into the room, with a wan but otherwise calm-looking Narcissa. 'They will be quite at home.'
'I see we've moved already, Ethel,' Lucretia said, as though houses, contents, and inhabitants moving four hundred miles without as much as a jolt were something quite ordinary. 'That's good. I confess I've been anxious for Severus to distance himself from the manor.'
'Lucius will find us here, Ethel, won't he?' Narcissa asked with less anxiety than I would have expected, and Ethel's confident nod and the way she led the younger woman to the table made me wonder if she had already spoken with Lucius, something that gave me a quite unexpected pang of envy.
Black was still sitting at the table, and I saw him shoot a worried look at Narcissa, which I suspected had to do with whatever explanation he had still to foist upon us about his father's death. Of course, I was wrong about that, which just went to show how badly I still tended to underestimate most people.
Narcissa had sat at the table beside her cousin, and it was only when she lifted the Daily Prophet that I realised that she didn't have Draco with her.
"I borrowed a few elves; there is no work for them in the manor now," Ethel remarked blandly before I could even voice my question, in that way she had of imparting little titbits in my mind to save wear and tear on my larynx.
I was watching Narcissa though, and the look she gave Sirius. It was one that made me suspect that she had been party to whatever plans he had laid for the night before, and I warned myself to keep an eye on her. It was one thing for Black to be out and about and plunging whatever dagger he saw fit into whichever breast he deemed most deserving, but quite another for Narcissa to take the mantle of what I recognised as revenge onto her shoulders. Perhaps it sounds overcautious to have worried about a bereaved slip of a girl, who had just become a mother, running out to commit murder, but I remembered the single-mindedness of her pursuit of Lucius, and how she had mentioned that she may 'come back for dessert' on the matter of her father's downfall.
'Is Cygnus next?' she asked, confirming the worst, and I noticed she didn't ask if her 'father' were next, as though she had long ceased to have such feelings about him. Of course, given what Andromeda had told me of the abuse she had suffered at Cygnus's hands, I could hardly fault her on that count.
'There's no specific order,' Black replied, sticking the ubiquitous cigarette at the corner of his mouth.
I was about to make some comment or other along the lines of taking care to make sure that the only Blacks relieved of life were those of our choice when an owl tapped at the window. Her message wasn't for me though; it was for Black from Alastor Moody, to let him know that a dozen men and women faithful to us had surrounded a small Death Eater gathering in the old Riddle house in Little Hangleton, and asking for me to owl Riddle to come to Spinner's End on some pretext so that they at least didn't have to deal with him. They would stay in hiding until they had a message from Sirius that Riddle had arrived in Spinner's End, before launching an attack.
I complied with Moody's request, albeit a bit uneasily, and sent off the owl to Riddle after breakfast. Then I spent some time with Black, trying to find a way of allaying Riddle's suspicions about him and James Potter, and formulating a reason for my asking Riddle to Spinner's End in the first place. The plan was hasty, and I thought ill-prepared, but like so much of our planning we were marching to Riddle's beat and not our own. Much of its success would depend on Riddle's vanity, and his remarkable ability to see what he wanted to see.
I went through to my work room and began preparing a new batch of Veritaserum buffer. There were quite a few of us taking it by then, and I'd always found the preparation of a potion to be conducive to thinking, especially the ones I prepared so often that the making of them was almost automatic. Once I had everything in the cauldron, and the potion was stable and simmering, I went back into the main kitchen. Ethel was just looking up from whatever she was doing at her stove, the way she did when she was following someone's progress along Spinner's End.
'The Dark One is approaching, Severus dear,' she said. 'Try to stall him, and let us see if we can use this visit to our advantage instead of his.' She gave Black a look; it was one that spoke of shared confidences that rather left me feeling out in the cold. There was no time to think what they were up to though; I could feel Riddle walking up the path.
At first I thought he was going to ignore the fact that Orion Black was dead, or maybe wait until I mentioned it, but he approached it from an oblique angle. 'I have decided to consider Henry Potter's request to join our number, Severus,' he said, and that made me realise that he was still doubtful of his ultimate control in the Ministry, and Orion's death had left a void larger than he cared for.
'Indeed?' I murmured, content to wait to hear what else he had to say, not least of all how he would reconcile that with James Potter's implied desertion.
'I would like him a little closer, and what with Orion Black's untimely death, I would like someone else I can trust at the Ministry,' he went on, and I could feel him gauging me, perhaps to see if I had known about Orion. 'Just to keep an eye on whatever Blacks remain.'
I made neither show of surprise nor any kind of regret. 'I had thought that that was what you had placed Lucius in the Ministry for,' I said, not much caring whether he became angry or not, as I began to realise that he really meant that Henry's unborn grandchild was whom he actually wanted to keeps tabs on. 'That aside,' I went on, 'I thought you were staying with Cygnus Black.'
'Have you asked me to visit to attempt to score points off me, Severus?' he asked so lightly that I was not left in any doubt of his fury. He gave me a cool look as those two tell-tale spots of colour, the ones I had come to recognise as warning, rose on his pale cheeks, and they cautioned me to take even more heed of Riddle's mood than his words. 'I understand how badly this has upset your life, my love,' he said, and it was as though he were puzzled at my attitude, as though he could not comprehend that Lucius's death was anything to me but an inconvenience which left me lumbered with his sister, his widow and his child. 'I should have listened to you when you told me you needed to be alone to work. I admit to the error of foisting the fool upon you,' he said magnanimously. And that reminded me of what Ethel had warned me of a long time before, that Riddle had almost total recall.
'Are you sure that Sirius Black and James Potter have deserted their posts?' I asked, turning him aside from belittling Lucius before I lost my temper.
'Black?' he asked, lacing his voice with incredulity. 'You were present, Severus, when he killed Lucius.'
'Lucius had a rope around his neck at the time, if you care to recall, Tom,' I reasoned, and began to go down the road I had mapped out in some sort of effort at a damage limitation exercise I had planned for Sirius, and to a lesser extent James Potter. 'Lucius and Black were lovers, Tom,' I said offhandedly, my mouth twisting in what I hoped he would take as distaste; the lie would not matter to Black, and nothing mattered to Lucius anymore. 'Black merely sought to spare his final anguish.'
He seized on that, as I had expected him to. 'And just when did you see Sirius Black, Severus?' he asked, smiling the dangerous smile, and holding up his hand to stifle whatever my reply might have been. 'You may answer that after you tell me why you have not informed me that you have seen him.'
'This is the reason I asked you come, Tom,' I said, daring reproach. I unrolled the scroll I had had Black write earlier, and Riddle read it aloud.
I need you to explain to Narcissa and Lucretia why I did what I did. It was to spare them, and Lucius too. I suspect Riddle will see what I have done as a slight; I cannot help that, nor do I care much. I am not sure that I trust him any more than he trusts me. I intend to drop out of sight for now, and continue working to freeing our world from its impurities by my own methods.
'And murdering his impeccably bred father was in furtherance of his aims?' Riddle asked. 'Really, Severus, how naive do you think I am? I'm not disappointed in Black, not really; I am, however, disappointed in you for believing this rubbish,' he said, repeating a line he had used to me before, just substituting Black for Lucius. He thrust the scroll back at me. It was no more than I could have hoped for; I had sown a seed, and one such as he would see what he wished, and his own self-belief would make him accept the lies as he accepted all the sycophantic offerings that fed his ego, and twist anything he didn't care for to his own meaning.
'Black killed Orion?' I asked, as though it didn't concern me whether he believed Sirius's assertions as to his ultimate loyalty or not.
'It is Cygnus's belief...' he said, trailing off as one of the elves Ethel had brought from Malfoy Manor tapped on the door and came in with another scroll of parchment, this one still tied as though just delivered.
It happened in just the same way as the time Riddle had intercepted Lucius's message from Brighton, that awful day when I had cursed Ethel, and I felt a horrible chill of déjà vu as Riddle took the scroll addressed to me, and unrolled it, and the frightened elf backed away.
It is vital that you find a way to get a message to Riddle by whatever means you have. I have just heard that Dumbledore's men are about to launch an attack of some sort on the Death Eater encampment at Tom's old home in Little Hangleton. Do this immediately, Severus; I doubt there is time to waste.
There's no point in me or James writing to Riddle. He seems to have made a stand about our loyalty, and I don't really care about him. I do care about what he thinks he stands for though, so James and I are going to try to see if we can get any more information.
He said nothing for a long few moments, just rolling the scroll up, and tapping it against his hand, and I resisted slumping relief that it wasn't some indiscretion from James Potter, or anyone else. I detected Ethel's hand in the writing of the message, and understood just what she and Black had been cooking up between them, or perhaps I was still underestimating Sirius. Whichever it was, Black would not have sent the elf through unless he had word that the swoop the Order had made in Little Hangleton was, not necessarily successful, but at least over. I reluctantly agreed that the opportunity and the timing of Riddle's visit were too good to miss.
I crossed to my work bench and stirred the batch of Veritaserum buffer that I had been in the process of making, drawing my thoughts together, and it was only then that Riddle unwittingly handed me yet another spoke to my wheel.
'You seem particularly concerned about whatever that is, Severus,' he said, as though he either had no interest or belief in the contents of Black's last scroll, or had forgotten about it already. 'What is it?'
'Nothing yet, Tom,' I said carefully, my gaze flicking to where "Die Letztendliche Wahrheit?" lay open on my desk, and I smiled to myself in the knowledge that the little book had been closed but a few seconds before, and I felt something rise up inside me, something like victory in wrong-footing him in so many ways at one time, and I supressed the feeling even before Ethel's warning knock on my mind.
He had risen from his seat, and I could feel him beside me as he too glanced to where the little book lay open, his eyes alight with his inner madness. 'You have found the way?' he asked, peering into the cauldron as though it were indeed Aqua Vitae. He took Mordestone from his pocket, and for a moment I wondered if the stone of death would refute his belief, but it just glowed and throbbed in his hand, an ugly red for a moment, and then became the flat black shiny stone it was. Riddle took that as a sign of course, and I understood that however sceptical and indeed disbelieving he was, he had such certainty in his own supremacy that he would read any sign as being indication of his greatness. It was the weapon I would use against him; it was the only one I had.
'I... I'm not sure, Tom,' I said, wondering when, if ever, he would address the matter of the Death Eaters at Little Hangleton, or if he just didn't care. Then he knocked any foolish notions of whatever petty successes I might have harboured, with his own brand of triumph, without even saying a word, as his very silence on the matter gave rise to another more unpleasant thought, one which I then suspected was a likelihood: we had a traitor in our midst, and he had already known.
'I knew he would be the one, Severus,' he said, drawing a hand down my cheek in a way that made me shudder, pulling my unease in another direction in a way he did so easily.
'Who?' I asked. 'What one?'
'James Potter's son, of course,' he replied. 'Do not pretend to me that you don't believe so too.'
'We do not even know if the child will be a boy, Tom,' I said.
He nodded to where the little book lay on my desk, and drew Mordestone from his pocket again. 'We may not know, my Severus,' he said, 'but the book and Mordestone do.'
I had found my hand in my pocket, the way it always was when he drew Mordestone, and the white stone throbbed, whether in anger at Mordestone, or in agreement with Riddle's assertion, I couldn't tell. In that moment I was uncomfortably sure of one thing though: Lily Potter's child would be a boy.
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Latest 25 Reviews for You Don't Know Me
149 Reviews | 4.77/10 Average
so sorry Sirius died, also Lily and James but that was not a surprice. I hope Voldemort is dying, well written as allways
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
Yes, I was sorry too.Thanks so much for your comment. It's greatly appreciated, as always.Scar
I'm glad he killed them both. I was going to jump in and do it myself if he hadn't.I'd forgotten about the Time Turner. Did Narcissa borrow it from Bellatrix, or just take it without her knwowing? Will Severus be able to use it, I wonder.I love the way you handled Severus dealing with Sirius at the end, so poignant that he ackowledged that there are different kinds of love and let Sirius go believing he loved him back. And I like the thought that Lucius is still playing his part too.A fabulous chapter. I think you're setting up a real nailbiting end.
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
Thanks Steel.I know how you feel about him killing them; it was my revenge, and I admit I enjoyed writing it. Sirius's end was altogether more difficult though.As to the Time Turner, I think we can assume that Narcissa 'borrowed' it from Bellatrix without Bellatrix's knowledge.Thanks againScar
Wonderfully descriptive of the battlements. I loved the standards and the griffin banner sneering at the Dark Mark.I think I know whats wrong with Riddle but in case I'm wrong I'lll keep it to myself for now.
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
Thanks for that.I'll be keeping you guessing for a short while yet.Scar
I'm reminded of Harry's walk through the woods with the ghosts of his loved ones acting as Patronuses for him. I see that you're keeping close to the body count of the canon. It makes me a little sad. Although I hated to see it, I think Bellatrix with her knife was far more in keeping with her personality in that act. There's so much just plain rage within that family that I doubt magic could have done the job.
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
Thanks Rose. The body count is close; they're just different bodies to canon.As to the rage of the Blacks, it's apt you should say that at this point, but the only teaser I shall give is: you ain't seen nothing yet.Thanks so much, as always, for your wonderful support.Scar
The tension keeps rising.You're masterful at that.The book has given Severus two options though, and in the end the choice of whether to trust Schultz's words or not will have to be his.
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
It's a tense time though, isn't it?Thanks for that.Scaranda
it seems Voldemort is hurt in some way. I think he did not try the avada kadavra as he think he needs Harry for the potion. So Lillys protection will result in a slow painful death I hope, and hopefully no hurcrux in this story. Now they have to get Harry, can't wait for updates.
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
There's something wrong with Riddle, but Severus doesn't understand what it is yet.Thanks for dropping a comment again.Scaranda
New chapter! Happy Valentines to me! So the whole attack was a feint so Tom would have time to concentrate on his own killings. It's as if he knew what the Order's plan would be, somehow. But I just realized that I'm going to have to re-read. Did Snape find them where he told James to go? Did James not trust Snape? If not, the book was all too right.
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
You writing your own Valentines (like the rest of us), Rose?Soem of the stuff you're asking was in Chapter 45 with Henry and the Morton Schultz buisness, and the rest in the current chapter (at least I sincerely hope it was).Thanks so much, Rose.Scaranda
It's all comig to a head now, and your words are just vibrating with exhilarating suspenseful tension! I can't wait for the next chapter!
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
.So pleased you're still enjoying it.Not too long to go now.Next chapter will be posted tonight.Thanks again.Scar
I love the whole idea of Sirus having an agenda.Dear old dad... checkNow we're all the way through what I've read elsewhere! Now I'm eager for what's next!
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
Posting tonight, Rose.I hope you're not disappointed after a wait of... erm... quite a long time.Thanks for that.Scar
they are playing a dangerous game, one bastard less in the world, hopefully Sirius will be able to keep hidden when he has to
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
It's a dangerous time. But you're right, the world is a marginally better place with one out of the way.Thanks for that.Scar
Oh, misguided and reckless Sirius...
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
I know. He's an impulse boy, and right about now his impulse is to terminate any Black he sees. Let us see though what the future brings.Thanks for that.Scar
Oh, what a tangled web we weave... :)
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
Thanks for that.Scar
Aha, and for that little service, Lucius has to marry her, huh? :)
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
Oh, I doubt Lucius will do anything he doesn't really want to do.Thanks for that.Scar
Narcissa starts to become interesting! :)
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
Funnily enough, I completely changed how I had intended writing her.Thanks for that.Scar
And yet more surprises! :)
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
Indeed!Thanks for that.Scar
Lucius's reaction to his father's death was perfectly played. :)
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
Thanks for that.Scar
Tom's madness is creeping ever closer to the surface. Love the banter between our three boys. :)
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
He's one scary madman, isn't he?Thanks for that.Scar
Lucius's character is developing nicely witgh his hidden secrets now coming to the fore. :)
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
An unplumbed depth at this point.Thanks for that.Scar
And will Dumbledore ever know the extent of the sacrifices made by Severus to retain Tom's good graces?
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
And if he does, will he care?Thanks for that.Scar
I always loved the way you write. It's as if we're standing at the shoulder of the characters, feeling everything they feel.I also love the way Tom was a little nervous as the book unfolded certain secrets before his eyes, but then he laughed it off. If he bothered to watch horror movies, he would know to be more careful.
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
Oh, thanks, Rose.Riddle has few moments of doubt, and I suspect he would destroy any witnesses to them. As you say, it is only when the book seems to accept him that he relaxes in belief of his omnipotence again.Thanks again.Scar
Of course the baby is a girl; it's Nymphadora! D'oh! :D
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
Perhaps, but Severus doesn't know that.Thanks for that.Scaranda
Seems a pity that Severus isn't that way inclined. They'd could be good together. But friendship is just as important in fraught times. :)
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
. I normally write Severus as 'that way inclined' as you put it, but not this time. You're right though, friendship is every bit as important, often longer lasting, and vastly under-rated.Thanks again.Scar
I wonder if Riddle will allow Severus to move. I don't understand how the problem with Salazar can be solved by them moving, will Ethel take him or can she in some way hide him
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
Ethel's take is to physically distance themselves from the manor, and in so doing to distance Riddle from Salazar too.Thanks so much for dropping by again.Scaranda
So little time for grief with new battles to fight, but their feelings will strengthen their resolve, I think. Getting out of Malfoy Manor is the trickiest part, and Severus has to do the hardest part.
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
Thanks for that, Rose. You're right; there is no time for grief, but that doesn't make it go away.Thanks so much, as always.Scaranda
Searching here for a decent word to describe this truly wonderful but inexpressibly sad chapter. Read it three times and I can't add much to what your other reviewrs have said, except maybe a mention for Sirius too. I think in his own way he honoured Lucius by what he did, but it will damage him no doubt.I'm glad you acknowledged that Lucius and Narcissa and Severus understood it was an act of compassion, in that way you have letting us know not only what is wrong, but what is right too. I think that was very important to let us understand when there are so many other issues pending.I wish I could give you more than 5 stars for this story.
Response from scaranda (Author of You Don't Know Me)
Thanks so much for that, Steel.I'm pleased you picked up on Sirius, but at least he ensured that Riddle was thwarted in some way, although now, as you say, he has to deal with his own feelings.Thanks again for your support; I value it greatly.Scaranda