New Chapter for Bewitching Her Mind
Bewitching Her Mind
notsosaintly93 Reviews | 8.08/10 (93 Ratings, 1 Like, 257 Favorites )
Hermione has been losing sleep. Is it her dreams that are keeping her awake... or could it be something else? (REWRITTEN: Dec 2005)
Start ReadingChapters (6)
About notsosaintly
Member Since 2005 | 38 Stories | Favorited by 707 | 843 Reviews Written | 2,009 Review Responses
Founder of The Petulant Poetess. Editor and full-time mother.
Reviews for Bewitching Her Mind
What! That was it?? It was just getting more interesting!I...well,...what about.....(whines) come ON! That sounded as if there was another chapter coming, with interesting goings-on, like know, all four...?? And that Legilimency thing..(evil cackle) Is there a sequel? Please?
oh this was an edge of the seat read. Thank you.
This was a great old favorite to revisit today.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Bewitching Her Mind)
Thanks. I'm feeling rather Snape-inspired myself. ;)
Amazing story!!! And this end was hilarious!! Loved it =D
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Bewitching Her Mind)
*lol* Glad you enjoyed this bit of fluff!
That was wonderful! I must confess I find great comfort in knowing I'm not the only person with such naughty thoughts about Severus Snape and this pairing. I am amazed and delighted by your ability to express what the rest of us are dreaming about. I am also extremely and I do mean extremely impressed at the incredible way you and SW69 run this wonderful site. My daily life overwhelms me. I can't imagine how you do it!Your stories make being exhausted so much more livable. I wish I had your abilities and stamina. Thank you for sharing your gifts with the rest of us.Breastlady
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Bewitching Her Mind)
I wish I had the stamina you think I have! *lol* Believe me, I am overwhelmed, both by life and by your flattering review!
I think I've read this before, but I definitely enjoyed stumbling across it again.You say that it's got a lot of clichés (and okay, maybe it does) but they didn't bother me at all... and I'm usually one to steer away from those sorts of fics. Even in this early fic of yours I think your writing is strong enough to make it seem really fresh.
More then anything this chapter made me laugh at the happenings in the dungeons.
That was quite the little shagathon. When Sev was tied up it reminded me of the NIN music video for closer. Yikes that was good.
That was really good. I like how Hermi and Sev worked out things and the negativity he was feeling. The end bit with Ginny and Harry was just plain funny!
Whoa, for your first fic this was pretty damn good.
*fans self madly* a very hot fic. And most, ahem, impressive for a first time effort. The little Harry Ginny moment was nicely entertwined too. I keep think, poor ron! LOL
Ohh that was hot! I usually despise Harry and Ginny, but it was ok in this! But Hermione and Snape.... very good. Well written too! Good work for a first fic, I would say!! Lovely.
I absolutely love your work! It was a great compliment to learn you liked mine! You are an amazing author!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Bewitching Her Mind)
Thank you so much! It's always nice to get reviews, but it is even better to hear when I make another author happy.
smiley= me throwing roses at you.
Came back for more, only to discover this is the last chapter. I really like the premise of this story. Also enjoyed Harry and Ginny's footsie massage. I know it has to end at some point, so I'll mark it as a fave so I can visit as often as I want!Love these smiley thingamabobs....
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Bewitching Her Mind)
Ah-ha! Found me, did you? Couldn't wait until the final chapter? I'm glad you like the story so much. I'll be uploading Chapter 6 on SH this weekend and then continue on with Soothing Hands. This place, however, is where all of my stories are located. Perhaps you'll find a few others that you like, too, now that this one is finished.
Great story! I have to admit, that I just discovered your fanfiction (even though I've been a SS/HG shipper for years) and you've quickly become one of my favorite authors .
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Bewitching Her Mind)
Thank you so much. That means so much to me. I am glad you found me here. I've been around for about a year and a half as an author and probably two-and-a-half as an SS/HG shipper myself. I find that whenever a story comes to mind, more often than not Severus is involved. As for dear Hermione, I live vicariously through her. I hope you enjoy the rest of this story too.
You were able to strike a good balance between sensuality and the beauty of what those two are feeling for eachother. Lovely job.
Wonderful story just happened across it and am soo glad I took time to read it.
I've read this before, but Oh! how i enjoyed reading it again. NSS, you're a goddess
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Bewitching Her Mind)
*blushes* Thank you. That was the very first fanfic I wrote and I am loathe to change anything (even though I could *sigh* and probably should) ... so it is quite nice when I hear how much enjoyment it brings.
As always, I enjoyed it. I liked the subtle and not so subtle changes you made in the story. It continues to be one of my favorite fiction. -- B
I love that line about Hermione not wanting anything as much as she wanted this - except maybe perfect scores on her NEWTS. I know that is not new, but it always cracked me up. It is such a Hermione thing to say. -- B
Unless my memory is failing, you enhanced the daydream section. Either way it is supurb. And I have to say for a man to get off without ever touching himself means he has one hell of an imagination. -- B
I cannot even tell you how many times I have read this story. It is one of my favorites. I like the changes that you made in the dream sequence, making it all from her point of view allowed it to flow more smothly, and not lose any of the impact of the scene. On to the next chapter. -- B
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Bewitching Her Mind)
Thank you. Changing it to a single POV was one of the major things I concentrated on. I'm happy you thought it improved.
As his eyes froze upon Hermione’s cleavage, he forgot that he had just filled his quill, and it bled red ink all over the parchment he was correcting. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! HILARIOUS!!! the whole chapter is, and the previous one, too... and i BET the rest will be too!!.. love it :)
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Bewitching Her Mind)
LOL... thanks. I hope you liked the rest, too. ;)
This is definately my favourite story in this genre. Any chance of Hermione getting a little more revenge on Sev in class? Brilliant.