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Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons
Chapter 4 of 17
MsTreeHermione returns to Hogwarts to teach Potions and finds something dark and mysterious in the forest. (This is a continuation of Velvet Song's original story archived here at TPP.)
ReviewedDisclaimer: The characters in this story belong to JKR. The original plot and story belong to Velvet Song.
Author's Note: This is a continuation of Velvet Song's story "Damsels & Dragons", which she has graciously allowed me to adopt. You will find the first thirteen chapters of her story here: http: //www. thepetulantpoetess.com /viewstory.php?sid =18337 (remove the spaces first). I can only hope I do her ideas justice.
Thanks to Fizzabella and writermerrin for the beta of this chapter.
Missing Pages
"...And that's why I needed to talk to you first, before we met with everyone this morning," Hermione said, caressing the book, Malus Magice, which sat on her lap. When she realised what she was doing, she hastily put it down on the desk and backed away. "Gods, I hate these books."
Lucius stroked Hermione's copy of Malus Magice while he looked over at Narcissa. "I think we're going to need my great-great-great-grandfather's book," he said with a sigh. "Do you wish to go to the Manor or shall I?"
"I'll go," Narcissa replied. "I can think of one or two other books that might be useful as well."
Lucius smiled. "You do that, then," he said. "Hermione and I will gather the others so we can start making plans." He stood and picked up the book while Narcissa took a handful of Floo powder from the jar on the mantel.
"Malfoy Manor," she said, disappearing into the green flames.
Lucius waited until the flames had died down before offering his arm to Hermione. "Come," he said, "we have much to discuss with the rest of the staff." He looked at her stricken face and smiled sadly. "My dear, do not worry. Hogwarts has some of the finest minds of the Wizarding world on staff."
And then there's Hagrid.
Hermione sniffed back her tears with an abrupt laugh and picked up the rest of Severus' books. Taking Lucius' arm, she walked to the door. "Even Hagrid can help, Professor," she said, rolling her eyes at Lucius. He shook his head in silent amusement and escorted her to Minerva's office.
Once everyone had gathered in the staff room, Minerva having judged it to be a better venue than her office for a meeting, she knocked on the tabletop to gain their attention. "Judging by the number of Dark Arts books on the table, we might have some viable answers?" she asked.
Hermione grimaced. "Probably more questions," she said. "I really don't know." She touched her copy of Malice Magice and gave it a look of disgust. "There's a passage in this book about transfiguration curses." She shuddered, but continued gamely. "It states that a curse used to transfigure a person into another type of being will destroy the human body altogether. It's possible that even if we are able to find a counter-curse, Severus won't have a body to use. I'm also thinking it was probably extremely painful to undergo such a transformation."
Extremely painful doesn't begin to describe it, Miss Granger.
"Quiet, Severus."
I did not give you permission to use my name.
"You're in my head. That gives me permission." Hermione looked around the table at all the staring faces. "What?"
"How long has Severus been talking to you?" Lucius asked with a bemused smile.
"Since the first day of class, I would imagine," she said with a nervous laugh. "I thought it was my subconscious at first, channelling his voice. Why? Doesn't he talk to you?"
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry, Hermione," Narcissa said. "You and Severus apparently have a special connection. He did, after all, leave all his possessions to you."
"But... but... he's not dead," Hermione stammered, her eyes wide. "Is his will even valid?"
"In the eyes of the Ministry, yes," Lucius said, beaming with mischief. "Of course, if we find a counter-curse, you can always give it back to him."
That would be satisfactory.
"Lucius, what are those books you have in front of you?" Minerva asked, clearing her throat. "They look rather ancient."
"This one was written by my great-great-great-grandfather, Abraxas Malfoy the Fifteenth," he said, holding up a copy of Curses Ancient and Moderne. "It was privately printed, and there are very few copies still around, but I believe the Dark Lord may have found the Dragon curse in here or perhaps one he could have easily modified."
Filius squeaked in alarm. "That book is over two hundred and fifty years old," he said. "I've only heard of it, it's so rare."
"I have to agree with Professor Flitwick," Bill said, a look of longing on his face. "There's a copy at Gringotts, but it's kept in a secured, air-tight glass vault. You have to have a lot of influence with the goblins just to look at it through the glass. No one's ever been allowed to take it out to read."
Lucius leafed through the pages while listening to the comments. Suddenly he froze. Looking up, he frowned at Draco. "There's a page missing."
"Missing?" Hermione gasped. "Is it...?"
"I don't know. Draco?"
"If that's the book I think it is, Father," Draco said nervously, "then the Dark Lord tore the page out. I saw him do it when I was up in the gallery looking for another book. Luckily, he didn't see me."
"In other words, you hid," Harry said disparagingly
"I'm not stupid, Potter. If he had seen me, I would have been nothing but a smear on the wall." He turned back to his frowning parents. "Aunt Bella showed him the book. I heard her tell him there were some very inventive curses in it."
"Without knowing what was on those two pages, we can't decide if this book contained the curse or not," Minerva said. "Narcissa, what else do you have there?"
"Abraxas the Fifteenth's journal," she said, holding up a small, leather-bound book, "which he kept while writing Curses Ancient and Moderne, and a copy of a later book written by his son, Abraxas the Sixteenth, that details some of the curses he himself found while making the Grand Tour as a youth." She held up a book entitled Curses From Faraway Lands: My Account of a Journey in Search of the Dark Arts. "Again, it was privately printed, and there aren't many copies left." She shrugged. "I thought the two of them might help."
"Hermione?" Arthur said suddenly. "You said Severus left all his possessions to you? Would that have included his library?"
She nodded. "It's at his manor."
"You think a copy of the Malfoy book might be there, Arthur?" Filius asked, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "Have you seen anything like it while you were there, Miss Granger?"
"I was only there the one time," Hermione admitted. "I didn't even look for the library."
"You?" Harry choked back a laugh. "You were in a house with a library, and you didn't even look?"
"I'm sorry, okay? I wasn't exactly in the mood at the time." She glared at her best friend.
"That will be enough, the two of you, " Minerva admonished. "Hermione, is there a chance you might have a copy, dear?"
Tell her I have a copy.
"Severus says he has a copy," Hermione repeated softly. When she finished, everyone started talking at once.
"Cool, I'll help you look," Harry said with excitement.
"I'll come, too." Neville looked at Harry with trepidation.
"If Potty goes, so do I," Draco sneered.
"Not without me, you don't," Susan snapped, gripping her husband's arm.
"This could be a wonderful opportunity," Filius mused, thinking of the undoubtedly rare books to be found.
"I'd welcome a chance to read that book," Bill said in an aside to Lucius.
"I wish the wee dragon'd talk ta me," Hagrid sniffled.
SILENCE! Hermione winced as Severus' voice reverberated in her head, echoed by the roar of the dragon from outside. I am not hosting a house party.
She couldn't help herself. "Last I heard, your house belonged to me," she teased, sticking her tongue out at Harry.
"Careful, Hermione," Minerva warned her with a laugh. "The motto of Hogwarts may be 'Never tickle a sleeping dragon", but I would say never tease an angry one, as well."
For you are crunchy and taste good with tomato sauce.
"Oh, hush, you," Hermione said with a smile. "I'll ask Marigold to find it for me and bring it here. How's that?"
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Latest 25 Reviews for Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons
102 Reviews | 7.36/10 Average
Brava! I have been hoping to get to Damsels & Dragons by Velvet Song and this story, the completion of what she had begun. I'm so very grateful that the two of you were able to collaborate so beautifully on this remarkable story. Together you two have given the SSHG fandom a lovely gift.I adore your sense of humor, and having Severus and Hermione telepathically connected had me laughing throughout my reading. And now I have a sequel to read......something about dragons in the dungeon, I think? Beth
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed this story. It was a joy to write. The sequel is not a collaberation, so I can only hope you enjoy it as much as the first story. ^_^
So far I have to say you do a tremendously amazing job with continuing this story of Velvet Song, beginning with her exceptional writing style, and not least by bringing in Severus' thought-speach here. Did you have some plot ideas from her where this should go?
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
This particular story is completed and posted. Velvet Song and I discussed a sequel and she gave it the go-ahead. That story is also completed and has started posting here at TPP. However, I suggest you complete this one first before starting the sequel so you aren't confused about situations in the sequel. ^_^
Good job continuing the story. I'm glad Velvet Song let you complete it.
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Thank you. With her permission, I've written a sequel. It's in the process of being beta'd, but I will soon start posting the chapters. ^_^
Response from FruGal (Reviewer)
Glad to hear that. I'll look for it.
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Thank you. With her permission, I've written a sequel. It's in the process of being beta'd, but I will soon start posting the chapters. ^_^
Response from FruGal (Reviewer)
Glad to hear that. I'll look for it.
If you let Severus argue, he may be as Dragon forever.
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
He's stubborn, but Hermione's just as bad. ^_^
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
He's stubborn, but Hermione's just as bad. ^_^
I never thought, I would hear those words , from a Malfoy.
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
I know. Scary, ain't it? ^_^
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
I know. Scary, ain't it? ^_^
Obliviate? is that all? he deserves to suffer, a lot more.
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Oh, his turn's coming. ^_^
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Oh, his turn's coming. ^_^
I would be more afarid ,of Minerva And Narcissa together, than the Dragon.
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Two rather intimidating witches, n'est pas? ^_^
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
You know where you are with a Dragon, but if those two get together, thay could rule the world.
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Add Hermione to the group and that would be a definite possibility. ^_~
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Two rather intimidating witches, n'est pas? ^_^
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
You know where you are with a Dragon, but if those two get together, thay could rule the world.
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Add Hermione to the group and that would be a definite possibility. ^_~
Corruption in the MoM, unbeliveable!!!
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Isn't it, though? ^_^
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Isn't it, though? ^_^
If Remus isn't careful, he will find himself playing the Death-Eater game, { the drop from 300 ft and catch just before you hit the ground game } I love Athair/Severus.
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
I do, too. That's why I asked to finish this when Velvet Song couldn't do it anymore. ^_^
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
I do, too. That's why I asked to finish this when Velvet Song couldn't do it anymore. ^_^
Back to Hogwarts, Phelps will have fun with the house-elfs.
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Or the house-elves will have fun with him. ^_^
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Or the house-elves will have fun with him. ^_^
I love my books, and talk to them, sometimes I have to scold them, for spiting out their bookmarks, and losing my place. Luicus and Remus had best keep hold of Hermione, or she will wander off, into the stacks, and never beseen again.
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Oh, yes. My precious. I talk and argue with my books all the time. My mother tends to look at me rather funny. ^_^
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
It's sad when the family don't understand, the love of your life.
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Oh, yes. My precious. I talk and argue with my books all the time. My mother tends to look at me rather funny. ^_^
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
It's sad when the family don't understand, the love of your life.
Love the image , of house-elfs as meerkats.
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Well, they had to be able to make sure they were seeing what they thought they saw. ^_^
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Well, they had to be able to make sure they were seeing what they thought they saw. ^_^
MMMMMMMMMMM Thickned Plot, what a lovely desert. this just keeps, getting better.
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Rather like a rich gravy that tastes better the thicker it gets. ^_^
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Rather like a rich gravy that tastes better the thicker it gets. ^_^
Love the relationship, building between, Severus, and Hermione. Athair, talk to Hagrid, it would make his decade.
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
I don't think Severus could communicate with anyone except Hermione or he would have talked with Lucius and his family before this. ^_^
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
I know he can't "talk" to Hagrid, but if he would sit still, and let Hagrid talk, he would be made up.
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
I don't think Severus could communicate with anyone except Hermione or he would have talked with Lucius and his family before this. ^_^
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
I know he can't "talk" to Hagrid, but if he would sit still, and let Hagrid talk, he would be made up.
AWWWW I love that Hagrid didn't have to be told, he just knew. Now the real work begins.
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
I think Hagrid is just naturally intuitive. ^_^
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
I think Hagrid is just naturally intuitive. ^_^
The books seem to cover, a wide range of , curses, spells and other things it is best not to contemplate. Not knowing exactly what, Riddle woud do, Severus tryed to cover, all the bases he could, with the books. A pity she has to read all that dark stuff, but needs must.
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Very icky reading indeed. ^_^
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Very icky reading indeed. ^_^
Thank you, for finshing this great story. Yes, yes,yes, happy dance, she knows.
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Thank you, I think? And of course she knows. Severus made sure of it. ^_^
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Thank you, I think? And of course she knows. Severus made sure of it. ^_^
Absolutely wonderful!!! A sequel?! I can't wait!! I'm practically dying to see how the relationship develops between Severus and Hermione, since we know he's already in love with her from earlier chapters.
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Working on it. Or at least trying to. *grin* Hermione, Severus and Athair seem to have minds of their own, however. I don't know how this will turn out. Hopefully, I'll be able to start posting sometime after the first of the year. ^_^
I'm so glad they manage to bring him back. I hope they will all be well after a bit of rest. I wonder if Heverus and Hermione's connection will last. that could be a lot of fun.
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Heverus? Who's Heverus? It's a great name, though. *grin* One more chapter to go and it's been sent to my beta. With Velvet Song's permission, I've begun a sequel but I don't know when it will be finished. ^_^
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
*grin back* These are great news!
Yay, they did it! Boo for leaving it there! And boo for taking so long to update! Just because the sshg exchange is going on and there's loads of sshg to read doesn't mean I don't look for an update from you daily. Brava, Ms. Tree. Hermione and 'William' saved the day.
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Blame my beta for the delay. She's involved in the exchange. *grin* One more chapter to go for this particular story and I've sent it to my beta. Velvet Song has given permission for me to do a sequel and I've started it, but I don't know when it will be finished. ^_^
Great chapter.
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Thank you. ^_^
yay! You did it! :D
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Yup. Yup. Only one chapter to go and it's with my beta right now. At least I sent it to her. *grin* I'm in the process of producing a sequel--with Velvet Song's permission--but I don't know when it will be finished. ^_^
Oops, talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Scrimgeour won't do that again! :)
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
*grin* It would be rather hard to do that when he's in Azkaban. Thanks for reading. ^_^
Better three patients than a dragon. That was nice and tense.
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
Glad you liked it. One more chapter to go and that will wrap up this part of the story. I've started a sequel--with Velvet Song's permission--but I don't know when it will be finished. ^_^
WOW! That was incredible! Remarkable too how we find out that the curse hasn't just tied the two of them together mentally, but physically as well - and no better example of how strong the tie is, but as the countercurse was activated. God Bless you too, for finding a Gothic translation as well! I imagine having a devil of a time researching that! You did it justice, my friend!
Response from MsTree (Author of Velvet Song's Damsels & Dragons)
The translation was probably the hardest part of the chapter. I had it written out in English probably by the second chapter I wrote, but it took longer to figure out the translation. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. One more chapter to go. *phew* ^_^