New Chapter for Whom the Gods Annoy
Whom the Gods Annoy
richardgloucester73 Reviews | 73 Ratings, 0 Likes, 29 Favorites )
Ron, Harry and Hermione discover the consequences of their inaction with regard to saving the life of one Chosen by the gods – or in this case, goddess. And it all becomes vastly more complicated when the school hires workmen to fix the battle damage at Hogwarts.
This was my submission for the SSHG summer 2010 Exchange, written to a prompt by Tribunicianveto. My wonderful Beta was Subversa.
Chapters (11)
About richardgloucester
19 Stories | Favorited by 337 | 22 Reviews Written | 585 Review Responses
RichardGloucester is now also a published author, under the name Jae Eynon, with stories in a new anthology, "IMMANENCE" (Story Spring Publishing, 2016) and "Thoroughly Modern Monsters" (Story Spring Publishing, 2013). She still loves the world of Harry Potter and sails the SSHG ship!
Reviews for Whom the Gods Annoy
" sitting in the sunshine with nothing but a chocolate egg for company" * sigh * sounds good to me.
Severus is mahing hay while the sun shines.
Oh dear, I never thought I would say this but poor Ron.
Possibly a strange comment, but good call on Homer being color blind. There is speculation that some ancient cultures could not see blue or green. They had no word for it. Of course, there's always James Joyce: "the snot-green sea."
Sounds like Hermione had a happy Christmas after all.
It seems only fitting, that the Gods should drive the most perfect car ever built.
Only Severus would sit playing draughts with the Goddess of love, and worrying about his hemline.
I know she wants a project but one this big will be a challenge, even for a Goddess.
Have just read the story in one go. Really enjoyed Aphrodite's 'gifts', Hermione's new healthier attitude to life, and Severus' musical tastes. Gran is great; would like to see more of her! I really liked the style of the last chapter too.
This was so much fun to read! All the immortal characters were so cleverly written. Sev's first chapter obsession with boobies had me in stitches. And I adored the predicaments that Ron and Harry suffered. Thank you for this A-plus, 5-stars, blue ribbon, 1st place story!
I forgot to add that I wish Gran had revealed herself.
This is perfect! Love this chapter - how inventive! Adored everything about it. Positively guffawed about Ron getting a job with Pixar. Love the bit about the nectar (extended life span, hm?) and also that last bit about the chain and the rose... Oh Dicky, this fic was perfect! So unusual and unique and just sheer fun. And a lot of food for thought about the relationship between thinking and doing...
This is so wonderful. And funny. And ABBA? ~cracks up~
There is nothing to say but LOL!
Your Severus is pitch-perfect. From that line about snapping back so hard he's surprised no one heard the twang to this: "Severus felt the uncomfortable twinge in his guts that meant he was about to start saving people again. It was a habit that was proving impossible to break, and usually gave him severe indigestion." -- perfection. Also, Severus would be the one man who finds something lacking in the Goddess of Love. ~snrt~ And the line about Pink Floyd -- more giggle-snorting. And holy God, Snape sings Bohemian Rhapsody in the shower? I am dying here, Dicky! How on earth did I not read this sooner? And the Circe comment? OMG. "Not the right thing to say." Almost died. (Can you tell I'm just commenting as I read?) Well, this is a bloody effing delightful fic, Dicky. I'm quite enjoying myself.
I'm in love already. Your Aphrodite is positively delightful. "Seen one calm day, seen them all." LOL. I am quite excited to see how Severus reacts to being taken under her wing...
I am still reeling at the originality of this idea. The thought of there existing bigger and better magicians than wizards is a compelling idea; that should bring them down a peg or two. Lets face it, even the ones who reject pure-blood ideology and fight against it are patronising towards Muggles at best. This is great! I'm really loving it.
ROFL! Oh! Of course he listens to 'The Wall' and 'Wish you were here' - Where else do you go to for angst? Oh of course, The Smiths: I can hear him in the shower singing at the top of his voice: "I am human and I need to be loved... just like everybody else does." So many LOL lines.
What a fantastically clever excuse to have a purple prose frenzy and get away with it. It's so well done, too. And this is a great premise for what promises to be a very funny take on SS/HG.
I'm just wondering who on earth the Goddess is going to pick for her project.
What a fantastic story. It was sweet, and smart, and oh so very funny, but in a subtle refreshing way. This was an unusual storyline and made for a very enjoyable read. I especially like the manner in which it wrapped up with the last chapter. Thanks for sharing such a fun story!
Thanks for a thoroughly enjoyable read. Your anglo-saxon turn of phrase often makes me chuckle, something I sometimes miss when reading american authors work. And your description of the scottish weather - spot on.
Bugger, just realised I forgot to stock up on marmite when I was over in the UK. Sigh!
John Smith, eh?
Gods are just boys deep down, as it seems. They love to play around with shiny tools. But they do prefer to make their hands dirty at the end of the day.
Cleverly written with much humor and lots of references, of which I probably didn't get all.
Chapter love!
Only Severus could be "not in the mood" when being pursued by the most beautiful female in creation.
There were just too many lines or quotes in this chapter which made me smile, to single one out, but I'll try nonetheless:
Of course I have read this story when it was posted on the Exchange. Back then I was reading it in a frenzy - I just wanted to know what was going on. Much too quick to really appreciate your style ... altough I did learn a fair bit about mythology :-)
Good grief, you truly have a way with words. My words fail me in my attempt to praise you for that.
Just let me say one word: Brilliant.