New Chapter for A Healer's Touch
A Healer's Touch
Angel42031 Reviews | 31 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )
Severus wakes up, his last memory is bleeding out in the Shrieking Shack. He is startled to find himself in his family home under the care of a beautiful witch he has never met, or has he?
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About Angel420
Member Since 2010 | 1 Story | Favorited by 11 | 1 Review Written | 1 Review Response
Reviews for A Healer's Touch
Wow! Loved the journal entries, so perfectly what I'd imagine he'd think about his time as Headmaster.
Lovely story, keep going!
Very intersting story so far...I will be back for more.
A very good start to an interesting story. Please continue. It will be interesting to see if the mysterious caretaker's identity is the one she is thought to be.
Thanks for the feedback. I am in search of a Beta for this story, if you are interested please let me know
How positively intriguing. More please!
This splendid chapter is just what the doctor ordered. I've been out of town and out of touch a good bit lately and was thrilled to realize that Chapter 2 had posted.
I like the way their relationship is developing, and was so glad that he told her he remembered her calling him by his given name.
It seems like everyone except Severus knows the identity of his caregiver. Can't wait to find out how dinner and conversation goes.
very real and beautiful.
tender and lovely and no more than Severus deserved.
Oh, he seems quite smitten :)
Nice beginning to the story! I think I'm gonna follow along to see just who the mystery witch is and what you have in store for them.
Blue eyes, heh? Dumbledore blue?
This looks like it could be interesting. Looking forward to more.
Wow! What a way to tell someone you know their identity and that you're attracted to them. I wonder what Hermione's reaction will be to that final note.
Looking forward to seeing what happens next!
Such a close call for Hermione! I hope that little nugget of information helps Severus find out her identitity, if he's not inclined to wait for Hermione to reveal herself to him. But then again, if he knows she's wearing glamours he could probably just as easily undo them himself...
Looking forward to seeing what happens next!
Is he going to figure it out or is he going to hae to wait for her to reveal herself to him completely? Nicely done!
Beautiful chapter.
Interesting start. How long before he can figure out what she's changed about herself and go from there?
Beauty and the Beast is actually a French fairytale from the 18th century - not American.
All those thoughts left out for her to read, he's really baring his soul.
Confused and Confounded! How did he know it was Hermione? She certainly didn't tell him unless you managed to skip a chapter. It's been so long between that I reread the last chapter and it ends with him telling her she has to trust him. What's going on?! ^_^
Response from Angel420 (Author of A Healer's Touch)
The next chapter will answer those questions, and it will be sev's POV
Okay, I'm really confused. How did Severus find out that his mystery nurse was Hermione? She didn't tell him, and she's been under a glamour, though Ron knew she was. So how did he find out, and where did he get notified? Or is he just saying her name aloud, because he figured it out, even through her reticence to tell him?
she keeps giving away all these clues. hes going to figure it out real soon.
Love his nickname for her. Now, I wonder who did the breaking up here? She was hesitant to go to the meeting in the first place.