New Chapter for Hot and Happy
Hot and Happy
ladyofthemasque25 Reviews | 25 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )
This was a short fic I whipped up for JustJeanette, who wanted something hot and happy...
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About ladyofthemasque
Member Since 2005 | 37 Stories | Favorited by 1,485 | 368 Reviews Written | 1,311 Review Responses
I have to apologize to everyone, period. Real life swallowed me whole, as I have been struggling to make a living writing original fiction over the last 8 years. It has not been easy, & has been complicated by health issues. I hope people can forgive my long silences. Trying to make enough money to live on from writing is a lot harder--waaaay harder--than it looks. (At least I didn't leave any posted fanfics unfinished.)
These stories are works of parody (& thus are allowable under US law), and are not written for profit. Just for fun. I'm not making any money off of any fanfics, nor will I ever. I'm just playing around in other writers' universes.
...I am, however, making something of a living off my own stories. (If anyone wants to play around in my universes, you may visit my website,, and look up my policy on Fanfics & Fanarts. It's reasonable enough and fairly easy to follow, too...)
Reviews for Hot and Happy
We should be so, hot & happy.
o hai, missed u
How sweet! Thank you for sharing!
charming and cute! thanks and smoochies
We always seem to hear from you around summer Fandom Convention time. It is a nice reminder of all the great SSHG fics this ship owes you. Will we see you at Infinitus?
*big innocent grin* Can we know more about the spanking?
Considering that delicious description of a sweaty, shirtless Snape, I would be happy to forgive his knobby knees!
short, sweet, and sexy, the perfect combination. thanks for sharing this tasty little morsel. :D
Hot and happy indeed! Good thing you through in some knobbly knees or there would have been a riot.
You've painted quite the vivid image of a bare chested , knobby kneed Severus. I think Hermione knew exactly what she was doing in mentioning those shorts. Lucky lady! Welcome back, LOTM. You've been sorely missed.
Since I love your original fic so much, I'll not complain about you not writing here (not much).
Love the little ficlet.
Poor Severus and his sunburnt knees. Ooh, I wonder if he'll be coming to spank me now that I've mentioned them. ;)
BTW, it's good to see you posting something here again. :D
This was so worth reading sweeting. I love anything you write. Thank you. I am foaming at the mouth from this. Very well done.
This does heat up the room a little! I can just imagine the whole thing ending up in a nice cool shower ... for a long time! (After all, she'll some way to cool down her backside.)
Great little one-shot!
Nice to see you again.
Thanks for writing and sharing it with us.
Very hot & steamy. Good to see you back.
Yes... Yes, she does! :)
With the promise of spanking from Severus, I would have put an advertisement in the Daily Prophet about his knobby, sunburnt knees:-))
I am trilled to see that you still lurks around with a story to tell about Hermione and Severus, you do them so well:-))
Cute story. I can just imagine Severus' knobby knees in bermuda shorts. ^_^
I don't know about Hermione but I would mention his knobby sunburnt knees for a spanking *Grins*
Oh thanks so much for posting. I've missed your fanfics but I know you're busy with RL fic. While this was short and sweet, it was definitely hot!!
Cute. So, I'm guessing she said yes to the spanking?
great great story..thanks for posting...and I actually pay to read your stuff as the pile of books by my bed will testify
Thanks. Although as I am burning up in the heat and humidity of NC, I can't say I relish the idea of a hot kitchen... but maybe if it had a sweaty Snape in it, I might reconsider...
Now that's the way I'd like to be 'rewarded' for scrubbing pots?
Thank you.