New Chapter for Lists, Lust and Lovers
Lists, Lust and Lovers
laurielove16 Reviews | 16 Ratings, 0 Likes, 26 Favorites )
A sequel to 'The List'. Hermione puts her friends' ideas to the test. Say no more.
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About laurielove
Member Since 2010 | 22 Stories | Favorited by 394 | 8 Reviews Written | 642 Review Responses
Welcome to my world of (largely) erotic exploration of the human condition. (Well, that's one way of putting it anyway ...)
My writing is largely rated NC-17 and, as you will see, contains a lot of explicit detail. But I cannot write without developing believable characters, largely in canon (at least as a starting point), whose behaviour is established through dialogue and tangible situations. I adore these characters and tend to write from the inside out, getting inside their heads and simply letting them talk (and act ...). Yes, there is a lot of sex, but I hope my characters' sexuality enables them, and us, to discover deeper aspects of their personalities.
My favourite pairings are Hermione/Lucius and Hermione/Severus, but I have written for various other couples and situations.
I have recently started writing original works which have, fortunately, been picked up by publishers. If you are interested in my original work, my penname is Demelza Hart.
I love establishing a dialogue with my readers. Please feel free to contact me with comments, suggestions, criticism, anything. I look forward to hearing from you!
In the meantime ... enjoy!
Reviews for Lists, Lust and Lovers
I. am. so. jealous....
Response from laurielove (Author of Lists, Lust and Lovers)
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!! You crack me up and really really have brought an ENORMOUS grin to my face!! THANK YOU!! I know how damn long it takes to get those smilies up! You are a
Simple plot, delicious follow through and dynamic characterization. Loved every word, well done!
Response from laurielove (Author of Lists, Lust and Lovers)
Thank you! x
It wouldn't be bad to be Hermione... =] Thanks for the fic!!
Response from laurielove (Author of Lists, Lust and Lovers)
Thanks for your review! She is a lucky girl is our Hermione! x
very kinky!!!!! awesome....giggle!!!!
Response from laurielove (Author of Lists, Lust and Lovers)
I know - very very kinky. Mwa ha! x
~fans self~ Very steamy, Hermione is a very lucky woman. This is my OT3, and what I liked best is that you manage to convey the intimacy between them together with a very sexy story!
Response from laurielove (Author of Lists, Lust and Lovers)
Thank you so much! Hermione is indeed very lucky! Excuse my ignorance, but what exactly do you mean by OT3!? Sorry- I'm not always up-to-date on fanfiction jargon! Glad you liked it. I hadn't really intended to extend it, but, hey - what the heck! x
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Reviewer)
OT3 means One True Threesome - which in my case is Severus/Lucius/Hermione. I just love these three together :)And I'm very glad you did extend the original story :D
I think you said it all. She's one holly bitch of a lucky girl *jealous sigh*.
Response from laurielove (Author of Lists, Lust and Lovers)
Thank you!! Sorry to have taken so long to respond and post new chapters to things - life has been very complicated and rather disturbing of late. Anyway - onwards and upwards! x
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
No need to apologize at all. I understand that RL is sometimes complicated.
Delightful read. =DThis is Anubis Ankh here, by the way.I loved it! =)
Response from laurielove (Author of Lists, Lust and Lovers)
Thanks for coming over and reviewing on here!! Rather naughty, I know! Ta, Anubis!! xxx
Oh yes! *fans herself* This was so hot... To have them both, what a delicious idea! I simply need to borrow your favourite words: "Lucky cow!" Duh. How am I supposed NOT to be jeallous? I might even be content with one of them. You can have the other... And I'd even let you pick first. Sounds like a deal?
Response from laurielove (Author of Lists, Lust and Lovers)
Now who would YOU pick, I wonder ... musing ... hmm ... not too difficult to work out methinks ... Thanks for the kind words, as ever. Very naughty this one ... still, we need our little indulgences every now and then! xx
Response from HermioneMalfoyFan (Reviewer)
You know me too well! But I said I'd let you pick - because although I certainly have my preferences I wouldn't mind either way. If you couln't decide though, and it made your life easier... In that case, I could make a choice for you!
Well she is one lucky gal! I hope that Severus has some skill in brewing energy drinks, because if any of them think that they will be able to make it up the dungeon steps without a little something on board, they are delusional. Not after the afternoon they just shared! This ought to carry a do not read unless your husband is home and available warning, but otherwise, was quite enjoyable ;)
Response from laurielove (Author of Lists, Lust and Lovers)
He he - a little steamy, I confess!! We all need a little distraction in our lives now and again! Thanks for your kind words and rating. x
Deliciously and deliriously sexy. Thoroughly love it when you get florid. Once again I find myself in the bizarre situation of being jealous of a fictional character. LOL
Response from laurielove (Author of Lists, Lust and Lovers)
Let floridity rule (Dontcha just love making up words?)!! Have some emoticons - Lucius on an average day
Snape on an average day
Hermione at the end of a day such as the one she just had in my story
Me on an average dayxxx
I don't usually like to read Menage-a-Trois because I don't like to share the men with each other, but I bow to your skill. This worship of one woman by two of the sexiest men ever imagined was quite a work of artful naughtiness. The anticipaiton was heart pounding. If only all of our lovers could cum that many times in such a short period of time. Well, that would be if one had any lovers. A witch may have grown together down there by now, if it wasn't for a witche's trusty rabbit familiar. This witch, plans to make it a goal to never to be arrestet since she heard that Dementors will take ,said rabbit, away from you in jail because it may be used as a weapon. However, I have yet to hear of, nor have I seen anyone ever poke out their eye nor another person's eye while running with a rabbit in their hand. Tee hee...
Response from laurielove (Author of Lists, Lust and Lovers)
Thank you for your very kind and extremely entertaining review! Have no fear - I'm sure as long as you keep your rabbit patronus safely inside your wand, you will be able to put it to appropriate use whenever the need arises!! Ah yes - luckily for Miss Granger she has two men with the ardour of rabbits and the physical attributes of ... MEN!!! (Jealous - moi?!)Thanks again! LL x
Whew! I read 'The List' before, and I'm glad I did, because a story as hot as this really needs a warning, or at least a ramp-up. Possibly a message from the surgeon general: Do not read if you are prone to heart problems or low blood pressure. Man, if I could write smut half as hot as this, I'd quit the day job and do it all day long!
Response from laurielove (Author of Lists, Lust and Lovers)
Thank you!! Hmm ... I do wonder sometimes if I should try to make some money out of doing this!! I'm sure at some point my muse will dry up - there are only so many ways human beings can combine various parts of their anatomy!!! I have a lot of other stories to move over here - with a lot more sex in them! Still - I have such inspiration in Messrs Snape and Malfoy ... LL x
This is too hot. Thanks for writing it.
Response from laurielove (Author of Lists, Lust and Lovers)
Glad you liked! Thanks for the kind words. x
Wheww! Amazing. Brilliantly intimate.
Response from laurielove (Author of Lists, Lust and Lovers)
Yes, very intimate! Thank you! x