New Chapter for Bad Romance
Bad Romance
HermioneJeanSnape80 Reviews | 80 Ratings, 0 Likes, 29 Favorites )
Climb inside the dark and twisted minds of Severus Snape and Hermione Granger, where madness and love vie for dominance
Start ReadingChapters (17)
About HermioneJeanSnape
Member Since 2008 | 1 Story | Favorited by 14 | 900 Reviews Written | 110 Review Responses
I'm a college student from the Midwest who enjoys fanfiction as a relaxing diversion. I'm a history major who unrepentently ships Snape/Hermione. I knit, cook, write, sing, and sew. I'm a bit of a nerd/dork/geek. I can quote all the Lord of the Rings movies excessively, as well as Firefly.
Reviews for Bad Romance
Truly loved your story. ; )
Short, and a little bit frightening.
really intense but I liked the motivations. and it certainly was hot. I did not expect the number of announcements in the Daily Prophet in the ending but that worked OK too.
When I first began the story, I thought I wouldn't like it. However, I have greatly enjoyed it and hope you keep writing HP fanfiction!
I just love happy endings! I admittedly was a little skeptical at first, but you've done a nice job and this turned out ok for them. I liked this chapter, which I guess goes to show that I don't mind what they choose to do in the bedroom, as long as the underlying relationship is a healthy one. Thanks for saving my favorite pair from themselves!
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
Well, they sorta saved themselves from themselves, in a backasswards accidental sort of way. Stumbling towards a solution, if you will. They're both happy and healthy, and I'm glad you liked it :)
I can do with SM in this situation ;). Even if it was hard sometimes for me it was an interesting story.
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
Yes, it's finally in a healthy context. I'm so glad you stuck with this story, I know parts of it freaked you out a bit. Thanks for reading!
Read the whole story. Positively Loved It. Awesome job! :)
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
Thanks so very much, glad you enjoyed it :)
Fantastic of course. But I am curious as to why you are not posting the chapters on AFF anymore ? That is where I found it and of course since you stopped at 14 there, I have to follow it here, hoping you will finish it here. Just curious, as I said, fantastic story. Love it!
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
I didn't want to get ahead of myself. The chapters on AFF had been getting ahead of the ones here- so AFF would have chapter 14, and here it was only on chapter 12. I wanted to keep them in sync. I will be posting more on AFF once they're caught up. Glad you're enjoying the read :)
Response from mamabear52 (Reviewer)
Cool! Thanks for the quick response. Can't wait to see the rest of it. I hate seeing the ending of a story but at the same time I love to find the ending. Does that make any sense ? Oh well, see you in the funny papers. Keep on writing.
You certainly understand the Catholic guilt complex well, great job! Her conversation is a bit too flowery and coherent, in my opinion (it doesn't 'flow' naturally the way most speech does) but this was still an enjoyable chapter to read. Very nice!!
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
Thanks! I always figured Hermione to be someone who really internalizes things and blames herself. As for being flowery- well, it's Hermione. Big words abound. It is hard as a writer to find the right balance for her, and as for the flow, well. She's been mentally unstable for a good long while, and only just starting to fully recover.Hermione hasn't done any talking in a long while, so she's a bit rusty. Glad you liked it anyway, and hope you stick around for the finish :)
You said in the beginning that this would become a romance, and from their relationship, I didn't think it could happen in a way that felt ok for me, and believeable. But I like their reasoning for doing what they did. And while I don't fully understand where they are coming from, I'm actually finding this to be a plausible motivation for the way things are. I guess it is a good thing that he brought Lucius in, as he appears to have been the major catalyst in all of this. I actually find myself hopeful for them and their future.
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
No matter what happens, everyone always has some sort of motivation. Lucius did serve as a sort of kick in the pants for Severus, snapping him out of his denial (it ain't just a river in Egypt, Snape!)You should really like the next chapter, stay tuned!
I must admit, this is a difficult story for me to get through at some parts, and I was hoping there would be an ending like this, with some point to all the pain. I feel that Hermione's general personality fits in well with Catholicism, but then, what on earth would she and her family think about her being a WITCH? lol That would be an interesting few months, adjusting, I bet. :-)
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
This isn't quite the ending yet- still a few chapters left. She and her family are Catholics, but they are primarily intellectuals. They felt her being a witch explained all the mysterious occurrences, and they rationalized it as being good- after all, Moses did magic through the lord, etc. Thanks for reading! :D
I think that is the first chapter in this storuy that has brought a real smile to my lips. I loved that you explain her background and she came to Sev.
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
Glad to have made it worth your while, you should like the next few chapters as we wrap things up :)
Ugh... I hope the next chapter is up soon. I just don't like their relationship, but yet can't wait to see what comes next. And let me reiterate that I think your writing is good, and actually I think the story is good, their dynamic just really turns my stomach. I do think that maybe this was a turning point for him, because I am sure that physically, he is really not done with her. So he is sending her away to avoid feelings he has for her, and any chance that he might get hurt in the process. She, on the other hand, is a little over the top with her need to be with him. An addiction almost, and she is desperate to avoid withdrawl. Is there hope for them yet? I guess I'll gave to stay tuned.
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
The next chapter is in the queue, position number 7. I've been very careful that every time a chapter is posted, I have one in queue and one in holding. It keeps updates regular :)As for the dynamic, this really is the turning point. She is addicted to him, but the addiction is changing in its nature. And he has only just realized that he's addicted to her too, despite his best efforts. Her over the top reaction is classic Hermione, I think. Remember those canaries? And Ron's fault was much, much smaller than Snape's. Do please stay tuned, I think you'll like the next chapter :)
Is he really meaning it? Because when I see what she's become I'm very close to believe she'd be better off with him.
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
Yes, he means it. Juuuuust wait until chapter 14. Chapter 14 is very, very important. Really.
Well Severus was awfully quiet during this. Is he having second thoughts? If so, I hope he stops things before he has too much regret. I am curious about the lead up to this scene. It isn't like they have this fantastic relationship where he sits her down and tells her he wants her to be with Lucius and they discuss the hows and whys of it all. But did she know it was coming, or did he just spring it on her? Is he intending to completely hand her off, or share her for a bit in an effort to make a slow transition? And her tears... it's not the first time we've seen them, but are they for different reasons this time? If she has an aversion to Lucius (or anyone who's not Snape), submissive or not, I sure hope she makes her opinions known, loud and clear.For a story in which the relationship bothers me a bit, and so consequently I have to read the explicit content through squinty eyes, I sure do worry about them a lot. I'm truly anxious to know how this will all play out. You've done a nice job in converting me from a hesitant reader, to being fully invested in this tale.
Response from HBAR (Reviewer)
By the way, (because I didn't leave a long enough review already!), I wanted to mention how great your detail of events always is. I don't have an inkling how all of this works, but you always describe what is being worn, and used, and done so well that I always have a clear picture in my head (for better or for worse:) of what transpires. And it is done without being too wordy.
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
Oh, Severus was trying very emphatically to not think about it. The lead up was never really defined in my head- sometimes I prefer to leave it to the reader's imagination. Now that I think about it, Snape probably blindfolded her, took her there, then presented her to Lucius (after laying down some rules). You'll see what she thinks about this soon enough. Hope you aren't hurting your eyes squinting- I only just noticed, I haven't shown them actually having sex yet! They've been playing, but so far the closest they've gotten to actual sex (that we've seen) is that dildo in her bottom. I'm glad you like the details, description is my strong point because it helps me (and the reader) see exactly what is going on. Thanks so much for being invested, you should reap dividends in two chapters :D
Response from HBAR (Reviewer)
I only just noticed, I haven't shown them actually having sex yet!Isn't that funny... that hadn't occured to me. I supppose I get so wrapped up in the set up and all of it's particulars, that my mind just fills in the blanks.
Interesting; Snape is going against his own wishes just to keep Hermione in her place. Looking forward to seeing how this plays out!
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
Not exactly to keep her in her place- he's trying to get her out of her place as soon as he can! Just wait... this is going to backfire a tad :)
Not only Lucius is a pervert but he is also very sick in his head. And oh balm to my heart when Sev was angry about Lucius touching her.
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
Oh, Lucius is Crown Prince of Pervertland. Not especially sick in the head though- he just believes in living luxuriously in every way possible. Decadent, possibly, but not sick. He isn't abusive in the way Snape had been. And again, Lucius isn't raping, he's just taking advantage of the offers he receives. Yes, Snape doesn't like sharing his things. You will be a very happy reader quite soon, I believe.
Hmmmm. This is going to get messy with Lucius involved, isn't it? I hope not though. I like the idea of this threesome pairing but the obvious intensity between Hermione and Severus is so palpable her. I love that Severus is actually feeling jealous/angry/uncomfortable - very believable, in this context. The sub always holds the power :)
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
Messy? Oh, yes, very messy. No threesome here, I'm afraid, this Severus doesn't like sharing. Oh, Severus is very unhappy- you'll see how it plays out very soon.
Oh dear! It sounds like a good idea on paper, but if he's got her whistling, singing, and dancing, she is not going to take kindly to being handed off. If he were just inviting a friend along to mix things up a bit, she might go for that (uh oh. I am supposed to be a bit freaked out by this, not offering advice!) Anyhow, I hope some sparks are going to fly when she finds out his plans, or else he realizes the error of his ways before he gets in too deep. Maybe she's coming to her senses and will turn the tables on him and give him a good beating to knock some sense into him.
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
You shall see, oh you shall see. Next chapter is in queue, and we'll be seeing a popular friend of ours. There will be repercussions, believe me.
Oh, no! I shudder to think who he will "hand her off" to. This is a twisted, interesting romance, and I'm looking forward to the next bend in the road!
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
Oh, I think everyone will approve of who we get to see next chapter... a certain someone with a drawl... :D
I can only hope he'll regret his decision before it's too late. On the other hand, a angry, furious and jealous Severus barging in at the crucial moment could be a sight.
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
You shall see...oh, you shall see :)
This is a good story.Thay call each other in there own ways,She needs the pain he lashes out and he needs to lash out on her.
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
Thanks, that's exactly what I was aiming for. Very symbiotic and co-dependent.
Do I see the end of the tunnel here? Sev seems more tender with her despite her being restrained and gagged.
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
Why yes you do, almost :)The next chapter is quite different than anything we've seen so far. Chapter 9 is the last bit of real unhealthy violence we'll see. After that...well, please keep reading. I have a feeling you will adore chapters 13 onward.
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
I'm getting used, plus it's drabble form. I don't think I'd have stick with longer violent chapters.
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
Don't worry, the last little bit of violence is mostly implied. Actually, the chapters get much longer after chapter 11. Luckily for you, they're the pleasant chapters (well, 12 is a little rough, but otherwise). Since you've been such a lovely reviewer, I've a tiny snippet for you.
“I am sorry.” He whispers, taking off his cloak and wrapping it around her. She clutches at it, shell-shocked. He grips her by the elbows and raises her to her feet. Just a little taste from chapter 14.
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
*squee* That sounds lovely! Thank you!
Absolutely fantastic! Very realistic descriptions, The Power exchange between the two of them seems very deep, which is key in any D/s relationship. I'd love to see more of Hermione's mindset regarding how she feels/how she came to be his slave.Very awesome!! Keep up the good work!
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
Your comment just made my day, no joke :)Power is definitely the key thing here, as for too long Severus felt he had little power over his own life. You'll see more of Hermione's mindset in the next few chapters (already in queue). How she became his slave will be revealed in chapter 14, when she and Severus finally talk things out. Thanks so much for reviewing! :D
Response from Majidah (Reviewer)
No problem!I'm a very active member of The Lifestyle, and have been for quite some time. I'm an HP FF nut to boot... That being said I'm pretty darn picky about what I like and don't like when it comes to D/s, especially in the world of HP.. You, my dear are doing a very good job. So often Authors tend to favor the fantasy of "D/s" and forget about the reasons it exists in the first place. I find it refreshing that you are able to stay true to that, the reason we "engage" in such activities in the first place. Release. Be it mental, physical, spiritual or otherwise..Keep writing darlin'!! You've got serious talent.
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
Thanks so much, I tried to be very careful about how realistic it was. Sometimes people get carried away with invented spells that break the laws of physics or somehow make possible impossible positions (think positions with the potential for serious muscle strain or injury). I've also tried to be very careful with the psychological aspect of this. In the beginning it is a bit of an abusive relationship, because while both of them are willing, Severus really is intending to harm her. Both of them start out very, very screwed up and a little bit insane. The psychological shift will be gradual, but definite. Thanks so much, really did make my day. Hope you keep reading! :)~HermioneJeanSnape
Well, this raised several questions. In fact: more than it answers.Are we going to learn about her motives?
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Author of Bad Romance)
Of course. We learn her motives in chapter 14, when she and Severus finally have a talk. If you've noticed, they don't really talk that much, at the moment.