New Chapter for While the Music Lasts
While the Music Lasts
LiteraryBeauty12 Reviews | 12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 18 Favorites )
In Paris, Hermione tries to escape her past, but it won't be left behind. In a beautiful city, surrounded by music, Hermione and Snape share a moment. But a moment is never enough...
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About LiteraryBeauty
Member Since 2009 | 31 Stories | Favorited by 250 | 0 Reviews Written | 578 Review Responses
Due to the often controversial nature of my fics, I've decided I will no longer be posting here (this not NOT include my WIPs--Princes in Exile and Caged Bird Sings will continue to be updated here. This is regarding only my oneshots and future long fics). You can find all my stories at my Livejournal, under the name literaryspell. None of the fics are, as yet, friendslocked, so you can read at your leisure, and friend me, or not, as you like. :D Be sure to check out my master list, which is the first post on my LJ page. Thank you!
If anyone would prefer to send comments to me personally, or would just like to talk plot or make suggestions, please contact me at I'm happy to hear from anyone!
Reviews for While the Music Lasts
I want more to this one so very badly. It's a lovely story, a real sort of romance that I don't often see in fanfiction.
Awesome, amazing and addictive. Loved it! SG x
I may sound silly asking, it is Snape after all, but why did he leave?
I loved the way you narrated what they were thinking as they said and did every move each moment. I love your style. It's my favorite literary tool.
...I suppose he got scared he'd become too attached and be hurt. It didn't occur to him that Hermione found him quite worthy and would have truly been glad to have him in her bed the next morning. I wanted him to realize she really doesn't do this sort of thing with other men. Please promise me you'll do a sequel!
I live not very far from Paris and sometimes it's really a chore to get there. But after reading a story that shows the beauty of the city I always wish I could wander along the Seine, sit at a cafe and just enjoy life. Thank you so much for reconciling me with that magic city.
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of While the Music Lasts)
I have never actually been, and I would just adore to go! Alas, there seems to be a huge wet puddle between us. :D
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
Nothing that a bid owl with iron wings can override...
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of While the Music Lasts)
Ah, but my bank account disagrees. :D One day I'll do the tour. I have a bit of it planned out, even. I just have to get the time and money.
I really liked the weaving of the violinist throughout this fic. You portrayed the damaged souls so well, but with that hint of healing at the end. Very nice!
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of While the Music Lasts)
Thank you so much. I'm glad the damaged part came across.
I thought for sure there was going to be a toddler that looked just like him answering the door.
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of While the Music Lasts)
Someone else said they thought the violinist would open the door! LOLTo me, there's no other option. Hermione opens it. She wasn't waiting, but she's still willing.
very nice. it tugged at my heartstrings. :)
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of While the Music Lasts)
Thank you so much!
I love Paris! You describe it beautifully. Sara
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of While the Music Lasts)
So glad to hear you say it!
It has taken him long enough to make up his mind to return to her, but somehow I think she will not think about how long it has been, only that she will think how grateful she is to have him back.Lovely one-shot.Beth
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of While the Music Lasts)
But that's Snape, isn't it? He doesn't think he deserves happiness so he avoids it. It took him two years, but he's finally accepting that he's deserving.Thank you!
Wow.. War can ravage even the most sensitive soul. This was truly amazing.
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of While the Music Lasts)
Thank you so much. I really tried to go deeper with this one.
How disappointing he waited two years. I wouldn't want to forgive him, no matter what a sexy beast he is. Well, I imagine she should at least make him suffer a good long while.