New Chapter for In Need
In Need
LiteraryBeauty13 Reviews | 13 Ratings, 0 Likes, 26 Favorites )
A supposedly chance meeting between Hermione Granger and Severus Snape brings mutual needs to the fore. But how much of it really was chance?
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About LiteraryBeauty
Member Since 2009 | 31 Stories | Favorited by 250 | 0 Reviews Written | 578 Review Responses
Due to the often controversial nature of my fics, I've decided I will no longer be posting here (this not NOT include my WIPs--Princes in Exile and Caged Bird Sings will continue to be updated here. This is regarding only my oneshots and future long fics). You can find all my stories at my Livejournal, under the name literaryspell. None of the fics are, as yet, friendslocked, so you can read at your leisure, and friend me, or not, as you like. :D Be sure to check out my master list, which is the first post on my LJ page. Thank you!
If anyone would prefer to send comments to me personally, or would just like to talk plot or make suggestions, please contact me at I'm happy to hear from anyone!
Reviews for In Need
Again, please more! Have mercy on your servant. Severus and Hermione, must have more.Breastlady
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of In Need)
Thank you! I have a Hermione/Snape coming out Jan/Feb, so I hope I'll have you as a reader for that!
This was just SO good - and in so many ways! You write so incredibly well; succinct and yet still erotically and heartwarmingly sexy, with Snape taking control - just as he should!If it wasn't for the setting and use of (how shall I put it?) more 'modern' words (!), this could almost be a scene from a gothic novel, where the dark, mysterious hero (think Heathcliffe etc. etc.) finally gives in to all that passion inside. That's how I personally have always seen Severus; he is very much the wronged, supressed and secretively hurting, deeply passionate, brooding dark hero ...I should have reviewed when I read this before (thought I had, to be honest!) I am rapidly becoming a big, big fan of yours! :-)
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of In Need)
I'm really glad you enjoyed this. It's very close to PWP and I almost didn't post it. Snape is definitely my Rochester. I've actually had thoughts about rewriting Jane Eyre with Hermione and Snape... shorter and more modern, of course. They fit the roles very well, I think.Thank you so much for your sweet comments!
I really enjoyed this. It got down to the action, but implied a lot of history as to be so sudden. Is there a sequel in the works, perhaps?
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of In Need)
It was written for the potterpr0nprompts, so it had to be short. I'm glad you noticed the history, I didn't get explicit, but I wanted the reader to infer there was something. No sequel for this one, unfortunately. I've way too much on the go. :)
Ooooo, I love it! To find that they both had been planning this little meeting is the perfect foundation for a longer, very much longer, association. They're good for each other! Good with each other! Maybe helping her with her potions lab will be the next step that leads to... love.My favorite line is, "Her gasp stole the breath from his very lungs, but he didn’t begrudge her the theft." That one line says it all!This is a great one-shot, but it fairly begs for a sequel. If you ever felt like writing one. I'm just sayin'.Beth
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of In Need)
Thank you so much! I definitely think there's a happy ending in store for this pair. They are too alike!That was my favourite line, as well! Glad it stood out to you.There won't be a sequel for this, sadly, because I've just got too much on the go!
Response from braye27 (Reviewer)
I completely understand!
Very nice. It's ripe for a sequel...
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of In Need)
Thank you! No sequel for this, but it won't be the last time I write this pairing!
"You were always around, so chivalrous, so attentive. Different than how I knew you before, but still the same."I liked the way you imply they have a history without going into detail.
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of In Need)
Thank you so much! I only had 1500 words to work with (it was for a prompt), so I had to be brief, but I'm glad you picked up on the subtle history.
Those new potions benches will be christened in no time hehe.
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of In Need)
LOL Along with every other room in the house, I'm sure!
I think now I'm in need too *innocent*...
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of In Need)
*snort* Go for a walk, maybe your Snape is just around an alley corner! LOL
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
Well, I've just walked around the building three times and I've found no Snape. *pout and sulk*
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of In Need)
Were you wearing your Gryffindor tie? Hmmm...Did I remember to let him out of the closet after I wrote this? Uh oh.
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
ROFL ! Thanks for the good laugh
Mmm, I like forward!Snape.
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of In Need)
Me, too. One can never be subtle with a Gryffindor, though she turned out to be more Slytherin than he expected!
That was very well thought out...nice ending!
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of In Need)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Naughty little darlings! Just think what will happen when they find themselves a bed to play on. :D
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of In Need)
Who needs a bed when any ole surface will do, vertical, horizaontal... upside down... LOL
Great! I really like this couple