New Chapter for Mirrored Fascination
Mirrored Fascination
Somigliana71 Reviews | 71 Ratings, 0 Likes, 26 Favorites )
Attraction, unfeasible in each of their minds is in actuality, mirrored.
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About Somigliana
Member Since 2005 | 11 Stories | Favorited by 110 | 11 Reviews Written | 309 Review Responses
Reviews for Mirrored Fascination
Nicely done. I really enjoyed the dual POV.
Amazing- wish that JK's novel ended just like this!
so them!
I was rereading the Silvering Divide, which I just LOVE, and decided to see what else you had posted here. I really enjoyed The Traveller during the last SSHG Exchange. This was also a great read and a great concept. I hope you are participating in the upcoming Exchange. Your fics are a joy to read.
Muggle post rules!
One rat down! Just a snake or two to go.
At last, they are working together.
found what?
We know who he could trust...
That's very well done. :)
Light and dark and all that diametric jazz... cool.
Wow! Simply Amazing!
I loved the writing style. It was very unique and intriguing. We know there are always at least two points of view to every story, and you gave us both of them: coherently, and as it happened. (If I ever get a plot-bunny that I think might work this way, I might just have to give this style a shot myself!)
The story itself was great too. I loved that they were able to recognize the similarities between themselves, as well as the strengths that the other had in areas that were not their own, and to find an unexpected way to communicate across the miles without risking blowing Severus' cover.
"I killed Voldemort," she said, gesturing towards the hunk of metal.
"Well... three-sevenths of him anyway." She grinned. "Do I get to be
three-sevenths of a Chosen One?"
Loved that line! Very clever!
Aw, that's really sweet. A bit fluffy, but a diet of constant angst jades the soul. Thanks for writing!
Aw, that is so sweet. The up in tempo works well too.
Duh! Phineas, I forgot all about him! Still loving the fic though!
I'm intrigued, must find out who the portrait is... a possible relation of Sev? But his dad was a muggle, maternal grandfather perhaps?
That blind sided me, I thought Sev was speaking at the end of Hermione's bit, but obviously not... on to the next chapter!
I like the style of writing, with the POVs being (almost) exactly opposite. Like looking in a mirror! ;)
Excellent. This is a really effective way of writing.
Oh, I thought he was the one that was in her room. Now, I can only wonder who is in his.
I just happened across this story and quite like it. I have never read a mirrored fic before. This is very refreshing. I am looking forward to your next update.
Response from Somigliana (Author of Mirrored Fascination)
Oh, Thank you very much :) It is very interesting to write -- I'm glad you're enjoying it so far!
oh wow good! update
Response from Somigliana (Author of Mirrored Fascination)
Thanks very much--I'm glad you enjoyed. Next chapter is in the works :)