New Chapter for Unlikely Allies
Unlikely Allies
Romione Ravendor84 Reviews | 84 Ratings, 0 Likes, 12 Favorites )
She needs his help, and though he doesn't know it, he needs hers.
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About Romione Ravendor
Romione Ravendor
Member Since 2009 | 1 Story | Favorited by 0 | 0 Reviews Written | 67 Review Responses
The stories listed herein are a joint effort between lyn_f and HermioneWeasley1972.
Reviews for Unlikely Allies
Are you going to finish this? I read the first chapter over at Potter Place today and remembered seeing it posted here during last year's Challenge. It's a wonderful story so far and you've done a brilliant job in fleshing out Ron as more than a Quidditch loving eating machine. I'd hate to see it abandoned as unfinished. ^_^
Response from Romione Ravendor (Author of Unlikely Allies)
Response from Romione Ravendor (Author of Unlikely Allies)
,Yes, the story will be eventually finished. We have over 30 chapters already written, with a couple of chapters at the most left to write. It's undergoing some editing at the moment, plus one of us (lyn_f) has had some RL issues that prevented us from getting together and finishing the story.But fear not! The story will be completed, eventually! Look for it both here and at Potter Place.
Oh, I really like Ron and it is good to see him acting like an adult. Even when he is complaining about Hermione's absence, he is not whining like he often does in fanfics. And it seems he treats her well. I wonder why she doesn't tell him more about what is going on? Looking forward to more.
Response from Romione Ravendor (Author of Unlikely Allies)
Hermione has her reasons for not telling Ron. You'll see why later on.Thanks for reading and reviewing! :)~ lyn_f
Good beginning chapter! I think Ron is still a bit too concerned with what will inconvenience him and less with Hermione getting to pursue the career she had always wanted.I'm wondering what that pain in her chest is. Is it really heartburn? Or is she feeling guilty about what she said to Ron when he very predictably told her that he was not looking forward to being away from her for even one night of the week... um um um um um. He is so self-centered. Perhaps she has realized that she is more interested in accepting the offer of a professorship at Hogwarts than in placating him. Would that be so bad?Now I'm off to the next chapter.Beth
Response from Romione Ravendor (Author of Unlikely Allies)
Hi, Beth, I (lyn_f) really love your reviews! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!You'll find out what the pain is eventually. (Seeing the prompt at the end of Chapter 1 might give you a clue...)And no, I don't think that's so bad, especially in this day and age. An understanding man would allow his SO to pursue her dreams. :)Keep on reading. We haven't abandoned this story, but we're sorry that updates are so slow in coming.~lyn_f
So Severus is finally able to admit there is more to Hermione than book smarts and know-it-all-ness. The Masquerade should be interesting. I'm sure Severus is just going to LOVE getting all dressed up!
Response from Romione Ravendor (Author of Unlikely Allies)
LOL ... nah, Severus love getting all dressed up? You can only imagine! ;)Thanks for reading and reviewing!~lyn_f
Oh, a time delayed curse - no wonder you didn't want to tell me about the chest pains!I think it's wrong of her to keep this from Ron. He'd be worried, sure, but he loves her and he'd do what he could to help her.
Response from Romione Ravendor (Author of Unlikely Allies)
Yes, perhaps, but Hermione had her reasons for keeping it from Ron.Thanks for reading and reviewing!~lyn_f
and Ron slipps into his immature self - over her calling Severus by his name. Loved Sverus' reaction when the meeting was over.
Response from Romione Ravendor (Author of Unlikely Allies)
Hehehe ... well, Ron does have his moments. You'll see them. ;)Thanks for reading and reviewing.~lyn_f
Very cool. Loved the family banter and the kids are adorable. I held my breath as Ron kneeled, but it's what she's wanted. Whoot!
Response from Romione Ravendor (Author of Unlikely Allies)
Indeed. Thanks for reading and reviewing.~lyn_f
LOL At least Ron is being supportive!
Response from Romione Ravendor (Author of Unlikely Allies)
Indeed. I think he realised that he would be better off supporting Hermione in this endeavour.Thanks for reading and reviewing!~lyn_f
I like your Ron. I wonder if the Sorting Hat had been made from someone else's hat ,if it would have insulted Salazar Slytherin?
Response from Romione Ravendor (Author of Unlikely Allies)
Perhaps it mirrors real life--didn't Gryffindor and Slytherin not get along with each other anyway?That's the conjecture, anyway...Thanks for reading and reviewing! :)~lyn_f
Might be better to let Ron in on it so he won't fight with Hermione at all. But time will tell. It would appear that Harry wasn't exactly surprized by Snape's being alive. It's nice to see Snape jump in and do the right thing, no matter what he may think of Hermione personally.
Response from Romione Ravendor (Author of Unlikely Allies)
That might be wishful thinking--when did Hermione and Ron *not* fight? ;)I'd like to think Snape's instincts to protect the students, past and present, would override any feelings he may have for the student in question.~lyn_f
Boy! Lot's o' folks alive that we thought were dead! No Dobby, though? I wonder why no one told Hermione & Ron that SS was alive? Did Harry know? Thanks for another interesting chapter. It's nice to see a reasonable and fairly mature Ron in a story. And between that faint and the illness, we all suspect Hermione is dying.
Response from Romione Ravendor (Author of Unlikely Allies)
Hmmmm. Well. All I can say is the lips are zipped.Poor Ron has received rather rough treatments at the hands of fanfic writers, hasn't he?
Oh, my, I was afraid when he proposed in front of everyone. But it worked out OK. A good beginning. I liked in chapter one when he decided her happiness over her job offer was more important than his own desires. He's a good man.
Response from Romione Ravendor (Author of Unlikely Allies)
Indeed. It seems almost appropriate for a large extended family such as the Weasleys.:)~lyn_f
Hermione forgot her birthday? At least Harry was there to stop the twins from doing anything stupid. Although, it seems like Hermione got more upset at the thought of Snape than she did with the twins teasing her.
She forgot her own birthday? Then this was a real surprise party for her :-)
Good that Harry knows of her condition and was able to stop the twins.
I love the interaction between the three older professors and Dumbledore's portrait. Queen of Hogwarts indeed. was it the bit 7 years ago that Snape refused to rest from? I am glad your Ron is so sweet and thoughtful. I'm still not sure Hermione keeping the secret from him is the wisest decision, but time will tell...
I think letting Hermione participate in the research is the better option - just sitting back and waiting for sure would be much more stressful for her, for she would be worrying endlessly.
Your Ron was very sweet.
I'm sure he is going to notice something - not right away, of course, but over time.
I guess I can see how Ron and Ginny might fuss over Hermione. but won't Ron pick up on that something is wrong? And how will she explain the time spent with Snape?
Well, Severus and Hermione are on the case. They're sure to find the answer eventually. Too bad she has to be so secretive. But Ron would worry endlessly and that would definitely cause more stress. He was quite sweet in the end there.
Severus Snape is such a mystery isn't he? I hope Hermione will heed their warnings to rest and avoid stress. Not sure keeping Ron in the dark is the best idea but I guess Hermione knows him better than I do. Nice chapter...will be anxiously awaiting more!
Wait, Ron is so sweet.
That's kinda not fair. Telling Harry about one of his best friends terrible condition, then making him promise not to tell. What will the fallout be if the other two find out he knew and did not tell them?
Response from Romione Ravendor (Author of Unlikely Allies)
Severus is doing what he thinks is best. Btw 6 is up in the queue and should be up soon. :)
Well, she sure managed to put him in his place. I just hope Severus can find a cure for her.
Response from Romione Ravendor (Author of Unlikely Allies)
Yes, well we know that Hermione doens't mince words. Severus is going to do hsi best to help her. :)
Yikes. I can understand Hermione's reaction to seeing someone you thought was dead walk into the room. I wonder why no one told Harry?
Response from Romione Ravendor (Author of Unlikely Allies)
Yeah I think I'd have that reaction too. As for Harry, I won't say anything but read on.
Yikes. That sounds like complete chaos! I don't know how they keep track of all the kids coming.
Response from Romione Ravendor (Author of Unlikely Allies)
Oh, Molly's in her glory. :) She's a very proud grandmum. :)
Uh oh. That pain does not sound good. The fact that Ron has taken so many years to propose should be a wake up call to both of them. Maybe they are just comfortable in their circumstances?
Response from Romione Ravendor (Author of Unlikely Allies)
Well, I think Ron being his father's son wanted to make sure that he could support her before he proposedd. He wanted to get established in his job first. Thanks for reviewing!