New Chapter for The Traveller
The Traveller
Somigliana117 Reviews | 117 Ratings, 0 Likes, 102 Favorites )
Hermione has deviated from an obvious life. She has moved down a challenging and divergent, but ultimately lonely, path. She meets Severus Snape by chance one day, and she has some difficult choices to make.
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About Somigliana
Member Since 2005 | 11 Stories | Favorited by 110 | 11 Reviews Written | 309 Review Responses
Reviews for The Traveller
I love you.
Beautiful 😃
I honestly think this is my favorite fan fiction,,, it kept me guessing :)
*heavy sigh of relief* beautifully done! thanks so much
This is exquisite...please hurry with the next chapter (thank you for saving our Severus)
Normally when I start new stories, I wait until I'm caught up before I review. But I feel I need to comment here before I read the next chapter to see what happens.Whenever I read a time travel story, I always try very hard to interpret each writer's concept of time and meddling with the past. There are so many ways to meddle with it. Suppose someone traveled back in time and bumped into someone, who then dropped his briefcase, was late to a meeting...I've always enjoyed Anne McCaffrey's interpretation, and I have yet to see anyone else use it. I've been trying to figure out how to word it, but I can't. Nevertheless, it seems that you may be the first person to replicate Anne's model of time travel. The way I see it is that Severus's portrait has been that way because Hermione did go back and grab his body. There is no altering the future. When someone travels back in time, that's just the way it is. It's almost as though the decision has been made twice.I guess if you've read the books you'll understand. I just felt that I had to point this out. I'll continue to read and see what happens.PS. Good story
Response from Somigliana (Author of The Traveller)
You know, I've had McCaffrey on my "to-read" list forever, but I've never come around to picking up her books. Is that her Pern series, or another of them?There are a lot of ways to interpret time, yes, and I was very tempted to do a multiple universe and shifting future at one point but got hopelessly entangled in even thinking about it. The way I've gone about it here is that you cannot change the future, no, because everything has already taken place. Time is a continuous thing; things have already happened, even if people don't know why or what caused it, and you're right about his portrait, yes. Thanks so much for reading, and for your very thoughtful comment :)
Response from rachow (Reviewer)
Yes, it is the Pern series. The dragons can teleport through space, so it was theorized that they could also teleport through time, which proved true. The time travel was one of the more difficult concepts to grasp for me, but since you already understand it, you shouldn't have any problems.I've read all of the Pern books and the Crystal Singer books. I tried the Acorna series, but they didn't hold my interest through the third book. It was too hard-core science fiction for me. I might be able to try again, since I've been exposed to more science fiction since then. The pern books are only science fiction in the prologue. The premise is that humans colonized Pern about 2000 years before the first published story took place. They genetically altered an indigenous life form into dragons to protect them from Thread, a mindless organism that falls from the sky and devours organic material but can be killed by the fire-breathing dragons. During the battle to survive, their technology was lost, even down to not having plastic. So there isn't a whole lot of science involved in the reading. It gets more complicated during the books that take place right after landing and during the latest chronological books when they stumble upon their ancestor's artificial intelligence voice activated system and rediscover a lot of lost technology. I would recommend reading them in order of publishing in order to understand all of the concepts. I hope I haven't thrown too much information in here. But, if any other readers of the reviews are interested, I suppose now they have more information, or they can contribute more.
Response from Somigliana (Author of The Traveller)
That sounds absolutely fascinating. I have admittedly been drawn to more hard sci-fi lately, which is why I skipped McCaffrey in favour of Bujold and Orson Scott Card and Neal Stephenson for a while, but now I'm definitely going to have to pick up Pern :)
Exquisitly written. Gut wrenching and heart warming at the same time.
Response from Somigliana (Author of The Traveller)
Thank you so much :)
Oh, what a way to end a chapter! There is so many questions that need to be asked.
Response from Somigliana (Author of The Traveller)
Thank you so much--the answers are sure to be here soon :D
I'm so glad he's able to WANT things, finally.Thank you for writing such a beautiful resolution for Snape. It was such a shame he didn't get a decent closure in canon. I treasure the fics that: 1)give him a convincing new start, 2)convey what having the option of a fresh start would mean to the character.You managed to capture the essence of what I'm looking for in a Snape fic - in that single sentence at the end.BRAVO
Response from Somigliana (Author of The Traveller)
Oh, thank you so, so much for such a beautiful review. *holds it to my heart*You're the type of reader who every writer treasures, you know. Srsly.
I hope this isn't the end, though it is a nice ending. I just enjoy this version of Hermione and Severus. The world you've built them for this fic is one of a kind, and I am savoring it.
Response from Somigliana (Author of The Traveller)
Two more chapters to go, so not the end yet :)THanks for reading.
Hope, indeed! :)
Aww, Hope and Phoenix tears... lovely.
oh my. what a wonderful update. thanks so much
Excellent job! I like how you have managed to synchronize Hermione's age with Sev's. I am looking forward to his reaction and Hermione's expanation!
Oh, I love this story. I am looking forward to reading more. Great job.
Response from Anathema (Reviewer)
ADDENTUM: I did not have much to say, other than expressing my sheer glee. However, after reading other reviews, I have to agree with sentiments expressed.Ha! Eat that J.K.R!Down wit the tyranny of the Hallmark Epilogue from Hell!Long live Good Ol' Ship HMS Granger/Snape!Power to the people! More power to fic writers!Viva la Revolucion!etc!
More please, NOW!!!!!!! Love it, love it, love it!
What a fabulous chapter! The letter, the watching, the waiting, and finally the awakening--only to end it right there! Aggh! I can't stand it! I must know what's next!
I sincerely hope that Hermione won't get into trouble for doing this... although, knowing the twists of time and Travelling, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Julia knew all along that Hermione would do this from their very first (from Hermione's perspective, anyway) meeting. Can't wait to see what unfolds.
A chance for him to finally be free and happy, but I am wondering if she will have to keep him hidden or she might "have some 'splainin to do."
How did I ever miss this story? I just read thru all 8 chapters and am begging for more ... powerful stuff.Â
BTW, what a wonderfully sneaky way of saving Severus from the dreaded DH epilogue!
So nice to see another story where J.K.R. is thwarted. :)
I imagine Hermione will have some guilt issues to deal with, but in the long run I think she made the right choice.
This chapter made my heart ache.
Such a cliffy! Such UST. I can hardly wait for more.
This is an amazing story. Confusing at times, but very intriguing. I like the premise, the idea of "Travelling." Sounds like something only a really powerful witch or wizard would be able to do.
I must say that someone who travels back in time simply to observe is not the type of person Hermione would have chosen to be if she wanted to make a difference. But if she felt compelled by forces beyond her control to do this, perhaps the difference she will make is in the outcome of Severus's life. Now that would be worth all that she has endured, to bring Severus Snape back to life somehow.
I anxiously await your next chapter.
i just re-read the end of the chapter and oh I am so excited to see what comes next!