New Chapter for Darkest Before the Light
Darkest Before the Light
Celisnebula18 Reviews | 18 Ratings, 0 Likes, 56 Favorites )
Someone wants Snape and Hermione together – thinks they’d be a perfect pair. Kidnapped, separately via Portkey, they’re trapped deep within a darkened, older forest without their wands. They’ve a tent and supplies enough to last a few weeks out in the wilderness… It’s not a question of survival in the wilderness; it’s a question of whether or not they can survive each other.
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About Celisnebula
Member Since 2005 | 26 Stories | Favorited by 130 | 2 Reviews Written | 261 Review Responses
Geek girl extrodinare!
I write fan fiction all over the place, a lot of it is archived over at Sycophant Hex, since (as lovely as the Petualnt Poetess is, there's no crossovers allowed) I've been a huge crossover kick lately.
I have no one true pair in Harry Potter. I write Hermione and Snape the majority of the time, but I'm open to anything.
I've loads more fandoms than Harry Potter - far too many to name, so let's just say I'm well rounded, eh? Due to how long it takes me to write, I'm trying not to post things anymore unless they are finished. This includes my current works in progress. Never fear, I've not abandoned a thing, just won't be posting until they're done.
You can always check out my livejournal for the whole geeky scoop on me.
Fixing Charm: Best Underappreciated Author - Winner
Polyjuicer: Best Diverse Author - Runner Up
Reviews for Darkest Before the Light
Hee hee, love the happy ending! ^_~
OMG! You are just too funny! You are wonderfully clever! You write the best dialogue I've ever read with this pairing. "Psychopathic bitches are in short supply.” “Ah, not so much""Ah, yes, but I, at least, know that people hate me"A dirt fight!!!! And I loved that Severus was naked first. Everyone else always has Hermione naked while Snape is still wearing clothes. Perfectly written smut!!!! You're everything a girl could want. You are my new favorite!!!!! I've been reading this stuff obsessively since the 1st movie came out. You are the best.
I love you.
Response from Celisnebula (Author of Darkest Before the Light)
*blushes*Wow, thank you so much! Nice reviews always leave a nice warm glow, but your leaves me speechless. I am so glad you enjoy what I have written - even if some of it is older.
A very charming story.
Response from Celisnebula (Author of Darkest Before the Light)
Thank you.
Interesting note about learning to speak after cancer. I am sorry for your loss. Thanks for writing.
Response from Celisnebula (Author of Darkest Before the Light)
Thank you.
An unusal, but very well working story, well done! I really enjoyed reading it.
Author's Response: Thank you.
that was nicepaired up people can be annoying like thatwhy, when i first hooked up with my hubby, i had to fight matchmaking bug myself, least I'd inflict unwanted advice on random acquaintancesliked the arti find charcoal very tough to pull offbut then, i have no real art skills whatsoeververy sorry about your grandfathermy good wishes go to you and your family
Response from Celisnebula (Author of Darkest Before the Light)
*nods* My sister and her hubby are in that stage now, which is where inspiration came from.Thank you for your lovely words - and I doubt you have no real skills, everyone can be an artist! Its the passion, not the result.
I really enjoyed this, particularly the dialogue-intensive style with minimal description. I like your relatively normal Snape and swotty but not-constantly-repeating-encyclopedias Hermione. I had a very good time and look forward to reading it again someday. Thanks!
Response from Celisnebula (Author of Darkest Before the Light)
Thank you.
There is camping and there is camping... :)
Response from Celisnebula (Author of Darkest Before the Light)
Thank you.
great read! Would make for a great follow up!!
Response from Celisnebula (Author of Darkest Before the Light)
Thank you. I doubt there will be a follow up as I suck with multi-chaptered things and of course this was written for the snape/Hermione exchange on livejournal - once I post those, I tend to leave them as stand alones.
I wouldn't have expected it to be Harry and Draco. good story.
Response from Celisnebula (Author of Darkest Before the Light)
Thank you.
Wonderful story. It was realistic, believable and funny in a dark way.So sorry to hear about your grandfather. At least you will have clear memories that you will be able to share with your children. My Grandfather died while I was a child so I really can't describe him anymore. My kids missed out on some family stories.As long as you remember him he is alive in your heart. I hope you can take comfort in that.
Response from Celisnebula (Author of Darkest Before the Light)
Thank you for your kind words.It is always hard to loose a grandparent - this was my Mum's dad, and my only living grandfather. He was very young when I was born, only in his 50s... so he was always vibrant and full of life. I never saw him as an old man, so his death was a shock.I am sorry for your loss as well.
This was really good fun to read - amusing and yet quite touching too. And what a pleasant change to be able to read a fairly lengthy story in 'one hit' instead of keep having to wait for the next update! Thank you for that!I've been camping quite a few times in my life and I can honestly say I'm not really a fan! However, camping with SS ... now that would be interesting; I can't imagine I'd turn that opportunity down! :-)
Response from Celisnebula (Author of Darkest Before the Light)
Thank you.
That was so much fun to read.
Response from Celisnebula (Author of Darkest Before the Light)
Thank you.
Great Job - thanks for writing the story to go with the beautiful art work!
Response from Celisnebula (Author of Darkest Before the Light)
Thank you!
I liked it very much! Harry and Draco make a nice couple. OK, so do Severus and Hermione. I've always wanted to be shagged outdoors, but I just know I would smell too bad by then to let anybody... well you know. All I could think about was Hermione's sweaty and underboobs after all those days, not to mention lower down. I don't know about wizards, but all of my my muggle poofter friends would have provided soap and extra outfits. They would probably also have given Snape and Hermione a make over while they were out there.
Four and a half for Snape not knowing a plant that could be used as soap and Hermione not knowing one for cleaning teeth and breath. I doubt either of them were on a birth control method either. After I was done shagging Snape senseless after my bath, I would still kill Harry and Draco for the lack of soap and contraception potion.
I decided to add the extra halp point back in for Snape sleeping in the nude.
Response from Celisnebula (Author of Darkest Before the Light)
LOL - none of that even occurred to me.
Exquisitely well done.
Response from Celisnebula (Author of Darkest Before the Light)
Thank you.
Just excellent. Very creative. I enjoyed the himor, the lemons :) and the way they left Harry and Draco hanging!Livvy
Response from Celisnebula (Author of Darkest Before the Light)
Thank you