New Chapter for The Little Flat
The Little Flat
Valady71 Reviews | 71 Ratings, 0 Likes, 62 Favorites )
Hermione is in a miserable marriage with Ron, but having an affair with Severus. Will she finally leave Ron for Severus or vice versa?
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About Valady
Member Since 2005 | 5 Stories | Favorited by 29 | 38 Reviews Written | 156 Review Responses
Now grandma of 11. Been writing fanfic for over 4yrs. Moderator of several communities on LiveJournal.
Reviews for The Little Flat
Wonderful story!
Ahhhh. Just what I was hoping for! Severus is very familiar with what it is like to come to terms with one's feelings after having suppressed his own for so long, so he is tender with Hermione while she learns to deal with hers. What a special man he is, and perfectly suited to her. They are both very fortunate to have each other. I'm looking forward to the next chapter so much!!! Well done, Valady.Beth
Response from Valady (Author of The Little Flat)
Thank you so much! :) The next chapter will be in the queue soon.
Good for Harry for being such a good friend, and double-good for Hermione for finally telling Ron she wanted to end their marriage. I wish she hadn't told Ron that Severus was the man she loves... I would hate for Ron and Molly to make trouble for him, although I seriously doubt that he would much care what the world at large thinks about him so long as he and Hermione will be together. I hope he is still at the flat when she gets back there. This is so good!Beth
Response from Valady (Author of The Little Flat)
Thanks. I think Harry would always support his friends... especially Hermione.
It is a real mark of Severus' love for Hermione that he didn't say anything to her remark about her and Ron "doing it." His only response was to let her know how much he loves her and treasures her. With any luck, Molly will be in full blown "control everything" mode, and Hermione will think long and hard about Severus while she listens to Molly waxing eloquent about her short comings as Ron's wife.Good chapter!Beth
Response from Valady (Author of The Little Flat)
"I can’t promise that what we have now will always be enough for me. I want you to be my wife; I want to have a family with you.”Severus is being as honest with her as possible. Love is not enough to build a life on if the love cannot be declared and lived everyday. Sooner or later, even the sincerest of lovers will long for the ordinary, which is quite extraordinary in the scheme of things. It means he loves her with all his heart and it is killing him to have to share her with her other life. That's honesty. I hope Hermione will have focused on the "I want you to be my wife; I want to have a family with you.” instead of the "I can’t promise that what we have now will always be enough for me." part. C'mon, Hermione. This decision should be easy... just move out of your comfort zone and claim the joy that is waiting for you!I really like this story !Beth
Response from Valady (Author of The Little Flat)
Hermione is a smart girl, she'll make the right decision. :)
Dear me, Molly does love to call the shots where her family is concerned. Never mind that Hermione would come to be so unhappy as long as her son got what he wanted. How I wish Hermione has listened to her own mother. With 20/20 hindsight, regrets become large.I really like the feel of this story, and I'm dying to know what decision Severus has made. Off to the next chapter!Beth
Response from Valady (Author of The Little Flat)
Don't we all have regrets. Yes, I picture Molly as very controlling. Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying the story. :)
Phew - think I need a lie down after this chapter (and I've only just got up!!) Severus can definitely come round and cook me dinner any time he likes, especially if that's what happens afterwards! I'm so glad for them though. I just hope that Ron & family are not going to cause too much trouble ... I'm really pleased you've updated this story again! :-)
Response from Valady (Author of The Little Flat)
Me too! hehehe I'm glad you're enjoying it. The next chapter will be in the queue soon, and then the epilogue.
I'm so glad that Hermione moved her things out of the cottage and into their little flat. I'm also glad that she got to experience all of the lovely lemons that Severus bestowed upon her so graciously. I'm melting! Your story has been so wonderful to read this morning. :D
Response from Valady (Author of The Little Flat)
Thank you, I'm thrilled you're enjoying it so much. :)
Finally! Great update x
Response from Valady (Author of The Little Flat)
Thanks, the next chapter will be in the queue soon.
Well... at least we know that Hermione isn't a doormat. I would have loved to have been able to vent like that to my ex-inlaws! I'm glad that she told Ron the truth. It's much better that way. Starting fresh with Severus in another country might be just what the Medi-witch ordered! :D
Response from Valady (Author of The Little Flat)
Nope, she's never been a doormat, that's for sure.
Severus says such sweet things to her! He really melts my butter! I hope she gets away from the madness of her marriage and takes the plunge. :D
Response from Valady (Author of The Little Flat)
That voice will do it every time. :D
Oh, crap! I can understand where Severus is coming from. He's done his thing for king and country and needs a new career. Maybe he sensed that Hermione was becoming too comfortable with their relationship and feared that she would never make the decision to leave her failed marriage unless he made a change. Great chapter! :D
Response from Valady (Author of The Little Flat)
Thanks. Yes, he's tired of things being in limbo, so to speak.
Why am I not surprised that Molly 'helped' Ron and Hermione down the aisle. Regret is horrible thing. Hermione's mom had every right to be upset about the meddling.Severus seems so much better suited to Hermione's needs and desires. He did a great job getting her attention off that journal she was reading. *fans self*I know Severus needs to tell her something, but it doesn't sound like she is going to be happy about it. Great chapter! :D
Response from Valady (Author of The Little Flat)
Yes, Severus is better suited in my opinion too. Glad you like it. :)
Having a place to call their own makes such a difference when engaging in the type of relationship that they have. It's a safe place for them to go to and be everything to each other for a while. Nothing good to say about Ron. He will always be a butthead in my book. Fantastic beginning! :D
Response from Valady (Author of The Little Flat)
Thanks! I agree Ron is a butthead. LOL
this is how things should have ended in jkr's world. great update. thanks muchly
Response from Valady (Author of The Little Flat)
Thank you! So glad you like. :)
run, hermione! run like the wind! run all the way to spain! cuz if you don't, i will! thanks so much
Response from Valady (Author of The Little Flat)
LOL Thanks... I was having a bad day, but this review made me smile. :D
Molly seems to be the mother-in-law from hell. I truly hope you'll give Hermione a chance to say what's in her mind. And two years of living with the in-laws... how anyone could survive that sane is beyond me. :)
Response from Valady (Author of The Little Flat)
As if Hermione wouldn't speak her mind! :) Hang on, it's coming.
Speaking as one who has been very happily married to my co-respondent for nearly two decades - do it, Hermione.
Response from Valady (Author of The Little Flat)
hehe on my second as well... looks like Hermione may be joining us. :D
Lovely lemons! However, revealing his plans probably didn't go as well as Severus had hoped. The fact that she cried even harder at the mention of having a family is rather concerning. Now what could be holding her back from going to Spain and starting a new life?!
Response from Valady (Author of The Little Flat)
Never fear she'll make the right decision! :)
so sad. i hope this has a happy ending. thanks so much for this excellent update
Response from Valady (Author of The Little Flat)
Thanks! Yes, it does end happily. :)
I agree with the other reviewers. Why on earth would she not leave with him??/M
Response from Valady (Author of The Little Flat)
Gryffindor loyalty perhaps? ;)
Response from morgaine_dulac (Reviewer)
Gryffindors *rolls eyes* ;-)
She should leave Ron and not look back! Yummy Severus vs. Ginger Pubes???? No contest. Please update soon. =]
Response from Valady (Author of The Little Flat)
I know I would be packing pronto! :) As soon as I get the next chapter back from my beta I'll be submitting it to the queue! Thanks.
I wouldn't need asking twice if it were me! Severus and Spain - what better combination, eh?! I'm loving your little story; I was sorry to read of previous critisism you had - I can guess that must have been pretty upsetting. My own views/rules are: if I don't like something, I don't review or, better still, stop reading! No one is perfect as this is a site for 'amateur' or novice writers; I see lots of stories that may not be Shakespeare but are sincere in their portrayal and have great story lines. Part of the fun is watching writers grow and develop and maybe even improve in some cases. Reviewers should really try and encourage that.Keep the faith - this is good! :-)
Response from Valady (Author of The Little Flat)
Thanks so much for your support.
I've developed a bit of a thick skin to caustic reviews. I was more insulted for my betas and the TPP submission staff. I know what a going over stories get before they even make it on to TPP. If this was that bad it wouldn't be here. :)
oh, bless. She'll go though, right?
Response from Valady (Author of The Little Flat)
All questions will be answered by the last chapter. Promise! :)
Well, since there seem to be no children involved, why does she stay with Ron?
Response from Valady (Author of The Little Flat)
Hmm, good question. The answer will be coming in a future chapter... as soon as my beta sends the next chapter. (or the one after... I don't remember LOL)