New Chapter for Of Laws and Wagers
Of Laws and Wagers
cocoachristy95 Reviews | 95 Ratings, 0 Likes, 12 Favorites )
In the midst of the new Marriage Law, Severus and Draco make a wager against Lucius concerning Hermione and Ginny. Who is really the winner in the end?
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About cocoachristy
Member Since 2005 | 15 Stories | Favorited by 321 | 313 Reviews Written | 3,399 Review Responses
Reviews for Of Laws and Wagers
Looks like Draco really has his work cut out for him with Ginny, and his father is having just as much trouble with his mother. It's going to be a long uphill slog for both if them to get what they want.
Does Narcissa really want to marry Harry, or is it payback for Lucius' many affairs over the years?
I think Harry is having conniptions with Narcissa's telling him she want him to marry her. How on earth is he going to get out of this one.
It is strange that Ron has married Romelda and is happy since it was his poor choices that ruined his chance to marry to Hermione. Doesn't seem fair, does it? Or do you have something special in mind for dear ol' Ron?
I think Hermione and Severus both have been pleasantly surprised with how genial they are together. Each has learned something nice and unexpected about the other, and I think they each have a better understanding of what the war entailed for the other. Severus is, I think, having second thoughts about this betting thing. He's doing pretty well with Hermione, but I have a feeling that he is going to be in for a fall when that cat gets out of the bag.
This story was last updated in June, and I hope to see more. It really is a very good, very well told plot!
OMG! I'll bet Lucius has no idea that his soon-to-be ex-wife has set her cap for Harry Potter. OMG!
While Draco said whatever hackneyed remarks came to mind, Severus was doing everything he could to salvage whatever good points he had earned by sending the ladies a drink. The bookstore was a brilliant ploy.
Draco had finally earned at least a half-point for knowing that Ginny played for the Harpies, and telling her how good she was. Can he earn more points? Only time will tell. Perhaps Severus could give him a few pointers in the correct way to make a good impression when "courting" a witch.
Both Lucius and Ginny are going to have apoplexy when they find out that Narcissa is calling in the life debt that Harry owes her.
I have a feeling that this whole thing is going to spiral out of control in short order. Good job! I'm off to the next chapter.
This first chapter is a hoot! I believe it will be much more difficult for any of the three men to accomplish what each has wagered he will do. But the fantastic part is that each is betting on something that they have tried to do for years.
• Severus believes that Harry is beneath Hermione, no where near the same intellectual level, and he would love to separate her from Potter.
• Draco has been attracted to Ginny for years.
• Lucius has been talking Narcissa out of divorcing him because of his wandering ways throughout their marriage.
I'm off to the next chapter.
Good for Ginny. Let Draco work for it. Show him the fiesty side Harry fell for! Things seem to be getting a bit interesting between Severus and Hermione. He is realising she might not be just the know-it-all he remembers.
Woah. Narcissa and Harry?!? That is a big way to repay a favour. I hope Hermione can see through all this sudden politeness. I would not want Severus getting too cocky.
Woah. Narcissa and Harry?!? That is a big way to repay a favour. I hope Hermione can see through all this sudden politeness. I would not want Severus getting too cocky.
Whew! You had me really worried there. I thought she would go through with the wedding. I hope Severus has another motive for doing this. Its a realy evil thing to do after what she has been through with Ron.
keep it coming!
Uh oh....Harry's got the life debt and Narcissa's calling it in. Looks like even if he did try to make up to Ginny at this point, he'd be out of luck. Wonder how everything's going to play out. Looking forward to the next chapter. =)
Would it be shallow of me to admit I am more interested in the dynamics of Narcissa's divorce and upcoming marriage than i am in in the SS/HG side of the story? You are quite the writer mysterious one!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Of Laws and Wagers)
Nope! I'm happy when anyone likes any part of my fic! Glad you're enjoying it!
I wasn’t aware that this was a ‘mind your own business’ conversation, what with you getting all into Hermione’s.”
I'm so glad I wasn't eating or drinking anything for your little chapter endings! LOVE it!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Of Laws and Wagers)
YAY! Glad I could make you smile!
Oh, they are bad boys to play around with a girl’s heart. I can’t root for them unless they improve their moral stance, but I shall read happily, anyway. Your conversation amongst the Slytherins was amusing. I am glad that LM is worried about Severus ending up with Narcissa. I think that’s exactly what should happen. And she gets the emerald stirring stick in the divorce, and gives it to Severus as a wedding present.
I guess Romilda decided any hero was acceptable, since she gave up on Harry. Still an’ all – Ron got what he deserved. I feel sorry for Harry; he was stuck in the middle and had no right way to turn!Looks like this will be great fun!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Of Laws and Wagers)
Thanks! Yes, they are bad boys! But don't worry, remember, they are dealing with Hermione here! :D
“Bitter much?” Severus taunted. Holy shit you had me sputtering trying to finish my mouthful of wine and not spray it over the monitor!! This is great fun! Where the hell is the next chapter? BRING ON THE WOOING!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Of Laws and Wagers)
Thank you! I love to get reactions! More up soon!
I can't wait for a second chapter of this fic... please please please add more!!!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Of Laws and Wagers)
Thank you!
Hermione and Ginny are both smart young women. I can't see them falling for 'smooth moves'--especially in two weeks! Please don't make them into suckers... I hope they see through the scam but like the guys in spite of it!I love HG/SS and the MLC - it has always been a good set up, so I am looking forward to some twists and fun.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Of Laws and Wagers)
Oh, never fear! I have plans for everyone! ;-) I hope you enjoy the angst!
ohhh totally cool begining! sad for hermione, tho, but fits in with the ron-is-a-prat club i belong to. i look forward to more. thanks
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Of Laws and Wagers)
Thank you!
Oh, cool! I love the MLC, and this is an excellent beginning to a new version. Thank you very much for posting it; I look forward to the rest. Cat
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Of Laws and Wagers)
Thanks so much! Glad you like the start.
i cant wait to see what going to happen to hermione/severus, ginny/draco! update soon!
Wooo Hoo an update! Thanks for posting this wonderful chapter! I love all the dialouge. You really have a great grip on the characters and I can't wait to see what happens next! Much Love ~ Brena
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Of Laws and Wagers)
Thank you so much! I'm happy you liked it!
I just wondered why Lucius is so upset about this divorce, what with all the mistresses to ease his sorrow.Is it hurt pride? I don't think he loves here. I'm looking forward to the ride on the rollercoaster this story surely will be.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Of Laws and Wagers)
Thanks! I think Lucius feels more than even he knows at this point...
The more I read it, the more I love it. I can't wait to see what will happen next.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Of Laws and Wagers)
Thanks so much!
OMG I haven't expected that. But that solves the problem of Ginny dumping Harry for Draco. That way he won't be too heart broken. And they both want children.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Of Laws and Wagers)
Thanks! I like to do the unexpected!
Well, the Draco/Ginny, Severus/Hermione doubleshot is fairly common, but the Harry/Narcissa pairup is a real shocker for me. I never would have imagined them as a couple. Now all you have to do is have Umbridge force herself on Lucius, and the poetic justice is complete!!!
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Of Laws and Wagers)
LOL! You know, someone else said that about Umbridge! Teehee
This is fun. I can't wait to see how things play out.
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Of Laws and Wagers)
Thank you! Glad you like it so far!
Oh dear, Lucius is being left out in the cold. How sad... :)
Response from cocoachristy (Author of Of Laws and Wagers)
Isn't it, though?