New Chapter for How to Make Snape Happy in Ten Steps
How to Make Snape Happy in Ten Steps
Lorraine Bluestar29 Reviews | 29 Ratings, 0 Likes, 34 Favorites )
Making Severus happy is simpler than anyone expects. Hermione achieves it in ten steps, but no one can say they were easy.
This story is a present for Melanie on her birthday; I hope you like it, Mel.
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About Lorraine Bluestar
Lorraine Bluestar
Member Since 2005 | 14 Stories | Favorited by 28 | 19 Reviews Written | 55 Review Responses
Hi everyone, first of all thank you for taking your time for reading my fan fics, I really appreciate it?
I live in Mexico and work in Advertising Research. I love my work, it suits my curiosity and that tendency I have of knowing everything.
I?m a huge fan of Harry Potter books. Hermione is my favourite character and when a friend introduced me to fan fiction I found HG/SS pairing and I just loved the idea.
Enjoy my stories and feel free to review, in fact, please review and let me know if you like them. Any kind of critics will be welcome, they help me to improve.
Special thanks to Melanie who did the lovely image in this page. This is part of a larger picture she did for my story ?We don?t say goodbye?.
Just in case you were wondering, neither How to Make Snape Happy in ten Steps or the Pink Swans saga had been abandoned. They have only been neglected by my muse, and ignored by my RL. My apoligies to all of you that have been following those stories.
Have a nice day.
Reviews for How to Make Snape Happy in Ten Steps
Ack! There are only 5 of the 10 steps. *pout* LOL Just kidding. I liked the 5 steps anyhow.
please please please finish the story!!!!
aaakkkk! Great story! But please update soon!
Heya! This is an excellent story, and I'd hate to see it abandoned. Do you think you'l continue with this, and if so, when can we expect the next chapter?Thanks,ickles.
hi will this be getting an update?
Response from Lorraine Bluestar (Author of How to Make Snape Happy in Ten Steps)
It will, hopefully in a couple of weeks. Thanks for asking.
Response from Lorraine Bluestar (Author of How to Make Snape Happy in Ten Steps)
I'm sorry about the long delay, but I'm already working on it. I had lost my notes on the next chapters but after turning my room upside down I finally found them and I'm starting with chapter 6. Thanks
Response from June W (Reviewer)
How sweet! Severus finally admits he loves her. I don't know if I reviewed this chapter or not as I was having comp problems which are hopefully cleared up.
Wonderful chapter, looking forward to more!
How sweet! Severus finally admits he loves her. I don't know if I reviewed this chapter or not as I was having comp problems which are hopefully cleared up.
How sweet! Severus finally admits he loves her. I don't know if I reviewed this chapter or not as I was having comp problems which are hopefully cleared up.
Yeah!!! My fave couple has gotten together! Very sweet! Looking forward to more!
Response from Lorraine Bluestar (Author of How to Make Snape Happy in Ten Steps)
Thanks, Mel. I knew you would like this chapter, it was a special one. Knowing you like this is the best praise I can get.
I'm working on the rest, and if everything goes as I told you I'll have chapter five next weekend.
I really loved this story. Especially Hermione's whole dilemma with Krum as I could really identify with her. Is this 'The End' or is there more to come?
Response from Lorraine Bluestar (Author of How to Make Snape Happy in Ten Steps)
Response from Lorraine Bluestar (Author of How to Make Snape Happy in Ten Steps)
I think it can be easy to fall in the trap of confusing love and happiness with simple contentment.
This is not the end, I have six steps left.
thank you for writting this story i am realy enjoying it. i can't waight for the next chaptor.
Response from Lorraine Bluestar (Author of How to Make Snape Happy in Ten Steps)
Thanks for your review. I hope to have the next chapter soon.
I wanted to hex Severus as well for being so stupid.
This is my favorite chapter so far. I really wanted to see Hermione and Severus together. They both deserve to be happy and certainly they are meant for each other.
I want to read more. I just can't wait for the next chapter.
Big Hug for you!!!!
Response from Lorraine Bluestar (Author of How to Make Snape Happy in Ten Steps)
Thanks. Severus isn’t stupid, he’s just stubborn as hell, and he was scared of losing control and the last he kept of his heart. Hermione and Severus are just the perfect match. Now they only need to work in their relationship and achieve success in the remaining six steps. There’s more in store for them.
Ooh. I like your style, and this is really intriguing! Looking forward to reading more.
Response from Lorraine Bluestar (Author of How to Make Snape Happy in Ten Steps)
Thanks. I hope to have the next chapter finished in a couple of weeks.
intense emotional chapter. i thought he might have been sitting in the booth behind the girls and he would have heard the confession. but i like this so much better. total surprise for him. great chapter. thank you for the update. patty
Response from Lorraine Bluestar (Author of How to Make Snape Happy in Ten Steps)
Thanks Patty, I’m glad you liked it. He didn’t expect her decision of leaving. Once again he was taking her for granted, and it was almost the end for them. She neither expected his reaction, the way he opened himself to her and admitted being scared.
You almost scared me, thinking she was really going to walk out and not understand what he was "saying" - thank you for letting them get together!! Now please get them married off before anything else goes wrong - I couldn't take any more angst. And what happened to omniscient Albus??
Response from Lorraine Bluestar (Author of How to Make Snape Happy in Ten Steps)
Thanks June. I’m sorry about scaring you, but it had to be that way. Seems that he needed a shock to realise what he felt for her and most importantly, admit it. Don’t mention anything about a wedding; you’re going to scare Severus. He had such a hard time admitting his feelings that tying the knot might be too much for him. I wonder if Hermione will let him do things that way. Omniscient Albus was there, he knew about it all the time. He tried to face Severus with his feelings, and when that failed he agreed to let Hermione go, knowing it was the push Severus needed.
I do adore when Snape and Hermione come together and admit their love. xoxoox good chapter
Response from Lorraine Bluestar (Author of How to Make Snape Happy in Ten Steps)
Me too. It took him a while but finally he had some good sense.
Thanks, you do a lot for me and this is possible because of your help.
That was brilliant, but left me greedy for more. Please update soon.
Response from Lorraine Bluestar (Author of How to Make Snape Happy in Ten Steps)
Thanks. I'll try to write the next one very quickly.
Interesting. Looking forward to the next part.
Response from Lorraine Bluestar (Author of How to Make Snape Happy in Ten Steps)
Thanks for your review.
Thank you for a new chapter. It was fun reading. Especially with the Know all Dumbledore.
Response from Lorraine Bluestar (Author of How to Make Snape Happy in Ten Steps)
Response from Lorraine Bluestar (Author of How to Make Snape Happy in Ten Steps)
. I had always wanted to have this Dumbledore in one of my stories...
great beginning. waiting for more. p
Response from Lorraine Bluestar (Author of How to Make Snape Happy in Ten Steps)
Thanks Pickles, I'll post the next chapter soon. BTW, the second part of the pink swans you requested is with my beta, I'll let you know when it's ready.
I'd say it's a great start, dear! Can't wait for more
Response from Lorraine Bluestar (Author of How to Make Snape Happy in Ten Steps)
Thanks Sun. Chapter Two in your inbox, just let me know what you think about it...
I am liking this fan fic very much.
I felt really sad for Viktor, but I am sure he knew it was better that way.
Hope to read an update very soon.
Great Story!!!!!!
Response from Lorraine Bluestar (Author of How to Make Snape Happy in Ten Steps)
I know, poor Viktor. But you?re right, he knew it was for the better and just let her go to be happy.
Thanks for your review. I?m working in chapter four and I intend to have it done in a couple of days. I hope you like what I?m preparing for them.
I love your fic. Greatly written. Please update soon.
Response from Lorraine Bluestar (Author of How to Make Snape Happy in Ten Steps)
Thanks for the nice review. I?m already working in next chapter, and hopefully I'll finish it in a couple of days.