New Chapter for Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot
Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot
MHaydn47 Reviews | 47 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )
Plot-what-plot acquires a new dimension.
Chapters (9)
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Member Since 2008 | 24 Stories | Favorited by 16 | 74 Reviews Written | 240 Review Responses
Reviews for Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot
The washing machine--HA! poor Snorri! Little does Harmony know, her Joycean writing is better than sex--still in competition with cappucino, but, um, yep--exquisite writing, as always MHaydn! Love the voyeuristic view through Ron & Harry (and commentary) of Hermione's deflowering by Biff--who, by the way, is really getting some enjoyable action in both storylines--the women are keeping him busy but as long as it isn't taking his mojo from writing, I'm happy--hehe! But I have a feeling Snorri and Biff's peaceful sanctum sanctorum with the cappucino machine will get disturbed... 'We’re just a pair of writers. We meet the deadline. Otherwise, no one cares about us.'--HA!
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
Snorri meets mundane technology, Harmony, like Joyce, tries to reconcile her feelings with her received indoctrination, Hermione's deflowering violates all the conventions of fandom, and the men make off with the cappuccino machine. What was I thinking? Perhaps I was just meeting the deadline. :)
I'm glad Biff brought Andromeda into the story, as it's interesting to see Severus' dynamics with her as well as enjoy his relations with the other Black sisters--Narcissa and Bella do seem *satisfied* Deus Ex Machina Caffeinarum--HA! Lovely versatility and variety of prose--each writer's contribution keeps the flames going! Enjoying the juxtapositions of the erotica written by the different writers in all of the chapters--wonderful!
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
Andromeda does offer us a chance to see Severus's intelligence and perception at work, unhampered by canon snark. Somehow, Severus is offering both sisters what they want while remaining his own person even though the two sisters want completely different things. In many ways, the story does not do justice to the Black sisters. Perhaps because it is too short. The two wizards will, inadvertently, conjure their counterpart to Deus.
I'd like to copy and paste the entire chapter, commenting on everything, but, in particular: 'You told me it was like sin, the thoughts came unbidden to the mind' and (...) Narcissa turned on the table light and opened her copy of ‘Brothers Karamazov.’ It was going to be a long evening.--HA!
Your vast variety of prose yes, during the Victorian parts, streams of Joyce and Woolf kept washing over me, so your last author's note just has my face hurting from grinning so bloody much--wonderful!
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
I am pleasantly surprised by your review since this is a rough chapter that, beginning with Snorri's nightmare-induced vignette, stands everything on its head.
'Hackneyed plots and tired clichés' makes the world go round *evil cackling* Brilliant chapter, summing it all up, and continuing onwards, regardless--well, cliché or not, it's all good, depending on the mood of the writer and the reader, one gets out of it what one puts in, everyone's got their own reasons, etc., etc., as it's sometimes a very active experience for the reader rather than passive--hehe! The power of the word! The power of the hyperbolic word, yum--enjoyed every word in this whirlwind of tales! And the fangirly girl inside me can't help but worry and yearn that Severus finds happiness;-D away from the clutches and loins of the Mad One. Let's see who will decide Biff, Snorri, Miss Grayson, or will the editor have the final word?
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
Thank you every much. It's a long chapter as each writer perverts and exploits the plot line. You're correct: It's a demanding story to read, and it requires participation by the reader.
Barston should have a feeling of satisfaction--a great feeling of satisfaction! Again, you've mesmerised with this tale within a tale, the editors/writers and the canon characters--HA! wonderful dynamics, and wonderful different kinds of prose being probed and depicted. I'm grinning like the Cheshire Cat and thanking my lucky stars for having read your current Vampire!Snape's episodes and how much I enjoy the Biff and different set of editors in this one as well, an alternative universe or parallel one for Biff--wonderful reading experience, again and again!
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
For this chapter, Barston is in full bloom, Grayson is hitting her stride, and I was exhausted after writing it. Thanks for the lovely comments.
Oh, joy! I'm grinning ear to ear, knowing that Biff and the editor are in full form with two new interns *sighing in happiness* The Lone Wizard... I look forward to savouring this, chapter by chapter
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
This was the first meta-story, and the vampire tale is a pale copy since this one set out to break the traditions.
Victorian stream of thought is a tricky thing. I admit that I could never pull this off. Ever. My need to throw in a comma—or perhaps even a period!—would be too overwhelming. But it was a treat to read and an absolute wonder that it can be done successfully.I am wondering what a challenge writing this story must be. Do you write the main part and then go back and fill in the stories-within-a-story? To switch gears like that and not confuse yourself must be difficult.In any case, this is beautifully done. And I'm enjoying the different authors' styles and writings. The tidbits of romance novel thrown into the mix; the tawdriness in parts is entertaining. I tried reading a romance novel once when I was a teenager (while babysitting; the woman had a whole collection) and ended up laughing throughout. I still roll my eyes at the displays at the grocery store as I check out. The Victorian style is less raunchy, perhaps because it is quite a bit more well-written. Still entertaining and produces a few chuckles here and there. I enjoyed it immensely.
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
Thank you very much.Writing this is difficult (for me), I'm not certain the game is worth the candle, and who said I didn't get confused?Parts of this chapter are deliberately crude. Having everything homogeneous is boring.
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
Thank you very much.Writing this is difficult (for me), I'm not certain the game is worth the candle, and who said I didn't get confused?Parts of this chapter are deliberately crude. Having everything homogeneous is boring.
Very disturbing. Very good. :)
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
Good and disturbing, as they say. Thanks.
Wild West, french phrases....all the cliches of romance novels thrown together! Whopee!!! xD
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
Not everyone appreciates the chaos of this story.
Then all rational thought stopped as his dart of love scored a bulls-eye in her knickers,” interjected Snorri.xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDI about died reading that sentence. Brilliant!
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
Thanks. It actually took a bit of nerve to write that sentence.
Oh my, its so....bad! But in a funny way xDBlueberry muffins.....*Drool*
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
It gets worse as it improves.Muffins, indeed. A writer is always happy when one of the more telling phrases strikes home.
Wow. Again, it is soooooo bad...but so good! Keep up the good (bad) work! xD
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
Thanks, but I'm trying to decide if the game is worth the candle.
Haha, the ever faithful cappucino machine!!!! And the "real" story? Oh ho ho!!!!
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
Surveys say most women would give up sex for fifteen months for a new wardrobe. I'm starting to think the researchers would have got a more spetacular result if they had offered a cappuccino maker instead of clothes.
love the way he changes it. more, please? thanks
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
Glad you caught the interplay of the writers. In a previous life, I completed stories before posting but decided this was a waste of effort if a pairing turned out unpopular and there were no readers. I tossed out these two chapters as a trial, and I have no idea what to do next.
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
Glad you caught the interplay of the writers. In a previous life, I completed stories before posting but decided this was a waste of effort if a pairing turned out unpopular and there were no readers. I tossed out these two chapters as a trial, and I have no idea what to do next.
cowbloke!!!???!!! omg i almost spit all over my keyboard! what a delightfully twisted story! i look forward to more of this deliciously warped view. thanks so much
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
A very heartening review. You may be disappointed as the story unfolds since I believe all madcap or all angst or all erotica quickly becomes dull.
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
A very heartening review. You may be disappointed as the story unfolds since I believe all madcap or all angst or all erotica quickly becomes dull.
I second the motion for slow-roasting followed by the grinding bit(s). How dare they selfishly abscond with the machine of inspiration? Oh, woe cometh to those who de-caffeinate a woman against her will!Though, Severus does know how to treat a 'fiery' witch well, I do have to say. Still, triple espresso trumps cappucino any day, with endless sentence and words of truth.And ... I am adopting Severus' bit of prose about Narcissa's anger as my own, if you don't mind. I've tried it on, and it rather becomes me, don't you think? I am thinking the Black sisters rather represent Ego, SuperEgo, and AlternateEgo ... you choose which one. *grin*
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
We know an episode has succeeded when it provides a mild-mannered lady with a vicarious experience as she grinds her morning coffee beans. Their crunching had never before produced such satisfaction.The hope is that some will like the cappuccino narrative and others the espresso. The cappuccino group describes, by example and with gusto, the stages leading to the relationship while the espresso group, blushing in embarrassment, records the details as one of those of fragile breast did but succumb to the audacity of a wizard acting in accordance with the proper dictates of manhood.Surprised at the reaction to the espresso interlude since it is antithetical to most fanfiction. Whatever happened to the totally arrogant paragon provoking thoughtless lust?Be careful, look what the invocation brought the boys. The Black sisters deserve a deeper treatment than this plot-less wonder can give them.
Response from notsosaintly (Reviewer)
Ah, see ... my dual (or triple, the jury's still out on that) personality shows through: I prefer both the cappucino AND the espresso narrative equally, yet for different reasons. I enjoyed the espresso narrative even more when I read it for the second time (since I wasn't paying attention to commas but content; I should try that more often). You shouldn't be surprised I liked the espresso interlude ... nothing like a split-personality piece to satisfy a split-personality girl. (Rounds 'em all up in one room. Kind of dangerous if you happen to be present.)
This is one of the funniest stories I have ever read. It does jump all over the place but it's hilarious! The cowboy stuff was LOL; I kept seeing Severus as Gary Cooper! I couldn't get that image out of my mind...very well done! Can hardly wait to see where this goes or not...keep us guessing
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
Thank you kindly, ma'am.Gary Cooper? Now I have the image of Alan Rickman from 'Die Hard' blowing up the train platform when the villains arive in the film 'Sky High Noon."
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
Thank you kindly, ma'am.Gary Cooper? Now I have the image of Alan Rickman from 'Die Hard' blowing up the train platform when the villains arive in the film 'Sky High Noon."
"Severus was thinking the lady must have a very keen sense of humor. His remarks had been too subtle for his." ---- and ---- "Two days later, Misako was in the Potions lab with Severus and was unpacking a box of supplies from Denver. “I always thought the bigger test tubes looked rowdy but the smaller were versatile. It’s all about how skillfully they’re used.” She lined them up. “Don’t they look good all in a row and erect like they were on parade.” She petted them. “All hard and shiny.” She pulled out the strangest looking contraption. “Of course, like all good little boys, they perform better when they’re properly warmed up.” “I’m tempted to describe your visceral approach to your work as beyond quaint,” said Severus. “You’re cute when you’re being witty,” she said. She wondered if she was finally getting through to the thick Brit. For all the action she had seen in the castle, she was beginning to wonder where little Brit wizards came from. Perhaps they were imported – caught wild in Australia and Canada and shipped to the Motherland in crates." Had me in *absolute stitches*(You're using tables for your indents, aren't you? Try blockquote)
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
I'm glad someone liked Misako. I thought she was a good match for Severus.Blockquote seems to work well. Thank you.
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
I'm glad someone liked Misako. I thought she was a good match for Severus.Blockquote seems to work well. Thank you.
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
You may have captured the essence of the first chapter.
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
You may have captured the essence of the first chapter.
Is there an award for the longest sentence ever written? I'm sure you could compete for it. This one actually scared me ... though I think it was because I was having such fun reading it and seeing how long you could make it last. I think that Harmony writes longer sentences the more strongly something affects her actually.Let's see ... besides the cappuccino machine (which they borrowed from me, by the way, and refuse to give back), the largest chuckle I got was this: “I write girls as if they were boys and had feelings,” confessed Snorri. Well, what do you know, that's how I write boys! Okay, well, not actually, but I think that's how a lot of females write them. And it just underlines the fact that women and men don't understand each other. We are very different but the foundations are the same. What's built on top is what makes us very different, I think. Many women think men don't have feelings, and I will admit to not having been born with the knowledge that they do. To see it written in the opposite really put a spotlight on how women think about men and/or vice versa. And I love how you manage to get in a rather simple, innocuous sentence with a giant punch.I'm going to go see if any of that cold cappuccino is left....
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
This review stands as a model of perfection with its adherence to order of precedence: (1) coffee machine, (2) punctuation, and (3) story line.After a 1268 word, puntuation-perfect sentence by Harmony had failed, the spectators watched breathlessly as Snorri, with an innocent air, succeeded in diverting her guard away from the cappuccino maker by uttering the most profoundly sexist statement ever to grace fandom. The device now rests safely in the clubhouse - No Gurlz Allowed! Stay tuned. Hell hath no fury like a woman decaffeinated.
Response from notsosaintly (Reviewer)
Exactly. Always wise to keep that in mind.
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
This review stands as a model of perfection with its adherence to order of precedence: (1) coffee machine, (2) punctuation, and (3) story line.After a 1268 word, puntuation-perfect sentence by Harmony had failed, the spectators watched breathlessly as Snorri, with an innocent air, succeeded in diverting her guard away from the cappuccino maker by uttering the most profoundly sexist statement ever to grace fandom. The device now rests safely in the clubhouse - No Gurlz Allowed! Stay tuned. Hell hath no fury like a woman decaffeinated.
Response from notsosaintly (Reviewer)
Exactly. Always wise to keep that in mind.
Is it bad that it all started to make sense towards the end? Is my brain broken now?Thank you so much for this marvelously twerked tale.“I’m not a girl. I’m a writer.” Indeed.
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
After trying hard to destroy any plot whatsoever, an idea appeared that tied everything together. Thanks for all the reviews.
“Your artheth are grath.”The lisping Coffee Monster never fails to slay me.
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
I almost abandoned the story with the previus chapter, but when the curses to banish the coffee monster occurred to me, I had to write the episode.
“Doc Severson,” said the gent on his left.God help me, you've lost your mind. I'm so glad.
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
Thanks. The intent was to be outrageous.
“Theveruth Thnape Ith A Wuth,” saith Deus Ex Machina Caffeinarum.I almost choked to death reading this chapter. You do realize this story is a health risk, don't you?
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
A welcome review since the humor in this chapter is of the subtle variety.
holy hell, you've gone Joycean... What are you on? Can I get some?
Response from MHaydn (Author of Severus Snape and the Story with No Plot)
I only vaguely recall 'Ulysses' where Joyce spends some time trying to come to terms with his upbringing versus the world. The Harmony part was originally two 500 word sentences which seemed a challenge to combine into one sentence where Harmony struggled with her received moral code versus what she wanted. I'm on caffeine, and it took a week to write that sentence.Thanks for the lovely comments.